Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 240: Master Cloud and Mist, Walter, what are you doing with the oil?


In the sky, the meteorite seemed to be looking for it? Song Shuhang, activated the fixed-point navigation mode... getting closer.

Song Shuhang stared at the meteorite and quickly calculated its landing location in his mind.

Suddenly, his eyes stared at the boss!

"Did I read it wrong?" Song Shuhang rubbed his eyes. He seemed to see a figure directly under the meteorite

He widened his eyes and activated the power of qi and blood in his eye orifices, taking his eyesight to a higher level.

No, that's right! There really is a person under the meteorite.

Moreover, he was still an acquaintance, and Song Shuhang thought of him just now. This figure is the Taoist Yunwu who was imprisoned by True Monarch Yellow Mountain in the 'Five Fingers Mountain Sealing Forbidden Land'.

At this time, Taoist Yunwu was lying on his side, his side was hit by a meteorite, and half of his face was swollen and bloody. There were wounds all over his body, the flames on the meteorite wrapped him all over, and the clothes on his body were almost burned by the flames of the meteorite.

"Strange, Daoist Yunwu, according to the description of Zhenjun Huangshan, is already a fifth-grade spirit emperor, a strong man who has condensed the golden core of his life. Why didn't he fly out from under the meteorite and still carry this meteorite? What is he doing? What?" Song Shuhang wondered in his heart.

Could it be that this meteorite is a treasure

Song Shuhang had misunderstood. Taoist Yunwu didn't want to fly out from under the meteorite, but he couldn't fly out at all—he passed out.

Yes, Daoist Yunwu, who is a dignified fifth-grade spiritual emperor and a strong man with golden core, was hit by a meteorite in the front, and he fainted

It's just as ridiculous as a muscular black uncle who was walking and was suddenly knocked out by an ant that fell from a tree!

What's going on in this

Go back to ten minutes ago...

At that time, Daoist Yunwu gave up the plan to go to 'Wenzhou City' to eat, drink and have fun because of the ominous omen above his head.

However, just as he was approaching 'Wenzhou City', he was flying and suddenly felt a shadow appear above his head, and there was a surge of heat coming towards him.

When he looked up, he was stunned.

Ten meters above his head, a large meteorite five meters long and seven meters wide was burning with raging flames. Under the hood, the speed was so fast that there were no friends!

And what's weird is that when the meteorite fell, he didn't notice it at all, as if it broke through the space limit and appeared out of thin air!

It stands to reason that in the realm of Taoist Yunwu's fifth-grade Jindan spirit emperor, when such a large meteorite appeared 10,000 meters away from him, he would immediately feel it.

But this meteorite was so quiet that it completely blocked his induction and intuition.

He only noticed when the meteorite was less than ten meters away from him!

"Damn it, this is the stupid guy in Huangshan who used magic to plot against me?" This was the first thought in Daoist Yunwu's mind!

Such a big meteor was close to him but didn't sense it. It must be because someone cast a spell, which affected his sense.

"However, Huangshan Dasha, you underestimate me too much! Mere meteorite, watch the old man smash it with a sword!" Daoist Yunwu snorted coldly in his heart.

During the years he was sealed, he cultivated hard, and even if he did not have the resources of medicinal pills, he still relied on himself to condense the golden elixir and become the fifth-grade golden elixir spirit emperor. Although it takes an extremely long time, the victory lies in its solid foundation, and it is much stronger than the fifth-grade Spirit Sovereign who has been improved by taking medicinal pills!

Like this ordinary meteorite, he can easily break it with a single sword!

"Jianqi!" Yunwu Taoist shouted, he stepped on the void, and the sword ball under his feet flew up, condensing a huge sword energy more than ten meters long, and slashed towards the meteorite!


Jianmaru's sword energy hits the meteorite...

The huge meteorite was instantly torn apart!

A smug smile appeared on Daoist Yunwu's face.

However, his smile had not yet bloomed. From the last fragment of the meteorite, a lurking sword energy was aroused and slashed towards Daoist Yunwu.

That sword energy is extremely terrifying!

Daoist Yunwu could only faintly see a sword light, and it flashed for a while.

And then... no more, he passed out!

At the moment before he fainted, there was only one thought in his mind: "Huangshan is a fool, I will fuck you, uncle!"

Yun Wu fainted, Jian Wan had a spirit, and flew back to him to protect his body.

Then, the meteorite hit him mercilessly, knocking him down from the air.

The Yellow Mountain True Monarch, who was misunderstood by Daoist Yunwu, was staring at a mirror in front of him in a stunned state.

The mirror is connected to the hidden marks on Daoist Yunwu, showing Daoist Yunwu's every move.

True Monarch Huangshan swallowed his saliva secretly when he watched Daoist Yunwu stunned and smashed into the air by the sudden meteorite through the mirror.

- This kind of meteorite that suddenly appeared, silent, fast as lightning, huge lethality, and a meteorite with all kinds of weird states, he had an impression!

That was hundreds of years ago. At that time, he was still a young man, and he received the task to meet the senior white who was still a true monarch to leave the customs.

Then, when he was on the road to introduce the changes of the times to Senior White, he was walking when a meteorite suddenly hit him, almost killing him.

The same was true for the meteorite that nearly killed him—quietly, approaching like an assassin. Before you can react, you have entered the attack range of the meteorite.


Then the screen on the mirror went dark.

The hidden mark that True Monarch Huangshan left on Daoist Yunwu was destroyed by the meteorite and the strange sword energy.

He lost the trace of Daoist Yunwu.

"Daoist Yunwu, won't he die?" True Monarch Huangshan said secretly.

After finally playing with this guy for so long, and building so many trumpets to accompany him in the water group, if he loses it all at once, he will be somewhat disappointed!



In the end, the meteorite landed more than one meter in front of Song Shuhang, and smashed a big crater on the ground.

"Poor!" The dazed Taoist Yunwu opened his mouth and spit out old blood, his head dropped, and he fainted again.

"..." Song Shuhang looked at this poor disciple of the Air Pirates - fainted

It seems that the disciples of the Air Pirates Sect he has come into contact with are very sad.

The Taoist Yunwu in front of him, because he was shy after stealing things, mocked the True Monarch Huangshan, and was caught and suppressed by the True Monarch Huangshan for two hundred years. After finally getting out of the trap, flying and flying, they were all stunned by the meteorite.

"When you talk about luck, it is mysterious. But there is no doubt that there is such a thing as luck!" Song Shuhang secretly said in his heart.

If Venerable White is the representative of the lucky ex, then this Daoist Yunwu is the lucky e.

Song Shuhang looked around and saw that this section of the road was a sparsely populated road. The avenue passes through a wilderness, with undeveloped yellow land on both sides, and no passers-by.

So, Song Shuhang came to the edge of the meteorite.

The meteorite that was smashed by Taoist Yunwu is now only the size of a table of the Eight Immortals.

Daoist Yunwu was suppressed under it.

Song Shuhang stretched out his hand to grab the meteorite, and the power of qi and blood in his heart and eye orifices fully activated to lift the meteorite.

"Hey, the weight is much lighter than I thought." Song Shuhang murmured, he first carried the meteorite and headed to his tractor.

This is an extraterrestrial meteorite, whether it is a treasure or not, it is right to bring it back.

Speaking of which, thanks to Senior White's sudden inspiration, he drove the tractor out. If other cars came here today, I really couldn't remove this meteorite.

After all, this meteorite is as long and wide as the Eight Immortals Table, and its height is close to one meter.

After placing the meteorite on the tractor, Song Shuhang clapped his hands.

Just now, he seemed to sense Venerable White's breath from this meteorite

"Is it what I left behind when I moved the meteorite?" Song Shuhang scratched his head.

Then he turned around again, picked up the fainted Daoist Yunwu, and carried it to the tractor as well.

Although this Daoist Yunwu is a bit funny, but it can be regarded as a one-sided relationship. If you can save it, save it. It's really not possible, it's okay to inform True Monarch Huangshan to take him away.

The sword pill in Taoist Yunwu's arms shook slightly, but he seemed to sense that Song Shuhang was not malicious, and returned to calm.

After everything is done.

Song Shuhang slid into the tractor driver's seat.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

The tractor continued to gallop on the wide avenue with black smoke.


Wenzhou City, Baijing Road, Song Shuhang's home.

Dad Song and Lao Lu were already drinking too much, and they started to brag. Blow up how and how you were a kid when you were a child, and how you fought one-on-three and four-on-one in those years. How good is your son and how good is your daughter-in-law. Various blows.

It was so loud that Lu Tianyou, who was sitting beside him, couldn't even listen.

Mother Song in the kitchen cooked a few more snacks for the two of them, and said to Lu Tianyou, "God bless, ignore these two people, you can go to the living room to rest for a while, and leave them to me. Bar."

"Okay, Auntie." Lu Tianyou smiled stiffly, and after sorting out his tableware, he walked to the living room.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the sofa.

Accompanying his father to Song Shuhang's house was an extremely wrong decision!

Dad Song and Lao Lu didn't have any self-awareness.

At this moment, Papa Song's cell phone rang.

He reached into his pocket for a long time and took out his mobile phone.

Without looking at who was calling, he grabbed the phone, connected and shouted, "Hey, who is it?"

"Dad, is it me?" Song Shuhang's voice came from the phone: "Have you been drinking?"

"Ah? Oh, the shameless old Lu came to our house and drank a little wine with him. What's the matter with you?" Dad Song said loudly.

"I'm on my way home, I'll be home in ten minutes." Song Shuhang laughed.

"Ah, you're going home." Dad Song rubbed his temples hard.

Why don't you come back early, don't come back late, but come back at this time

He carefully glanced at Lao Lu next to him.

Liver hurts!