Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 186: When your hair reaches your waist, will you marry me?


During meditation, Venerable White is deaf? Foreign affairs, he has no idea what's going on around him!

At this time, Venerable White was in the center of the vast desert, and beside him, scenes of 3D projections appeared.

There are pictures of beautiful cultivation holy places; strange-shaped monsters and monsters; battles between powerful monks; and magical magic weapons of various departments.

These images flashed quickly beside Venerable White, and quickly disillusioned.

On the periphery of this circle of 3D projections is the endless desert. With the ups and downs of Venerable White's mind, this desert is constantly expanding and expanding...

One thought of life in ten thousand worlds, one thought of ten thousand worlds perished!

After the strength reaches the seventh-grade Spirit Venerable, when the cultivator is meditating, a thought drives the spiritual power in the body, which will have a strong impact on the real world, forming an 'illusory reality' - attached to the real world, but detached from the real illusory world!

The illusory reality is similar to the illusion, but higher than the illusion.

It is false because its essence does not exist in the world.

But it's incredibly real... You can reach out and touch everything in the 'illusory reality', no different from the real thing.

In ancient times, when a Seventh-Rank Spirit Venerable was thinking about a problem, a huge mirage was formed around him, and it turned into a prosperous town where countless human beings lived and communicated. However, after the seventh-grade Lingzun thought about the problem, the huge mirage disappeared. In ancient times, there were many legends about 'ghost towns'...

One of the most famous rumors about the 'illusory reality' is from ancient times.

In ancient times, there was a medium-sized sect called 'Bishui Pavilion'. The pavilion master 'Chu Fairy' was a sixth-grade true monarch, gentle and kind. Under her leadership, the entire Bishui Pavilion almost lived an uncontested life.

However, one day, Bishui Pavilion was involved in a battle between a large-scale cultivator. In one night, the entire Bishui Pavilion was destroyed, except for the pavilion owner, Fairy Chu, no one survived.

Fairy Chu was promoted to the seventh rank Spirit Venerable in desperation.

After that, her powerful and almost desperate thoughts drove the spiritual power in her body, and actually constructed a complete 'Clear Water Pavilion'.

Several hundred years later, several monks in the monk world entered the 'Clear Water Pavilion' by mistake, and were warmly received by the disciples in the pavilion. The five monks couldn't even see through this 'illusory reality'. When they went back to their sect and mentioned the 'Clear Water Pavilion' to others, they learned the truth of the 'Clear Water Pavilion' from the records of the sect.

—Fairy Chu, she has been living in a dream world woven by herself.

With a single thought of living in all worlds, as long as the Seven-Rank Spirit Venerable is willing, the 'people, things, and things' that they have transformed into can even exist for a long time.

However, no matter how real the illusion is, it is still just an illusion. Even if you can reach out and touch it, you can feel their body temperature and blood. But, it's fake, it's fake after all...

This is the state of Venerable White at this time.

In the state of cultivation, he inadvertently recalled many past events. These past events were transformed by his powerful spiritual power, and the overlapping 'illusory reality' evolved around him.

And a precious memory in the deepest part of his heart turned into the huge desert on the periphery, intertwined with the real world.

Desert, white horse, youth in green shirt; those are Venerable White's childhood memories...

As long as Venerable White was still in seclusion, or he didn't put away his thoughts, the desert and the projection around him would not disappear.

Doudou knew this, so he was lying there, just waiting for Venerable White to quickly end this retreat.


Song Shuhang was already numb, lying on the sand panting.

The young man in the green shirt on the white horse has looked for him seven times, from the initial 'boxing' to the later 'knife technique', then to 'sword technique', 'stick technique', 'shooting technique', 'leg technique', 'whip technique' Law'.

Every time I change new tricks to toss him, although... He also benefits a lot.

"Seven times, is that enough?" Song Shuhang murmured.

At this moment, the melodious tinkling sound sounded again - a young man in a green shirt holding a white horse from far to near...

Again? What are you going to play this time

"Xiao Bai, where did you go just now, I thought you were going to get lost." The youth in the green shirt happily ran towards Song Shuhang, still saying this line.

Then, the young man in the green shirt pulled the horse aside and said to Song Shuhang, "Xiao Bai, can we practice hammering?"

As he spoke, he took off two sledgehammers from his horse.

Knives, guns and sticks are fine... You still need to practice hammers for cultivator Mao

Which sect's weapon is this? This style is so bad.

While thinking wildly, Song Shuhang stretched out his hand and shouted, "No way, I'm so tired. Shall we take a break?"

He just shouted casually. Originally, he thought that the young man in the green shirt would still throw the hammer to his side, and then smashed the hammer at him, forcing him to fight.

But I didn't expect that this time, the youth in the green shirt suddenly showed a puzzled look: "Rest?"

Then, he threw the two sledgehammers aside, and ran towards Song Shuhang: "So, Xiaobai, you also want to rest. Then let's rest for a while?"

I'm fucked... So the word 'rest' is a keyword

The young men in green shirts sat side by side next to Song Shuhang, giggling without saying a word, seeming to enjoy this short leisure time.

After sitting like this for about ten minutes, the young man in the green shirt suddenly turned his head to look at Song Shuhang. Then, his eyes suddenly lit up!

Song Shuhang was stared at by his eyes and felt uncomfortable.

"Xiao Bai, you are so beautiful!" The youth in the green shirt laughed.

Song Shuhang suddenly felt horrified! Even though he knew that the young man in the green shirt was referring to 'Xiao Bai' instead of himself, Song Shuhang still felt goosebumps all over his body when he was stared at by the other party and said, 'You are so beautiful'.

"Xiao Bai, when your hair reaches your waist, will you marry me?" the youth in the green shirt asked suddenly.

"Impossible!" Song Shuhang decisively refused.

"Sure enough? Well, Xiaobai, do you have long hair? I think you must look good with long hair!" The youth in the green shirt continued without being discouraged.

"No, absolutely not!" Song Shuhang crossed his hands and refused loudly again. ?/p>

"Okay? That's great, I really want to see Xiaobai with your long hair soon." The youth in the green shirt said with joy.

... It turned out that the young man in the green shirt was not talking to Song Shuhang at all.

From beginning to end, he has been in a dialogue with a character named 'Xiao Bai'.

Song Shuhang only felt his current mood, like beeping Doudou.

But having said that, when he took a closer look at the youth in green shirts, he vaguely felt that the appearance of the youth in green shirts was two points similar to that of ' Venerable White '

"Ah, who is cursing me?" Doudou touched her nose and stretched. On him, the youth in the green shirt was in full swing, hitting it hard with a hammer, making an iron-like 'bang bang bang' sound.

Doudou groaned comfortably: "Click to the left, click to the left... oh ~ ~ that's it ~ ~ use a little more force ~ ~ comfortable ~ ~"

the other side.

Tangtang of Kong Kong Pirates is still going crazy: "Come again, come again, my mother is fighting with you!"

The unique skill of the shadowless hand is super-level, and it has the upper hand.

"Hee hee, Xiao Bai, you are amazing." Although the young man in the green shirt was at a disadvantage, he was not in a hurry at all and played steadily.

"Your sister Xiaobai, your sister Xiaobai!" Tangtang frantically said.

"Hee hee, Xiaobai, I'm going to counterattack!" The youth in the green shirt suddenly counterattacked and fought back with all his strength, once again on par with Tangtang.

Young Master Tang burst into tears.


at the same time.

On the top of a building opposite the pharmacist's building, there are two figures standing.

One is the helmsman Jing Mo with a white thorn and his head soaring into the sky, and by his side is Deacon Chen of the Promise Demon Sect Branch.

The helmsman Jing Mo looked at the pharmacist's building from a distance, and asked in a deep voice, "Is that there?"

"Yes, the helmsman. That's where the 'Book Mountain' and his senior lived temporarily. There is an enchantment formation on the side of the building. It seems to be their temporary stronghold." Deacon Chen replied cautiously. .

Yesterday, the rudder master Jingmo went to the Jiangnan area overnight, and took him directly, and Yujian flew to the Jiangnan area.

"In addition, our sources have confirmed that the 'Sunflower cultivator' is dead. The last trace of the Sunflower cultivator appeared in a small alley. There are some traces of fighting there, and the Sunflower cultivator disappeared here, and there is no trace."

Deacon Chen introduced the latest news in detail.

Finally, he took out a key and handed it to Master Jing Mo: "Finally, Master, this is the key to that building."

This is the key to the door of the pharmacist's building. The door lock was broken by Venerable White. Song Shuhang called someone to repair it.

The disciple of the 'Wuji Demon Sect' who secretly monitored the building's intelligence secretly manipulated the repairers and obtained a duplicate key.

The helmsman Jing Mo put away the key and nodded: "You did a good job, we won't leave. When the real energy in this seat recovers, I will go and test them."

Deacon Chen breathed a sigh of relief—there was no need to be beaten up by the helmsman's sudden tantrum.

"Let's go first." Master Jing Mo took Deacon Chen to rise up again with his sword and disappeared in the Jiangnan area.

However, Deacon Chen did not see that when the helmsman Jing Mo left, he quietly threw a puppet and left it together with the key.

After Master Jing Mo flew away with Deacon Chen, the puppet changed and turned into the appearance of Master Jing Mo.

This is not his real body, just a prop linked to the five senses of the body. Similar to modern 'reconnaissance drones' and the like, but with a little more functionality.

The rudder master Jing Mo, who was transformed into a puppet, moved his lower body, got down from the building, and went straight to the pharmacist's building.

When he came to the door, he stopped and looked around carefully. Then, he took out the key and quickly opened the door, and then quickly ran into the room.

The next moment, when he turned around, the helmsman Jing Mo was completely stunned...