Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 167: Eyesight talent


After the second orifice 'eye orifice' of the first rank is opened, a certain number of monks will gain an innate ability.

Those with better luck can obtain the magical skill of 'Tianyantong'; those with less luck can also have various abilities such as 'ultra-distance vision', 'insight', 'microscopic magnification', etc.; Miserable, it may be nothing.

But even if you get nothing, you don't have to be discouraged. There are five orifices of the first rank: heart, eye, nose, ear, and mouth. Except for the heart orifice, each opening of the remaining four orifices has the opportunity to awaken a talent.

Up to now, basically every cultivator will activate at least one of the orifice acupoints, and those who are lucky can even get two different innate abilities.

But two is already the limit, and more than three innate abilities have not been heard of yet.

Song Shuhang's luck was not bad. After activating his eye aperture, he got a natural ability.

Curious, he immediately used this eye orifice talent.

Not the legendary 'Tianyantong', nor the familiar distance, microscopic or insight...

When he turned on his talent, the whole world seemed to be pressed the 'pause button' at once, and then changed to 'slow motion' again.

Curtains swaying slightly, debris on the ground blown by the wind, and summer insects flying outside the window. Everything was shown in Song Shuhang's eyes in slow motion.

When it lasted for only about a second, Song Shuhang felt that he had experienced more than ten seconds.

After that, he suddenly felt that his mental energy was empty, and his head was a little painful, and he was forcibly kicked out of this slow-motion mode...

This kind of eye orifice talent should be regarded as 'master vision' or 'superhuman vision'

- In the eyes of a master, the enemy's movements seem to be static.

The effect is good, and it may play a role in turning the tide of the battle at a critical time. It's just that the consumption of mental power and blood value is a bit large.

In the early stage, one use of mental power will be empty; in the later stage, when you are already a master, the chance of using this talent is even less. On the whole, it seems a little tasteless.

Not too good, not too bad.

But it is good luck to be able to awaken the talent. More than half of the monks can't awaken the talent when their eyes are opened.

"When you opened your eyes, did you awaken your talent?" Venerable White asked.

"Yes, it's just innate ability, which consumes a lot of spiritual power." Song Shuhang replied with a wry smile.

Venerable White said with a smile, "As long as it is activated, it is a happy event. The first orifice acupoint will be activated with talent, and the next three orifice acupoints will have the opportunity to activate another innate ability. If your mental power is insufficient, you must find a way to use your own mental power. Elevate!"

"However, let's stop here today! Take a good rest and stop cultivating." Venerable White added.

Song Shuhang's mental consumption was huge at this time. If he continued to practice, he would only leave a dark wound to his body.

"Okay, senior." Song Shuhang replied.

In fact, even if he wanted to practice cultivation, he had more than enough energy in his heart. When he turned on 'Master Vision' just now, his energy consumption was too great, and now he feels a rush of sleepiness, and now he just wants to find a bed, lie down and sleep.

"Senior, I'm going to rest!" Song Shuhang said.

He went to his room tiredly. Because he was too tired, he still hadn't found the bronze ring on his finger.

After Song Shuhang left, Venerable White stepped forward and closed the room window.

Then, he flicked his finger on the blue short sword. The short sword seemed to have spirituality, it automatically floated into the air and followed behind Venerable White.

"Loose cultivator, Li Tiansu." Venerable White said softly, since he asked for his name, he chose to take over his cause and effect. If one day, when he encounters Li Tiansu's younger generation or relatives who need help, in view of today's difficult situation, Venerable White may help him.

Then, after Venerable White came downstairs, he re-carved a few runes near the building and repaired the broken formation of the 'Pharmacist'.

"It's done." Venerable White stretched his back, then secretly said, "What should we do next?"

Soon, he set his eyes on the air conditioner on the second floor.

Well, I finally persuaded Daoist Shuhang to go to sleep, so I just took the opportunity to dismantle the air conditioner and study it!

So, Bai Zun ф was very happy to remove the air conditioner...


the other side.

Sunflower monk is now in a hotel near Jiangnan University Town.

From the daytime until after one o'clock in the morning, he managed to recover from the shadow of the 'falling into a pit on the ground'.

During this period, because he was worried that Song Shuhang would suddenly bring his seniors to seek revenge, he disguised himself several times along the way. I also found several places to take a bath several times to remove my own odor; I also sprayed the scent-removing potion, and I have been tossing it until now.

"Up to now, the 'Book Mountain is under great pressure' has not come to look for me. Maybe he really treats me as an ordinary passerby?" Sunflower cultivator thought to himself.

He first meditated and practiced, so that his spirit was completely calm, and he recalled today's events in his mind.

To be sure, that 'Book Mountain's Stressed' is indeed an ordinary novice cultivator. If he is the only one, it would not be a big problem to catch him and get the 'Blood God Diamond' from him.

However, I don't know what the identity of the terrifying senior cultivator beside him is, and what is the relationship between the 'book mountain's pressure'? Will this senior stay by the side of 'Book Mountain's pressure' all the time? Or will you be leaving in a few days

Rubbing his temples, he has already asked the intelligence members of the 'Wuji Demon Sect' to check the latest information on 'Book Mountain is under pressure' to see if they can find any clues.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

"Hey, is this the Sunflower cultivator? The recent information you need on 'Book Mountain is under great pressure' has been sorted out. You can go to the Bamet Hotel, so that we can hand over the information to you." There was an indifferent man on the other end of the phone. sounded.

"Received." Sunflower cultivator stood up and went out to take a taxi.

"Hey, where are you going, buddy?" The older brother was a man with a mournful beard, and his eyes seemed to be full of sang.

"Bartmei Hotel." Sunflower monk said lightly.

"This distance is a bit far." Brother said.

"It doesn't matter, the money will not be short of you." Cultivator Hua said lightly.

"Okay, sit tight." The elder brother smiled boldly, stepped on the accelerator, and the taxi rushed out as if flying.

In the passenger seat, Sunflower cultivator frowned and kept pondering about the matter of 'Book Mountain is under great pressure', and his whole person was a little gloomy.

The taxi driver thought he was in a bad mood, so he asked, "Dude, are you in a depressed mood? Would you like to listen to some music to relax?"

Sunflower monk thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, let's relax with some music."

He is indeed too tense, and listening to some soft music will help him ease his mood.

Soon... Sunflower monk regretted his stupid decision.

Tema's, the sullen-faced taxi driver, didn't turn on the music in the car - he actually opened his voice and began to sing happily.

Just sing, just like his face with a stubborn beard, it might be very good to sing some soft and sassy songs.

But the driver's uncle sang was a female version of a brisk and soft love song. I remember it was a song sung by a female star a long time ago.

"Hoo~ I like it, just lean on your chest like this~"

"Hoo~ I like it, I have you by my side when I wake up~"

"Hoo~ I like it, put your hand on my shoulder~"

Can you imagine a scene where a big bearded man sings love songs with his throat squeezed... That picture is simply too beautiful.

But he didn't have any self-awareness at all, and thought he sang very well.

Singing and singing, the driver master also sang the taste, the love songs are one after another, but without exception, all of them are the kind of tender love songs of women.

In fact, I really can't blame the master, because he usually listens to these songs - after all, he is a big man, and he must listen to soft girls singing love songs. After listening to it for a long time, I will sing only a few songs.

Sunflower monk leaned on the co-pilot and felt that his pressure seemed to become even greater.

"Stop singing." He said solemnly, "I want to be quiet!"

The elder brother's master smacked his lips with a look of regret.

At this moment, in the sky above Sunflower monk's taxi, a small Beijing Ba is following him leisurely.

Jingba still has a single SLR camera hanging around his neck, which recorded the scene of the Sunflower monk making a phone call before. Doudou looked at the video recording in the SLR and felt that his skills were getting old.

As a big demon dog, he is very powerful. It has a hundred ways to stay behind the sunflower monk without being noticed by the other party. Scout the other side, don't take it too easy for Doudou.

Next, let's see what information this 'Sunflower cultivator' can obtain from Song Shuhang, and what decision he will make.

After filming, Doudou is ready to go home

Soon, my brother-in-law stopped the car at the 'Batmei Hotel'.

After Sunflower monk paid the fare, he almost got out of the car as if escaping.

Then, he came to an Internet cafe next to the Bartmei Hotel, and met with the intelligence members of the 'Promise Demon Sect'.

Because Su Clan's Qi has been looking for trouble with the Promise Demon Sect these days, the intelligence disciples of the Demon Sect have been extra cautious recently. For fear that Ah Qishun would touch me, the entire sub-rudder would be destroyed.

Sunflower cultivator looked for a computer seemingly at random, turned it on and sat down.

Then he took out a pack of cigarettes and surfed the Internet.

About half an hour later, a man beside him suddenly whispered to himself: "Here is all the information about that Shushan who is under great pressure. Be careful with your actions recently, so as not to be discovered by the people of the Su Clan in Tianhe. Su Clan's Seven It's crazy, many intelligence personnel from the Mozong branch have been captured by the people of the Tianhe Su clan."

While speaking, the man flicked his finger and quietly flicked a USB flash drive to the sunflower monk.

Sunflower monk quietly put away the USB flash drive, and after another half an hour, got up and left the Internet cafe. Never looked at the man next to him.

"If it weren't for the Tianhe Su Clan's spoiler, these small information could be sent directly through the Internet." Sunflower cultivator sighed secretly...