Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 72: Ghost rush


Ye Zhou wondered: "Strange, I don't have a deep impression of these two words. If I didn't see that bug, I wouldn't remember it."

Dugu Zhuo glanced at him and said: "That should be the special character of the Wugu clan. I have never seen it before. Did you read it in some book?"

"It's possible." Ye Zhou tapped his head, feeling that his memory was getting weirder.

Due to his late literacy, Dugu Zhuo didn't like reading very much after learning some basic knowledge, and he was completely ignorant. On the contrary, when Ye Zhou is not practicing, he often goes to Zangshu Pavilion to borrow books. He sometimes reads jade slips, and sometimes borrows some ancient books to read. Dugu Zhuo even sees Ye Zhou reading the inscriptions on pieces of stone carvings that don't know how long ago.

He was full of hostility towards Ye Zhou at first, and the relationship eased because of studying.

Dugu Zhuo is illiterate, and no one can teach him. When he stepped on Yuefeng, he dozed off in front of the beginner's mind, looking very naughty. When he arrived at Xingchui Peak, Ye Zhou also felt that Dugu Zhuo refused to practice because he had opinions on him at first. After getting along with him for a long time, he realized that Dugu Zhuo didn't want to learn, but he didn't know him.

The study room at Xingchui Peak is divided into an inner room and an outer room, Ye Zhou has always been in the inner room, and Dugu Zhuo is in the outer room.

From then on, Ye Zhou would take the same book as Dugu Zhuo every time, and read it softly in the room. Dugu Zhuo was a fool at that time, he only thought that Ye Zhou had the habit of reading aloud, and followed him to memorize word by word.

Ye Zhou will read a book for three days, and on the fourth day he will order Dugu Zhuo to recite it. If he can't recite it, he will copy the parts he can't remember several times.

On the fifth day, Ye Zhou will re-read Dugu Zhuocuo emphatically in the room again.

With Ye Zhou's help and Dugu Zhuo's hard work, one year later, Dugu Zhuo finally learned how to draw Qi into his body and truly stepped into the path of cultivation.

At that time, Dugu Zhuo, who had read a lot of books and understood a lot of truths, gradually realized that Ye Zhou had been helping him in his own way.

A way that can make extreme Dugu Zhuo accept and work hard for it.

Ye Zhou has been studying for three years, except for the days when he was suffering from evil spirits, he would read lightly in his room. Three years later, Dugu Zhuo, who was well-fed, warmly dressed and well-trained, started to suffer from bouts. At only fifteen years old, he was already as tall as Ye Zhou.

Dugu Zhuo began to deliberately forget the words on the jade slips, deliberately "talking to himself" to ask questions when studying outside, and deliberately asked Ye Zhou to read it again.

He probably just wanted to listen to what Ye Zhou had to say. After all, in the past three years, except for reading and some stupid things Dugu Zhuo said, Ye Zhou hadn't said much to Dugu Zhuo.

It's a pity that Ye Zhou is so smart, he was discovered by Ye Zhou after he pretended to be stupid for a few days.

He rolled up the book at that time, tapped Dugu Zhuo lightly on the head and said: "Nonsense."

The smell of paper and ink unique to the scroll came, and Dugu Zhuo stared at Ye Zhou, stunned for a moment.

Ye Zhou glanced at Dugu Zhuo's expression. Since then, he has never read a book aloud, and the communication between Ye Zhou and Dugu Zhuo has become less and less. Dugu Zhuo's eyes on Ye Zhou have also changed from hostile to Other inexplicable feelings.

I don't hate it, but I want to look at him more, even if it's just to extend my hand to Ye Zhou's shadow outside the study when I'm studying, I'm happy.

Probably, the emotion was born from then.

"Ah! What the hell! This little monster is too disturbing, I can't handle any of it!" Yimeng Xiaoyao's roar awakened Dugu Zhuo from his memories.

Dugu Zhuo had no choice but to hide those thoughts, and looked in the direction of Yimeng Xiaoyao, only to see a large group of villagers walking out of the houses in the village. They were all the same as the child, with stiff expressions, and the way their limbs moved was very strange, as always A corpse controlled by Gu insects.

Originally, when fighting mobs, Yimeng Xiaoyao, a super T with thick blood and willow branches as tentacles, should be the first to take the lead. As long as he has a tree root, he can't kill them. The trick is over.

But this Gu worm seemed to be very harmful to Yimeng Xiaoyao, dozens of such corpses appeared at once, and Yimeng Xiaoyao had no fighting power in front of these things.

"Don't you know that flowers, plants and trees are most afraid of insects? This dungeon can't beat me!" Yimeng Xiaoyao said, "God Zhuo, do you know what effects these Gu insects have?"

Dugu Zhuo said: "Just now your branches withered quickly, which is a symbol of death. And the Gu worms in the branches quickly returned to the child's body after landing, presumably they could not leave the host body for too long. These insects should be parasitic In the bodies of other living beings, the ability to quickly turn other living beings into bones and manipulate the bones is so large that it is quite difficult to deal with."

"Then what should I do!" Yimeng Xiaoyao took back all the branches, hugged himself in fear, and clasped his hands behind his back.

Dugu Zhuo glanced at the fluttering white clothes and raised his head to see him.

Piao Piao in white clothes pointed to himself: "Us?"

Dugu Zhuo asked back: "Do you have a body?"

Piao Piao in white clothes: "The ghost clan has no body except zombies, Titou is not a zombie, and I am not."

Yimeng Xiaoyao, Dugu Zhuo, Ye Zhou, and Ye Jian dragged You Lang and the other five to take a step back, leaving the battlefield to two people who were not afraid of bugs.

Raise your head to see: "No, I haven't fought in the field since I selected healing skills in Beiman Mountain. You want me to serve the world and kill the enemy. The requirements are a bit high!"

"Stop talking nonsense, fight!" Yimeng Xiaoyao shrank his body behind Ye Jian, completely lacking the appearance that a T should have.

Dugu Zhuo said: "I guess the bugs will die if they leave the body for more than 5-10 seconds. You can use this method to get rid of them."

"Really? Then I'll try my old job." The white clothes fluttered forward and fell into the body of an old woman.

As soon as she entered the old woman's body, a small bug crawled out. The little bug couldn't get back into the old woman's body, and couldn't seize the bodies of other corpses, so it quickly crawled towards Dugu Zhuo and the others.

Dugu Zhuo casually dropped a few stones picked up by the roadside, and set up a simple "Missing Formation". The little bugs turned around in the formation, unable to reach Dugu Zhuo and others, and died after about 5 seconds .

"It's feasible." Dugu Zhuo said.

At this time, he is different from when he first fought with the face-shielding team. At that time, their entire team only found more than one hundred low-grade spirit stones, and they had to save the use of spirit stones to barely arrange the "Misty Formation". Played very hard.

Now Dugu Zhuo has no shortage of spirit stones at all, he throws out 99 pieces of low-grade spirit stones, arranges a lost trace formation, and traps all the corpses in the formation.

"This... what is this?" Bai Yi Piao Piao and raised his head to see that he hadn't learned the maze formation, and he couldn't move freely within the formation. In their eyes, a maze appeared in front of him.

Dugu Zhuo said: "I have used the "Mistying Formation" to restrain the corpses, we will fight one by one. Yiye Bingzhou and I will guide the two of you, don't worry about what you see in front of you, just follow our instructions Just fine."

Dugu Zhuo made arrangements immediately, he commanded the weaker and slower ones to come to see him, and Ye Zhou commanded the stronger combatant Piao Piao.

"At ten o'clock, hit directly, there is a bug." This is Ye Zhou.

"Leaving the position, cross that wall, there is a corpse in front of you." This is Dugu Zhuo.

Raise your head to see: "Zhuo Shen, I know that you are good at learning five elements and eight trigrams, but can we give some directions that normal people can understand?"

Dugu Zhuo can use twelve hours to convert the modern 24-hour timekeeping method, but he has never seen a real clock, so it is difficult to convert it for a while. He could only change the way, use the directions of southeast, southwest, and left and right, and finally managed to command successfully.

A total of 30 corpses, Dugu Zhuo isolated them with formations, released two at a time, fluttering in white clothes and raised their heads to see the mechanical possession, repelling insects, 5 seconds after the insects died in the formation, and then put two.

After removing about three worms, the white-clothed Titou sister and brother became skilled workers, and their movements were abnormally assembly line. Two worms in 10-15 seconds, and thirty corpses were all killed in less than five minutes.

Dugu Zhuo took back the "Misty Formation", and the corpses on the ground were reduced to ashes like the branches of Yimeng Xiaoyao, and the Shigu Village became quiet again.

"It's over? It's so simple?" Yimeng Xiaoyao said incredulously.

Ye Jian patted him on the head: "If there is no Lost Formation, even if Piao Piao and Titou can possess him, it will not be easy to fight."

Zombies will attack them. After the insects leave the body, they crawl very fast. If they are not careful, they will be parasitized. is a problem (except for Ye Jian).

"I still remember that this "Misty Formation" is a skill created by Zhuo Shenyou when you announced the system for the first time. I heard Aotian said that this formation is very useful, but at that time I only thought he was bragging. Now it seems... Zhuo Shen, I remember that this formation can be taught in the form of trading, right?" Yimeng Xiaoyao looked expectantly.

Dugu Zhuo said: ""The Lost Formation" can be copied a limited number of times, limited to 99 times."

While speaking, Dugu Zhuo glanced at Ye Jian and motioned him to come up with a reasonable price.

"If there are only 99 times, I don't recommend selling it." Ye Jian said decisively, "This formation must be very effective in PK battles. Compared with those PK madmen in the arena, they will definitely be willing to buy it. Yimeng Xiaoyao looks very poor. I don't want to sell him."

Yimeng Xiaoyao: "..."

Piao Piao in Bai Yi saw the news that Ye Jian wanted to sell at a high price, stepped forward and said, "Let's talk about buying and selling formations after the dungeon, I suspect there is the first dungeon boss behind these bugs, let's go through the dungeon first. Xiaoyao, don't you stand in front?"

Yimeng Xiaoyao: "... I dare not."

"This dungeon is really powerful. It directly kills the strongest defense." He raised his head and said helplessly.

So the formation of the team changed again, with white clothes fluttering in the lead, Dugu Zhuo at the rear, and the rest standing in the middle. You Lang transferred from Ye Jian to Yimeng Xiaoyao's branch. Yimeng Xiaoyao's binding skills were much better than Ye Jian's.

You Lang also yelled: "You put me down! I don't know how many innocent people have been hurt by these Gu raisers, I want to kill demons!"

No one paid any attention to him. From You Lang's behavior when he saw the child, it can be seen that this person is here to cause trouble for the players, he must be tied tightly, and he must not be set free.

Ye Zhou kept staring at You Lang, and Dugu Zhuo asked, "What do you think he is doing?"

Ye Zhou said: "He won't be possessed by Gu insects?"

When Ye Zhou sees You Lang, he can't help but think of the young man who was still under control when his skills soared when the Sun Salutation Church was finally shut down.

Dugu Zhuo: "During the battle just now, I paid close attention to him, and he was absolutely not parasitized by Gu insects just now."

Ye Zhou: "But he is the only person who has contacted the village chief of the corpse Gu village, right? What if he gets infected by the Gu insect when the task is released?"

Everyone: "..."

With the way this game doesn't take an unusual path, it's very possible!

The author has something to say: Everyone: Destroy the dog head of the game planner!

Dugu Zhuo: Do you dare to fight one