Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 164: Sending equipment from thousands of miles of flying corpses, the gift and affection are even heavier!


The seal on the Soul Sealing Ice Bead has not been unlocked!

The reason why the ghost was able to show up was only because of the power of 'Ghost Dragon Saliva' to temporarily emerge from the Soul Sealing Ice Orb!

When the ghost dragon saliva is used up, the ghost will be re-sealed into the 'Soul Sealing Ice Orb'. Therefore, before the 'ghost saliva' runs out, complete the contract with the ghost ghost.

After the ghost appeared, he first looked around in confusion. Immediately afterwards, it saw the 'Five Elements Qi Lingtan' formation on the ground - although it did not know this formation, but intuition told it that this thing is not a good thing!

The middle-level ghost has a certain intelligence, and when it knows that its situation is not good, it begins to struggle frantically.

"嘤嘤~" The spirit ghost made a cry like a child's cry, and slammed into Song Shuhang viciously. It can be seen that Song Shuhang is the person in charge of the formation. As long as Song Shuhang is killed, the formation will stop!

"Get up!" Song Shuhang calmly shouted. Afterwards, the hands formed a seal and patted on the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar' formation.

After the two palms were photographed, the Five Element Stones and various materials representing the attributes of the Five Elements in the array lit up one after another, turning into a circle of barrel-shaped rays of light, which bound the ghosts in the formation.

The spirit ghost slammed into the light curtain fiercely, making a 'bang bang' sound. It's just that the barrel-shaped light curtain that looks thin is unbreakable, and the light curtain is unscathed even if the ghost slams it wildly and grabs it with its claws.

Crazy spirit ghosts can only rush left and right in the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar' formation in vain...

"Let's start, and strive to subdue the ghost before the energy of the ghost dragon saliva and the five elements stone is exhausted! You have about an hour!" Senior Bai reminded.

"Yes!" Song Shuhang continued to chant the incantation of 'Five Elements Qiling Altar'.

Then he got up and jumped around the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar' according to the gossip footwork taught by the white predecessors in the morning.

His current appearance is very similar to the appearance of the 'primitive tribe wizard' jumping to the gods on TV, and he looks very stupid.

But there is no way, the method of 'Five Elements Qiling Tan' is like this. Unless you can create a new Qiling Ghost Formation by yourself, just jump to God.

After dancing in a circle around the formation, Song Shuhang made a seal with both hands and drank lightly: "Gold, wood, water, fire, soil, golden robbery!"

When the voice fell, the five-element stone representing 'gold' in the formation lit up!

The next moment, a golden sword appeared out of thin air above the ghost's head, and it fell fiercely towards the ghost!

"嘤嘤!" The ghost screamed, quickly using its innate skills. The small golden shield was released and placed on top of his head, blocking the golden sword.

The shield and the sword stalemate together, grinding out a harsh sound, indistinguishable in a short period of time.

"Come again!" Song Shuhang continued to dance around the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar' formation.

After another lap, he formed the seal again: "Mu Jie invites!"

In the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar' formation, the five elements representing the wood attribute light up.

In the formation, a total of ten thorns with thorns emerged from the ground and wrapped around the spirit ghost. The sharp thorns on the thorns penetrated into the spirit ghost's body and began to extract the spiritual power from the spirit ghost.

"Squeaky..." The spirit ghost cried out in pain, and gradually, its body became much more transparent.

"It's not over yet!" Song Shuhang jumped again, and after a circle, he sighed: "Water robbery, move!"

The five-element stone representing 'water' lights up, and silver raindrops fall on the edge of the golden sword. These silver raindrops are terribly corrosive. When it landed on the golden shield above the ghost's head, the golden shield was etched into small holes.

The ghost screamed, but there was nothing he could do. The 'Five Elements Qi Lingtan' formation space is so big, the ghosts don't even have a place to hide, and the gold shield can only condense one, so it can only eat all the next attacks.

"Huo Jie, get up!" Song Shuhang drank again.

The golden flame burned out of thin air, and the flame burned all the way along the thorns, and even entered the spirit ghost's body directly along the thorns of the thorns.

The spirit ghost rolled in pain, but still refused to give up resistance and struggled desperately. It only knows that if it gives up struggling, it is really over!

"The last calamity, earth robbery! Five calamities add to your body! Surrender to me, you can avoid the suffering of five calamities!" Song Shuhang shouted violently, and his voice was like thunder, reaching the ears of the spirit ghost.

The ghost's body began to petrify from the bottom up. Then the part of the stone was burned, rained, thorned by thorns, and peeled off piece by piece.

It's getting smaller and weaker. However, it just refuses to surrender and struggles tenaciously.

Song Shuhang was not in a hurry. According to the experience taught by the white predecessors, the spirit ghost in the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar' would not give up the struggle until the moment of death.

After all the five robbery were cast, it took only about half an hour.

What he needs is patience. In the next half an hour, he will continue to chant the mantra, and step on the gossip step tirelessly to strengthen the power of the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar'. But you have to control the strength, don't accidentally kill the ghost...

The spirit ghost's resistance is getting weaker and weaker.

Next, it depends on whether it can't hold on first, or whether the ghost dragon saliva in the Five Elements Qiling altar is consumed first!

"Submit to me, you can avoid the suffering of five tribulations!" After every lap, Song Shuhang would give a deep cry, attacking the spirit of the ghost and weakening its will.

His eyes were fixed on the spirit ghost in the formation. Just wait for the moment when the ghost is on the verge of death, and send the contract.

The last step is to fight for character and array manipulation power.

The more subtle the manipulation, the more you can hand over the contract when the ghost is weaker!

Then, if you have a good character, you can complete the contract with the ghost in one breath.

If the character is not good, it will take a long time to fight with the weak spirit ghost, and completely crush the spirit ghost from body to spirit to complete the contract.

If the character is poor... If the spirit ghost loses consciousness and fails to make the contract, then the spirit ghost will withdraw into the 'Soul Sealing Ice Orb' and the contract will fail!

Venerable White also cheered up - he was afraid that if he lost his mind and failed to restrain his breath, it would affect Song Shuhang. Moreover, he is still helping Song Shuhang to preside over the formation, and if something goes wrong, he can make up for it at any time.

The spirit ghosts in the Five Elements Qiling altar even became soft and soft, no longer like a child's sharp cry, but like a woman's weak moan.

"Come on, hold on for a while!" Song Shuhang took a deep breath, his heartbeat speeding up slightly.

Although the chance of one-time success is small, it is human nature to hold hope.

If he can successfully contract the spirit ghost, Song Shuhang will double the plug-in when he cultivates, and he will practice twice as much as others!

Time goes by every second...

Suddenly, Senior White stood up abruptly, with a look of doubt on his face.

Song Shuhang happened to see Venerable White's puzzled expression. Could it be that my formation was abnormal, right

"Don't be distracted, concentrate on the formation of the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar', you have done a good job, leave the rest to me." Venerable White comforted.

Then, Venerable White opened his mouth and spit, and a sword light composed of spiritual energy appeared above Song Shuhang's head, firmly guarding Song Shuhang.

After he was ready, Bai Zun came to the window and opened it.

Thirty seconds later...

With a 'swish', a cyan figure shot towards Venerable White's position from far to near.

It could be vaguely seen that it was a man wearing a blue Taoist robe, with blue rays of light forming a giant sword shape around him, wrapping him firmly.

boom! The giant sword energy around the man in the cyan robe smashed through the protective barrier arranged by the pharmacist outside the building, slammed into the open window, and landed next to Venerable White.

The body of the man in the cyan robe jumped, and after a while, he let out a scream: "Ah..."

At the same time, the giant sword energy around him shattered like glass and disappeared.

The sword light dissipated, and only a small colored sword spun in mid-air and inserted into the floor.

On the ground, the man in the cyan robe was pale, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Gradually, his eyes lost focus, and his vision became more and more blurred.

Venerable White squatted down, stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly on him, and checked his body for him. Then, he sighed: "What's your name? Do you have a last word?"

"Loose cultivator, Li Tiansu." The man in the cyan robe squeezed out a sentence.

After saying that, his body was broken inch by inch, turned into countless light spots, and completely disappeared in this world, leaving not even a trace of flesh and blood.

"Ding... slap..." After the man in the cyan robe disappeared, a dilapidated bronze ring fell to the ground.

And the lonely blue short sword stuck on the floor—witnessing that the man in the cyan robe once lived in the world.

Venerable White secretly sighed.

This loose cultivator is a master of the fifth-grade spirit emperor realm and the level of gold core. Even if it is placed in a sect, it can become a first-class real-power figure of elders and peak masters.

However, he did not know what catastrophe he encountered, forcing him to use the escape method of escape with all his strength.

But even the escape method failed to save his life, and when the escape method was used, he received another fatal blow. Eunfa sent him here at random, but the green robe loose cultivator was cut off.

Only a bronze ring and a blue short sword remained.

Venerable White picked up the bronze ring and the dagger.

There are three solidified magic circles in the bronze ring. One should be a second-rank fire attack spell, the other is a healing spell of the same second-rank, and the last one is a good spirit gathering formation, which can condense spiritual energy around the monk.

Loose cultivation is difficult. This fifth-grade Jindan-level cultivator is still wearing this kind of second- or third-grade equipment because of this 'spirit gathering formation'.

Bai Zundu inspected the short sword again. The quality of the short sword is not bad, and it can barely be used by flying the sword.

Before retrieving his flying sword 'Meteor Sword', it can be used for travel. Venerable White felt tired in his heart.

At this time, Song Shuhang who was behind him suddenly shouted, "Senior, help me!"

Just now, just after the loose cultivator's body turned into a light spot and dissipated, the spirit ghost in the Five Elements Qiling altar suddenly seemed to have eaten a big repayment pill. The first second was weak as if it was about to hang up at any time, and the next second. Refreshed and full of energy, he is about to break out of the 'Five Elements Qiling Altar'...