Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 220: Hey, where has Teacher Li gone?


"I don't want to be brainwashed." Xiao Li shed two lines of tears.

Snapped! Senior White patted Xiao Li's helmet lightly, and Xiao Li rolled his eyes and fainted again.

"It's done! The spell to erase memory is really troublesome to use. I deleted his memory until he saw us this morning... If he hadn't struggled, I could have allowed him to retain more memory. " Senior White said.

Song Shuhang glanced at Teacher Li, feeling very sorry.

Then, Venerable White unfastened the seat belt and said excitedly, "Next, let's go to fill the big hole in the 'space station' together!"

"We? Together?" Song Shuhang pointed to himself, I'm going too

"Of course, this hole is so big, if you are by my side, you can help a little." Senior White replied.

"Okay." Song Shuhang agreed.

He doesn't know anything about repairing the 'space station', but at least he can watch Senior White and don't let him mess around.

"Let's go!" Senior Bai grabbed Song Shuhang, opened the protective cover on the outside of the 'helicopter-type flying sword', jumped lightly, and landed on the space station.

After the protective cover disappeared, Xiao Li in the helicopter flew up. Fortunately, he had an airplane seat belt on him, which could ensure that he would not fly out.

Some parts in the helicopter are also flying. If these small parts are not properly disposed of, they will definitely become space junk.

At this time, Senior White grabbed Song Shuhang and landed lightly on the edge of the space station hole. Both of them were protected by magic spells, and they were in a state similar to invisibility.

Afterwards, Senior White stretched out his hand, and all the broken parts that flew out of the aircraft casing were bound by an invisible force and dragged to Senior White's side. Senior Bai thinks that these parts may be used to fill holes

Then, Venerable White held the sword in his hand, and the plane shell slowly retreated from the big hole in the space station.

Song Shuhang looked at the place where it was crashed, and after looking at it for a long time, he didn't know what part of the 'space station' was at the place that was crashed.

Anyway, the outside is a thick deck, and a big hole has been knocked out. There are many lines and some plumbing equipment inside.

Although Song Shuhang studied mechanical design and manufacturing, how could he understand the design of the space station in front of him? After looking for a long time, I didn't find anything famous.

"How do I fix it?" Venerable White crouched on the edge of the hole. He first placed a shield spell outside the big hole to prevent the smashed objects in the space station from flying out.

"Senior, do you have any spells such as recovery techniques. After a spell goes down, the damaged things will be restored as if they were time-reversed?" Song Shuhang asked.

Venerable White rolled his eyes: "Do you think such a spell might appear in the world?"

That's right, if there is such a spell, Venerable White must be the first to learn it.

"However, according to my experience of dismantling so many electrical appliances, electronic equipment and cars... Anything that is broken is connected by wires, and welded by pipes, that's right! Then the deck outside is broken, and it is re-connected. Get a deck. Then that's it!" Senior White said to himself.

Song Shuhang nodded and said, "Then let's try it, senior."

Anyway, a dead horse is a living horse doctor. It works best. If it doesn't work, let the seniors use a shield spell to block the hole first. Then let the crew of the space station figure out how to fix it.

"Leave it to me." Senior White began to fiddle with the big hole, asking Song Shuhang to find some parts from the pile of 'floating parts' from time to time.

Gradually, the complicated broken wires were pulled up one by one by Senior White, and the broken pipes were also re-closed—although I don't know if they were connected correctly, but on the surface, it seemed that there was no problem.

Thirty minutes later.

"Hahaha, as long as I get serious, there will be no problem, I'll fix it!" Senior Bai stretched his back and said to Shuhang, "Come on, take a picture for me, and then when I get back to Earth, tell me Go to Swarm Space. The title is: Repairing Space Station Holes in Space!"

"..." Song Shuhang.

However, he still took out his mobile phone, adjusted the angle, and took several pictures for Senior White.

"Okay, it's done! In the end, there is only one deck left. How about we cut off the outer shell of the helicopter and weld it on first?" Senior Bai suggested.

"No way, let's not talk about the deck strength, there are all kinds of obvious marks on the outer shell of the helicopter. If people finally found out that it was the outer shell of a helicopter, but flew into space and was welded to the shell of the space station, how can this be explained? Ah?" Song Shuhang immediately dismissed.

"That's right, then I'll carve a small formation and set up a shield for a while. If they can't fix the hole in a week, I'll go to the earth and get a steel plate and weld it back for them." Senior Bai Nodding, he drew a small formation with spiritual power on the edge of the hole, and then poured spiritual power into the formation.

In this way, a shield defense can be formed on the outer layer of the hole, and this shield can last for about a week.

"Okay, let's leave." Senior White was satisfied.

Then, he pulled Song Shuhang and jumped gently and returned to the helicopter shell.

Senior Bai suggested: "Let's find a meteorite or something to play for a while, and then we'll go back to Earth!"

"Okay." Song Shuhang touched his heart. Today's experience was really exciting. Now he really wants to go home quickly.

However, seeing that Senior White is still very interested, it is not easy to sweep Senior White's interest. Well, now that we are here, let's accompany Senior White in space.

After sitting down in the helicopter shell, Song Shuhang suddenly froze for a moment, he raised his head abruptly and looked at the front passenger seat.

"Senior White... What about Teacher Xiao Li?"

I saw that the original passenger seat was empty, and Teacher Li disappeared!

Senior Bai was stunned: "Ah? What about people?"

"Senior, could it be that he suddenly woke up and ran?" Song Shuhang guessed.

Venerable White shook his head and said, "Impossible. The spell I used on him is enough for him to be in a coma for a day and a night."

"Then why didn't he disappear... Didn't he just float away?" Song Shuhang took a closer look at the co-pilot seat of the plane, and the cold sweat on his forehead immediately came down - when he went to repair the hole with Senior White, he specially strengthened Xiao Li. Instructor's aircraft seat belt.

But now, the safety force on the passenger seat is broken.


"Not good, Senior White. Teacher Xiao Li really floated into the universe." Song Shuhang said urgently.

"Don't worry, we don't have much time to repair the hole, and he won't be far away. I can find him with my mental power." After speaking, Venerable White expanded his mental power and scanned in all directions.


Back in time, about ten minutes ago...

in the space station.

"Acuro, did the damn surveillance find anything?" cried the white-haired Anthony.

"There's a big hole in one of the F-K-Space Station, and I don't know what it hit. Hell, there's not even an alarm. How did this hole come about?" The bald Akuro scolded.

"Stop screaming, will the hole affect the operation of the entire space station?" Anthony is concerned about other aspects, which are related to their lives.

"That's not true. There is a robotic arm moving platform, which will not pose a hazard to the operation of the entire space station." Akuro replied.

While speaking, a white object flashed across the surveillance screen.

"What's that?" Anthony was taken aback by the white thing - something that suddenly passed by in the universe, very scary, okay

Akuro hurriedly manipulated the camera to zoom in, and soon, they saw the white object. It was a human figure in a spacesuit.

"It's an astronaut!" Akuro dared not speak.

"Could it have something to do with him just now? Hurry up, get him here." Anthony shouted.

"Look at me, I hope this guy doesn't die." Akuro said.

five minutes ago...

The two space station astronauts finally fished the fellow floating in the universe into the space station, and then dragged him into the 'service bin'.

"He's from the East, and he's still alive! Tsk tsk, this guy is really lucky." Akuro said: "Wake him up and ask what happened."

Four minutes ago...

The astronauts of the two space stations tried their best to wake up the astronauts in this east.

At this moment, Anthony's eyes suddenly lit up: "Take off his spacesuit, I have an impression of his spacesuit, the helmet has a camera function, and the spacesuit has the function of storing and playing videos. I'll go in and have a look. , what happened to this guy before he fainted."

two minutes ago...

The two astronauts took off the space suit on the oriental astronaut and put him on a spare space suit for the space station.

Then, Lord Anthony, who is more similar to the Oriental man, got into the Oriental man's space suit and began to operate on the space suit.

A layer of black material fell from the original transparent hood of the spacesuit, blocking Anthony's face, but it also allowed the helmet to have functions such as playing videos.

This is the function of the spacesuit developed in 2019, but it is very frightening, and it also increases security risks, so there are few spacesuits that really use this function.

"Strange, doesn't this guy have the camera function turned on? Why are all the screens black?" Anthony said dissatisfied. He operated for a long time, but still couldn't find any useful information.

at this time…

The door of the service compartment suddenly opened automatically!

Anthony and Akuro Qiqi turned their heads to look at the barn door, but there was nothing at the barn door.

Just as the two of them were wondering... a heavy sense of dizziness surged up.

The two of them couldn't resist the dizziness, so they passed out.

The three figures in space suits just floated in the service bay.

"It's done, I didn't expect Teacher Xiao Li to be brought into the space warehouse." Song Shuhang's figure appeared in the warehouse, hehe smiled.

Then he stepped forward, dragged the familiar figure of the aviation suit, and quickly evacuated the space capsule.