Cultivating in Online Games

Chapter 89: Back mountain seal


As early as after the incident of entering the painting, Dugu Zhuo had a feeling that there seemed to be some kind of connection between the cultivation world and the game world, and they would communicate with each other from time to time.

And this intercommunication is centered on Dugu Zhuo who bears the dual swords of creation.

From the fact that he was able to bring Master Tanji to the NPCs in this world in the form of dreams, to the evil cultivators of Fushen Temple who tried to summon him with secret methods, and to the fact that his newly established sect behind the mountain can lead directly to the world of self-cultivation. The connection seems to be deepening little by little.

I just don't know why this deepening.

There are two reasons that Dugu Zhuo can think of. One is that he does not belong to the game world. The longer he stays, the fusion of the two worlds will become more and more serious; the other is that as his level continues to improve , the wider the scope of integration can be brought.

At the beginning, when the 10th level is less than, you can only bring Master Tanji alone; after the foundation building stage, you can bring your teammates to the world of cultivation in the form of paintings;

Of course, the above is just Dugu Zhuo's own guess, which has not been confirmed and can be verified slowly in the future.

Dugu Zhuo suppressed the shock and panic in his heart, he left the entrance of the cave, took a few steps outside, and suddenly found that he was actually in the formation of the sect, the outermost part of the back mountain was the third formation of the sect, which could cover up the existence of the sect and Possesses certain defensive strength.

He came to an earth vein node where spirit stones were buried, probed into a trace of true energy, and found that there were hundreds of low-grade spirit stones underneath, which were buried under the ground of the sect.

Could it be that the one who followed him into this world was not himself, but the entire sect

Dugu Zhuo glanced at the formation, the formation cannot see the inside from the outside, but the outside can be seen from the inside.

At this moment, the outside of the mountain is no longer the wilderness behind Huxiao Mountain, but a meandering river. There are fishermen fishing on the lake from time to time, and they seem to be ordinary people.

Dugu Zhuo carefully identified the river, and then remembered that it was a river hundreds of miles away from the Canglan Mountains.

He has searched for Ye Zhou's soul in the cultivation world for more than ten years, and he is very familiar with the terrain of the mortal world.

Dugu Zhuo was in a daze for a while, he didn't know whether it was the cave that brought him back to the cultivation world or because he brought the whole sect here after he entered the cave.

Dugu Zhuo suddenly remembered that Baihu was also on the mountain, and wondered if he came along with him.

He flew with his sword to the mountain peak in front, the so-called not being able to fly within the sect was only for the junior disciples, it would be ridiculous if he, the person who set up the formation, was also restricted.

The white tiger should sleep on the mountain that belongs to the mountain guardian animal. Although it has transformed, this big cat still retains some habits of its original shape. It spends 70% of its time sleeping, either turning back to its original shape and rolling over and over on the mountain to sleep, or Dugu Zhuo was very disdainful for shrinking and hooking Ye Zhou's clothes with his claws to sleep in his sleeves.

All the way to the Huxiao Peak where the white tiger is, I searched around the place where the tiger might be sleeping, but I didn't find the tiger.

Dugu Zhuo was cautious, he went to other mountain peaks to search again, but there was still no tiger, it seems that only the mountain gate and himself followed into this world.

Dugu Zhuo came to the main peak again, the steps he cut during the day were still on the main peak, but the building materials that Ye Jian spent money to buy and threw on the main peak square did not follow.

In other words, only the mountain itself came to the cultivation world with Dugu Zhuo, and the rest of the game did not follow.

If you want to talk about the difference between the two, the mountain is the basic model of the game, it will not be destroyed and it is unlikely to be refreshed, and it is a fixed item. Building materials and other materials, like weapons and elixir, are copied and pasted, and you can buy them again if you lose them.

As for Baihu, Baihu has the name of a dungeon boss, different players can open a dungeon at the same time, the Baihu before reuniting with Dugu Zhuo is just a dungeon boss that can be copied and pasted.

Players are different, Qingyue and others were able to come here through painting before.

Dugu Zhuo heard from Ye Zhou that the biggest feature of "Nine Heavens" is that when creating an account, the game will scan the player's facial features and randomly generate a character image that is very close to the player's image. Of course, everything in the world is unpredictable, approaching and approaching There are also different presentations. The same player scans two accounts at different times, and their appearances are different, but they are very similar to themselves.

Therefore, the player's game character is unique, and it is also an existence that cannot be refreshed again after the account is canceled.

Dugu Zhuo looked at the items in the storage belt again, and those reproducible materials followed. The items in the package are equivalent to the companion items of the player, and can also be sent together.

According to this guess, Baihu couldn't return to the world of comprehension when he was alone, but if he was with Ye Zhou, he could come here as a spirit contract summoned beast.

Dugu Zhuo walked around the mountain, confirmed his guess and returned to the back mountain.

He has been in this world for more than an hour, but the entrance of the cave has not changed, and it seems that it will not disappear with the passage of time.

Dugu Zhuo wanted to leave the mountain protection formation to go outside, but was worried that once he left the formation, the mountain gate would disappear, and he and Ye Zhou would be separated into two worlds again.

Out of such worries, Dugu Zhuo did not leave the mountain gate, but returned to the entrance of the cave.

At the beginning, Qingyue entered the painting by mistake, and Aotian Black Cat and others followed in a series. Dugu Zhuo was very worried, worried that they would be killed in the world of comprehension. However, when several thirtieth-level players violently beat up that Jindanqi evil cultivator, the black cat could be resurrected with the skills of the Ganoderma lucidum doll after death, which made Dugu Zhuo fall into deep doubts.

If someone from the realm of comprehension accidentally came to this world from a cave, even if he was a Mahayana cultivator, Dugu Zhuo was not sure what benefits he could gain in the game.

Kill the player, the player can be revived.

Kill npc, npc can refresh.

If you want to do some crooked things, the game has a harmony mechanism and it will turn into a pile of mosaics.

It was too noisy, and was reported by the players. The game administrator used the strongest game account to clean up the cheats. It is said that the administrator account can be used in seconds, with infinite attack power and infinite defense power, allowing everyone to control Skill invalidation, who knows who wins and who loses

Players can be resurrected after death, and what they lose is experience and some randomly dropped items. Cultivators... Will they be resurrected after death

Dugu Zhuo couldn't be sure, he hadn't died so far, and he didn't dare to die.

When the two worlds merge, it is doubtful whether it will be the gamers or the people in the cultivation world who will suffer.

After thinking deeply, Dugu Zhuo felt that from the current point of view, this was not a big problem.

But after all, there are two worlds, and it is better not to communicate with each other if they can not communicate with each other.

Dugu Zhuo walked into the cave, and set up a formation at the entrance to seal the cave. Even if someone breaks the formation, he can feel it immediately.

After confirming that the entrance of the cave has been sealed, Dugu Zhuo walked all the way, passed through three turns in the cave, and returned to the entrance of the cave again. It turned out to be Heitian when he walked out, and he should have returned to the game world.

The cave formation that was sealed just now disappeared, and I don't know if it was because of the two worlds, the world over there was sealed once, and the world here was sealed again.

Dugu Zhuo sealed the cave in accordance with the law, and repeatedly confirmed that no one could enter the cave before turning around and leaving the back mountain.

After walking for a while, Dugu Zhuo felt that something was wrong again. He looked through the storage at his waist and saw that there were thousands of low-grade spirit stones. He simply took out these spirit stones, buried them around the back mountain, and laid a Absolutely no entry, no exit from the inside.

In this way, you can probably rest assured.

Dugu Zhuo thought for a while, then he simply cut off a 100-meter-high mountain wall to make a stele, and carved a warning on it with a sword, "Forbidden area in the back mountain, no entry". After recording, I found the correct simplified form of these characters, and wrote these eight big characters in a beautiful block letter.

The words are very large, as long as the disciples are within a hundred meters of the back mountain, they will be able to see this eye-catching stone tablet, and they must be able to leave after seeing this warning.

Dugu Zhuo looked at the back mountain and sighed, probably every sect has a forbidden area in the back mountain.

After finishing all this work, Dugu Zhuo flew to the main peak to take a look for peace of mind. The building materials they spent a lot of money on were still there. Many materials here cannot be purchased with spirit stones, only silver taels.

After buying the land deed of the mountain gate, there are only tens of millions of taels of silver left in the account. This game is also very inflationary. Everything in Jiuchuan City costs tens of thousands of taels of silver, but the materials for the main peak building cost eight million Two, there are only half of the building materials for Dugu Zhuo and Ye Zhou's mountain peaks, and the remaining statues of the white tiger, the residences of the disciples, and the rockery landscape that Ye Jian wanted are all missing.

The building materials for the main peak are too valuable, so don't throw them away.

After checking the main peak, Dugu Zhuo came to Huxiao Peak to look for the white tiger. As soon as he arrived on the mountain, he saw a ten-meter-long white tiger sleeping under the moonlight. The moonlight cast a faint silver light on the white tiger. This is the white tiger. I also use the moon worship formula to practice while sleeping.

Very good, the building materials and the white tiger are here, Dugu Zhuo nodded secretly.

The white tiger slept soundly, but the vigilance of the wildness was still there. Dugu Zhuo noticed it as soon as he set foot on the Tiger Roaring Peak.

Bai Hu opened one eye, and snored somewhat displeased, as if angry at Dugu Zhuo for disturbing his sleep.

Dugu Zhuo still wanted to check with Baihu, he walked over and asked, "Did any changes happen in the sect in the past hour?"

The white tiger lazily stretched its two front paws, turned over and said, "If there is any change, the game update will not be up to the tiger."

Dugu Zhuo was a little relieved, the white tiger was a beast protecting the mountain, and he could feel even the slightest change in the sect.

"By the way, where did you go just now?" Baihu suddenly said, "I feel that your aura has disappeared in the back mountain for about an hour. Have you left the sect from the back mountain? You are going to buy me the spirit jade of the statue ?"

Just now he was not in the sect, but Baihu was in the sect, so how does this mountain gate connect the two worlds? Is there one on this side and another on that side, or is there a mountain gate on both sides, but he in the cultivation world can't see the white tiger, and the white tiger in the game world can't detect his existence

There are too many questions, and Dugu Zhuo can't get the answer for the time being, so he can only keep it in his heart and wait for the answer in the future.

As for the white tiger...

Dugu Zhuo said perfunctorily: "Currently we can't find a whole piece of Lingyu that is big enough, and you don't want to make sculptures with small pieces of Lingyu glued together. We can only wait. When we meet, we will Buy it for you."

"It's done!" Bai Hu got Dugu Zhuo's promise, and fell asleep in peace.