Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 82: Buy a gate


Ye Zhou came to Beining City together with Dugu Zhuo in a daze, and after landing, seeing Ye Zhou still looking out of his mind, Dugu Zhuo raised his hand to stroke Ye Zhou's hair, and whispered: "You don't have to worry about it, by the way It's natural."

It is very difficult to accept a person who is full of secrets, not to mention that Ye Zhou himself does not know how long he can live. They meet in the game and may run counter to each other at any time. It seems too early to talk about love now.

Dugu Zhuo stood in front of Ye Zhou, as if he would keep looking at him like this until Ye Zhou took the initiative to approach.

Such a gesture reassured Ye Zhou, he decided to let nature take its course, as Dugu Zhuo said, and let this feeling take root and germinate slowly.

If there is a day when the love is deeply rooted, even if it is in the game that the relationship can be maintained, then Ye Zhou will go on firmly.

The two walked into the teahouse in Tingyu Pavilion. It was still early at this time, and Ye Jian hadn't gone online yet.

After all, Ye Jian is the patron of their sect, and Ye Jian is still needed to establish the sect, so the two of them did not rush to inquire about the news, but ordered two cups of tea, drank tea quietly, glanced at each other from time to time, their limbs were a little slight touch.

Seeing Dugu Zhuo drinking tea gracefully, as the tea was swallowed, Dugu Zhuo's Adam's apple rolled slightly, Ye Zhou also took a sip of water, and asked privately: "You... If it is what you said, what should you do when you eat ?”

Dugu Zhuo smiled: "I don't need to eat."

When I first came to this game, I had to eat some food in the game, but now it is completely fasting, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to replenish the energy needed for daily life.

"What about sleeping?" Ye Zhou asked again.

Dugu Zhuo: "It's enough to adjust the breath for one to two hours a day."

Ye Zhou propped his arms on the table and looked at Dugu Zhuo sideways while drinking tea. He felt that he had an elegant posture, a handsome appearance, slender fingers, and long eyelashes. He was simply a little fairy who only drank dew!

It's just that the little fairy is taller than him.

Ye Jian logged into the game at the same time as Ye Zhou went online. He came to the teahouse on time at nine o'clock. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ye Zhou crouching on the table, staring at Dugu Zhuo's face without blinking.

Dugu Zhuo didn't seem to notice Ye Zhou's gaze, staring intently at the empty teacup. He looked so perfect that even his hair wouldn't be messed up.

When Ye Jian saw this beautiful picture-like scene, he immediately rushed to Tianling Gai, and he could tell that his cousin had been killed. Due to his health, Ye Zhou seldom contacts outsiders, and his personality is very simple. Wouldn't he be very devoted to falling in love, and he can't be stopped

Blocking it will only have the opposite effect, so it's better... just observe first. If it’s okay to only develop in the game, if the cousin is really stuck and wants to have a relationship with the other party in three dimensions, then it is necessary to investigate Dugu Zhuo’s relationship history.

Ye Jian's dungeon is usually slowed down. In the game, he is pampered, but in business, he is very calm. He pretended not to notice the ambiguous atmosphere between the two of them, and rushed into the teahouse as if he had just arrived, sat directly between the two of them, picked up the teacup and poured a glass of water, "Gudu Gudu" poured a glass of water, Then he said: "You two came so early, you have been waiting for me for a long time."

"No, it doesn't seem like it's been too long." Ye Zhou sat up straight and looked at Dugu Zhuo from the corner of his eye.

"It didn't take long, I just drank a cup of tea." Dugu Zhuo gently raised his sleeves, revealing his thin and powerful wrists. The small tea cup, the tea cup is exquisite and clear, making his hand look like a painting, not only the hand is beautiful, but the tea cup is also beautiful.

Ye Jian slammed the teacup on the table, ruining the beautiful scenery, and said casually, "Have you asked the npc for information?"

"Not yet." Dugu Zhuo said calmly, no emotion could be heard in his voice.

"That's right, let's go ask." Ye Jian got up, saw that both of them were motionless, he grabbed Ye Zhou and said, "Let's go, Jianmen faction!"

Dugu Zhuo and Ye Zhou got up and followed Ye Jian to inquire about the news.

Ye Jian was very strategic in asking for information. He would not directly ask which city's jurisdiction Huxiaoshan, a disciple of Tingyu Pavilion, belonged to, but asked how much it would cost to issue tasks in Tingyu Pavilion.

At this time, the disciple in front of the door will tell him truthfully that 1% of the task reward will be charged, and the task issuer will have to pay. Tingyuge's quests can be sent to all players on the server. If the price is high enough, npcs can accept them. It is a very flexible way of questing. Of course, the game is changing the way to collect money.

"Then what if the question is about the game?" Ye Jian asked, "Except for the settings that can be searched on the official website."

The disciple replied: "You can also buy information from Tingyu Pavilion. The following is the type of information and the list. Please choose the corresponding question and pay the corresponding price. If there is no question you want to ask in the list, you can write it in. Tingyu The cabinet will find the correct answer for you."

This is Tingyu Pavilion, which claims to be omniscient and omnipotent.

The disciple handed the three of them a piece of jade slip. The jade slip was like a searchable list, with various menus and submenus. The problem was found in the menu of Instance Geographical Attribution".

There is a price to be paid to get the answer, Ye Jian thought that he had to pay, but the price he was looking for was to go to the Lingzhi Garden in Jiuchuan City to pick 20 kilograms of cat grass and send it to the tigers in Xishan.

"It turns out that the task is for the answer to the question, which is quite interesting." Ye Jian said, "But what does this have to do with the geographical location of Huxiao Mountain?"

Dugu Zhuo said: "Perhaps the mother clan of that tiger demon came from the Xishan tiger group. I remember that a few days ago, Xishan encountered a mudslide. Many plants died, and it will take some time to grow again."

A few days ago, the Xishan mudslide... From time to time, the system would release some weather-like news such as [Jiuchuan City suffered a locust plague, farmers reduced production], [Beining City was slightly shaken, no casualties] and so on.

Ye Jian opened the system history information, searched, and really saw the news of [Xishan mudslide, tigers have no cat grass for their next meal] half a month ago.

He had been wondering why the game released such news before, but now it seems that there might be a small task or a small story behind every news.

"It's really like a small world." Ye Jian found it very interesting.

He took the task smoothly, paid the deposit in Tingyu Pavilion, borrowed three sickles, and was about to mow cat grass with the sickles on his shoulders.

Dugu Zhuo didn't follow up immediately. He took the jade slip and searched through the menus of "Sect", "Faction", and "Organization", but he couldn't find what he wanted, so he entered "Fu Shen Temple" in the search box .

[Your level is not high enough, so you don't have the right to inquire about information about Fushen Temple.]

The jade slip popped up such a line of words.

It's not an invalid search, but no right to query. It seems that there is really a temple of Fu in the game.

Fushen Temple is an evil cultivator organization in the realm of comprehension, but it has always been mysterious, especially after Jiuchongtian merged into one realm, this organization seems to have disappeared, and Dugu Zhuo has not heard of them in the past ten years.

After coming out of the painting before, Dugu Zhuo took advantage of Ye Zhou's offline time to go to Tanye Temple to find Master Tan Ji late at night, which really made him bring Master Tan Ji back to this world.

Dugu Zhuo asked about Fushen Temple. Master Tan Ji said that since the collapse of the Tianzhu, he has been traveling in the world to cultivate merits. He has not paid attention to the world of cultivation. He does not know if there is any new trend in Fushen Temple. He decided to help Dugu Zhuo find out the news .

After entering the painting, the name of this organization also appeared in the copy of Yaoling Huya. Dugu Zhuo wanted to check it out, but he didn't expect that the level was not enough.

He put this matter aside for the time being, and flew to Jiuchuan City with Ye Jian, who could not use real yuan. Ye Jian came to Lingzhi Garden and excitedly mowed cat grass. After a look, Dugu Zhuo and Ye Zhou were motionless, watching him quietly.

"What are you looking at?" Ye Jian said angrily, "Work!"

With a light tap of Dugu Zhuo's finger, his sword flew out and cut grass automatically in the farmland, fast and well.

Ye Zhou also looked at Ye Jian sympathetically, released the flying sword, controlled it with spiritual formulas, and mowed the grass automatically.

Ye Jian: "..."

For the convenience of working, he rolled up his clothes, tied up his sleeves, and tied a floral headscarf on his head, which looked ugly and ugly.

He took off his turban, threw it in the grass and said, "You guys can cut grass with flying swords, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Dugu Zhuo said with a slight smile: "Seeing how active you are, I thought you liked this kind of gameplay, and specially left you time to play."

Ye Zhou: "... I also think you are quite active..."

Ye Zhou is not as dark-hearted as Dugu Zhuo, he is thin-skinned and can't make up after a few words.

When Ye Jian rushed into the cat grass, Dugu Zhuo sent a private message to Ye Zhou: "The scenery here is nice, why don't you let Brother Yuan Hang do the work first, and you and I take a stroll?"

Ye Zhou admitted that he was bewitched by Dugu Zhuo's tone and smile at the time, and felt that his cousin was in the way in the teahouse just now, so he went around quietly with Dugu Zhuo, and when his cousin found out, he pretended nothing happened and helped cut grass.

With the help of two flying swords, the amount of cat grass was quickly enough, and the steward of Lingzhi Garden took 10 low-grade spirit stones symbolically, which was only 1 yuan in real currency.

Dugu Zhuo stuffed the cat's grass into the magical storage vessel and sent it to the tiger group in Xishan.

Most of these tigers have not developed their spiritual intelligence, and occasionally one or two have demonic energy, their skill is not high, and they have not yet enlightened their intelligence.

Dugu Zhuo had the smell of a white tiger on his body. These tigers were captured by the power of the tiger demon in the Nascent Soul Stage. They all lay on the ground and did not dare to move. Dugu Zhuo threw the cat grass on the mountain and drove the tigers to eat with his true energy. The little tiger ordered ate the cat grass for the first time, and the other side of Ye Jian received a reminder that the task was completed.

The three returned to Tingyu Tower and found the answer in the jade slips. Huxiao Mountain belonged to Beining City, and the answer kindly gave them a map to guide them to the Yamen.

When the three of them came to the Yamen, the prefect of Beining City heard that they were going to buy Huxiao Mountain, so he immediately ordered the clerk to prepare a contract, and offered a high price of 20 million taels of silver.

"Twenty million?" Dugu Zhuo, who has always been indifferent, was also shocked by the price, "How could it be so expensive? The system clearly said that only ten million is enough."

The magistrate of Beining City said: "Huxiao Mountain covers a large area, so it is naturally more expensive. And 10 million is the price of buying land but you need to pay output tax every year in the future. 20 million belongs to you completely, and you don't have to pay any more taxes. Which do you choose?"

From this point of view, 20 million is naturally better, but do they have that much money

Dugu Zhuo and Ye Zhou could only look at Ye Jian with expectant eyes.

Ye Jian immediately straightened his back, coughed lightly, put on an elite face and said, "One Zhuyan Pill can be sold for tens of thousands of taels of silver, how many pieces have you refined? Especially after the map of Beining City was released, I was in There are also shops here, how much money do you think we will have?"

Dugu Zhuo didn't remember that he didn't have enough pills for refining. Anyway, in the words of the old monk of Tanye Temple, "one after another", he would go to refine pills every night these days, and the shipment rate was very high. .

"I don't know, please advise Brother Yuanhang." Dugu Zhuo said modestly.

Ye Jian rolled his eyes, this is a light bulb, brother Yuanhang, right

"There are more than 30 million taels of silver in the account. There is no problem in buying this piece." Ye Jian said proudly.

He directly took out the bank note, paid the money with the magistrate and signed the land deed with the prefect. After going through the formalities with the paperwork, he paid another 10,000 Lingshi as a handling fee. Finally, Huxiao Mountain completely belonged to them.