Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 187: This is whipping the corpse!


The helmsman Jing Mo was stunned, and it was still a capitalized stun.

"Is it the way I opened the door?" he muttered to himself. After ordering me to open the gate of a yard, he stepped in and saw a desert

Could it be that I started the large formation of the nursing home

He quickly turned his head and glanced at the entrance door, and sure enough... the door had disappeared.

Tsk tsk, I was really careful, the defense formation was made like this. Fortunately, this time I used a magic puppet to explore the way, and my body was fine. The rudder master Jing Mo secretly said in his heart.

But at this moment, the main body of the rudder master Jing Mo, who was flying by Yujian, froze—the five senses link between him and the phantom puppet was broken!

That piece of desert actually cut off all contact with the outside world.

Damn, there are so many ways.

Fortunately, Puppets aren't just 'remote-operated'. When using illusion puppets, monks need to inject their infuriating energy and spiritual power into the puppets.

Even if the five senses link with the main body is broken, the phantom puppet can continue to move and record what it sees and hears. After re-linking with the five senses of the ontology, the stored information can be transmitted to the ontology.

However, this mode is very dangerous. When you remotely control the Puppet, you can avoid some disasters. But when the Puppet acts on its own, it only acts on instinct.

Moreover, the negative information such as 'pain, mental shock' and so on will be faithfully recorded and transmitted to the owner when the link is restored.

In case the phantom puppet is stabbed with a sword, when the master and the phantom puppet are reconnected, they will also have a taste of being stabbed with a sword.

How to say it well, there are too few things in this world that have the best of both worlds.

As a low-level 'clone' magic weapon, the illusionary puppet can link the five senses very well.

In fact, it is precisely because the phantom puppet has this irreparable flaw when the link is broken that the price is so affordable that even a fourth-grade cultivator has the opportunity to buy one.

Master Jing Mo, who was transformed into a phantom puppet, was strolling in the desert for a while, when suddenly a young man in a white horse and blue shirt approached him.

"Xiao Bai, where did you go just now, I thought you were going to get lost." The youth in the green shirt was always cheerful, and this line was still the same.

Then he happily threw a sledgehammer over: "Come on, let's practice hammering!"

The phantom puppet hasn't moved yet, and the youth in the green shirt has already smashed it with a hammer... Then, the precious phantom puppet was smashed!

However, the young man's hammer did not stop, and smashed happily on the phantom puppet.

After smashing for half an hour...

The youth in the green shirt gave a hearty smile: "Hey, Xiaobai, today's practice is here. I'll come and play with you tomorrow!"

Then he turned on his horse. With the jingling of the horse's bell, the young man disappeared.

Only the dilapidated phantom puppet twitched on the ground, and then fell silent.

There is only one heart for storing information, and there is a small part that emits a faint light.

After waiting for the 'five senses link' with the main body, send the experience just now to the 'main body' and complete its final mission...


Eleven at night.

The projection beside Venerable White began to disappear and no longer appeared.

The endless desert on the periphery also began to slowly shrink.

Venerable White's retreat is finally coming to an end.

In the desert, Doudou's eyelids, who were lying still, finally flipped: "It's finally over."

Fortunately, there is a solid defensive barrier around the Medicine Master's house, blocking the 'real illusion' that overflowed when Venerable White retreated. Otherwise, the entire vicinity of Jiangnan University City will be shrouded in desert, God knows what will happen

Maybe there will be a river of blood, and people in the city will die inexplicably the next day, right

It's scary to think about!

Doudou decided in his heart to strengthen the defensive barrier outside the pharmacist's house tomorrow! It's best to add another ten layers of defense. God knows how much more tossing Venerable White

Eleven twenty-three.

Venerable White finally opened his eyes and stretched his waist with a cheerful expression: "Comfortable!"

The moment he opened his eyes, the desert and the young man in white horse and green shirt all disappeared.

At the same time, Song Shuhang's eyes darkened and he realized that he had returned to reality.

The moon and stars are sparse, and the night is deep.

And he was still standing at the entrance of the gate, the night wind caressing his face, which was very refreshing.

"Are you back?" Song Shuhang murmured.

He dragged his tired body and was about to go to the third floor to find Doudou and find out what happened just now

At this time, he saw a broken puppet under his feet, so he picked it up and took it upstairs.

third floor.

Young Master Tang lay softly on the floor, weeping silently, the sadness in his heart cannot be described in words. Ever since she was a child, she has never felt so wronged as she is today.

Not far from her, Doudou quickly plugged in the computer's power supply and connected to the Internet.

The next moment, Doudou's eyes were also wet: "My overlord suit!"

Jiangnan area, in a hotel.

Master Jing Mo, who had been meditating cross-legged and recovered his true essence, widened his eyes sharply, his eyes protruding like goldfish eyes and covered with bloodshots. He gripped the sheet tightly with both hands, and a painful murmur came out of his mouth!

Just now, he suddenly linked with his magic puppet. Then, there was the pain of a sledgehammer hitting his face hard.

Forget it, the sledgehammer smashed all parts of his body inhumanly, smashing it for half an hour!

It hurts like crazy!

Beast, the Phantom Puppet has been smashed by a hammer! He even smashed the broken phantom puppet for half an hour

Is this a whip corpse? How boring and s-attribute does it have to be to hit a small puppet with a big hammer for half an hour

You smashed the puppet directly, but still keep the last part that stores the information