Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 41: Styx water


The black cat cautiously approached Dugu Zhuo's feet, relying on its small size and the color of its hair blending in with the environment, it hid behind Dugu Zhuo's legs and peeked at the two ghost players.

The horror seen with the head raised is very intuitive. Apart from being a little more transparent, the fluttering white clothes look good. There is no such thing as a long tongue and a skinny face.

Yimeng Xiaoyao introduced them, waved a branch and said, "No, this is Dugu Zhuo, that cat is pitch black. Huh? Where's the cat? Dugu Zhuo, when did you wear the hood again?"

"That's a bamboo hat!" Bai Yi Piao Piao gritted his teeth and said, "Such a handsome outfit, with a faint appearance hidden under the bamboo hat, can you stop acting like a bank robber?"

She floated in front of Dugu Zhuo, and said softly, "Hi, we met again, it's really a fate."

She extended her hand to Dugu Zhuo friendly, but Dugu Zhuo didn't answer, and said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense and do the task."

Not holding Dugu Zhuo's hand, Bai Yi Piao Piao withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

"Isn't there still a cat? Oh, here it is." The head who raised his head was held by his thigh, and his eyes fell down, seeing the two eyes of the black cat.

"Ah, Mimi, so cute." Bai Yi Piao Piao squatted down and stretched out her hand to the little black cat.

The black cat took a step back, staring at Bai Piao Piao vigilantly.

Bai Yi Piao Piao looks very sweet, with two dimples when she smiles, she said friendlyly: "Your hair is so bright, it looks very smooth, it is the best-looking player I have ever seen, even better than Dugu Zhuo .”

The black cat has the character of bragging about his true nature to the lake without being praised by others. Hearing Bai Yi Piao Piao's words, he can't help but come out proudly and stand in front of Bai Yi Piao Piao.

Fluttering out of the white clothes, she stretched out her pale hand, trying to stroke the head of the black cat, and the black cat obediently stretched its head forward...

At this time, Dugu Zhuo, who had been watching coldly, kicked a stone under his feet. The stone hit the right hand fluttering in white, and the arm fell neatly and landed on the black cat's head.

"Meow!" The black cat was so frightened that its tail stood up, and it ran towards Dugu Zhuo desperately, trying to jump on his shoulder, but Dugu Zhuo grabbed the back of the neck halfway and failed to touch him.

"It scared me to death." The black cat said tremblingly, he was not very courageous.

"Hey, I lost it again." Bai Yi Piao Piao picked up his hand, and his sweet smile became strange, "I can't help it. When I was assigned to the ghost clan, I was like this."

She took out a needle and thread from nowhere, and sewed her arm back skillfully. While sewing, she tore off her clothes, exposing her shoulders, which were covered with thin and dense seams.

Black Cat: "..."

Bai Yi Piao Piao's expression was as usual, and she didn't know whether she was trying to scare Dugu Zhuo and the black cat or if she stretched out her hand unintentionally.

"Oh, I almost lost my clothes by accident, and I blushed." Bai Yi Piao Piao adjusted his clothes, and borrowed some "oil" from the corners of his eyes to paint on both sides of his cheeks. It's strange to say that this "oil" The corners of the eyes are black when he lifts his head up, and the cheeks are red when the white clothes are fluttering, like blush.

Black Cat: "..."

Is there another way to blush? What kind of showman are ghosts!

He thought that playing a qualified monk would be the most beautiful cat in the game, and he didn't want to see Piao Piao in Bai Yi who had the idea of "losing".

The black cat curled up its paws sadly.

The willow tree demon took root for a long time, and finally recovered 80% of its blood volume. He said to Piao Piao in Bai Yi: "You can really act. It's rare that the boss took us through the hard mode today. Hurry up and ask her what happened to the plot. It’s not that ghosts don’t welcome them.”

Piao Piao in Bai Yi finally put away his smirk, and said to Dugu Zhuo: "I called the customer service later and asked him why your self-created footwork was announced on the system after I died. I only found out after their explanation. I have become the whetstone of the 'Footwork Master', you'd better let me see the power of your footwork today, otherwise I feel that my death is not worth it."

She walked up to the woman in red and said skillfully, "Sister Styx, you seem to be troubled, what happened?"

The woman in red raised her head, saw the fluttering white clothes and raised her head to see that it was a ghost tribe, she raised her finger and pointed to the Styx River: "The bottom of the Styx River is polluted."

She dipped her hand into the river, and actually took out a bright red candle from the water. The woman in red lit the candle, held the candle on her chest with both hands, and told everyone what happened here with the gloomy tone of telling ghost stories.

There is no water in the Styx River. The Styx River is composed of countless resentful souls. Before entering Youdu, the resentful souls from the human world must first jump into the Styx River to wash away their resentment, so that they can re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

After the resentful soul entered the Styx River, the resentment was absorbed by the pure black lake water of the Styx River, but the soul itself was taken away by the vortex at the bottom of the lake and entered the other side of the Styx River, where Dugu Zhuo and others were.

Styx is pure black on one side and silver on the other.

Coming to the other side of the Styx, the resentful soul will turn into a pure white dirty soul again, become a little bit of starlight, and then fall back into the silver river, and there will be the beautiful scenery of this point of light continuously entering and leaving the Milky Way.

If two souls inadvertently come into contact on the black side of the Styx, they may be sworn enemies in the next life. If there is a brief encounter on the silver side of the Styx, it is possible to be a loved one in the next life.

From the beginning of the world to the present, the Styx River has been flowing for hundreds of millions of years and has never changed.

The woman in red looked at the gray traces on the Styx River, and said sadly: "Have you seen those gray resentments? The two sides of the Styx River are constantly infiltrating. One day, the Styx River will no longer have the ability to purify the resentful souls. At that time, the Styx River will overflow. If you pollute Youdu, there will be no souls without hatred in the world. If these souls full of resentment are reincarnated, the babies born will be born full of hatred, and if things go on like this, the human world will perish."

Bai Yi Piao Piao was about to ask according to the plot, "Then how should we purify the other side of the Styx River?" Another voice sounded: "The Styx River should flow into the Abyss of Desires."

The woman in red just said so much, but she didn't mention where the resentment absorbed by Styx finally flowed and where it was absorbed, but Dugu Zhuo knew that it was Jiuyuyuan.

The Styx River is not a circular river, but originates from the junction of the human world and Youdu, and ends in Jiuyuyuan, the deepest part of Youdu. Over the years, all these grievances have been absorbed by Jiuyuyuan, so Jiuyuyuan It is the darkest and most evil place in the world.

The woman in red originally only saw the two in white clothes fluttering and raised her head, and ignored the others at all, but now she heard Dugu Zhuo's words, she suddenly floated in front of Dugu Zhuo, the candle in her hand was dim.

"It is indeed Jiuyuyuan." The woman in red said.

"If the other side of the Styx River is polluted, could there be something wrong with Jiuyuyuan?" Dugu Zhuo asked.

Willow Demon: "Hey, is this the hard mode? What is Jiuyuyuan?"

Piao Piao in Bai Yi: "This plot is wrong. I remember that she should tell us where the source of the problem is, and let us take her to find it. On the way, we encountered some resentful souls that could not be completely purified. A powerful underworld beast will find someone who keeps pouring grievances into the silver side of the Styx, and if we defeat him, we will pass the level."

Let’s talk about it: “The difficulty of this copy is that the resentful spirits who are small monsters can possess players other than ghosts, or pollute ghost players with resentment. Be careful not to be controlled.”

Willow Demon: "And the candle of the woman in red is used to appease Styx, it cannot be extinguished. After extinguishing mobs and bosses, they will instantly go berserk, and directly beat the player to pieces. I thought that extinguishing the candle is the hard mode. Now... isn't it?"

The three players told each other the strategy of the Soul Return to Styx dungeon, and the black cat pricked up its ears to listen attentively.

The woman in red said: "How could there be a problem with Jiuyuyuan? For hundreds of millions of years, the Styx River has been flowing to Jiuyuyuan, and nothing has happened."

Dugu Zhuo: "Do you know where the resentment absorbed by Jiuyuyuan goes?"

Dugu Zhuo recalled the previous main plot. It was Jiao Yan, the gatekeeper of Jiuyuyuan, who controlled the face-shielding team to assassinate him and his mother. Such a high-level magic weapon.

At that time, if it wasn't for Dugu Zhuo who participated in the main plot, ordinary human players would never have been able to defeat the face-blocking team.

Speaking of which, the copy of Sun Salutation in Yongzhou District has nothing to do with the main plot, but Jiuyuyuan actually appeared in Yongye District.

Youdu is beyond the realm of self-cultivation, but if you are in trouble, people from the realm of self-cultivation will definitely help. In his previous life, he had never heard of the pollution of the River Styx.

Although this is just a game, Dugu Zhuo still can't help but wonder if the reason why the Styx River is polluted is because Jiu Yuyuan didn't harm his mother

Dugu Zhuo imagines his life as two lines, one line is the life he has experienced after being murdered by Jiu Yuyuan, and the other line is the life he is currently experiencing and has changed a little bit.

When Dugu Zhuo was thinking, he heard the answer from the girl in red that made him feel chills: "The resentment of Jiuyuyuan will be absorbed and shattered by the Xuanjian in the end. The Xuanjian is a pure black sword, exactly the same color as the Styx river water, isn't it?" ?"

The teammates who listened carefully to the story didn't know how Dugu Zhuo's heart was overwhelmed at the moment, and how ugly his face was under the bamboo hat, and they were still discussing the plot with ease.

The willow demon slapped the branches wildly: "Xuanjian! No way, no way! We won't encounter the main plot, right?"

Piao Piao in Bai Yi even borrowed some "oil" from Titou Lai Jian, showing a look of "flushing" with excitement, looking at Dugu Zhuo and saying: "It turns out that following you can really encounter the main plot, what the hell are you doing?" What kind of physique!"

He put his head on his neck and said seriously: "I think it's time to consider making peace with Dugu Zhuo, God Zhuo, do you need a leg pendant? You can use my hair to wrap mine With your head tied around your waist, what a face it is to go out wearing a pendant like mine!"

After all, the black cat is a player who has experienced inexplicable triggering of the plot. He is the only experienced player present. He proudly looked around the crowd with the eyes of a countryman and said: "Be sober, there is only one main plot from level 0-20. The next main line must be level 20-40, how could it be triggered in Novice Village? This is at most a plot line.”

"The branch line is also fine, cat. Fortunately, I saw that you were not pleasing to the eye and provoked me just now." The willow tree demon hugged the black cat and stroked the cat's fur.

"Let me go!" the black cat struggled.

The players were bustling with excitement, but Dugu Zhuo became more and more chilled. He tried the red-clothed woman: "How can the Xuanjian absorb Jiuyuyuan's resentment?"

The woman in red said: "The sword master of the mysterious sword is determined by heaven. Jiu Yuyuan will have a sense when he is born. Jiu Yuyuan will send someone to take away the soul of the sword master before he enters the Tao, inject Yin Qi into his body, and leave a message The engraving of his painful life. After such a mysterious sword presides over the sword, the lack of soul, excessive Yin energy and painful engraving will make him yearn for resentment full of painful emotions. The resentment is injected into the mysterious sword, and then purified by the sword master .Since the appearance of the Xuansu Erjian, the world has always been like this, and it has never changed."

Dugu Zhuo grasped the fine steel sword in his hand, and said dryly, "Will all Xuanjian sword masters be like this?"

"All without exception." The woman in red suddenly realized, "Did the operation fail this time?"

Before Dugu Zhuo could speak, the black cat who had completed the main plot couldn't help jumping up, and grabbed the woman in red with one paw: "Damn! You're just putting all the grievances of the world on Xiaobao, how shameless you are!" ?”

Thinking of how Little Treasure and the Huanyi girl depended on each other for life, the black cat was completely immersed in the plot and exploded.