Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 239: Make a wish to the meteor!


"I heard that Wenzhou City's various snacks and delicacies are very good. Let's go there and go back to Kongkong Piratesmen after eating." Daoist Yunwu secretly said in his heart.

After being sealed for two hundred years, after coming out, he felt that this era was really a time to enjoy!

There are Internet, movie theaters, theaters, and all kinds of novel ways to play. Even the ancient imperial family did not enjoy people at this time - of course, the premise is that you have enough money!

The only fly in the ointment is that the environmental pollution caused by the development of science and technology is more serious. But it doesn't matter, this harsh environment is nothing to cultivators at all.

Daoist Yunwu is a strong man who has already condensed the golden core. Even if the environment of the earth is a hundred times worse, it will not hurt him.

Therefore, no matter it is roadside snacks, fried food, or all kinds of junk food, as long as it looks good and tastes great, Taoist Yunwu will open his stomach to eat it.

Viruses or something... can't affect him.

For example, after eating fifty skewers of kebab last time, Yunwu Sanren felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach, but his body automatically reacted and easily dissolved the toxins that had invaded his body.

Speaking of which, it can make his current physique eat, and his stomach feels a little uncomfortable. What the heck is a kebab

But the taste is so good, I salivate just thinking about it. Next time I have a chance, I will try it again!

"Let's go, let's see what's delicious and fun in Wenzhou City!" Daoist Yunwu happily set up his sword light, swishly, and flew to Wenzhou City.

Flying and flying, Yunwu Sanren suddenly frowned.

"Strange, why do I feel a sense of crisis above my head again? And it's getting heavier and heavier." Yun Wu Sanren muttered to himself.

"Did you wake up in the wrong position this morning, or did you take a shower yesterday?"

Daoist Yunwu is no stranger to the sense of crisis above his head. Ever since he came out of the 'Five Fingers Mountain Sealing Method', he has faintly felt that there is a great omen on the top of his head.

He thought it was a trap or a backhand left by True Monarch Yellow Mountain, but he tried many ways to resolve it, but he didn't succeed.

Yesterday, this ominous omen suddenly disappeared.

But now, why did this ominous omen come again

"What the hell is it, even if it is death, it will give me pleasure." Daoist Yunwu secretly said in his heart.

After a moment of silence, Taoist Yunwu gritted his teeth.

Life safety is very important, the plan to play in Wenzhou City was cancelled, and he went directly through Wenzhou City and returned to the empty door.

When you go back to the sect, there will be a great formation guarding the sect, so don't be afraid of any evil omen!


On a road to Wenzhou City.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

The tractor was still roaring, Song Shuhang grabbed the handrails with both hands, and his whole body was shaking as the tractor drove. He... drives great!

In fact, a walk-behind tractor car, if others can't see your appearance, it will be unexpectedly exciting to drive.

The heavy front of the car, the shaking feeling when it starts, is as Venerable White said before - it feels great in the hand.

Especially when this walk-behind tractor can fly at a speed of a hundred yards or even a hundred and fifty yards, this feeling is not too great. It will be addictive, and I want to open it!

"Aha, Senior White, we'll be in Wenzhou City in about half an hour, and soon we'll be on White Whale Road, where is my home." Song Shuhang said to Venerable White.

He was afraid that Senior White would suddenly become bored and distracted, and it would be troublesome, so he often found topics to chat with Venerable White along the way.

But this time, I didn't wait for Senior White's response for a long time.

Song Shuhang hurriedly turned his head and glanced at it, and found that Senior White was closing his eyes, and the whole person was shrunk into a ball.

Fell asleep

Could it be that when you treated yourself and Teacher Li's injuries this morning, you consumed a lot of spiritual energy, so you were tired


Song Shuhang slowly slowed down the speed of the tractor and parked on the side of the road.

Then, he reached out and shook it in front of Senior White.

Venerable White still didn't react at all - he was breathing, um, not breathing. Because at the realm of Senior White, he no longer needs to breathe.

Song Shuhang thought for a while and took out something from his pocket. It was a small xiao, whose name was 'Thousands of Miles Sound Transmission Xiao', which was given to him by the True Monarch of Yellow Mountain when he took Venerable Bai out of the customs.

With this thing, he can contact Venerable White.

He tried to play the 'thousand-mile sound transmission flute'.

Soon, Senior White's soft voice came from Xiao Xiao.

"Zizi... hello."

Song Shuhang looked at Venerable White and saw that he was motionless and unresponsive. I have already guessed the possibility.

"Zizi... Hello, this is the 'A Bai' retreat. There are still 2 days, 3 hours and 2 quarters until the end of this retreat. Please wait patiently." Venerable Bai continued to answer in the Qianli sound transmission flute.

Yes, Senior White is closed.

Venerable White, the retreat madman, felt like he had nothing to do because he was sitting in the car. If you have nothing to do, just shut up. How long will it be closed? Anyway, if you want to close it, let's close it for two days.

Therefore, Venerable White was closed for more than two days.

Song Shuhang rubbed his forehead.

Senior, you have less time to retreat!

You look like this, how will I arrange it after I bring you home

If Senior White's retreat time is only half a day, Song Shuhang can still say: "My friend is tired from the journey, so he will sleep first and let him rest well."

But for more than two days in retreat, how did he explain to Father Song and Mother Song

My friend loves to sleep by nature, and he will sleep for two days this night, don't you worry

Don't worry, who could sleep for two days in one night? vegetative? !

At that time, Father Song will not have to worry about death, and he will immediately send Venerable White to the hospital.

"What should I do, or else, first find a hotel near my house and place Senior White in the hotel first?" Song Shuhang thought to himself.

But this idea had just appeared, and he was denied it by himself.

What are you kidding? Put Senior White in the hotel alone

Then, in the event that Senior White is in retreat, the 'real fantasy' of the great desert unfolds, and everyone in the hotel will be tortured to death by the young man in the green shirt, and it will be fatal!

Even if you don't open the 'real fantasy', with Senior White's handsome appearance and charisma, maybe he just left Venerable White in the hotel, and the next moment, many local tyrants will drive over with strong men and take Senior White. robbed.

This isn't really accurate. Because there is precedent!

When they took Venerable White out of the customs, those local tyrants almost beat out a dog's brain in order to grab the statue of Venerable White.

"Forget it, let's transport it back to my home first. Then I will find Doudou and the little monk back, and let Doudou set up a barrier for my room." Song Shuhang rubbed his brows.

As for how to explain it to Song Dad and Song Mom - let's take a step by step. all will be good!

If it really doesn't work, just introduce Venerable White as a vegetative person.

With a heavy sigh, Song Shuhang returned to the tractor driver's seat, ready to start the tractor.

The roar of the tractor sounded again, and black smoke came out...

Just as Song Shuhang was about to start the tractor, a beautiful meteor streaked across the sky.

Even in the daytime, the meteor was still bright and dazzling.


Song Shuhang closed his eyes, put his hands together, and quickly moved his lips together: "I hope Su Clan's Sixteen is healthy, and I hope that the memory problems of senior Beihe, Sanlang, and Guheguan can also be solved!"

When he said this, he quietly opened his eyes and looked at the meteor. The meteor is still moving in the sky, and it is old enough to make another wish.

"I hope this trip to bring Senior White home will go smoothly and not cause all kinds of troubles. I hope Doudou and the little monk will stop tossing and be obedient!"

Having said that, he quietly opened his eyes again, the meteor was still flying, and it was getting brighter.

"The last wish, I hope my practice will be smoother, I hope I can have good luck, oh!"

In the past, Song Shuhang would definitely not do such a silly thing as making a wish on a meteor—he didn’t believe it back then.

Even now, he still doesn't believe in this set!

But since he came into contact with the reality of the monk world, he felt that something like 'good luck' was really mysterious. Because there is a white predecessor with evil luck around!

It's silly to make a wish on a meteor, but you can ask for peace of mind.

If you have a good mentality, your luck may also follow suit.

After making all the wishes, Song Shuhang opened his eyes again to look at the meteor.

Ah, is it my own delusion, why is this meteor getting brighter and bigger

Damn, this meteor is hitting me!

Song Shuhang felt his bladder swell up a little—a scene immediately flashed back to his mind, a scene that he almost forgot.

On that day, he was chased and killed by the rudder master Jing Mo of the 'Promise Demon Sect', performed the 'Ten Thousand Miles Flying Escape Technique', and flew to Venerable White's side with the back waist of the Leng Yanjian spinning.

Later, I saw Taoist Yunwu escape from the 'Five Fingers Mountain Sealing Method' with his own eyes.

At that time, Venerable White suddenly chatted with True Monarch Yellow Mountain about a strange stone from the sky. It was said that it would make it easier for the first-grade monks who stayed by the strange stone to enlighten.

In the end, Senior White said casually: "If you can get such a strange stone in Shuhang..."

At that time, Song Shuhang was frightened.

For fear that one day a meteorite would suddenly fall from the sky and land on him.

He remained vigilant for the next few days.

Fortunately, pretending that Senior White also said it casually, those words did not become the 'Blessing of Venerable White'. He passed the days peacefully.

So, gradually, he didn't take it to heart.

However, I didn't expect that what was supposed to come would come eventually.

The meteorite still hit him.

Song Shuhang sighed and stared at the meteorite closely. He began to calculate where the meteorite might fall... Now that he found this meteorite, he could avoid it.

It's really not possible, you can still hide by Senior White's side, even Venerable White who is in retreat, with his instinct to protect his body, he can block this meteorite, right