Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 105: The ultimate martial arts


Joseph clasped his fists in prayer: Thank God, he finally got his wish.

Thirty years ago, when he was young, he liked to watch martial arts movies. After that, I prayed day and night, hoping that the old man of God would give him a chance, let him experience the real Chinese Kung Fu, the kind that walks on the snow without a trace, and shoots out with a palm with a golden dragon flying! Open your eyes well.

That one request has been asking for more than ten years!

That was a real desire for ten years. Every night, I dreamed that I fell into a cliff to obtain magical power, or went into the mountains to meet a gray-haired old man to teach a hundred years of power, and other similar strange dreams.

It's a pity that the old man of God is very busy, and he has been ignoring his small wish.

Now, after twenty years, his daughter has grown into a beautiful girl. He almost forgot his wish, but at this time, God finally remembered the wish he had been trying for ten years!

Joseph did not disturb Song Shuhang, because it was described in the martial arts film that it was very impolite to disturb people to practice.

Therefore, he sat silently on the side and watched Song Shuhang play a complete set of boxing techniques.

In fact, when the foreigner stepped into this abandoned classroom, Shuhang had already discovered him.

However, at this time his "King Kong Basic Fist Technique" has reached the end stage. If he stops, this trip will be in vain, and the efficacy of Qi and Blood Pill will be wasted.

Anyway, you don't have to worry about your boxing skills being stolen, as long as the other party doesn't take out their mobile phone to take pictures or something, just bear with it.

From noon to the present, he has taken the second Qi and Blood Pill, and practiced the "Vajra Basic Boxing Technique" for the seventh time today, and the effect is remarkable.

Well, the interval between using Qi and Blood Pill to practice cultivation is longer than he expected...

After playing the last two moves, he sat down and ran the "True Self Meditation Sutra".

—I didn’t expect that I would hide in this remote abandoned teaching building and still be found. It seems that the next time I have to practice in another place.

After sending the qi and blood value into the heart aperture, this practice was completed, and Shuhang slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that the tall foreigner was squatting not far in front of him with a look of flattery. Shuhang felt that his fist was about to move, and he really wanted to punch him!

"Da Shi, your practice is over?" The foreigner greeted him in very awkward Chinese.

Song Shuhang's mouth twitched and he waved: "Hello."

"Da Shi, I can learn chine color_pants ng_fu from you! Chinese ~ Guo ~ Gong ~ Fu ~?" Chinese Kung Fu, this is his dream since childhood, use the nunchucks... Fly over the eaves!

"..." Song Shuhang rubbed his temples, he was a rookie himself, how could he have the ability to teach others? Moreover, the copyright of the "King Kong Basic Fist" he practiced is not his own, and he can't even teach his own father, so how can he teach a foreigner

He casually made an excuse: "Sorry... My kung fu is not rumored."

"I, I can ~ apprentice! If it doesn't work~ it's no problem to enter your family tree! I understand the rules of China, a little bit!"

You want to join my family tree, but I don't want to! Song Shuhang sighed: "Sorry, I am not qualified to accept apprentices."

"You can accept me as a 'named disciple'. Then~ teach me first, one trick and a half! How?" The foreigner persevered.

"No, I don't even have the qualifications to be a named disciple!" Song Shuhang refused.

However, the foreigner still did not give up.

Chinese kung fu, the real Chinese kung fu, when the fist hits the air, the air will make a sound like an explosion!

How can I give up, my childhood dream of Chinese martial arts!

This is an older foreign youth who is deeply poisoned by Chinese martial arts films.

He exerted his skill of entanglement to the extreme, even if he could learn a single scale and half a claw from this little master today! He must learn something, or he will regret it for the rest of his life!

Shuhang never expected that he would finally accept this 'name disciple' named Joseph * Guy * Maupassant.

On this day, Song Shuhang finally felt the terror of 'stalking and stalking'. If the other party is a beautiful girl, that's all, but he is still a middle-aged uncle, and he is not beautiful at all.

In the end, Song Shuhang seriously taught Joseph a set of martial arts skills - "The Time is Calling".

This name may be unfamiliar to many people, and it has another name.

Many, many years ago, middle school students in Huaxia called it the second set of radio gymnastics...

In the early morning of school every day, when the sound of the radio sounded, the middle and primary school students had to come out of the classroom no matter the winter or heat, to the playground to walk in place, line up, and then start the operation according to the broadcast number.

Not to mention, this radio gymnastics really has a taste of martial arts.

"One two three four five six seven eight, two two three four five six seven eight... four two three four five six seven eight! Very good, do it again! Follow the beat, the rhythm must be right, and the posture must be standard! One two three Four, five, six, seven, eight..." Song Shuhang shouted the beat, while using a standard posture to display the full set of "The Time is Calling"!

Joseph is like a treasure... I learned the standard from beginning to end with Song Shuhang.

He has a good understanding, and after studying it twice, he has done a good job!

"This set of unique skills is a set of basic methods. You can go back to practice day and night. When you feel that you can cultivate and feel a warm airflow in your body, you are considered entry!" Song Shuhang said seriously to the disciple. 'road.

Broadcasting gymnastics is more beneficial, and martial arts masters should not think about it. It is no problem to keep your body healthy.

"It's the teacher! I must find time to do it 30 times a day!" Joseph said loudly with bright eyes.

Three... Thirty times? What a tough guy.

"Cough cough!" Song Shuhang couldn't help clearing his throat, and patted the 'disciple' on the shoulder: "Come on, practice, and look after you for the master!"

Then, he crossed his back and left the abandoned teaching building swaggeringly—a grand master full of demeanor!

Joseph nodded desperately behind him, his eyes full of excitement.

One day, will I be able to punch out like Master, and the air will crackle

Really, looking forward to it!

"Oh hoo hoo, I feel like I'm full of energy. Then do it again! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!" Imagine the day when you will become a peerless master!

The future is bright!

It's a pity... He is lying on the glass and can see a bright future, but there is no way out.


After Song Shuhang left the abandoned classroom, he secretly wiped his sweat: "I've seen people who entangle people, but I've never seen people who can entangle people like this. Fortunately, I was very serious about radio gymnastics when I was a child, otherwise I would have nothing to teach."

"Hey... Little Shuhang, I didn't expect you to be a bad guy sometimes." At this time, Jiang Ziyan quietly appeared beside Song Shuhang and smiled wickedly.

"Miss Ziyan, why are you here?" Song Shuhang found that his mental power was in a state of 'vigilance', but he still couldn't feel Jiang Ziyan approaching.

Seniors, everyone is unfathomable.

"Hee hee, I'm just here to give you something for the pharmacist. The pharmacist went out temporarily for some important business, and it is estimated that it will take a few days to come back, so you can rest for a few days." Jiang Ziyan took out an iron fracture fan, Hand it to Song Shuhang.

"What is this?" Song Shuhang took the iron fan, good guy, Shen!

"The fire control weapon, didn't the pharmacist say that he would give you one so that you can familiarize yourself with it?" Jiang Ziyan raised her eyebrows and smiled.