Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 190: The monk's bungee jumping and the selfie of Venerable White


Just turn the power of qi and blood to the index finger and draw a 'thunder talisman' in the other palm. After that, activate the power of qi and blood in the 'Thunder Talisman' with mental power, and shout, "Palm Thunder", and it can be turned into a palm thunder!

Moreover, the 'Thunder Talisman' is also very simple to draw, with only seven simple strokes.

Does it sound easy

However, if you want to use the palm thunder... First of all, you must have the power of qi and blood in your body, then you must be able to draw thunder symbols, and you must be able to control your mental power.

Otherwise, nothing to talk about!

But as long as the above conditions are met, basically as long as the cultivator after opening the 'eye orifice' has enough energy in the body, he can throw two palms of thunder.

A basic body training method like Song Shuhang is good. With his own qi and blood, he should be able to stimulate four to five palm thunders. In addition to the extra spiritual power reserve of the ghost, ten palm thunders are not a problem.

Under the guidance of Senior Bai, after Song Shuhang learned how to draw a 'Thunder talisman', he used the power of qi and blood to draw a 'Thunder talisman' in the center of his left palm, and then used the "True Self Meditation" to activate the 'Thunder talisman'. Blood power.

"Palm Thunder!" He snorted softly!

The 'Thunder Talisman' on the palm of his hand became hot for a while, and then, a golden light of thunder appeared in the palm of his hand, making a popping sound~

Leiguang is not big, only the size of a small bowl, but it looks very imposing!

Song Shuhang asked cautiously, "Senior Bai, won't you call me?"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't use your other hand to touch this group of palm thunders, there will be no problem!" Venerable White said with a smile.

"How's the power?" Song Shuhang asked again.

Venerable White pointed to the rock to the side: "You will know if you try it yourself."

Song Shuhang walked towards the rock, stretched out his left palm and pressed it on it.


A small hole the size of a basketball was suddenly blown out of the rock, but Song Shuhang, who pressed the palm of his hand, basically didn't feel any repulsive force! Is this the 'little power' Taoist method in the mouth of Senior White? This power is already terrifying!

Even if you press the beast like this, you can kill them.

"Lei Fa has great restraint on ghosts. Even a second-rank ghost general will basically turn into ashes if he is hit by a palm thunder." Venerable White explained at the same time.

Great restraint on ghosts? Song's heart moved, and he planned to go to the Luoxin block in the next city after the exam was over tomorrow. The conflict with the remaining forces of the 'altar master' was inevitable. The altar master was a ghost cultivator. There will definitely be ghosts.

With this 'Palm Thunder' bodyguard and the remaining 'Evil Suppression Talisman' from the previous time, I am even more confident this time around.

"Thank you Senior White." Song Shuhang understood that this was Senior's kindness.

Venerable White nodded slightly: "Try again, and completely grasp the thunder in the palm of your hand!"

Song Shuhang nodded, and once again drew a 'Lightning Talisman' on the palm of his hand, activated it with his mental power, and shouted: "Palm Thunder!"

The ball of thunder appeared again in the palm of the hand, with a popping sound.

This time Song Shuhang didn't throw it out immediately, but stared at it closely - his palm really turned into a ball of thunder and lightning! What a fantastic scene!

When the thunder and lightning rang, his heart could not help beating slightly, excited!

Involuntarily, he recalled some pictures from a long time ago... Those were some memories that he had deliberately sealed away from recalling, but today because of 'Palm Thunder', they were brought out again.

"Look at my Chidori!"

"I'm not afraid, I have Rachel!"

"Hmph, you second-hands, my Thor's Palm is stronger than yours! Thor's Palm Technique, bang bang bang..."

Ah, to die! Go to hell! Go to hell!

Ah, fool! fool! fool!

Why do you remember these things again

What a shame, what a shame! I want to die, I want to die! Want to forget, want to forget, quickly forget from my memory! This kind of memory feels so shameful just thinking about it, why can't I forget it? I really want to turn my brain into a hard drive, so that I can throw these shameful pasts into the recycle bin and delete them completely!

Song Shuhang shook his head viciously and threw the distracting thoughts out of his mind.

He looked carefully at the thunder group in his palm again.

Song Shuhang raised his palm and slapped the rock again! It seems that his shameful memories will be destroyed with this palm!


There's a basketball-sized pothole in the rock again...

"Huh!" He exhaled deeply.

Venerable White asked curiously, "Did you encounter an inner demon just now?"

"No, I just remembered some memories that I thought I had forgotten." Song Shuhang rubbed his face: "The unbearable past!"

"Oh, everyone has that kind of memory. Sometimes you think the past is unbearable, but as time goes by, it will become a very good memory." Song Shuhang comforted him.

Song Shuhang nodded.

Then he didn't know what to do, he twitched his head and said, "For example, Xiaobai, when your hair reaches your waist, will you marry me?"

"Huh?" Venerable White turned his head, suddenly a breeze blew, and Venerable's long black hair fluttered in the wind.

Song Shuhang suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, wait, what did I just blurt out

At this time, Venerable White in the wind smiled brightly, like an elf in the wind. In an instant, everything in the world was eclipsed.

In Song Shuhang's line of sight, the whole world turned into a 'black and white' color in an instant. Only the white senior with flying black hair and bright smile is 'colored'. The world is centered on Senior White, setting off his infinite charm.

This feeling… lasted for about two breaths.

Senior White restrained his smile and blinked his eyes.

"Let's go back." Senior White said, he raised his sleeves, the flying sword slipped out, turned into a light and landed at his feet.

"Oh." Song Shuhang followed him blankly and stepped onto the Escape Light.

Along the way, Senior White was silent and took Song Shuhang back to the Medicine Master Building.

Fly, fly, fly... Song Shuhang always feels like he has made a big death

In other words, just go back, why do I always feel that the white predecessors are flying higher and higher? Still flying high, the houses below are only as big as the tip of a fingernail

"Shuhang, when I was watching the cctv-9 Humanities and Miracles program the other day, I saw a program that people like to play bungee jumping very much recently. I find it very interesting!" Venerable Bai said.

Song Shuhang immediately said solemnly: "No, Senior White! That's not interesting at all! Bungee jumping is just a group of people who are tired of living and want to find stimulation to be considerate of the feeling of being 'close to death'! That's a pain in the ass!"

Senior's distorted three views, it is up to me to correct him!

"I want to try it!" Venerable White said seriously, "Let's try it! Okay?"

"Not good, really bad!" Song Shuhang said loudly.

"Yeah!" Venerable White nodded.

Suddenly, he put away the light under his feet.

Then, he grabbed Song Shuhang, and the two of them fell down with a 'swish'.

"Ahhhh~~" Song Shuhang let out a miserable cry—yes, Song Xiaoyou is afraid of heights, and he has latent fear of heights. He was the man who planned to install a layer of railings next to the flying sword when Yu Jian was flying!

"Hee hee hee~" Venerable White let out a pleasant laugh.

At the same time, he also used a trick similar to the weight of a heavy weight.

Song Shuhang felt that he was falling faster, and the sound of the wind formed by the friction between his body and the air when he fell... and that terrifying sense of weightlessness!

"Ahhh~~" Song Shuhang screamed even more happily.

"Would you hurry up?" Venerable White said cheerfully.

"Pffffff~~" Song Shuhang shook his head frantically, his mouth was dragged by the air pressure when he fell, and he couldn't pronounce normal syllables at all.

"Okay! Then hurry up." Venerable White moved his spiritual power, pulling Song Shuhang to rush down at a faster speed.

At the same time, he thought that the position was not exciting enough, so he pulled Song Shuhang and changed it to a position on his head and feet...

"Ah... ahh~" Song Shuhang felt that his voice was almost hoarse.

"By the way, take a photo!" Venerable White suddenly said during the fall. Then, he took out his mobile phone out of nowhere, and used his spiritual power to protect it from the impact of the falling air pressure.

"Come on, Shuhang, have a laugh!" Venerable White held up his phone and turned on the selfie mode for himself and Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang saw himself on the phone screen, his face was distorted for various reasons. There were still tears in the corners of his eyes, as if he had been played badly.

Don't wow~~ Song Shuhang shook his head desperately.

"Crack!" Venerable White took several pictures in succession.

Then, he said: "No way, Shuhang. You are not cooperating at all!"

"Ah~" Song Shuhang was still screaming.

"One more time, let's cooperate this time. If it doesn't work well, let's do it again. We must take a satisfactory picture." Venerable White had a serious expression on his face.

What, dance again? Why don't you just kill me!

"Cooperation, let's have a laugh, one, two, three! Eggplant!" Venerable White adjusted the angle of the selfie again.

On the screen of the mobile phone, he and Song Shuhang kept their heads and feet in an upside-down position, and behind them was an endless starry sky, which perfectly showed the feeling of being bungee jumping at a high altitude!

Song Shuhang tried his best to make a 'smile' expression on his face, but under the pressure of air pressure, this smile was really ugly and couldn't be more ugly.

clap clap. Venerable White took several pictures in succession and said, "Well, okay, although it's not very good. But let's do it for now."

Song Shuhang finally breathed a sigh of relief, then opened his mouth... and continued to scream: "Ahhh~"

"Stop screaming, we're almost home." Venerable White said, at this time they could already see the 'Pharmacist Building', which was only a hundred meters away from the ground.

"Ahhh~" Song Shuhang was really about to burst into tears this time - Senior White, it was precisely because he was about to fall to the ground that I had to cry even more miserably.

It's about to hit, it's about to hit!

"The last bit of distance, let's speed up!" Venerable White seemed to be very playful today, his spiritual energy was surging behind him, pulling Song Shuhang almost like a jet plane, speeding up and hitting the ground.

Song Shuhang felt that his eyes were starting to turn black.

Fifty meters!

Thirty meters!

Ten meters!

Eight meters!

Three meters! Venerable White has no intention of stopping!

Senior White, aren't you going to hit the ground directly? Your strength is very strong, it's definitely okay to fall from this height, but I'm different. I'm a little cultivator of the first rank and the second aperture. If it hits the ground, it will become a mass of meat sauce!

"Ahhh~" Song Shuhang's scream became more and more earth-shattering.

In the house, Doudou and the young master of Kongkong Piratemen Tang had long been standing by the window, staring at Song Shuhang—they started watching the show when Song Shuhang was about 500 meters away from the roof.

Two meters!

one meter!

0.5 meters!

0.4 meters!

0.3 meters! No way, I, Song Shuhang, will really die on July 4, 2019!

"Chichichichi!" At this moment, a rapid brake-like sound sounded.

Afterwards... Song Shuhang felt that he was softly placed on the ground, without any sense of impact, and landed smoothly.

"Hahahaha." Venerable Bai laughed loudly, "Isn't it exciting?"

"Hehehehe." Song Shuhang said with a look of being played badly, hehe laughed.

"Looks like you think it's fun too! Hehe, I'll post the photo just now to the group album first." Venerable White laughed and began to play with his phone.

Song Shuhang stretched out his hand weakly, shouting in his heart, "Don't wow!"

But just now he screamed all the way, his throat was broken, and he couldn't make any sound.

"Done!" Venerable White pressed OK to send.

Jiuzhou No. 1 group, group space.

There is a bunch of photos in the group album.

All of them are photos of Song Shuhang and Venerable White when they were bungee jumping together. In the picture, Song Shuhang changed from a terrified and twisted expression to a forced smile behind him. On the other side, Venerable White was still unparalleled in his beauty, with an unrivaled temperament, and everyone loved him.

Photo title: "Just experienced a bungee jumping with little friend Shuhang. It was very fun. Little friend Shuhang said it was very fun. I am going to play with him again in a few days."

After a while... I liked it in the group.

Fairy Lychee: Senior White is still pretty~ I'm really jealous.

Pharmacist: Senior White City can play, ps: I am Jiang Ziyan.

Snow Wolf Cave Master: Senior White City can play!

Dharma King Creation: Senior White City can play! Stay in line!

True Monarch Yellow Mountain: Little friend Shuhang, come on! A tearful expression is attached below.

True Monarch Huangshan felt more and more that Little Friend Shuhang was really dedicated to his work, and he was in dire straits every day! Red envelopes, must have a big red envelope!

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman: Senior White City can play, and little friend Shuhang is adorable.

Yes, this little friend Song Shuhang, who gave up his life to accompany the gentleman, is really cute. If the next time Senior White comes out of the retreat, if little friend Song Shuhang is still alive, this task is none other than little friend Shuhang.

Lingdie Island Soft Feather: Huh? Bungee jumping? Does Senior Song like to play? Then Soft Feather will come to play with you next time, we made an appointment! @Book Mountain is under great pressure!

Song Shuhang shivered and took out his mobile phone, trying his best to pull out the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, wanting to see what Senior White had posted.

Then soon, he saw Soft Feather's message.

Song Shuhang's eyes suddenly turned black.

July 4, 2019... Song Shuhang, died!


Well, I'm running out of laughter today, so let's start with a chapter. I have to go and recharge. Finally... SUBSCRIBE! Please subscribe! Please subscribe! I said it three times!