Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 156: Every time I go out, I feel abandoned by the times!


All I can say is, as expected of a retreat maniac, True Monarch Bai! The demon dog Doudou sighed in his heart!

Sudden promotion during seclusion, and then the place of retreat was smashed to pieces by the robbery. Although this is rare, it has happened in the world of self-cultivation before.

But like Zhenjun Bai, who survived the catastrophe in the retreat and succeeded in the promotion, but did not leave the retreat immediately, but continued to retreat calmly, and there really was not a single one!

Most of the cultivators retreated in order to advance. Now that they have advanced, the goal has been achieved. Of course, they must go out first to greet the surviving Taoists and celebrate.

Only Zhenjun Bai, he closed it purely for the sake of retreating... Enjoy the process of retreating!

"That is to say, Senior White, you are now a 'Venerable'?" Doudou asked.

"Yeah." Zhenjun Bai nodded calmly.

Now he is 'Vonerable White' instead of 'True Monarch Bai'!

Song Shuhang asked curiously: "Then Senior White, why did you become a statue later? You were also enshrined in the Wuming Temple?"

And the timeline doesn't match up a bit.

Bai Zhenjun retreated a hundred and fifty years ago, and when he was in the middle of his retreat, he encountered a catastrophe and smashed the prohibition of the retreat. It took more than a hundred years at most, right

However, in the records of 'Linyao Village' about the 'No Name View', the statue of the Immortal Monarch was enshrined 'hundreds of years ago'.

"It's a long story." Bai Zhenjun smiled and said in a succinct manner: "That catastrophe destroyed my retreat, and I finally survived the catastrophe by relying on the secret method. The residual energy of the secret method has formed you all. The 'statuary shell' I see, protects me inside."

"Then, because I just finished the promotion, I happened to be familiar with the new form of spiritual power. I didn't close down immediately, but just entered a semi-cultivation state."

"Perhaps it was because the robbery was so powerful that it happened to attract a cultivator nearby at the time. It was a cultivator who robbed the door from empty space. He mistakenly thought that my retreat was a good place. He worked hard to find it. In my retreat, I opened up many traps and dug all the way to my retreat."

Bai Zhenjun squeezed his chin, recalling the situation at the time: "He was very excited after he opened my retreat, but unfortunately, my retreat has no other treasures except my flying sword 'Meteor Sword'. "

"The cultivator who robbed the door from the sky is not very strong, and his vision may not be very good. He even thought that my flying sword was an unowned thing. Then I happily took my flying sword away... I think He was quite interesting, so he took the flying sword away."

"So my natal flying sword should still be in his hands, right? I will take it back in a while. It is very inconvenient to not have a flying sword. I have played with him for more than a hundred years. He should be satisfied, right?"

"..." Doudou looked sad, Senior Bai's flying sword was actually stolen

"Liu Xianjian, what a good name." Song Shuhang's focus was on Feijian. After experiencing the effects of Flying Sword a few times, his desire for 'Flying Sword' has reached a hunger level.

Jingcro Doudou asked again: "Then, Senior Bai, you were dug out by the villagers who dug the well?"

"No, it's still the monk who robbed the door from the sky. He was very strange. The first day he took my flying sword. Then he went to my retreat the next day and moved out the statue I turned into. At the time, I thought he had discovered my real body. But it seemed that he just wanted to bring out my statue and stay in a daze day and night. He stayed in a daze for several days." Bai Zhenjun pondered.

Song Shuhang and Doudou glanced at each other. Needless to say, it must be the reason for the special charm that Senior White exudes, right

Speaking of his special charm, Song Shuhang turned his head to look at Zhenjun Bai who was in deep thought.

Suddenly, I felt that the Bai Zhenjun at this time was really more and more graceful! Like a black hole, he can attract people's attention, and people can't take their eyes away.

Even my heart beat faster involuntarily.

Song Shuhang, who had one experience, quickly turned his head forcibly. Then, he saw that Doudou was also staring at Zhenjun Bai, his eyes were shining, and he was reluctant to look away.

Song Shuhang quickly patted Doudou's head. Doudou can now fly in the air. What if he doesn't see the front clearly and hits the plane

Doudou stuck out his tongue embarrassedly, pretending to gasp for breath.

Bai Zhenjun continued: "Let's continue... About three or four days later, the cultivator who robbed the door from the sky suddenly looked terrified. He dug a deep hole and buried me in the soil. What an inexplicable fellow!"

"After that, I felt that it wouldn't matter even if I buried it in the soil, so I continued to retreat. I don't know what happened next. When it was dug up by the villagers and offered to the Taoist temple, I didn't feel that it would be taken over. You all know this, but I only found out at the end of my retreat that I was offered up as a god." Zhenjun Bai laughed.

As soon as he woke up from the retreat, he found that he was actually enshrined in a Taoist temple as a god statue, and he felt quite embarrassed.

Song Shuhang secretly sighed, the legend is really unreliable. Thinking about it, it should have been word of mouth among the villagers, and the rumors and rumors exaggerated the time for 'digging out the statues'.

the other side.

A TV station in Nanhuahu City is broadcasting a news. Outside the 'No Name View' in Linyao Village, hundreds of people fought in a group, and the scene was tragic.

The police rushed to the scene quickly and arrested more than 70 people who were fighting in the crowd...

In addition, the idols in the 'Anonymous View' were stolen and taken away in this chaos.

According to the description of the pilgrims at the time, before these three waves of hundreds of people fighting collectively, there was a wave of people who attacked the 'Wumingguan' and took away the idol.

The police said that the incident of the gang fight was extremely bad, and they would definitely punish those who participated in the fight, and they would definitely find the god statue in the nameless temple back!


Doudou's flying speed is nothing to say, and soon they landed in the 'Pharmacist's Building'.

Bai Zhenjun stood on the roof of the building, looking down into the distance.

Looking around, high-rise buildings are rising from the ground, and the entire Jiangnan University City is like a forest made of steel.

"I still remember that more than 150 years ago, this place was still a huge jungle, and there was a beautiful lake next to it." Bai Zhenjun compared the scene in front of him with the memory in his mind, and sighed faintly.

Every time he came out of the retreat, he felt as if he had been abandoned by the times!

The sighing state of Bai Zhenjun is also a complete mess!

Bai Zhenjun quickly adjusted his mental state: "Fellow Daoist Shuhang, where should we begin to familiarize ourselves with today's world?"

Song Shuhang smiled proudly: "I have already prepared, please senior white to come with me."

Then, Song Shuhang took Zhenjun Bai into the third floor, where he was temporarily staying.

Bai Zhenjun looked at everything in the room curiously, the color-screen TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, microwave ovens, these electrical products that were not there a hundred and fifty years ago.

These are the things left by the previous owner. The senior pharmacist made such a daunting shot, and the owner naturally didn't care about some small things.

Song Shuhang turned on the computer, then logged into the Jiuzhou No. 1 group and opened the group space.

Then pull out several of the files and download them.

1. The role and diagram of modern electrical appliances Air conditioners, TVs, computers, mobile phones, refrigerators, rice cookers... etc

, Matters that monks need to pay attention to in modern society: the rapid development of science and technology, how to quickly integrate into the society in ten ways.

3. The basic rule of traffic safety, remember not to crash the car on the road. Accessories: Various car shapes.

In order to take care of Zhenjun Bai, Song Shuhang used software to convert the characters of the document into traditional Chinese.

"Senior, come and take a look at this file first. It includes diagrams and functions of electrical appliances used in normal households. After you have a little understanding of these things, I will apply for a chat software account for you, and let Zhenjun Huangshan add you. Enter the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group'. By the way, I have to get you an ID card first, and then give you a mobile phone and a computer." Song Shuhang said.

"Let's take a look!" Bai Zhenjun sat in front of the computer with great interest, and imitated Song Shuhang's way of holding the mouse and swiping the gears.

"Yeah, these things are very interesting. The computer in front of me is really convenient, with so many functions. There is also a refrigerator. I used to rely on a large freezer or an ice formation to refrigerate some things. And this The function of a mobile phone is the same as that of Sound Transmission." Zhenjun Bai's eyes began to light up.

He himself was very interested in 'organ-like instruments', so many modern things in front of him made him feel full of happiness.

"Senior, look at it first, I will contact the Jiuzhou No. 1 group." Song Shuhang said

He used his mobile phone to log in to the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, and found out in the group space that 'daoist has been in retreat for more than 50 years. He needs to produce a legal ID card and personal information to get out of the customs. Please contact (*******) Xuelang Cave Lord! '

The Snow Wolf Cave Master seems to be a senior who has been diving for a long time.

When he posted a picture of True Monarch Bai leaving the customs in the group space before, this Snow Wolf Cave Lord appeared.

Jiuzhou No. 1 Group

Shushan is under great pressure: "@Xuelang cave master, is the senior there?"

Cave Master Snow Wolf quickly appeared: "Haha, do you need Senior Bai Zhenjun's legal ID and personal information? Don't worry, these things have long been commissioned by Huangshan Zhenjun, and someone will deliver them to you tomorrow."

"True Monarch Huangshan is really thoughtful." Song Shuhang sighed.

"Little friend Shuhang, Senior Bai Zhenjun has come out of the statue now? How do you feel?" Cave Master Snow Wolf immediately asked again.

"What does it feel like?" Song Shuhang thought about it and said, "I don't feel anything, I just feel that the real person of Senior White is more handsome than the statue."

As for Zhenjun Bai's ability to 'fall on the ground', Song Shuhang felt that he should take care of his senior's face. If he can cover it up, he can cover it up.

"Oh, come on, little friend Shuhang." Cave Master Snow Wolf seemed very satisfied with Song Shuhang's answer.

Song Shuhang was at a loss.

Then, he cautiously looked back at Senior White. In other words, what is it about Senior White that makes the seniors in the group uneasy

He had thought about whether it might be the special charm of Bai Zhenjun, which would indeed make the male seniors in the group feel embarrassed. But aren't there female nuns in the group

Song Shuhang couldn't figure it out.