Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 48: I accompany you


Ye Zhou was lying on the hospital bed, looking at the old mobile phone from top to bottom.

Five days, five full days have passed, except for his parents calling to greet him, and his cousin Ye Jian asking some questions about game account registration, no one has called him.

He asked his cousin countless times if he had given Dugu Zhuo his phone number, if he had misremembered one or two numbers, if he knew how to use paper cranes to transmit sound, and sent the number to others.

Ye Jian gave the same answer every time: Yes, I remember it correctly. He memorized Ye Zhou's number by heart. He didn't send out the paper crane sound transmission. He said it face to face, and he didn't admit his mistake. He gave it to the most good-looking player in the crowd.

Then why don't you call me

Ye Zhou stared at the small yellow-green screen of the phone with some sadness in his heart.

If it hadn't been for the sudden illness this time, he would not have thought of giving Dugu Zhuo his three-dimensional contact information. They have only known each other in the game for less than a month, and their relationship is not that good. They have to... have to know each other for two or three months before giving the phone number, right

But in this sudden situation, he was worried that Dugu Zhuo might suspect that he would stop playing, so he hurriedly found someone to go online for him to tell Dugu Zhuo about his situation, and he also left his phone number.

When he got the elderly mobile phone, he imagined Dugu Zhuo's voice in his heart, wondering if Dugu Zhuo's real voice was the same as the one in the game.

Dugu Zhuo's voice is deep and elegant, like a cello, if only it sounds so good in reality.

However, Dugu Zhuo didn't call, and Ye Zhou's mood changed from anticipation to disappointment to self-doubt.

He originally thought that even if Dugu Zhuo had no intention of chasing him, the two of them were at least good friends in the game, right? As good friends, it's okay to exchange contact information in private.

Ye Zhou couldn't help thinking, did he misunderstand? Dugu Zhuo's so-called "blood alliance" and "intimate relationship" only exist in the game. Does Dugu Zhuo clearly distinguish reality from the game, and does not want the relationship between the two to involve the third dimension

He was always depressed, eating less, and had to rely on infusions for energy and nutrition.

The doctor hurriedly did all kinds of tests for him, and confirmed that Ye Zhou's stomach and intestines did not have any diseases, and the loss of appetite was related to psychological factors. Mental health is especially important for people who are bedridden all year round.

After discussing with the doctor, Ye Zhou's family members realized that excessive playing of holographic online games will indeed cause brain fatigue, but a one-size-fits-all approach is not advisable. If Ye Zhou is not allowed to touch some entertainment activities at all, he will only gradually wither.

A week later, Ye Zhou was discharged from the hospital. His parents returned his smartphone and regained the opportunity to go online. However, this time, the nurses will strictly enforce the online time. Except for the two time periods of 9-12 and 15-18, the game helmet will be confiscated during the rest of the time. .

Ye Zhou, who had regained his helmet, did not show a look of ecstasy. He put down his helmet and took out his smartphone. He clicked on WeChat and saw some advertisements and official account push messages, but there were no new friend applications.

He became even more depressed, and he didn't even want to play the game. He put aside the helmet he had finally recovered, and sat lazily on the chair.

At this time, my cousin Ye Jian sent a message: Did you get the game helmet? Come online, I have been promoted to level 19 in the past few days, and I am stuck here in the full-level copy. I don't want to find a leveling dungeon, have you already passed the level 20 dungeon? Go online and take me there!

Seeing Ye Jian's message, Ye Zhou's eyes slowly moved to the game helmet on the table.

Ye Jian's message gave him a reason to return to the game, and Ye Zhou solemnly put on his helmet.

Because of his poor health, he seldom gets together with his relatives and friends. This time, the game gave him the opportunity to play with his cousin.

It's 10 am, and Ye Zhou logged into the game. A week ago, Ye Jian used his account to log off in front of the gate of Tanye Temple, and the place where he went online again was also at Tanye Temple.

As soon as he went online, he saw a figure wearing a bamboo hat standing like a sculpture in front of the gate of Tanye Temple, staring at the direction in which he went online.

Seeing him, the man almost teleported to Ye Zhou, took off his bamboo hat, and said softly, "Are you back?"

It's Dugu Zhuo.

I haven't seen him for a week, Dugu Zhuo seems to be a little haggard, his appearance is still so good, but there is more weather, and there is a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Ye Zhou didn't know what to say, so it seemed inappropriate to ask why you didn't call me or add WeChat, so he nodded slightly and said, "Well, something happened before."

"Your cousin told me." Dugu Zhuo grasped Ye Zhou's wrist lightly.

Ye Zhou resisted a little, he struggled lightly, but found that Dugu Zhuo was pushing harder than he imagined.

"Lack of energy, loss of appetite, is it because of stagnation in the heart?" Dugu Zhuo asked after taking the pulse.

"It's okay, but it's a little boring not being able to play with your phone." Ye Zhou said simply, "I haven't been online for a week, you should be at a high level now, right? I may not be able to keep up with your progress, you can upgrade first, I will practice as soon as possible level to catch up with you."

"I'm still level 20." Dugu Zhuo said.

"How is it possible..." Ye Zhou clicked on his friend's information to check.

Their former teammates are already level 26, and the current leaderboard is currently at level 30. They are a monster player named Yimeng Xiaoyao, while Dugu Zhuo is really only level 20.

"Why didn't you upgrade? Is it because something happened in reality during this period, so you don't have time to surf the Internet or call and send WeChat?" Ye Zhou's eyes lit up slightly, and he automatically found a reason for Dugu Zhuo.

"I want to wait for you to level up together." Dugu Zhuo's voice was so gentle.

"and you… "

As if knowing what Ye Zhou wanted to ask, Dugu Zhuo said: "I can't be in... you call real life three-dimensional, I can't contact you in three-dimensional."

Ye Zhou was happy for a while, but disappointed for a while. He lowered his head and asked, "Then you have clearly distinguished the game from the reality."

Dugu Zhuo held Ye Zhou's hand tightly: "But in the game, I will always wait for you."

Ye Zhou raised his head to look at Dugu Zhuo again, there seemed to be many stories hidden in those eyes.

It's true, everyone in the game is handsome and beautiful, with extraordinary skills, but in reality everyone has their own troubles.

In reality, Ye Zhou was a paraplegic, and it was impossible for him to go out to meet people. Dugu Zhuo might have reasons that he couldn't explain. He may be abroad, or he may be in debt and dare not contact others...

And even if Dugu Zhuo contacts him, or even travels thousands of miles to visit him, so what? Could he still go out to eat, go shopping, and watch movies with Dugu Zhuo


It seems that the only connection between him and Dugu Zhuo is this game, and once either party gives up playing the game, it will have nothing to do with it.

At this moment, Ye Zhou thought clearly, and let go of some small thoughts. He held Dugu Zhuo's hand back, and said in relief: "Well, I have always been your teammate in the game."

The two seem to have reached a tacit agreement, and it seems that nothing has changed.

At this time, Ye Zhou received a friend application prompt. It was Ye Jian. He had logged into Ye Zhou's account before and knew the game ID of Yiye Bingzhou. He added Ye Zhou as a friend by searching the ID.

After Ye Zhou passed the friend application, he told Dugu Zhuo: "This Yangfan¥Yuanhang is my cousin. He also created an account, and he belongs to the human race. He is currently stuck at level 19. I hope I can help him pass the copy of Sun Salutation."

"I'll accompany you." Dugu Zhuo said.

"Thank you." Ye Zhou said politely, "You haven't upgraded these days, so what are you doing in the game?"

Dugu Zhuo said: "Alchemy."

"Alchemy? The elixir of the foundation pill?" Ye Zhou said.

"You can try one." Dugu Zhuo handed Ye Zhou a Foundation Establishment Pill.

Ye Zhou suddenly remembered: "Ah! I haven't eaten the Foundation Establishment Pill I got from the Sun Salutation dungeon before I went offline last time. Have you eaten it? What effect does it have?"

Dugu Zhuo: "The players who have already established the foundation will get 50,000 experience, but the foundation establishment pill I refined has a better quality, with 60,000 experience."

After listening to Dugu Zhuo's explanation, Ye Zhou ate a Foundation Establishment Pill first, and he gained 50,000 experience.

"Can I eat it repeatedly?" Ye Zhou raised his eyes and asked.

"Before level 30, you can rely on pills to upgrade, so you don't have to worry about dropping too much." Dugu Zhuo said, "After level 30, don't worry, I will find other ways to help you upgrade."

"That's great, I can still play with everyone." Ye Zhou said happily.

He can now take medicine to rise to level 30 in one go, but if the level is too high, he can't bring Ye Jian to upgrade.

If the level gap is large, they can form a team, but if the two of them are level 30, Ye Jian is only level 19. When three people form a team together, the difficulty of the dungeon monster will be raised to the average level of the three, which is a level 26 monster.

For a level 19 Ye Jian, a monster at level 26 would be dead if touched by a branch of a peach tree monster. At that time, Ye Jian and the sun worship boy would become their stumbling block.

The two came to the place they had agreed with Ye Jian, which was the junction of the Yongday and Yongye districts, next to two boulders.

A greasy man came to Ye Zhou, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiaozhou, it's me!"

When Dugu Zhuo saw the man, his pupils constricted, he shielded Ye Zhou behind him, put the steel sword out of the sheath against the man's throat, and said in a low voice, "What are you?"

"I'm his cousin! We've met before, even if I change my account, you don't have to treat me like this all of a sudden, right?" Ye Jian, whose game name is Yangfan¥Yuanhang, raised his hands reflexively.

"It's him." Ye Zhou patted Dugu Zhuo's back and said.

Dugu Zhuo didn't move at all, he said, "Is what you want to pass the copy of Sun Salutation in Yongzhou District?"

"When did I say that I was going to pass the instance in the Yongzhou District?" Ye Jian took out a fan from somewhere and fanned it, "Xiaozhou, you see that I am a human race, so you think I am a player in the Yongzhou District. ? No! I am from the Eternal Night District! Am I the most unique human player in the game?"

Ye Jian had "I'm so good" written all over his face.

"What's the matter with him?" Ye Zhou was also dumbfounded, and asked Dugu Zhuo in a low voice.

Dugu Zhuo said: "His body is full of yin energy. Although he is a human race, he is a cultivator of evil ways. What's more, what he cultivates is even an art of harvesting and nourishing that evil ways do not despise. The mental method is one of the best Yin and evil methods!"

Ye Zhou: "..."

"Tell me! How did you get the evil heart method, and how did you practice the art of harvesting and nourishing?" Dugu Zhuo sternly said.

Ye Jian protested: "What is the art of harvesting, how do you say it is so ugly? I just bought a painting when I was doing a task. The painting is full of beauties. I can enter that painting to practice. Just click Scroll, when the environment around me changed, there were mosaics everywhere, and then it reminded me that I had cultivated a few people, and then my level increased. This game is so interesting, how come the number of times of cultivation is counted by the head?"

Dugu Zhuo: "..."

Ye Zhou: "..."