Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 49: Meet the rich


Combined with Dugu Zhuo's words, Ye Zhou instantly understood what his cousin practiced.

He remained calm, but actually privately sent a private message to Dugu Zhuo: "When this game was first promoted, it was said that there were countless Easter eggs in Xinshou Village, and the path of cultivation depends on the player's own luck and chance. I played I haven’t seen anyone get an unexpected inheritance for so long, I didn’t expect it to be true.”

In the dungeon of Soul Returning to Styx, Dugu Zhuo also used this excuse to prevaricate Yimeng Xiaoyao and the others. When he made it up, he didn't expect it to be true.

With a thought in his mind, Dugu Zhuo asked, "Do you think these exercise settings have something to do with the game's artificial intelligence system?"

"It shouldn't matter much," Ye Zhou thought for a while, "The artificial intelligence just maintains the game according to the instructions entered by the programmer. This must be a bad taste of game planning, but it's really interesting, poof..."

Ye Zhou was obedient and sweet on the surface, but he couldn't hold back his private chat with Dugu Zhuo, and laughed out loud.

Dugu Zhuo looked at Ye Zhou, and couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of these words.

"Why do you two look at me and I look at yours? Is there something wrong with my cultivation technique?" Ye Jian looked suspicious, "I am busy with work, and the online time is not fixed. I thought I would upgrade slowly. Thinking that since I picked up the painting scroll, I don’t need to do missions to fight monsters anymore, and the level has risen very quickly.”

Ye Zhou pinched his cheeks on both sides, controlled his expression, walked out from behind Dugu Zhuo, and asked his cousin with concern, "Has there been any changes after practicing?"

Ye Jian: "Originally, I performed my mission well in the Yongzhou District. I entered the painting scroll to practice once and then came out. The people in the Yongzhou District saw me and gave me eggs and vegetables."

Ye Zhou: " did you deliver it? Did you throw it away?"

Ye Jian: "Yes, but I am behind me, and I caught them all. The people in Yongzhou District no longer issued me tasks, they asked me to go to Yongye District. I went to Yongye District with eggs and vegetables. These foods are scarce in the night area, and they can be sold for a lot of money in the past. So I went back and forth between Yongri and Yongye, got eggs and vegetables in Yongday area, and sold them in Yongye area, and made a small amount of money."

Dugu Zhuo interjected, "How much is a small sum?"

Ye Jian: "I bought eggs and vegetables for about 50,000 to 60,000 taels. Later, I bought some ghost papers that could write letters to the dead and psychic candles that could talk to the dead in the Yongye District. Indeed, it carried a lot and sold it for 10,000 taels of silver.

"But I didn't sell them all. When I took them to Penglai Town, the price increased by 1.5 times. I also heard from the peddler in Penglai Town that the prices in Jiuchuan City not far away are higher. I really want to go to Jiuchuan City to sell Ming Paper and psychic candles, maybe they can be sold for more money."

Dugu Zhuo and Ye Zhou's eyes became brighter and brighter. They met a lot of players in the game, but most of them had a lot of spiritual stones, but they were poor in silver.

As for Ye Zhou's cousin, he didn't understand how to upgrade the game, and he didn't know what kind of kung fu he was practicing, but he started the route to make a fortune.

Dugu Zhuo immediately said: "You don't need to go through the dungeon to get the Foundation Establishment Pill, that's too inefficient. I have the Foundation Establishment Pill here, even people who have reached level 20 can get 60,000 experience points by taking my Foundation Establishment Pill. I will sell you one ten thousand taels of silver."

He took out the Foundation Establishment Pill, intending to cheat Ye Jian out of money.

Ye Zhou couldn't bear it, but he thought that the Foundation Establishment Pill was made by Dugu Zhuo, and there was no official price for the game, so it was his freedom to sell as much as Dugu Zhuo liked.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jian, who looked a little silly, shook his head after hearing the price: "It's not worth the price."

"Why?" Dugu Zhuo asked.

Ye Jian: "Building Foundation Pill is an item that can be obtained in level 20 dungeons. I asked the game merchant. I brought a dungeon for 100 yuan. Group buying starts with five people, and one player costs 20 yuan; hard mode 150, group buying starts at five people, one 30 yuan for the player. The hard mode merchant earns 50 yuan more. He said that the reason why he wants to add money is because he has to buy a prop called 'Mingguang Talisman', which is worth 4,000 taels of silver.

"I calculate based on his profit being 50%, which means that four thousand taels of silver is equal to 25 yuan. It is known that if you take the player through, you can get a copy of Zhuji Dan for 100 yuan, and four 25 yuan, that is four four thousand taels of silver , a total of 16,000 taels, even at this price, the Foundation Establishment Pill is only worth 16,000 taels.

"But the price can't be calculated like this, because if you spend 100 yuan to hire someone to pass the level, the player will get about 30,000 experience points, ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 taels of silver, and ranging from 30 to 50 spirit stones.

"Assuming that I don't get any valuable props and weapons in the dungeon, the guaranteed income alone is already worth about 30 yuan, that is, five or six thousand taels of silver. After deducting these, your Foundation Establishment Pill should only be sold for ten thousand yuan. .”

Dugu Zhuo: "..."

He has always been an encyclopedia-like existence in the game, seemingly omnipotent, but now because of the tens of millions of taels of silver, he was rendered speechless by Ye Jian.

Ye Zhou felt sorry for Dugu Zhuo inexplicably, and hurriedly spoke for him, "That's not the same, there are no Jijidans for sale in the market, and rare goods are available, so naturally the price will be raised."

Ye Jian said solemnly: "Xiaozhou, that's not how to use 'exotic goods to live'. If there is no foundation building pill in the market, but Dugu Zhuo has it, even if he sells it for a hundred thousand taels of silver, I will chip in to buy it. But in the game copy If you can get Foundation Establishment Pill, then its value will be greatly reduced.

"In the current game, silver taels are actually more scarce than foundation building pills and experience. Dugu Zhuo wants to get a lot of silver taels. He has to come up with things that players can't get in the game and are extremely helpful for game clearance and upgrading, so as to force players Go crazy and earn taels to buy his stuff."

Dugu Zhuo has always been a cultivator, seldom bothered by the world of mortals, and has no concept of business transactions, but today he got something out of Ye Jian's words.

Ye Jian said to Dugu Zhuo: "I want to buy Jidan, but the first one is a necessity for upgrading from level 19 to level 20. It can be sold for 10,000 taels. But the second one is not a necessity for me. The second one is half price, I will buy 10 for 5,000 taels, I wonder if you have enough in stock?"

"Brother, are you still lowering the price?" Ye Zhou knew that Dugu Zhuo worked hard to make money for the sect, and he didn't want him to sell less money, so he simply grabbed Ye Jian's sleeve and said, "I don't care, 15,000 taels of pills , 11, you paid all the money."

Ye Jian: "...Xiao Zhou, are you just turning your elbows outward like this?"

Dugu Zhuo saw Ye Zhou pulling up Ye Jian's sleeve intimately, reached out to hold Ye Zhou's wrist, and separated his hand from the sleeve.

Dugu Zhuo's expression remained unchanged: "I'll sell you 11 Foundation Establishment Pills according to your price, but you have to pay me another one hundred thousand taels of silver to buy the secret about the painting scroll you got, as well as your current identity and cultivation method. , what kind of game path will it take in the future.”

When mentioning exercises, Ye Jian's expression became silly again, and he asked: "Is there any problem with my exercises? Even if there are problems, you can also find the strategy on the game's official website."

"You can go offline to check now or call the game customer service number, I will wait for you here." Dugu Zhuo said confidently.

The official game company never issued a guide or explanation, it all depends on the players to explore by themselves, it's no wonder that Ye Jian can find out.

Ye Jian and Dugu Zhuo made an agreement to go offline to investigate. About half an hour later, he went online and said, "I don't have a hundred thousand taels of silver right now, so you sell me the Jidan first, and after I'm level 20, go to Jiuchuan City to collect it." Sell the rest of the goods and pay for the information.”

Dugu Zhuo agreed, and the two got both money and goods. Ye Jian took 11 pills in a row, not only succeeded in building the foundation, but also rose to level 26 in an instant.

While he was taking the medicine, Dugu Zhuo also gave Ye Zhou a bunch of foundation building pills to help Ye Zhou rise to 29 in one go.


Ye Jian saw that Dugu Zhuo Sai gave so many pills to his cousin, and because Dugu Zhuo loves money like his life, he might not want to lend usury to make his cousin sell himself to pay back, so he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Xiaozhou, bro, I don't have so much money for you now. Buy pills."

Ye Zhou said: "But Dugu Zhuo and I are in a 'blood alliance' relationship, and we don't care about this little money. I will give him the money and spirit stones I make in the game in the future."

Save for Dugu Zhuo to establish a sect.

Ye Jian: "..."

I always feel that my cousin has been cheated.

When he came to Penglai Town, Dugu Zhuo said: "It takes an hour to walk from Penglai Town to Jiuchuan City, and there are bandits on the road. Players who have learned from teachers no longer have this trouble. They have learned various evasion techniques to avoid robbers." And increase the speed, you haven't apprenticed yet, do you need me to fly with Yujian to take you there, 30,000 taels of silver."

"There are so many players on the road, I can find someone else to take them with me." Ye Jian said stubbornly.

Unexpectedly, he asked a lot of players, and all of them said that escapism can only be used by oneself, not with others.

It seems that Dugu Zhuo is the only one who can lead people with a sword.

Ye Jian came to Dugu Zhuo angrily: "Is it possible to live with rare goods?"

Dugu Zhuo nodded happily: "It's a rare commodity to live in."

"But one hour is not worth my 30,000 taels, at most 10,000 taels, otherwise I'll walk over." Ye Jian gritted his teeth.

For Ye Zhou's sake, Dugu Zhuo let Ye Jian go once, and only charged him 10,000 taels of silver to take him to experience the feeling of flying with a sword.

In order to keep a distance from Ye Jian, Dugu Zhuo shared a sword with Ye Zhou, and Ye Zhou controlled it. Ye Jian rode alone on Dugu Zhuo's fine steel sword, and Dugu Zhuo controlled the sword.

On the way, Ye Jian went from a little scared to tentative to happy, and finally opened his arms to enjoy the feeling of speeding on the stainless steel sword, shouting that this game is worth charging him with 100 million.

After landing, Ye Jian changed from a shrewd businessman back to a stupid player, and said happily: "This experience is worth 10,000 taels, and I will buy it again later."

Dugu Zhuo felt that Ye Jian's personality was a little split, so he couldn't help but look at Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou said: "I have never seen my brother like this. He is usually very elite. Our family is a family business, and my future fund is also managed by him. I didn't expect him to be so... naive in the game." , Maybe it’s because you don’t want to think too much about complicated things in the game, so let’s release our nature?”

Hearing the words "release your nature", Dugu Zhuo stared at Ye Zhou, and couldn't help but patted Ye Zhou's head.

Perhaps what Elder Ye Zhou showed in his memory was not his true nature either. Ye Zhou was too restrained and lacked a chance to release his nature.

Jiuchuan City is a big town, and Ye Jian is like a fish in water here. He ran into several shops and sold ghost paper and psychic candles at sky-high prices. He planned to buy some goods in Jiuchuan City and sell them in Yongye District.

But before that, Ye Jian needs to understand his own mentality.

He first gave Dugu Zhuo 50,000 taels: "This is a deposit, and the remaining money will depend on the content of the information to see if it is worth 100,000 taels."