Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 214: The champion of the Swordsman Contest who loves flying swords!


Aircraft and flying swords are different.

Feijian is convenient and fast, just prepare a flying sword, pinch the sword, and turn the light on the flying sword. Then step on it and fly as you want!

It doesn't matter if you fly horizontally, vertically, backwards, or backwards. And no matter whether it is windy, raining, lightning or heavy snow outside, it will not affect the flying of Feijian.

But planes are different...

Aircraft are greatly affected by various external factors. In addition to external factors, there are also rules set by human beings that restrict the freedom of aircraft flying.

Song Shuhang and Senior Bai sat in the classroom, listening to the instructor explain some basics of airplane flight.

Such as the calculation of take-off and landing data, the calculation of loading and trim, the acquisition and analysis of basic weather information. There are also aviation flight regulations; airspace analysis related to flight training areas and training airports; various airport indicators...

And so many basic knowledge.

This ordinary person needs to spend several days to learn the content. The teacher compresses and summarizes it, and explains it to Song Shuhang and Senior Bai at the fastest speed.

more than an hour later.

After the teacher finished speaking, he took a sip: "The general theoretical knowledge is the above."

To be honest, after explaining so much content in more than an hour, he was a little dizzy. He didn't think Song Shuhang and Venerable Bai could master these basic knowledge at all.

Well... it's just a cutscene anyway. The two in front of them even had their airplane driver's licenses in their hands.

"Well, it sounds very simple, but there are too many restrictions on various rules and regulations." Senior Bai put away a few theoretical knowledge books in his hand and nodded.

"There are no restrictions. There are so many planes in the air. If you don't manage them, there will be accidents. Once an accident occurs, it is basically a near death. However, the theoretical knowledge is still very simple. That's ok." Song Shuhang replied with a smile.

"That's true." Venerable White nodded.

In the classroom, the teacher heard the conversation between Shuhang and Venerable Bai, secretly took a sip of tea, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: Damn, these two goods are still pretending to be b!

The main points of knowledge he talked about for more than an hour, and even what he said made his head dizzy. It's no wonder that these two guys can understand it!

After that, everything was simplified. After all, Song Shuhang and Venerable Bai didn't come here to get a driver's license, but to learn how to fly around in a plane. Therefore, some cumbersome processes are completely eliminated.

Under the arrangement of Katherine, Song Shuhang and Senior Bai, under the one-on-one guidance of the flight instructor, first mastered some basic instrument operations, flight charts, and cognitive use of radar in the simulated training cabin.

Next, Song Shuhang and Senior Bai, led by a 'a brave man under heavy reward' and a flight instructor who 'not afraid of death', climbed into the helicopter of the aviation school.

Song Shuhang flew first, and Senior White sat in the back seat to watch and study.

When taking off, Song Shuhang's heart is still very nervous, the plane is no better than the car, if there is an accident, it will be over!

The flight instructor sat on the side and gave instructions. There was nothing to say at first. As long as it did not exceed the limit of 1,000 meters, everything else was optional. In fact, not only Song Shuhang was nervous, but the flight instructor was even more nervous. Because he knows that these two guys around him are the masters of money and fire. I just learned to fly today, and I'm about to fly directly. If it wasn't for the fact that he really needed a lot of money, would the ghost be willing to accompany these two guys to death

However, when the plane took off, the flight instructor was a little surprised—although Song Shuhang looked stiff, at first glance, he was a novice who came into contact with helicopters for the first time. But a set of operations did not make any mistakes. Although it was trembling, it went smoothly.

After controlling the plane to fly around in the air, the flight instructor was stunned that he did not find any operational faults in Song Shuhang.

This buddy has learned to fly a plane, come to play with me, right? The flight instructor secretly glanced at Song Shuhang... It's like the kind of racing athlete who participates in the ordinary C-class driver's license study

That's right, no matter how rich you are, no matter how much you like to play with fire, you won't make fun of your own life.

Perhaps this young man named Shuhang and the man named Song Bai have both piloted other types of planes. This time they came here to learn more about how to fly private planes

When he thought about it like this, the flight instructor felt a lot of peace in his heart. If this is the case, he and Lao Liu have earned it

Lao Liu is another flight instructor who is "not afraid of death under heavy rewards".

After continuing to walk around in the air, the instructor gave Song Shuhang the command to land.

Song Shuhang carefully controlled the plane and landed at the airport. Although the helicopter was more inconvenient than the take-off sword, it was better than the full sense of security!

Song Shuhang found that he liked this feeling very much... Awesome!

After the helicopter landed steadily, the flight instructor jumped out of the plane and trotted to another flight instructor who was 'not afraid of death' and said, "Lao Liu, I'm done driving here. I'll take another instructor for a while. Come, let the two students go to your place and try the business jet, are you ready?"

While talking, he quietly came to Lao Liu's side: "Lao Liu, let me tell you, these two students may have driven other models, they are not really rookies, they are already skilled in operation. It really paid off!"

"Oh..." Old Liu replied dully twice, as if he was wandering in the sky.

"Old Liu, what's the matter with you?" the helicopter flight instructor asked in confusion.

"Oh? Xiao Li, it's fine, I'm fine." Lao Liu came back to his senses and said with tears streaming down his face.

He was a teacher who accompanied Venerable White to one-on-one guidance in the virtual warehouse before. He had been alone with Venerable White for too long, which affected him and had doubts about his outlook on life.

"Lao Liu, don't get distracted, it's very dangerous! I'll take another student for a ride, and you can adjust your state." Xiao Li persuaded Lao Liu a few words, then turned around and prepared to take another student. Venerable White slipped around in the sky.

Then, when Teacher Xiao Li turned around and went back to the helicopter, he suddenly saw that student named Song Shuhang was putting on that thick and bulky spacesuit!

What the hell is this going to do

I teach helicopters, not space shuttles. You can't rush into the universe. What do you mean by wearing a space suit on your body

And the weather is so hot... Is this student brain pumped? Still brainstorming? Or brainstorm

Song Shuhang sensed Teacher Xiao Li's gaze and laughed dryly: "Well, hahaha, you don't need to pay attention to me, teachers. I just want to experience a pilot, and I can't help it, you just ignore me."

However, when teacher Xiao Li saw Song Shuhang's equipment, he always felt a stumbling block in his heart, and he was in a panic.

On the other hand, Venerable White stared at Song Shuhang's space suit curiously, with an expression of "I want to wear it too".

"The plane has been tested, no problem, and it can take off." At this time, the member in charge of the take-off test called out.

Senior White couldn't wait to get into the helicopter.

Although Song Shuhang was wearing heavy clothes, he still slipped into the back row of the plane very lightly. His huge size at this time filled the entire back row at once.

"Hahaha." Song Shuhang laughed embarrassedly. Fortunately, there is a soul-sealing ice bead, otherwise it will really heat the bad guys.

"..." Teacher Xiao Li stared at Song Shuhang again for a long while. After getting on the plane, his heart beat again uneasy: "Let's take off, just follow the process of Song Shuhang's students before, and be careful not to exceed one thousand meters in the sky."

"No problem." Venerable White said.

Compared to Shuhang, Venerable White is much more stable—even though he has never flown a plane, Venerable White has been in the sky for many years, and he is very familiar.

Therefore, when Venerable White was flying a helicopter, he didn't look like a novice at all, he was like a veteran of decades of flying aeroplanes, with all kinds of experience.

After teacher Xiao Li glanced at Venerable White, he was very determined—Wow, haha, I really earned this trip. He dared to bet ten dollars, this 'Song Bai' was definitely a veteran of flying, definitely not a newcomer!

The aviation school paid a lot of money to let him and Lao Li take care of the newlyweds and provided them with high insurance. I originally thought that I would risk my life to complete the task, but I didn't expect it to be a hundred times easier than guiding ordinary students.

If such tasks are called 'dangerous tasks', then let the 'dangerous tasks' come more violently, he is very willing.

Hmm... Of course, there was something that made Teacher Li restless, the big pimple behind him—Song Shuhang, who was wrapped in a spacesuit.

What do you think is a problem

Why is this young man named Song Shuhang wearing a space suit


The monk world has always been hidden in the real world, but the monks are not isolated from the world, they have always kept pace with the times.

Ordinary human beings have competitions in large-scale games such as the Olympic Games and Asian Games, and the monks also have their own competitions.

For example, in the world of monks, there is a flying sword competition held randomly around the world every ten years, which is very famous among monks.

As the name suggests, the Feijian competition is about speed and skill! There will be various traps, obstacles, and formations in Bihan, and the fastest to reach the finish line wins.

According to the different levels of cultivators, there are three levels of competitions—the fourth-level 'Sword Contest', the fifth-level "Flying Sword Competition", and the sixth-level "Sword Escape Competition".

As for the cultivators above the seventh rank Spirit Venerable... that's the existence of big bosses. Not only are they few in number, but they've been in retreat for hundreds of years, so there's no way they can participate in this kind of flying sword competition.

Falling Moon Sword Sect's 'Wind Sword' Yang Yuxiang is also well-known in the cultivator world.

He is the Triple Crown Champion of the Fourth Grade Imperial Sword Competition! In terms of speed alone, his flying sword speed has even far exceeded that of many ordinary fifth-grade spirit emperors!

Wind Sword Yang Yuxiang has dominated the 'Sword Contest' for three consecutive times. His goal is to win the championship of the fourth rank Yujian Contest again before he is promoted to the fifth rank Spirit Emperor, and complete the feat of four consecutive domination!

For this goal, he has been practicing the Flying Sword Escape Technique hard recently.

Three days ago, Yang Yuxiang, the 'Sword of the Wind', flew all the way from the eastern part of China to the westernmost part of the country, and then returned along the same path. On the way, he has been looking for various airports, air bases.

As for why he was looking for places like airports and air bases, it was because Yang Yuxiang had a hobby in his life - flying swords.

And he likes speeding with all kinds of planes.

Every time he flew side by side with the plane, and then overtook the plane, the psychological enjoyment was his favorite.

Anyway, mortals can't see him, he is very happy.

Today, he found another flying base.

"Jiangshui Civil Aviation Training Center? Oh, it's not an air force base. If it's a student, the plane will drive very slowly... Alas, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. I didn't even see a plane on the road just now. ." The Wind Sword Yang Yuxiang sighed secretly.

He waited for a long time above the airport, and finally... a helicopter slowly took off.

"Is it finally here?" Gu Fengjian Yang Yuxiang laughed, but unfortunately it is a small helicopter of this type.

After the helicopter was in the air and completed the initial acceleration, Yang Yuxiang, the Gusty Wind Sword, flew to the side of the helicopter with a 'swish', keeping flying side by side with the helicopter.

It was his habit to fly side by side with the plane for a while, and then, in one go, throw the plane away so far that he couldn't even see a shadow.

That kind of pleasure can't be described in words.


"Huh?" When Song Shuhang, who was sitting in the back seat of the helicopter, turned his head to look out the window, he suddenly saw a figure.

Figures in the sky

Ah, isn't it the cultivator who met Yu Jianfei

Shuhang has now opened his eyes, so he can see a lot of pictures that ordinary people can't see - such as ghosts, monsters, cultivators in Yujian flying.

However, these things are rare in the city. Except for Doudou at home, Song Shuhang has never seen a second monster.

It is also rare to see cultivators flying by Edgeworth... Normally, cultivators are flying so high that they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Today, it is rare to see a senior of Yujian flying flying with the plane.

While Song Shuhang was thinking about it, suddenly, the cultivator who was flying side by side with the helicopter made a face at the people in the helicopter...

Then, I saw this senior cultivator posing in a 'preparing to run' posture on the flying sword, bending over and pouting his butt. There was also a rhythmic call in his mouth: "Prepare~~ One, two... three!"

When the word 'three' was blurted out, the sword light rushed forward with a 'swish', and the speed was as fast as lightning!

The sound of the word 'three' still seemed to be echoing in Song Shuhang's ears, but the cultivator Yu Jianfei could only see the black dots the size of the tip of a fingernail.

"What is this?" Song Shuhang was at a loss.

"Haha, this is provocation!" Venerable White laughed, his eyes sharpened.

"Provocation? Wait!" Song Shuhang felt uneasy in his heart, and he immediately said: "Senior. Could it be that you misunderstood, maybe they just passed by with soy sauce?"

The teacher Xiao Li on the side was at a loss, what was the meaning of the conversation between the two? Why can he understand each word separately, but not when put together