Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 10: A road bumper episode


Shuhang thought about it for a long time before, and felt that he had heard the name of Luoxin Street, but he couldn't remember it. It turned out to be here, a famous foodie paradise!

That's not right, isn't the Luoxin block that Soft Feather said in the group in J City? This is Jiangnan District.

Did Soft Feather remember the wrong location

Or maybe there is a Luoxin block in both J City and Gangnam District

This is also normal, as city and county names rarely repeat.

But there are too many repetitions of town names, neighborhoods, and villages. Soft Feather must be going to the one in J City, and she probably won't come to Jiangnan District.

Because he came out to relax, Shuhang stopped thinking about it.

He eats while he walks, and walks while he eats.

I don't know how long I have been shopping, and after I felt a little tired, I bought two more crispy chicken rolls, sat down on the seat for people to rest on the edge of the block, and rested.

Opposite the resting place is a large square in Luoxin District, where people come and go and are very lively.

The weather has just turned warm, but it can no longer stop women's beauty-loving nature.

There were dazzling camisoles, crop tops, miniskirts, and low-rise hot pants, high heels, and pointed-toe sandals. The charming jade neck with high chest and sturdy waist adds thousands of styles and charms to the square in Luoxin District.

As long as you sit in the rest area, you can see countless slender thighs shining brightly.

The rest area that Song Shuhang chose at random was a good place to watch beauties—there were three buddies beside him, and the long legs of the serious beauties were scored.

"Did you see that red skirt in the lower corner of the big electronic screen on the left, say 80 points less for that figure and that leg." The fat man wearing thick glasses pointed at the figure in the red skirt.

"Ah Xu, you need to practice your vision. 73 points can't be more. Her legs are very long, but they are a little too thin. And the proportion of the calf is slightly shorter, which affects the overall appearance." A very handsome and sunny man posing as an expert.

"Really?" The bespectacled fat man scratched his head, and upon closer inspection, it was exactly what the sunny man said. But if you don't look closely you can't see it.

"I think I can score more than 77 points. After all, such beautiful legs are extremely rare in reality. I can't take the online thigh stars or leg models as the standard." The last short-haired man leaned back on the chair and said lazily.

Song Shuhang listened and involuntarily looked in the direction that the fat man with glasses was pointing. There, a woman in a red tight-fitting hip-packed dress was walking briskly, with crystal sandals on her slender feet.

Women who dare to wear such tight-fitting hip skirts are basically the ones who are confident in their figure.

Shuhang didn't have a leg fetish, but he still had to admit that the woman in the red dress was indeed beautiful. Her thighs were slender and tender, and the owner of the legs obviously took great care of them.

It is said that when men look at women, small men look at their faces, and when they grow older, they look at their breasts, and only mature men look at their legs.

Shuhang felt that he was definitely not a mature man because he didn't feel much about his legs. Even if he saw the white thighs all over the street, he didn't have any impulsiveness, and he wouldn't give a rating like the three buddies next to him.

Song Shuhang couldn't understand the roommates who said they wanted to kneel and lick the long legs of neighboring stars.

Well, men have their own legs. A woman's legs are just white and tender, nothing special, right

This was what he was thinking. If the three buddies on the side knew about it, they would definitely give him a slap in the face.

"Look, one hundred, one hundred!" Suddenly, the fat man with glasses said excitedly, his voice involuntarily amplifying a little.

"Where?" The Sunshine Man asked. Although the eyesight of the fat man with glasses was not very good, he was considered a man with vision. One hundred points is not something that can be played at will.

The lazy short-haired men sat up curiously and looked in the direction Fatty was looking.

Still under the large led screen, a slender and pretty figure turned from the corner. She dragged the huge box, but she didn't seem to struggle at all.

His long black hair reaches his waist, like a waterfall scattered behind him, fluttering in the wind.

She is tall and slender, even if she only wears sneakers, it is still obvious that her legs are longer than those of the people around her. When she took one step, she was two or three steps away from ordinary people.

This is simply a natural movie heroine template. Even if you stand in the crowd and do nothing, there will be a feeling of standing out from the crowd. Born to be the center of attention of the masses.

The black-haired beauty walked quickly, and in a few steps she met the woman in the red dress who was commented on by the three buddies. All perfect things may not be too dazzling when they are alone. But once there is a comparison, it will be a hundred times more dazzling.

At this moment, the woman in the red dress became the foil. When the black-haired woman passed by her, the two pairs of beautiful legs were in stark contrast, and the judgment was made. The contrast increases the beauty, and the legs of the black-haired woman are more and more dazzling.

"Axu, I don't have to say it. This is absolutely a hundred percent." The sunshine man immediately stood up, patted his clothes, and then stretched out his hand to stroke his hairstyle.

"What are you doing?" the short-haired man asked.

"An appointment! Such a perfect woman is rare to meet again in a lifetime. So no matter if you are successful or not, you have to go up for an appointment no matter what, or you will regret it for the rest of your life." The sunshine man grinned, two rows of big white teeth in Glittering in the sun. He does have the talent to attract girls, and has the foundation of a winner in life - sunny and handsome.

If he does not succeed, he will not lose; if he does succeed, he will make a lot of money! Why not do something so beneficial and harmless

A real man, at this time, don't be ashamed and go up bravely!

Afterwards, the handsome sunny guy squeezed into the crowd and squeezed in the direction of the black long and straight beauty.

Then, less than two minutes. The handsome sunshine guy came back dejected.

"Failed? So fast?" The bespectacled fat man asked suspiciously - although he knew that more than 90% of his companions would fail, how can he say that his companions are a little handsome, and can speak well, so quickly failed? With his strength, even if the gun appointment fails, it's okay to have more chats with beautiful women, right

"I don't have a chance to make an appointment. That beautiful woman has long legs and she walks so fast. She can push me several steps with one step. I trot all the way, but I can't catch up at all." Sunshine handsome boy burst into tears.

"..." The short-haired man was speechless.

"Hey!" Song Shuhang, who was on the side, almost got hurt from laughing, these three buddies are so funny.

But having said that, the legs of the black-haired beauty just now were really dazzling.

In today's era, the Internet is developed. All kinds of beauties emerge in an endless stream, and people already have aesthetic fatigue for 'beauties'.

But real gold is not afraid of fire, and a truly distinctive beauty will always attract people's eyes.

For example, the black-haired beauty just now, is the type that will be firmly remembered after a glance, and I am afraid that it will not be forgotten in a short time.

The chance encounter with beautiful women is just a small episode of shopping and pressing the road.

After resting for some time, Song Shuhang continued to get up and stroll around.

"Let's buy some snacks to take back later." He secretly thought, his roommates took care of him when he had a cold not long ago, so since he was visiting the foodie paradise, he had to go back without a treat.

I don't know what they like to eat, so let's take some of the delicious food back.