Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 238: Reading is a bird


After sighing, Lu Tianyou adjusted his smile towards the car window. After finally squeezing out a smile that looked more appropriate, he tried his best to keep this smile, picked up the statue and followed his father.

The so-called people who don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face hope that, based on his cheerful smile, Uncle Song won't use a broom to chase people away after he presents the statue.

After Lao Lu went upstairs, before anyone arrived, the voice came first: "Lao Song, I'm here, wow hahaha."

"..." Dad Song pushed his glasses, and when he heard the laughter, he felt a dull pain in his liver.

Soon, Lao Lu opened the door and came in, followed by Lu Tianyou behind him.

"You old guy, it's been a year, you finally remembered coming to my house to play?" Dad Song grabbed the attention and mentioned the keen word 'one year'.

"Hahahaha, haven't I been busy all the time." Lao Lu made a hahaha.

Father Song raised his brows. He knew that Lao Lu should start showing off his son next.

Worthy of being a bad friend for decades, Lao Lu's next actions were the same as Song's father guessed.

I saw Old Lu laughing loudly, turning around and shouting, "Haha, God Bless, come over and see you Uncle Song!"

At the back, Lu Tianyou came in holding a large statue with a stiff smile on his face: "Hello, Uncle Song."

"Old Song, do you feel that Tianyou has grown taller recently? He's already half a head taller than me." Old Lu said proudly—from childhood to adulthood, when comparing his height with Lao Song, he never lost!

Father Song thought about his own Shuhang. Although his height of 175 was not short, compared with Lu Tianzuo, who was over 1.9 meters in front of him, it was a big difference.

After sighing, Dad Song knew that after showing off his son, Lao Lu was about to show off his son's career.

Just like in his own house, Lao Lu took a chair next to Song's father and said, "Old Song, do you still remember when Tianyou dropped out of school in the year before? There are achievements! Do you know the precious wood business? When Tianyou invested in it a few years ago, it was not well-received. But these days, the business of precious wood has become more and more prosperous, and Tianyou has a vision! Last year alone, he That's a net profit of over ten million."

"Young and promising, you are much stronger than you, Lao Lu!" Father Song mocked Lao Lu, neither soft nor hard.

Next, after Lao Lu Xuan finished his son's career, he should show off his son's luxury car, right

Just as Dad Song thought, Lao Lu patted Dad Song on the shoulder proudly: "It's only natural that my son is better than Dad. By the way, wow, Lao Song, did you see the stop downstairs just now? That car? The BMW 7-series top-of-the-line car, although it's not a very good car, it's more than two million after getting it all done. My family Tianyou still thinks it's not good enough, and it's better to replace it in two years. What kind of car. What kind of horse, what kind of emperor, what kind of Ferrari, you can do it."

At this time, Lu Tianyou wished that there was a crack in the ground, so that he could get into it himself, it was a shame. But in the face of Dad Song's praise, he could only keep smiling.

Luxury car!

Damn, after that kid Shuhang graduates, we must let him make money quickly, let alone the 7th series, just go straight to the Ferrari model, he won't make that much money, let's see if he won't die... Scrap, forget it . How easy is it to make money!

"Come here, Lao Song, I will come to the door this time, and I will not send other things. I will give you a statue. I heard that you like to collect this stuff. I spent a lot of time getting people to carve it. Back then, this statue was carved. It has caused a lot of influence and disturbance on the Internet. Unfortunately, the prototype cannot be obtained, so we can only replace it with a similar one." Lao Lu looked regretful, reached out to his son, and asked him to hand over the gift. superior.

Lu Tianyou's face twitched, trying to maintain a hearty smile, and carefully handed the statue up.

Father Song pushed on his glasses and took the statue—Mada, what Lao Lu gave it was definitely not a good thing.

It's still quite heavy, have you crossed the copper

Then, Dad Song lifted the cloth cover on the statue, revealing a delicate statue inside.

It was a slender literary girl, sitting still, with an open book on her lap. The literary girl's head was slightly raised, and on her other palm, she held a dove of peace that was about to fly...

This statue is quite good, the artistic conception is good, and the literary girl is even more lifelike. Father Song was puzzled for a while. Did Lao Lu really change his mind and send him a gift that suits his eyes

"Hahahaha, not bad, right? This statue is great!" Lao Lu smiled exaggeratedly: "Did you see that a literary girl is reading a book while holding a bird - this is the popular 'reading top Bird's statue. I have been preparing for more than a year, and today I finally have the opportunity to send it to you!"

Revenge, Hong Guoguo's revenge!

This is Lao Lu's revenge. Last year, Father Song brought Song Shuhang to his house to show off.

- No matter how good your book is, what's the use of studying? My son dropped out of school and still makes a lot of money! Reading is a bird? This is the voice of Lao Lu at this time.

"Hahahaha, good good!" Papa Song gritted his teeth and called three times in a row: "I will accept this gift! I will 'collect' it well!"

Father Song decided to keep the statue well.

When Song Shuhang is promising in the future, he can use this statue to bring it back to beat Lao Lu in the face. If Song Shuhang messes up badly in the future, he will hit Song Shuhang in the face with this statue!

Mother Song shook her head secretly in the kitchen at this time. She felt that Father Song and Lao Lu were both old men, and they were completely helpless! The two old guys didn't hurt each other, and they felt uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, keep it well, this is a part of my heart." Lao Lu looked satisfied - after holding him back for a year, this breath finally came out, it was not easy. After seeing Lao Song gnashing his teeth and accepting the gift, Lao Lu felt a warm current pouring out of his heart, rushing to his body, indescribably smooth.

"You two, don't be afraid of the children's ridicule. Don't say more, Xiaoyou, sit down and eat." Mama Song came out of the kitchen, served the last dish, and then each made a bowl of white rice. .

"Brother and sister, do you have any wine? Let's have some first?" Looking at the white rice in front of him, Lao Lu smacked his lips and asked—he is happy in his heart now, and he can't wait to have a bowl of strong wine and drink it up in one gulp.

Song's mother rolled her eyes: "You are not allowed to drink on an empty stomach, eat first and then drink!"

"Yes, in my house, you always eat first and then drink. With your physique, Lao Lu, one bowl is not enough, at least three bowls of white rice are enough!" Dad Song said with a serious face.

"Bah, you old Song, eat first! After you're full, I'm going to drink you down today!"

Lu Tianzuo smiled wryly, sat down beside his father, thanked Mama Song, and started to eat.

"By the way, Lao Song, where is your Shuhang, why haven't you come back yet? Is it summer vacation?" Lao Lu asked aloud after taking a few bites.

"Last time I called and said that his friend invited him to be a guest, so it's time to come back soon." Dad Song replied casually.

At this time, he didn't want Song Shuhang to come back and suffer—Old Lu had a broken mouth, if Song Shuhang was there, he would definitely be ridiculed in various tricks, tsk tsk! Fortunately, Shuhang's friend invited him to be a guest, which was great.

"Haha, it's such a pity." Lao Lu took two more bites: "Speaking of which, it's almost time for your Shuhang to learn to drive, right? Have you learned it yet?"

"I mentioned it to me, but I don't know if he has studied or not." Dad Song replied casually.

"If he doesn't learn, I will drive a BMW 7 to teach him during the summer vacation! How can I say that I have also worked as a driving school instructor." Lao Lu patted his chest and said.

The corner of Dad Song's mouth twitched hard... Lao Lu's dazzling car technology is too dry to bear to witness.

However, it's such an idiot, one day my family, Shuhang, will drive back in a luxury car, and I will show off twice!


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, two hours have passed.

Halfway through, Song Shuhang also refueled the tractor - True Monarch Yellow Mountain would not have expected that Venerable White would choose to use the tractor to bring himself home, so he even had spare oil ready

At first, Venerable White had a lot of fun playing with the tractor, all kinds of hi.

But after two hours of driving, he seemed a little bored.

"Shuhang, your home hasn't arrived yet?" Venerable White asked.

"It's almost there, at our current speed, it will be there in more than an hour." Song Shuhang sighed, only Venerable White can do the speed of driving a tractor out of a sports car.

"It's still another hour." Senior White sighed, suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "Shuhang, let's change someone, come and open?"

"I drive? I can't drive a tractor." Song Shuhang's mouth twitched.

"It's fine, it's easy, I'll teach you." Venerable White found a section of road where no one was there, and slowly stopped the tractor. After stopping, he jumped off the tractor and stretched.

Song Shuhang had to bite the bullet and take the handrail of the tractor.

Venerable White moved to Song Shuhang's seat, and the whole person shrank into a small ball, and he instructed him to drive the tractor beside Song Shuhang.

Some things are all-in-one, and Song Shuhang can quickly get started.

"Boom boom boom... chu chu..." The tractor spewed black smoke again and ran happily on the avenue.


somewhere in China.

Daoist Yunwu sat cross-legged on the escaping light transformed by Jianwan, floating leisurely in the air.

"It's almost time to go back to the sky and steal the door. The guy in Huangshan is so weak that he hasn't come to arrest me. It's a shame that I have been careful to guard against his surprise attack day and night these few days. It's boring." Daoist Yunwu stood up and stretched out. A lazy waist.

Because he was on guard against the Yellow Mountain True Monarch, after escaping from the forbidden area of the Wuzhi Mountain seal, he did not dare to contact the disciples of the Kongkong Pirates, for fear of being caught back by the Yellow Mountain True Monarch.

Daoist Yunwu took out a map from his arms and carefully compared his current position: "Go ahead, it should be in the direction of Wenzhou City."