Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 219: Senior White I will repair this big hole!


It's a very scary thing for Senior White to be distracted, because every time the senior is distracted, there is an 80% chance of triggering the 'Flat Ground' skill. ←

This skill is old and terrifying, even if it is placed in the magical world, it is second only to the forbidden spell level!

What's even more terrifying is that Senior White's distraction is irregular. Maybe one moment he was chatting with you with a smile, and the next moment he suddenly lost his mind.

Just like now, I was still smiling just now, but suddenly I was in a daze.

"I'm going to bump into it, Senior White, I'm going to bump into it, wake up, turn around... ah, I can't escape!" Song Shuhang wanted to cry.

At the same time, he also saw clearly what he was about to hit.

It was a huge cylindrical metal object, and there were four leaf-shaped things on the left and right sides of the electric fan, all kinds of handsome.

artificial satellite

No, Sputnik is not that big. The big guy in front of him is more than 50 meters long and nearly 100 meters wide! Full of sci-fi style, this is a masterpiece of modern human beings!

"Could it be a space station?" Song Shuhang's mind flashed.

It's over!

If it is an artificial satellite, even if it is damaged, let Senior White destroy it and send it away.

Perhaps the loss of a satellite will affect the earth's 'weather forecast' or 'mobile communication' and other functions, but the possibility of death is unlikely.

But the space station is different. There are always aviators stationed on the space gate, scientific research, and daily maintenance. If it crashes... What if there are scientific astronauts in it

Senior White is still distracted.


Feijian slammed into the space station fiercely, and hit a big hole on the right side of the space station in one breath. The sound was made up by Song Shuhang himself, and the sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum.

In space, impacts of all kinds are fatal. Even a small pill-sized piece of space junk can kill a satellite when it hits it.

Now. The helicopter shell under his feet slammed into the space station at high speed and with all his strength, and it would definitely explode the entire space station like a bullet shot through a soda bottle!

Just when Song Shuhang was worried, suddenly, the outer layer of the 'helicopter flying sword', the shield that Venerable White had arranged in advance took the initiative to fully open!

This shield acts as a strong buffer between the space station and the 'helicopter flying sword'. Helicopter shell after knocking out a hole in the space station. It stopped the continued damage to the space station.

Then, Feijian seemed to run out of power and slowly stopped...

ended? !

The space station is not completely destroyed!

Song Shuhang couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

However, Song Shuhang looked at the huge hole on the space station in front of him again, he rubbed his face hard - what should I do? What's next

If the space station is destroyed because of this hole, it will definitely be the most expensive traffic accident in history.


On the other side, twenty minutes ago.

in the space station.

A bald man put on a thick space suit and said with a sigh, "Anthony, how long have we been in this space station?"

"Oh. Akuro, the two of us have been in this damn place for a full five months! But today we're finally going back." Another young man with white hair replied with a smile : "We have completed nearly 60 experiments here, and it is considered a complete success. Finally, I finally don't have to face your bald head every day!"

"Me too, I'm tired of facing you with white hair for five months in a row." Akuro laughed.

The two joked and put on their space suits.

Next, wait for the manned space shuttle to come and pick them up back to Earth.

Stayed in this damn place for five full months. Even Anthony, a research madman, can't stand it. Fortunately, the hard days are finally over.

The two waited for a long time in the space station, but the expected space shuttle was delayed.

Suddenly... the space station shook violently. Seems to be hit by something.

"Oh, God, damn it. What happened?" Anthony exclaimed.

"Is the manned spaceship coming? But there is no notification or signal at all?" The bald Akuro said loudly.

"Did it crash into something? Go through the surveillance to see." Anthony shouted, this is space, and if something goes wrong in space, the two of them will really die.


Violent impact. Finally, Venerable White was able to recover from the distracted state.

"Oh, why did you lose your mind?" Senior Bai patted his cheek embarrassedly: "Well, where did you just say? Oh, since we have entered the universe, we have to look for it. Let's see if there is any. Small meteorites and the like are floating around, so let's have a place to stay?"

"No need, senior." Song Shuhang said with a dry smile: "We hit something. If I guessed correctly, we hit a space station."

"Ah, did you hit something? Did it break?" Senior Bai asked in a daze.

Song Shuhang replied: "It didn't smash, the target was bigger. And the shield was activated when we hit it, and it didn't seem to have much power anymore, only a hole was hit."

"Oh, fortunately, it's fine if it doesn't break." Senior Bai looked relieved.

Yes, luckily it wasn't broken. Song Shuhang sighed in his heart.

At this time... Xiao Li, the instructor in the passenger seat, woke up again in a daze.

When he woke up, he found himself wrapped in a full space suit. And then—his hearing seems to be back! He could hear his own breathing.

However, the body parts below the neck are still unable to move.

"Where is this place?" Instructor Xiao Li asked with a crying voice, but his voice seemed unable to come out of the spacesuit, only he could hear his own voice.

At this time, a voice appeared in his brain out of thin air, without passing through his ears, it sounded directly in his brain: "It's space."

Talking in your head? Xiao Li was startled, he turned his head and looked around. Then, he saw the dark universe, and the twinkling stars...

Really in the universe

What exactly happened

No, let me take a good look at it.

Xiao Li recalled that today he taught two special students and took them to the sky by helicopter. This is a very ordinary day.

Then, the first student named Song Shuhang flew around in the sky smoothly. No accident happened, congratulations.

Then, the second student named Song Bai also slipped in the air in a plane.

And then... for some reason, my beloved helicopter seems to be breaking through the speed of sound? The sonic boom scene is still vivid in my memory. Then, what did you do

He was deaf and passed out again.

When you wake up again, you are already in space

What kind of divine development is this Tema! Even a top-notch joker wouldn't be able to write such a divine development plot, right

After a long while, Teacher Li turned his head stiffly, looked at Venerable Bai next to him, and cried and prayed, "Mr. Song Bai, will you let me go back?"

Although I don't know exactly what happened, everything must have something to do with this Song Bai!

"Well, I will take you back, don't worry!" Venerable White replied.

"Uuuuu..." Teacher Xiao Li burst into tears for some reason, with inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Song Shuhang asked, "Senior White, what should we do next?"

"Well, I'll deal with Teacher Xiao Li's memory first, and then let him stay on the plane. Then... I'll find a way to repair the big hole in the space station that we knocked out!" Venerable White replied, wondering if it was Song Shuhang The illusion of , the tone of the white predecessors with a hint of excitement

Wait a minute, what did Senior White just say, he wants to repair the space station

No, absolutely not!

Senior White who had a problem with even dismantling an air conditioner, no... Not only the air conditioner, all the electrical appliances in the house had been dismantled by Senior White once, but none of them could survive safely. This can be seen from the pharmacist's building that was renovated by the whole family.

Senior Bai is a little expert in disassembly, but installation is completely incompetent.

So, Song Shuhang sincerely suggested: "Senior Bai, if you want to make repairs, let the members of the space station do it themselves. I think it's better for us to quietly withdraw first?"

"No, we have to take care of the hole we made." Venerable White insisted on his own opinion, and said, "I know what you are worried about, but you don't need to worry about it."

"I am not who I was a week ago. After dismantling so many electrical products and various machinery, I have a deep understanding of modern electronic and electrical products! It's just a hole in the space station, I can handle it. of!"

"Even if it can't be repaired, I still have magic! At most, use magic to block the holes we hit!"

Venerable White looked confident.

—That’s right, even if it’s not repaired, Senior White can use magic to block the hole first. Then, wait for the maintenance personnel of the space station to come over and repair it slowly.

Song Shuhang nodded secretly, and when he thought about it, he felt a lot more at ease.

Then, Senior White had begun to cast spells on teacher Xiao Li and began to erase his recent memory.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." Xiao Li cried miserably.

"Don't be noisy, if you scream again, don't blame me for having too many memories deleted!" Senior White threatened.

Xiao Li's face turned pale - delete memory

Suddenly, he made up a lot of plots in his mind: for example, the protagonist was captured by aliens and went through all kinds of terrifying experiments. After the experiment, the protagonist was brainwashed to delete his memory and put back on earth to continue his life. However, because of all kinds of terrifying experiments, the protagonist often unknowingly turned into a monster and devoured humans...

And this poor protagonist, who was once a flight instructor, was affectionately called Xiao Li by his colleagues. (To be continued.)

ps: It took me a long time to find the information, and then I wrote that I found that I searched for the information for more than three hours, and I didn't use much at all. Can't laugh or cry. The second is sent, and I ask for a recommendation ticket.