Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 107: Horrible ghost call


Daoist Xuanxuan's female disciple has lost too much memory now, and the whole person seems to be a little cute and cute... Although she is very cute at first.

"That mysterious island is really weird and unpredictable. The two fellow Taoists are a little bit quiet, and when my disciple brings some magic weapons and instruments, I will give them a good test." The pharmacist could only comfort the other.

Now, just hope that the amnesia of the mysterious island will not bring other effects to the monk.

The Daoist Xuanxuan and Daoist Kunyi in front of them are both monks at the level of the fifth-grade spirit emperor, condensing the existence of Jindan. In some ancient sects, this realm is called 'Jindan real person', and the first real Jindan real person is a real elder-level figure in the sect!

It is not an easy task to erase the memories of the two fifth-grade spirit emperors without anyone noticing.

Is the ubiquitous large-scale illusion on the mysterious island affecting the memories of the two fellow Taoists? Or was the memory area of the brain damaged directly by the monsters on the mysterious island

The problem of amnesia is very difficult to deal with, especially the amnesia of the cultivator, and even the pharmacist is not fully sure to restore the memory of these fellow daoists.

And... if it's just an accident that leads to amnesia, that's fine; I'm afraid that when these two daoists were on the mysterious island, would they have seen something they shouldn't have seen, and then been manipulated by the powerful existence on the island , sealed the memory. In that case, it will be very difficult to restore the memory.

The pharmacist can only do his best now.


Jiangnan University Town Canteen.

Li Yangde put the rice in his mouth weakly. The 100-meter race in the morning caused his physical energy and mental energy to consume excessively at the same time. Now he has not recovered. Especially mental energy, it consumes a lot of drama!

While eating, Tubo was desperately manipulating his mobile phone, not knowing what game he was playing.

As for Gao Moumou, after being pulled away by Zhuge Zhongyang, he has not come back till now. I heard that he wanted to help Zhuge Zhongyang find a room to live in first, and then plan how to make an appointment with Zhuge Zhongyang's several 'candidates for final marriage' one by one. As for the plan, it is certain that Gao Moumou will be caught up in the big trouble of Zhuge Zhongyang in the next few days, and he will not be able to escape.

"By the way, Tubo and Yangde, do you want to learn a driver's license with me?" Song Shuhang asked casually.

It's boring to learn to drive alone... Especially when you get into the car to learn later, the coach is more than one student.

If four or five people take turns learning to drive, one person will learn to drive for an hour in the afternoon. For the remaining three or four hours, if you don't find someone to chat with, you can only be in a daze.

"I don't care. I'll find some time to study when I graduate soon. I've been very busy recently." Li Yangde asked for glasses. Last time, the small program he developed with others was very well received in the industry, which caused his business to become hot recently. stand up.

"Shuhang, are you ready to learn to drive?" Tu Bo asked.

"Well, the theoretical knowledge is almost mastered, so I'm going to sign up in the next few days." Song Shuhang replied.

"Success! Call me when you go to school, and I'll accompany you. Anyway, I've been idle lately." Tubo laughed—he learned to drive easily.

Because of the car thing, he would have driven it two years ago. If it wasn't for his age, he would have gotten his driver's license long ago.

"Then tomorrow, the last day of tomorrow's sports meeting. We don't have any competition events. Let's go and sign up, and then take the time to pass the theory test of the subject first." Song Shuhang said after setting the time.

I don't know when Bai Zhenjun will leave the customs. He will get his driver's license as soon as possible so that he can be prepared. Qi and blood pills, there are still twenty-four remaining. If it is calculated by consuming three coins per day, it can be used for eight days.

"Okay, no problem." Tubo nodded.

June 8th at 7pm.

Song Shuhang came to the house bought by the pharmacist alone.

The pharmacist and Jiang Zhiyan were not here, so he could try the function of the 'Samsung Fire Fan'.

He was a little excited.

Although this thing needs to be charged, it is still a real magic weapon! After a while, I will try to use the magic tool alone, and no one will guide me, will it be very dangerous

Then, when he took out the a4 paper manual and read it from beginning to end - the little excitement and worry in his heart was thrown a hundred and eight thousand miles away!

"It's really a fool's way to use it! It's no wonder that Miss Ziyan is so relieved to let me learn by myself!"

The content on a full A4 paper can be summed up in three points!

There are three star-shaped marks on the side of the Samsung Royal Fire Fan, and these three marks are used to manipulate the magical instruments.

Press and hold the red star to increase the intensity of the fire... A total of six enhancements can be made to the fire.

Press and hold the blue star to reduce the intensity of the fire...

The last turquoise star mark is the energy indicator, which shows the amount of energy reserve through the shade of color. By the way, it can also be used as a switch of 'Samsung Fire Fan' by pressing it hard - the two-in-one function is extremely advanced.

In general, the content of the manual is about what it means.

Does it sound familiar

That's because many modern household appliances have similar functions! Addition and subtraction temperature functions, energy sources and switches. Even a fool can learn it after using it a few times!

"Is this a black technology in the comprehension world?" Song Shuhang was already unable to complain.

- No matter it is a black cat or a white cat, the cat that can catch mice is a good cat!

—Whether it is black technology or white technology, what can make a difference is good technology!

"Cheer up, Song Shuhang! Even if it is a simple-to-use and rechargeable fire fan, it is still a magic weapon! Don't be discouraged!" Song Shuhang encouraged himself.

Then, he found a small unfurnished room on the second floor, and poured a pile of broken smokeless charcoal out of his backpack.

This is the fuel he specially found to test the 'Samsung Fire Fan'.

After igniting the charcoal with waste paper, Shuhang turned on the Samsung Fire Fan, held down the red star, and swiped it lightly.

coax! The flame that was originally just a small flame suddenly increased in size, wrapping the whole pile of charcoal at once, and burning it roaringly.

Unexpectedly, it is quite red!

Song Shuhang continued to press the red star, another one.

This time, the flames soared into the sky, jumped up to a height of more than one meter, and rushed to the roof.

Song Shuhang was stunned, he quickly held down the blue star, and slammed the fan to reduce the intensity of the flame.

With the passing of this fan, the flames that were originally soaring into the sky went against common sense, and quickly shrank down, and reverted to the size of a charcoal package.

"Fire control magic weapon, worthy of the name of fire control, good experience!"

Song Shuhang's eyes lit up. Even if it needs to be charged, even if its function is simple and foolish, it is fully qualified as a magic weapon!

Just a secondary enhancement of a small fire lit by a small pile of charcoal will almost burn the roof. Wouldn't it burn down the whole building if I made six enhancements

Even after you have it, if you encounter a fire scene, just pick it up and hold the blue label lightly, and you can compress the fire to the minimum range, right

Just the most basic magic weapon has such power.

What kind of unpredictable power would the real high-level magic weapon, or the magic weapon used by the monks, be so unpredictable? !

Before the charcoal was burnt cleanly, Shuhang tried the function of the 'Samsung Fire Fighting Fan' several times.

But it is limited to enhancing the function of the second time. If you want to truly understand the power of the six-time enhancement of the Samsung Fire Fighting Fan, you can only find other places to try. If you try it here, the pharmacist will only see the scene of a fire when he comes back.

After that, it was too early to see, so Shuhang used another Qi and Blood Pill to practice the "King Kong Basic Boxing Technique" three times.

It was not until nine o'clock in the evening that he came out of the pharmacist's building and returned to the Jiangnan University City dormitory.

Walking and walking, when Shuhang came to a sparsely populated alley, suddenly... there was darkness in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, a mournful ghost scream resounded in Shuhang's ears: "I curse you... I curse you..."