Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 73: ghost contract


"But what else can we do? Don't we still have to take him with us." Yimeng Xiaoyao's face was full of helplessness and resignation after being tortured by the game.

He, who was restrained by this dungeon in all directions without dead ends, has been smoothed out.

Dugu Zhuo: "At least after discovering it in advance, we can know what kind of Gu worm he is and what form it will explode in. The three types of power surge type, parasitic transfer type and self-destruct type have completely different effects, and the way to deal with them is also different. different."

If it is a power-increasing type, it may suddenly attack the players around it. In that case, more restraints should be imposed to provide players with time to distance themselves in time.

The parasitic transfer type belongs to the control type. This type is more troublesome. You must always pay attention to You Lang's movements during the battle.

If You Lang dies, the self-destructing type will be ejected from the dungeon. Then they may face the situation of preventing You Lang from self-destructing while fighting the boss, which is also very troublesome.

"I think it's hard for us to defend against any of them." Ye Jian, who has no skills, said, "It would be great if my paintings could pretend to be people."

Dugu Zhuo: "Let me first confirm whether he is parasitized by Gu insects."

"Can this still be confirmed? Do you have any special props or skills?" Bai Yi Piao Piao asked.

Dugu Zhuo: "That's right."

He injected a wisp of true essence into You Lang's body, and the true essence circled through his meridians, and finally found a small unhatched egg in You Lang's heart.

"As Ye Zhou said, he was parasitized by Gu." Dugu Zhuo said with a frown.

When several people were discussing, You Lang was not idle. He listened to the conversations of the players, and when he heard Dugu Zhuo say that he was parasitized, he immediately drew his sword and said, "Not only did I not recognize the cultivator of the evil way, but I was also killed by others." Controlled by Gu insects, I... really deserve to be a disciple of the righteous way. Master, this disciple is incompetent, so I will apologise with death!"

"Wait!" Yimeng Xiaoyao hurriedly tied You Lang into a rice dumpling with sticks, "What's wrong with you!"

Ye Zhou: "It's probably a setting where players will self-destruct if they discover the parasite in advance."

Dugu Zhuo: "The game should not use the same setting repeatedly. Since he is self-destructing now, there is a high probability that he will not self-destruct when Gu worms attack in the future."

"Then what should we do now?" Yimeng Xiaoyao said helplessly.

"Use my method." He raised his head and said.

He held You Lang's wrist, his nails swelled like the fluttering white clothes before, piercing deeply into You Lang's wrist, absorbing his blood.

He raised his head to meet You Lang and said: "You and I should make an agreement, before I get to the final boss, you must be honest, understand?"

You Lang didn't speak, raised his head and said, "Force him to nod."

Yimeng Xiaoyao pressed You Lang's head to make him nod wildly, raised his head to see that the contract was about to be established, and continued: "If we can get to the final boss, who will you attack the first time after seeing the boss? , let me decide, okay?"

Yimeng Xiaoyao didn't need to lift his head to see the order this time, and continued to nod while pressing You Lang's head.

There was a mark on You Lang's wrist that belonged to come to meet with the head, carefully look at the game ID that came to see with the head on the mark, the ghost contract has been completed.

"Npcs are easier to deal with than players. Players have to trick them into willingly agreeing, and npcs can press their heads." Bai Yi Piaopiao said with satisfaction.

She explained to everyone the usage of the ghost contract, which is to deceive the player or the npc to agree to their request. There are also certain conditions for the establishment of this contract, such as "if you can get to the final boss" mentioned this time, and the white clothes Before entering the dungeon, Piao Piao made an agreement with the monster man "if I pass the dungeon this time".

The content that can be restricted by the limiting conditions depends on the difficulty of the conditions. If the difficulty does not match, the contract cannot be established.

"The contract is relative. If I fulfill the condition, they will do things according to the agreement. If I fail to fulfill the condition, we will also be punished accordingly. This penalty is random by the system, and sometimes it may not be allowed for seven days." Any dungeon, sometimes it may be a period of time to kill monsters will not get any useful items, even if it is the first kill. The type and intensity of punishment are all irregular, which is very strange." Bai Yi Piao Piao said.

Let me see the supplement: "Contract is a skill that can only be used in non-combat scenes. The ghost clan can only make one contract at a time. My sister and the monster clan can't sign a new contract until the agreement is completed, so the one with You Lang wants me coming."

"The skills of the ghost clan are so interesting." Ye Jian envied.

Piao Piao in white clothes: "Evil skills are very interesting, otherwise you can't see the sun at the beginning of the game, and you can look weird and look like anything. If you don't have any interesting skills, who would play evil."

You Lang can be regarded as being honest, everyone continued to go deep into the corpse village, and within a few steps, they encountered the first instance boss.

After the players no longer trust anyone they meet in the village, the first dungeon boss is very recognizable. He is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, who will suddenly come out of the ground, and after viciously saying the standard villain words of "You all killed my little babies", he will start the battle directly.

The difficulty is that it will take the life of a player when it just emerges from the ground, and it will be killed in seconds. The position where he appears from the ground is random and without warning, and the player is not given any chance to react.

However, the instant kill player chosen by this boss is Dugu Zhuo. Dugu Zhuo had already noticed that someone was walking through the ground, and he used the soil sword in the Five Elements Sword Art at the moment he got out of the ground, causing the boss to be killed by countless soil swords before he was unearthed Stabbing a thousand arrows through the heart not only did not hurt Dugu Zhuo, but also knocked out one third of the boss's blood.

Everyone originally planned to directly attack the immobilized boss, but the middle-aged man suddenly turned into a group of mosaics, his body dissipated and reorganized, and escaped from the shackles of the earth sword.

"What is this?" Yimeng Xiaoyao asked.

Dugu Zhuo: "He should be a bugman, his body is scattered into countless bugs and then reunited. This move should be too scary, and it is automatically coded by the game's harmony mechanism."

Ye Zhou: "... the game is also very hard."

Apart from this point, this is a regular boss, who only keeps attacking and releasing attack moves. The players dodge in place and have strong attack power, and soon the boss's blood bar is only 5%.

At this time, the very experienced Yimeng Xiaoyao said: "Pay attention, when the boss' health bar is about to run out, he will usually increase his moves and distance himself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man collapsed into a pile of mosaics again, and divided into seven streams of insects to attack everyone. Obviously, the insects were either seriously injured or controlled.

Yimeng Xiaoyao, who likes to beat the enemy with branches, gathered the branches firmly, and ran away with You Lang on his shoulders, while Dugu Zhuo used the fire talisman to burn the insects crazily.

Fortunately, there was a group of fluttering white clothes controlling the white silk, which controlled a large number of bugs, making it easier for everyone to cull them one by one.

When the blood volume remained at 1%, the mosaics reunited and turned back into a middle-aged man, who was beaten to death by everyone.

Before he fell down, the middle-aged man said grimly: "It's late, you can't get out of the zombie village anymore."

Bai Yi Piao Piao stepped forward to touch the monster, and got a piece of 40-level metal material called "Stone Cui Jin", which can be used to refine armor or weapons.

In view of the great contribution of the two ghost clans in this battle, everyone did not rob her and gave this material to their siblings.

Ye Jian said: "Why did he say that we can't get out of the zombie village?"

Yimeng Xiaoyao: "The boss has to say something before he dies, right? It's like the villain in a cartoon who always says 'I'll be back' before being beaten away."

"No," Dugu Zhuo looked at the surrounding environment, "We really can't get out."

Everyone followed his gaze and looked back, and the road into the village was gone.

Dugu Zhuo said: "You stay on the ground and be vigilant, I will fly up to have a look."

He flew up with the sword, but stopped five meters above the sky. It seemed that an invisible barrier appeared in the sky, covering the whole village.

Dugu Zhuo descended and said: "As early as when I entered the village, I felt that something was wrong with this village. I guess it used a formation that I didn't know. After the middle-aged man died, the formation was activated and sealed us here. place."

"I lost blood." Ye Zhou said, "I lost 5% of my blood without any reason or injury."

"Me too." The other players raised their hands one after another.

Dugu Zhuo found that he also lost 5% of his blood, and his true energy was much weaker. He immediately took a blood-enriching pill, but it had no effect.

"It seems that in this formation, the player will continue to be weak and eventually be trapped to death by the formation, and the blood-enriching medicine will not work." Ye Zhou analyzed.

Yimeng Xiaoyao: "I calculated the time, about a minute after the first boss said that sentence, I lost 5% of my blood, if it is 5% in 1 minute, then this is a time-limited secret room Escape game, we must get out of this village within 20 minutes, or we will die."

"Do you want to split up and find a way out?" Bai Yi Piao Piao suggested.

Dugu Zhuo shook his head: "This is a formation. Blindly looking for it will definitely lead to no way out. It's just a waste of time. If we want to get out, we must find the location of the formation."

Ye Jian: "What is the formation eye?"

Dugu Zhuo: "In any formation, there must be spiritual energy and a person or magic weapon to maintain the normal operation of the formation. Like the "Misty Array" I used before, if you want to exert its maximum effect, you must have a person who can use "Misty Array" The players in "Trace Array" manipulate the formation, and there are spirit stones to maintain energy, where the player is located is the formation eye. This formation can trap so many of us at once, there must be an formation eye."

Head up to meet: "So we're going to look for it in the village?"

Dugu Zhuo: "The eyes of the formation must be hidden by various means, and it is definitely not enough to search blindly. The way to break the formation is to be a master of the formation, to use the true essence to carefully check the flow of the spiritual energy, find subtle differences, and thus uncover the formation. eye made, or…”

Piao Piao in Bai Yi raised his hand: "Say something we can understand."

"Either a large-scale attack, the five elements of water, fire, wind, and earth fill the entire array, and the water flow and wind direction will help us point to the eye of the array." Dugu Zhuo said.

"That kind of large-scale attack can only be done by players above level 60 at least. We don't have that strength." Bai Yi fluttered, "There must be other ways to break the formation. Normal players can pass by thinking about it instead of opening it." hang."

What she said made sense, Dugu Zhuo frowned and thought.

At this moment, 3 minutes have passed, and everyone has collectively lost 15% of their blood. It’s okay for the player’s health to drop, even if it’s all gone, it’s just death, but Dugu Zhuo is different. If he dies in the game, he probably really died.

However, Dugu Zhuo, who should be the most anxious here, took his time and broke off a wicker from Yimeng Xiaoyao's body, and drew a pattern of the corpse Gu village on the ground.

When he first entered the village, he glanced at the sky, remembering the topography of Shigu Village, and redrawing it might give him an idea.

Dugu Zhuo drew the picture in a few minutes. Ye Jian looked at it and took out the phantom lamp.

The phantom lamp can turn the things in the painting into phantoms and project them into reality. After Ye Jian uses the phantom lamp, the village map drawn by Dugu Zhuo appears in the air in 3D.

"What's the use of this?" He raised his head and asked.

"Most arrays are arranged based on the terrain. If I restore a small array, maybe I can get some ideas." Dugu Zhuo took another willow leaf from Yimeng Xiaoyao and blew it into the 3D map. The willow leaf is simulating It floats around in the picture, but it just can't get out.

Fluttering in the white clothes thought it was interesting, flicked his long sleeves, a gust of wind blew past, the wind covered the whole model, and the willow leaves swirled over a certain house, refusing to leave that house.

Everyone: "... This is here!"

According to the direction, they ran towards the place where the house was.

When I got there, I didn't see the house, only a flat area.

"Arrays can create illusions. Don't be fooled by your eyes. Use your abilities to attack. All the houses in this village are made of wood. According to the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements, it is best to attack with gold-type moves." Dugu Zhuo said.

Ye Zhouyu took off his sword, and the long sword stopped at the position of the house.

"Sure enough, there is something!" Ye Zhou strengthened his true essence, and immediately shot out countless spiritual formulas. The long sword forcibly penetrated into the house, and turned into an afterimage under Ye Zhou's spiritual formulas, and the wooden hut was instantly torn apart!

The thatched hut fell down, and the blindness in front of everyone disappeared like this, revealing an old man with a white beard leaning on a cane.

When You Lang saw the old man, he immediately said: "He is the village chief of Shigu Village!"