Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 191: Blessings from Senior White


The next morning, Song Shuhang woke up in a daze - last night, he had many strange dreams.

An elevator suddenly crashed, and he suddenly fell from the elevator on dozens of floors;

Someone suddenly became a cleaner, and when he was washing glass outside a hundred-story building, the rope suddenly broke;

When I was looking at the scenery on the edge of a cliff, someone behind me suddenly pushed me lightly;

And when I was walking and walking on the road, I suddenly fell into a well, and the well didn't have a bottom yet.

In short, all kinds of weightlessness, all kinds of falls. The dreamed Song Shuhang's legs became weak...

When he woke up, he was still terrified.

Needless to say, these strange dreams must have been influenced by the bungee jumping with Senior White yesterday.

"Speaking of yesterday, was I possessed by Senior Sanlang?" Song Shuhang regretted what happened yesterday, how could he suddenly lose control of his mouth

I hope that Senior Bai has calmed down today and will stop dragging him to bungee jumping!

Otherwise, if he played a few more times, he was worried that his fear of heights would become very serious, and he might not even dare to fly Yujian in the future, then it would be over...

As usual, after finishing the morning exercise, Song Shuhang prepared for it—today is the last day of the final exam, and after completing today's exam, it will be a two-month summer vacation!

Song Shuhang went downstairs, preparing to quietly go to see Senior White's mood today.

But the strange thing is that in the early morning, the white predecessors disappeared. Not even Tangtang from Kongkong Pirates is not there, only Doudou is left to look after the house.

"Doudou, what about Senior White?" Song Shuhang asked in confusion.

"Venerable White went to find his Feijian! After you fell asleep last night, Senior White set off with the disciple who was thief from the sky." Doudou replied casually as if he was watching the news on the computer.

Song Shuhang nodded secretly, but Senior White had mentioned this to him.

"Doudou, what are you looking at?" Song Shuhang curiously leaned over to it and looked at the computer screen—hey, is it the news from the Jiangnan area this morning

Doudou is actually watching the news

Song Shuhang looked at the news content curiously.

According to reports, there have been cases of pet dogs lost in several areas in Jiangnan recently. The police suspect that a gang of dog thieves have fled to the Jiangnan area to commit crimes. . The police informed the residents that they hope that everyone will pay attention to the safety of their puppies, and do not let the dog thieves have the opportunity to take advantage of...

The dog gang

There are many people who keep dogs in the Jiangnan area, so every year, dog thieves gangs come to visit. Sometimes pet dogs worth tens of thousands of dollars are taken away by the dog gang and sold to a dog meat shop for hundreds of dollars. The police in the Jiangnan area can arrest several dog thieves every year, but they are still repeatedly banned.

Song Shuhang saw the news, and then looked at Doudou staring at the news without blinking. He immediately mourned for the dog thief for three seconds in his heart - where is it bad to go to the Jiangnan area

Moreover, catching cats and stealing chickens is no problem, but I have to steal dogs. If you don't die, you won't die. Why don't some people always understand the simple and easy-to-understand truth this time

Including yesterday's self!

"By the way, Venerable White left you a few things before he left, saying that when you go to J City next door to deal with the 'altar master's subordinates' in a few days, you can bring self-defense." Doudou scratched with his dog's paw. The mouse, at the same time, stepped back and put on a lazy dog peeing posture, kicking a bag of things towards Song Shuhang.

"What?" Song Shuhang took the package.

"You open it first, and I'll explain it to you later." Doudoutou didn't reply.

Song Shuhang opened the package.

The first is a wooden sword. The wooden sword is engraved with complex patterns, which is obviously something that Venerable White has refined. At the same time, there is a small box on the hilt of the wooden sword. There is a button on the box, which seems to be matched with the wooden sword.

When he saw this button, Song Shuhang had the urge to press it. This is human instinct, and many people feel itchy when they see a strange button.

However, the vigilant will resist this desire; and the person who is good at killing will press it without hesitation.

Then, next to the wooden sword is a tattoo sticker. It looks like the kind of 50 cents that Song Shuhang played with when he was a child.

There is also a handwritten list.

"The name of the wooden sword is 'Disposable Flying Sword 004 Edition'. As its name suggests, it is a flying sword that can be used once. Although it can only be used once, it is a treasure made by Venerable White after all. Not a problem.

The one that matches it is called 'Flying Sword Launcher 013 Version', you only need to inject your own blood value into the 'Flying Sword Launcher', you can resonate with the flying sword, and you can lock an enemy according to your will . Then, you just tap that button. With a 'swish', the 'one-time flying sword version 004' will be ejected, killing the enemy you locked. Convenient and practical, it is the first self-defense thing that Venerable White gave you. ' Doudou explained.

Feijian launcher? Song Shuhang originally thought that Master Tongxuan's 'experience version of sword control' was already very good, but he did not expect Venerable White to be even more skilled, and even came up with a flying sword launcher.

With a single touch, the flying sword will come out. Thinking about it makes me feel very emotional, right

"There is also that talisman paper, which is the 'Ten Thousand Mile Flying Escape Technique' printed with Venerable White's own coordinates. If you encounter an enemy who has absolutely no chance of winning, activate this talisman paper with your mental power, and then you will It will rush to Venerable White's side at an extremely fast speed." Doudou explained.

"The talisman paper, is that this?" Song Shuhang asked while holding up the tattoo sticker of the five-pronged money.

"That's it. According to Venerable White, he has improved this spell to make it easier to carry. You just stick it on your arm and it can be printed on your body like a tattoo. It's convenient and practical, and you don't have to be afraid. Lost." Doudou replied.

"So the charm can still be used like this?" Song Shuhang grabbed the sticker and pasted it on his wrist. The pattern of the charm was printed on his wrist.

This method is really good, it can save the steps of activating the talisman paper when running for life.

"By the way, Doudou, do you find this pattern familiar?" Song Shuhang pointed at the pattern and asked in confusion.

"Well, of course it looks familiar. When Venerable White made this spell last night, he said that he would cover up another pattern on it, so that the enemy would not recognize at a glance that it was the spell of 'Flying Escape from Ten Thousand Miles', so he could take precautions. So I searched the Internet for a gourd baby pattern, but it is an abstract version. If you put your palm up and look at it diagonally, can you see a three-dimensional gourd baby? Isn’t it handsome?”

Three-dimensional gourd doll

"..." Song Shuhang suddenly wanted to slap Doudou.

And he regretted even more why he had to move so fast? If I knew earlier, I would stick this tattoo sticker to a hidden spot so that no one can see it!

"By the way, if the situation is very critical when you are in danger, and you can't even release your mental power, this 'Wanli Flying Escape Technique' also has a voice activation function. I will tell you the formula... Listen, the formula It's 'Moon Prism Power, Transform', remember?" Doudou said again.

"Wait... What's the matter with this formula? Don't tell me you found it on the Internet?" Song Shuhang gritted his teeth.

"Well, yes. I found it with a quick search." Doudou replied.

Doudou, come here, I promise not to slap you!

"The last list is a list of materials for 'Qi and Blood Pills'. Venerable White already knew that your qi and blood pills seemed to be running out of numbers, so he made this list so that you can pay attention to it recently and see if you can I can't find some of the medicinal materials on the list. If you can gather all the medicinal materials, he can teach you how to make Qi and Blood Pills. Although Venerable White is not an alchemist, it is not a problem to make some low-level medicinal pills. ' Doudou said again.

Song Shuhang opened the list and saw a dazzling array of medicinal herbs. Some of them are familiar names of traditional Chinese medicines, and some are cultivators' specialized vocabulary of medicinal materials.

Fortunately, Venerable White thoughtfully drew the medicinal materials on the side, and introduced some of their characteristics, so that Song Shuhang would not be blinded.

"It's not that easy to collect all the medicinal materials for Qi and Blood Pill, right?" Song Shuhang sighed.

"Well, I think so too. However, perhaps in Venerable White's eyes, the medicinal materials of Qi and Blood Pill should be collected in one go out and about," Doudou added.

With Venerable White's luck, if he really wanted the medicinal materials of the 'Qi and Blood Pill' today, he might go out and suddenly a box or something fell from the sky, which was filled with the medicinal materials of the Qi and Blood Pill.

Or suddenly jumped out of an enemy, and left a pile of qi and blood pills after killing it.

Even if you go to a forest, you might be able to find a lot of medicinal herbs for Qi and Blood Pills, right

Song Shuhang felt the same way about Venerable White's 'good luck' and nodded secretly. However, forget it himself, he doesn't have the sky-defying luck like Senior White's, and the medicinal materials of this Qi and Blood Pill don't need to be thought about in a short time.

However, he still carefully read the list left by the white predecessors, and kept the above contents in his heart.

Finally, he saw a message from Venerable White at the end of the list.

"Little friend Shuhang, I wish you a smooth trip to J City. At the same time, I wish you a smooth search for the list of medicinal herbs for Qi and Blood Pill!"

Above, is Senior White's blessing

Senior White's blessing! Song Shuhang felt his heart beat faster, did he feel a little flattered? Or are you subconsciously worrying about something


Finally, the last homework exam is over.

The students in Jiangnan University Town sighed heavily, feeling that the students who did well in the exam this time looked relaxed and could spend a pleasant summer vacation.

And the unfortunate students who failed their exams looked miserable... Maybe soon after the summer vacation, they will receive their transcripts. Then... just wait for the school to arrange make-up exams.

The time for make-up exams in Jiangnan University Town is really willful, and it all depends on the mood of the school. Sometimes in the middle of the holiday, students who failed the course were suddenly called back to school to make up the test; sometimes at the beginning of the new semester, the students who failed the course were given a hell tutorial, and then they were thrown back to make up the test. Sometimes, even two or three days after the exam is over, make-up exams are organized immediately—the efficiency of changing exam papers is so amazing that students in Jiangnan University City both love it and hate it.

Because it was the last exam, Song Shuhang did not leave after this time, but waited for his roommates to come out. At the end of the semester, everyone has to have a meal together, and then start all kinds of summer vacation life.

"How was the exam?" Gao Moumou asked his roommates with a relaxed face. From his expression, he knew that he had an easy exam this time.

"No problem." Li Yangde's glasses flashed. For a scholar like him, passing the grade was never a consideration. His goal was only the top ten list of the total score of the dominant school.

"It's pretty easy, there won't be any problems." Song Shuhang replied with a smile.

"Hahaha, I have no problem this time. I feel like I can pass!" Tu Bo gave a thumbs up. This time, with the help of the magical tea sent by Song Shuhang, he was full of energy when reviewing and did not feel tired. After sharpening the gun, the exam went quite smoothly.

That night, the roommates in the dormitory made an appointment with five boys who had a good relationship with each other and went out for a drink.

Finally... Song Shuhang called three taxis, stuffed these drunks into the taxis one by one, and sent them to their various dormitories.

"Shuhang, call me when you wake up tomorrow morning, let's... go to my grandfather's place together!" Tu Bo's eyes were hazy, but he hadn't forgotten about it.

"Well, no problem. I'll pick you up tomorrow." Song Shuhang smiled.


After returning to the pharmacist's building, Song Shuhang saw that Doudou was searching for the map of the Jiangnan area.

"Doudou, I'm going to the next city J city tomorrow, do you want to go together?" Song Shuhang asked, Doudou is a big force, if you take it to J city, Song Shuhang will not have to worry about accidents at all.

"Wang Wang~ I won't run around with you, I have something to do these days." Doudou said, shaking his body, shaking off a dog hair, and then sucking up the dog hair with his paws and handing it to Song Shuhang .

"If you are in danger, hold up my hair and yell 'Doudou save me'. Then my dog hair can help you. Wang ~ don't worry, I am with you." Doudouyi Serious face.

Song Shuhang took the dog hair and looked at it horizontally and vertically: "Is it effective?"

"Wang, you don't want it? If you don't want it, just give it back to me. I'm still reluctant to give it to you!" Doudou immediately called out.

Song Shuhang immediately put away the dog's hair, joking, there is no reason to return the things that were sent out? Even if this dog hair is useless, he has to keep it well. The hair of the big demon dog, maybe it can also be used as a refining material, right

the next day.

Song Shuhang carried a shoulder bag and got ready. Then he went to the 'underground parking lot' first, drove a cheap two-side domestic car, and went to pick up Tubo to J City.

Because the exam was over yesterday, there should not be too many students going home from Jiangnan City today. The subway and trains must be crowded.

When Song Shuhang came to the dormitory, the three roommates were struggling to get up, their eyes were bloodshot, and they had not recovered from drinking too much.