Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 24: Song Shuhang, I have your big courier


9 am.

Shuhang and the two got on the train bound for Jiangnan University Town. They were lucky and arrived at the Black Elephant Station in J City at 8:45, just in time for a train to start at exactly 9:00.

Safe journey.

It was already twelve o'clock when we arrived at Jiangnan University Town.

"Are you going to play at my place?" Song Shuhang asked out of politeness. When he first asked, he suddenly remembered that Soft Yuko was not one of his friends, but a girl who had just known each other for a day. This was a bit abrupt.

"Thank you senior, if I have time in the future, I will definitely find senior to play. But now I have to go home quickly and contract this ghost first. Besides, if it's too late, maybe Dad will come back, that's not good. Yes." Soft Feather smiled sweetly.

Song Shuhang smiled and said, "Goodbye then, you can take the taxi from the exit of the train station directly to the Jiangnan District Airport. It's okay to be alone, right?"

"No problem, and the return flight ticket has already been booked. I can go back smoothly as long as I arrive at the airport. By the way, senior, what is your mailing address, I still need to send you two boxes of medicinal materials!" Soft Feather Suddenly, I remembered my promise from the beginning.

She is a good girl who does what she says, and she will definitely do what she promises.

"Let's forget about that. Let's talk about it later." Holding the ice bead in his hand, which was called 'sealing the spirit ghost', Song Shuhang faintly felt that perhaps the medicinal herbs Yurouzi said would not be as simple as he imagined before.

"Senior, please don't let me be the one who broke my promise, our people from Lingdie Island are consistent in their words!" Soft Feather said seriously.

"Okay... Okay." Seeing that Song Shuhang couldn't refuse, he had to take out his notebook, write down his mailing address, tear it off and give it to Soft Feather.

Soft Feather carefully kept the note, and then waved goodbye to Shuhang.

Song Shuhang watched her leave, and was relieved.

"It's finally over, I think there shouldn't be any more interactions with this girl, right?" Song Shuhang scratched his head and laughed: "Go back!"

The future Song Shuhang will definitely be grateful to Soft Feather for her persistence today!

If it weren't for the two boxes of medicinal materials she insisted on sending, Song Shuhang's life would probably have been like an ordinary person, finishing college, finding a simple job, marrying an ordinary wife, and having a lovely child. , finished an ordinary life.

Because of Soft Feather's support today, Song Shuhang's life will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

Beihe Loose Cultivator: "Soft Feather, have you found the Ghost Lamp Temple?"

Lingdie Island Soft Feather (mobile phone online status): "I found it, successfully completed the task, and now I'm on my way home."

"I went to the wrong place before and went to Luoxin Street in Jiangnan District, but I was lucky to meet a very distressed senior Song in the group. Then he helped me find Luoxin Street in J City, and found Ghost Lamp Temple. With his help, I completed the mission again!"

"Senior Song in the group? What is the name of that senior?" Beihe Loose People asked, Song is the big surname, and there are just a few seniors with the surname Song in the group.

"Ah!" Soft Feather made a tongue sticking expression: "I asked him about his name, but he didn't tell me. Later, I forgot to ask, but I know that the senior's name is Song Shuhang!"

"Song Shuhang, this name seems a bit familiar." Senior Beihe thought about it but couldn't remember where he had heard it before: "Haha, anyway, congratulations to Soft Feather for successfully completing your mission."

After all, he originally promised to help, but later he didn't help much, and he felt a little guilty.

"Thank you Senior Beihe, you have also helped me a lot!" Soft Feather said with a smile, "I'm on the plane, see you later."

On the plane, Soft Feather turned off her phone and glanced out the window.

The seniors in the group are really good.

Especially Senior Song, who is really a great person.

The shiny good person card, even if separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, was still firmly sent to Song Shuhang's head.


the next day.

Tuesday, June 4th, it's scorching hot!

In Jiangnan University Town, the fourteen big fans in the large classrooms were turning frantically, but they brought only hot winds, which made people even more dizzy.

The teacher who taught the class was already sweating, and even the strength to speak was much weaker.

Shuhang sat upright in the classroom, but in the hot summer, he unexpectedly felt a clear mind.

He has taken so many classes since he was a child, and it is the first time that he is so relaxed. He can keep in mind the content of what the teacher said in the classroom once he listens to it, and he can draw inferences from other facts in his mind to quickly grasp the key points of knowledge.

He even had the spare energy to do both, listening to the class and distracting himself from his thoughts.

Beside him, a female classmate who was originally three seats away from him, involuntarily approached and approached him. In the end, I wish I could stick my bumpy body to Song Shuhang. The faint scent of perfume kept drifting into his nose.

This is not because Song Shuhang's charm value has skyrocketed overnight, but in the hot weather, Shuhang's body is exuding a trace of cool air, which is like a human-shaped air conditioner, making people want to stick to him.

Shuhang secretly looked down at the bead hanging on his neck. It was the 'Soul Sealing Ice Bead' that Soft Yuzi gave him yesterday. When this bead was worn on the body, it automatically eliminated the sweltering aura of Song Shuhang's body, and formed a cold protective layer around him.

Moreover, when wearing this bead, Shuhang felt clear-headed and quick-thinking. Even the English words that used to be memorized three or four times can now be memorized in my heart by looking at them once.

This... is the real artifact of a scholar! With this thing, dominating the school is easy.

This kind of thing is slightly beyond the scope of scientific explanation.

In his mind, the scene of Soft Feather's 'seal the spirit ghost' appeared in his mind.

"Really, does it exist?" Song Shuhang muttered to himself. This magical ice bead made him believe in the existence of 'Cultivation'.

Is there really a spirit ghost in this ice bead

Cultivation, is it really not a legend

Does the immortal who rides the clouds and drives the fog really exist

Is it really possible to move mountains and seas

One question after another appeared in Shuhang's mind, flooding his brain.

If all of these things exist... Then the people in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group are really people of gods

He has never been so eager to see the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' as today, to see the chats of the people inside, and to find another evidence from it.

Why isn't the class over yet? Hurry up and end it.

Shuhang secretly said in his heart.

jingle bell~~

The bell for recess rang.

The students in the teaching cheered excitedly, got up and left the steamer-like classroom, and went to the corridor to breathe.

Only the girl beside Song Shuhang was a little reluctant to part—she felt that Shuhang was really cool, more comfortable than the air conditioner. It is a pity that she is not Song Shuhang's girlfriend, so it is not easy to pester Shuhang after class.

Do you want to try to be Song Shuhang's girlfriend? She glanced at Shuhang quietly. Song Shuhang wasn't the kind of person to show off in the class, but was he actually quite manly? It's very heartwarming, if you sleep with such a cold man in the hot summer, it's definitely the best pillow, right

"Hello, is Song Shuhang here?" At this moment, a loud voice sounded from the door.

The sound was deafening, and it suddenly held the students in the audience.

Shuhang looked up and found a big man in a suit with an awkward and kind smile on his fierce face.

Don't you know him

He got up and waved: "I am, may I ask you? What do you need me for?"

"Haha, I am from Harvest Express. Two of Song Jiang Shuhang's classmates' large express delivery has been delivered by expedited air transport and delivered overnight. Because it is sent by a very important customer, it must be signed by you to take effect." The big man in the suit chuckled and handed a business card to Song Shuhang respectfully with both hands.

Shuhang took the business card and looked at it.

Harvest Express Group Co., Ltd., Sima Jiang!

A very simple business card, no job information, is the company name plus personal name.

Even couriers have their own business cards these days

Shuhang looked down on this business card, wondering in his heart. What kind of express do you need to send by air

When he thought about it like this, Soft Yuko's shy smile suddenly popped up in his mind.