Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 17: Town God's Temple


The few people were not in a hurry to do the task, but hid behind the building to observe the few people who were queuing up to buy tofu.

"Players from the human race, monster race, and spirit race will never dress like this during the day, unless they are special NPCs or players from the demon race and ghost race." Qingyue said firmly.

"Why?" asked the black cat.

Qingyue said: "Playing games is all about looking good. If it weren't for the fact that you can't show your face, which player would cover himself like that?"

"Playing games is all about looking good?" The black cat bowed in surprise, "Are you playing a game of drawing cards and dressing up?"

Qingyue squeezed her face, and looked at Dugu Zhuo enviously: "Didn't I just be tricked by the holographic appearance of this game after the full level? I spent so much money on a game helmet, who would have known that the initial appearance of the game would be broken?" On the basis of plain makeup, I have to reduce it by 80%, and every time I upgrade, I point the increased talents and skills to the appearance, which can be regarded as more beautiful."

"Nine Heavens" has six attributes: physical strength, vitality, spiritual root, agility, appearance, and will. Every time you upgrade, each attribute will naturally increase by 1 point. At the same time, the system will also give you 6 attribute points. Point attribute points adjust their own attributes.

Once the attribute points are allocated, they cannot be modified. I have just played the game now, and it is in the land reclamation period. No one knows how to assign attributes, and the first few levels can only be assigned randomly.

For example, the attributes of Aotian are adjusted to agility, blood and spiritual root in a planned way, the black cat chooses agility and spiritual root according to the monster attributes, and Ye Zhou chooses will and spiritual root.

Players like Qingyue who focused all their attention on appearance in the early stage are rare.

Ye Zhou: "Let's assume that Dugu Zhuo's conjecture is true, and what Qingyue said is not unreasonable. These players are really demon or ghost players, and what kind of mission did they take to be able to appear in the daytime?" In a small town, why would you 'line up to buy tofu like us'?"

Ye Zhou emphasized the foreshadowing of "queuing up to buy tofu". After all, Widow Yang is an npc in the mission circle of the main storyline. Several players who must receive a certain mission to show up during the day, why did they come to the mainline npc

What a coincidence, Ye Zhou and Dugu Zhuo looked at each other.

"I remember you said before that in the era of keyboard online games, there are map restrictions for fighting. Players are not allowed to fight in this kind of crowd gathering place." Dugu Zhuo asked Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou: "That's right, but Holography stipulates that there is no map limit for brawls within level 20, and there are restrictions for players above level 20. But now the highest level is... level 18? So fast! It seems that the first transformation will soon appear. Formed Eldar."

The player at level 18 is naturally that Ganoderma lucidum. Currently, the top ten players on the ranking list are all Spirit Race players, except for the Spirit Race players, there is no one above level 15.

Dugu Zhuo didn't pay much attention to the fact that some players leveled up too fast, but said: "Since you can make a move below level 20, let's try it."

There are five of them in a team, and the opponent also happens to be five, so they are evenly matched.

Aotian grabbed Dugu Zhuo: "Wait, what's the use of confirming that they are players? I know you suspect that they have also accepted the main mission, but it's normal. If we all do a mission together, whoever takes the lead wins it." .Instead of confirming their identities, it is better to speed up and find a fortune teller."

Dugu Zhuo shook his head and said, "I'm just a little skeptical, why not give it a try."

Seeing that Dugu Zhuo could not be persuaded, Aotian simply said: "Otherwise, we will divide into two groups, and those who are willing to stay here will go to test those people; the rest will go to the mission ring with me."

That's his way, Ye Zhou and Qingyue decided to stay and cause trouble with Dugu Zhuo, while the black cat wanted to complete the task with Aotian.

Black Cat is a normal player and wants to finish the main storyline first. Ye Zhou also thought about the plot, but he was more worried about his apprentice and stayed to help out. Qingyue's idea was very simple, she just wanted to see what the faces of those people looked like under the bamboo hats.

The captain must be the one to perform the task, Ye Zhou transferred the captain to Aotian, and the five of them split up.

When they accept the task of finding a fortune teller from Widow Yang, other players cannot see their interaction. In the eyes of other players, their conversation with Widow Yang was simply buying tofu. In order to keep the main storyline secret, the game company put a plot barrier on several people.

Similarly, in the eyes of Dugu Zhuo and the others, the Masking Squad was just buying tofu normally, and there was no clue.

After the masking team mysteriously bought the tofu, a few people flirted with each other and chatted privately for a while, and then left the tofu stall.

They didn't seem to be sure where to go next, they chose a direction at random and started asking questions when they met an npc.

Walking into an empty alley, Ye Zhou quietly drew out his weapon.

This sword is very strong, and Ye Zhou is confident that he can damage the clothes of several people with one move and let them show their true colors.

Dugu Zhuo held Ye Zhou's hand.

Ye Zhou looked at Dugu Zhuo suspiciously, and said that he was the one who wanted to do it, and now that the location was ripe, he was the one who stopped it.

Dugu Zhuo sent Ye Zhou a private chat: "I want to see where their next mission is."

Ye Zhou accepted this explanation, and the three of them followed the masking team around the town of Candle Dragon, during which they heard a system mission prompt: "You decide to help the fortune teller cook the most delicious beggar's chicken, beggar's chicken. Only beggar elders in the outskirts of the city can make the most authentic chicken."

Apparently Aotian and Heimao have found the fortune teller and received a new mission.

The task ring is like this, one ring after another, it is very troublesome to do, in order to get a certain item, you have to complete the tasks assigned by countless people.

However, after completing each mission, players will gain a little experience. The mission experience and rewards of the main storyline are no less than that of fighting mobs and downloading dungeons.

On the other side, the masking team asked half of the NPCs in the town, and finally came to a temple in the north of the town.

Ye Zhou said: "It's the Town God's Temple. I chatted with all the npcs in Xinshou Village yesterday, but I didn't receive any missions related to the Town God's Temple, and there aren't many people around here. It seems that no human player will receive the Town God's Temple mission. "

The face-shielding team came here, it seems that the possibility of being demons and ghosts is very high.

"If they are also doing the main task, why are they completely different from us?" Qingyue asked.

Ye Zhou thought for a while: "Suppose the ghosts I met were players, two identities of the same mission. Could it be that the main mission they did was completely different from what we wanted to do?"

Qingyue: "How to say?"

Ye Zhou: "We received the mission from the Tanye Temple. It is to let the Qingtian Sword Sect take away the mysterious sword to determine the master. Then will their main task be to let other sects take away the mysterious sword to determine the master, or Did you kill that child?"

"But if you do this, the main task will have two results. How will the game's next plot go?" Qingyue disagreed with Ye Zhou's guess.

The two looked at Dugu Zhuo at the same time. During the two days of contact, Dugu Zhuo showed amazing insight, and his guess on the game was also very accurate. I don't know what he thinks about it.

Dugu Zhuo didn't answer this question, he looked thoughtful, and seemed to have other guesses about the main plot mission.

"We can't make a conclusion now," Dugu Zhuo said, "I'll go find out the news."

Qingyue asked: "How to inquire?"

Dugu Zhuo straightened his clothes to make himself look more immortal, turned around and smiled at Ye Zhou: "Do I look like an npc?"

The breeze blew Dugu Zhuo's long hair, and Ye Zhou's heart skipped a beat. Before he could answer, Qingyue said, "Then you really look alike!"

"Then I'll be an NPC once." Dugu Zhuo said.

Before the face-shielding team entered the Town God's Temple, he jumped directly from the wall into the yard.

Generally, the main hall of a temple has a main entrance and a side entrance. Dugu Zhuo naturally knew the architectural structure of the Town God's Temple, so he found the back of the main hall and sneaked in.

The Town God's Temple is not as lively as the Tanye Temple, only the main hall is cleaned by someone, which is a bit as quiet as the Tanye Temple last night.

There is even a closed gate in the backyard, which reminds Dugu Zhuo not only that Qingyue and Aotian mentioned that their friends were locked in a certain gate during the day.

Seeing the face-sweeping team wandering outside the main hall, Dugu Zhuo simply struck out with his palm, and the gate of the main hall was closed with the palm wind.

The temple sweeping the floor was startled, he looked at Dugu Zhuo and said: "Young man, no one else is allowed to enter the main hall."

The NPCs in the game collectively refer to human players as "Young Heroes", and Dugu Zhuo said directly: "I am not a Young Hero."

The temple card was locked, and he stared at Dugu Zhuo, as if his perception of himself was a bit confused, and after a while, he said to Dugu Zhuo: "God of the city is above, no one else is allowed to enter."

Dugu Zhuo thought of the main storyline of "Nine Heavens" which was too similar to his own life experience, and released a trace of sword spirit: "I am Dugu Zhuo, the master of Xuanjian."

"Xuanjian Sword Master, this..." Miao Zhu's entire NPC was confused, as if he didn't know how to distinguish the person in front of him, he dropped the broom, hugged his head, with a painful look on his face.

Dugu Zhuo discovered from the old monk that his existence may be able to summon people from another world, and it also has an impact on npcs in this world.

He guessed that Miao Zhu had something to do with the completion of the main plot of the Demon Race and Ghost Race, and he didn't know what effect it would have if he mentioned his identity in front of this npc.

"No, there is no Dugu Zhuo, Xiaobao is only ten years old, Dugu Zhuo shouldn't..." Miao Zhu said incoherently.

"The town is divided into day and night because of the candle dragon's curse. Tanye Temple hopes that Qingtian Sword Sect will take away the future Xuanjian sword master. What about you?" Dugu Zhuo asked.

It seemed that some key words were asked, Miao Zhu was in better condition, he stared blankly at Dugu Zhuo and said, "The Master of Xuanjian is destined to be taken away by Qingtian Sword Sect, what we have to do is to prevent the two swords from merging."

"How to stop it?" Dugu Zhuo pinched Miao Zhu's shoulder.

"I don't know," Miao Zhu shook his head. "In short, what we need to do now is to let the mother of the Xuanjian sword master die in hatred."