Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 100: Weird dream


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Shuhang said goodbye to the pharmacist and returned to the university town.

On the way, I received a text message from Yang De, saying that the results of the 5,000-meter race in the Games had come out, and Shuhang won the championship without a doubt. Because of the absence of others, Gao Moumou was very excited to take the award instead of Shuhang. By the way, I asked him if he came back from the pharmacy and if he wanted to have dinner with everyone.

"Speaking of which, after the end of the sports meeting, I still owe Yang De a meal of ten spice fish heads. Thanks to his information this trip, otherwise the altar master might have escaped." Song Shuhang thought to himself.

"Besides, it's time to sign up to learn a car. Also... Do I need to open a chat software membership so that the game farm will level up faster?"

He hadn't played the old game Game Farm for a long time, and now he just went to watch it every time he was in the mood to use the chat software. If you are not in the mood, just leave it there and let it fend for itself.

But now... so many seniors in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group are playing this game, Song Shuhang has to think about resuming this game. Maybe one day, which senior in the group is stealing in his own home, and he will give himself some unexpected benefits when he is in a good mood

Although this possibility is not high, it is not impossible. It's a game farm anyway, and it doesn't take much time to invest! If you can get some benefits, it will be big.

"There are a lot of things to do." Shuhang opened the text message reply interface and replied to Yang Detiao's text message: "I have replied, where are you, I will be there soon!"

Then, he trotted all the way back to the university town location.

After eating with roommates, the four of them had no other programs today, so they only went back to the dormitory to play games.

There are too many things that happened today. It was running at the morning sports meeting again, and it was a long journey to find the altar master. Then, he took the altar master's head along the way, and was dragged by Zhao Yaya to the hospital for a medical examination. Later, he encountered miscellaneous things.

So even if he got the Qi and Blood Pill, Song Shuhang didn't have the energy to try. After playing a few games with his roommate, he climbed into bed early and went to bed.

He was indeed a little tired.

Before going to bed, Shuhang gathered the last of his energy, propped up the method of mental vigilance, and kept himself in a state of extreme sensitivity.

Soon... he fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Shuhang slept soundly.

In the second half of the night, he had an interesting dream.

In the dream, Song Shuhang returned to ancient China... I don't know what time it was. He could only tell from the costumes and various buildings of the people on the side that it was ancient.

Then, his identity is the son of the owner of the coffin shop. Maybe he was faced with coffins all day, but he always had a dead expression on his face when he was young in the dream.

What kind of weird dream is this? Shuhang secretly complained in his heart. It is said that I think every day and have dreams at night, but I have never thought about these things during the day, right

In the dream, the time passed year by year, when he was five or six years old, one day, a Taoist priest with immortal style passed by this small village.

And he lived up to expectations, and was easily abducted by the Taoist priest to become his apprentice. I don't know what kind of heartache his father who sells coffins will have

After cultivating with the old Taoist for several years, he realized that his teacher was a loose cultivator. He accidentally got a part of the Taoist lineage called 'Ghost Exorcist', and he has been practicing diligently to this day. But the Dao lineage is incomplete and incomplete, and at most he can only barely step into the second-rank realm.

Another few years passed... The old Taoist priest was cut down.

Because they were 'evil cultivators', they often made some grudges, so they were cut down, and even the body was not found.

In the dream, he had to be self-reliant.

The death of the old Taoist moved him a lot, and he began to become more cautious. The higher his strength, the less courageous he became.

The rest of his life experience is roughly the type of protagonist of evil novels. In order to go a step further in the realm, he tried his best to cultivate all kinds of evil spirits and evil spirits, and searched for a paradise for cultivating ghosts.

His biggest goal is to find a spirit ghost, and use the special power of the spirit ghost to take his realm to a higher level!

During this period, in order to cultivate the consumption of ghosts, he has done everything. For example, now, he works as a ghost exorcist, and also works part-time as a tyrant of the killer organization.

Then one day, when he was hunting for treasure, he accidentally discovered a blessed place that is very suitable for cultivating ghosts - a place called Ghost Lamp Temple. More importantly, there was a ghost in the Ghost Lamp Temple, and he was ecstatic!

[This is not a dream? ] Song Shuhang immediately came to his senses, and he understood the moment he appeared from the Ghost Lamp Temple. Could it be that this is the memory of the altar master

Ghost Lamp Temple, Luoxin Street! Is the ghost repair 'he' in the dream the altar master? Why would Mao himself dream of the altar master? Song Shuhang was puzzled.

The dream continued, and the 'he' in the dream was extremely disappointed after inspecting the Ghost Temple once.

Because 'he' came a step late, the Ghost Lamp Temple had already been bought, and a seal formation was set up. At first glance, the seal was placed by an expert, and 'he' did not dare to destroy it, for fear that he would accidentally arouse the expert and be executed in revenge.

But with such a blessed place for raising ghosts and ghosts in front of him, how could he not be moved

Ghost, this is a ghost!

You can't break the formation yourself, but you can use the hands of others to find someone to break the formation for the dead ghost. Although the formation method that traps the ghost is exquisite, as long as you find the formation eye, you can break it!

And to break the formation with the help of someone else, even if the expert does appear after the event, he will only spread his anger on the ghost!

So, 'he' turned into a feng shui physicist, and tried every means to guide the original owner of the Ghost Deng Temple, Huang Dagen, and encouraged him to tear down the Ghost Temple and build it into a cemetery.

Huang Dagen had such thoughts from the very beginning, and when someone encouraged him, he was even more excited. The two hit it off, and the next year, Huang Dagen pushed the Ghost Temple and built a large cemetery for himself.

The Ghost Temple was destroyed and the cemetery was built.

Under the guidance of the fake Feng Shui physicist 'He', Huang Dagen personally carried his tombstone to the cemetery and placed it in a designated 'Feng Shui Treasure Land' - that is, the eye that 'He' had been searching for in his dream.

As soon as the tombstone was erected, the first layer of the sealing formation set up by the mysterious expert was immediately destroyed. The spirit ghost in the Ghost Lamp Temple roared and rushed out, draining Huang Dagen's blood.

Huang Dagen, who was drained of blood, did not die on the spot, but felt a little weak. He came home seriously ill and died seven days later.

And the ghost did not leave after sucking Huang Dagen, but returned to the original position.

This made 'he' extremely happy. Although 'he' had placed a layer of sealing spirit formation around the Guideng Temple, the materials for arranging the spirit formation were very expensive and could be saved if possible. The impact of the enchantment formation will cause loss of materials, and the spirit ghost did not impact the enchantment, which saved him a lot of materials.

After the formation set up by the master was broken, 'he' was not in a hurry to subdue the ghost.

As soon as he came, he was worried that the expert might come right away.

Second, the spirit ghost is not yet mature and needs to be cultivated in the blessed land for a while.

What happened next, everyone in Luoxin Street knew. Huang Dagen's family cried all the way to bury Huang Dagen's body into the grave.

This behavior angered the ghost again!

The spirit ghost took advantage of Huang Dagen's family to cry to the grave, went out for a walk, and sucked most of their blood. After Huang Dagen's family returned, they began to fall ill.

A year later, the whole family was buried in this tomb.

Perhaps, after sucking so much qi and blood, the spirit ghost was temporarily full. The person behind the funeral for Huang Dagen's family escaped.

In the next few years, the 'he' in the dream lived in Luoxin Street, guarding the tomb of Huang Dagen, and observing the growth of the ghost every day.

When dreaming here, Song Shuhang was very puzzled. Since the formation was broken, why did the altar master not take away the ghost when the ghost finally matured

Then, what happened