Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 243: Zhao Yaya Ah, uncle?


boom boom boom…

The walk-behind tractor erupted with black smoke, followed by a nice turn, without even slowing down, it passed the corner smoothly!

"You see, this curve is beautiful, right? Drift in the movie is not as handsome as me, that's the technique!" Lao Lu shamelessly boasted, even though his palms were sweating anxiously.

While talking, the front of the tractor is straightened, and the speed... seems to be getting faster and faster

Behind him, Lu Tianyou wiped his sweat secretly. Judging from the angle of inclination of the body just turned, the speed just now was seven or eighty yards, right? Even faster!

This walk-behind tractor is definitely remodeled.

But... why did Shuhang want to remodel a walk-behind tractor in a frenzy

Or, it is not popular to modify luxury cars recently, and it has become popular to modify tractors

Don't say it, it's really possible. I heard that in a place in China, local tyrants are tired of luxury cars and have already started to play horse-drawn carriage races!

"Huh? Be careful, Lao Lu, there seems to be a car ahead!" Papa Song's eyes were sharp, and he noticed that there were several cars in front of him behind the curve!

After getting closer, Dad Song saw that it was three sports cars.

They are white, blue and red.

Or a sports car!

The speed of the three cars is not slow, and the characteristic sports car roar can be heard as they drive.

The road ahead is a long straight line, and the speed of the three sports cars is more than 100 yards, right

But the strange thing is that the tractor under their seats is slowly catching up with the three sports cars at a steady speed, narrowing the distance between the two sides little by little!

Lu Tianyou finally couldn't bear it any longer: "Our speed is over a hundred yards?"

"Don't talk nonsense, have you ever seen a 100-yard tractor?" Old Lu ruthlessly reprimanded his son, how could a tractor run at a speed of 100 yards

But as he spoke, Lao Lu's own voice dropped.

Because in the talking time, the walking tractor has caught up with the white sports car at the end!


bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

The tractor spewed out black smoke, and the huge wheels turned fast, so it surpassed the white sports car without any suspense.

Lao Lu's mouth opened wide.

in a white sports car.

The ponytail girl Mai Sui also opened her mouth wide. She blinked and looked at the dashboard of her sports car—the speed of 120 yards!

She blinked again, looking at the overtaking guy in front of her left.

The four huge wheels made a strange noise of 'chuchuchu' when they ran. This is exactly the walk-behind type, with a drag bucket behind it—a walk-behind tractor.

Moreover, with her sharp eyes, she could see a stone the size of the Eight Immortals Table in the drag bucket. Sitting beside the stone was a bear-like man, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses privately.

"Ah?" Mai Sui, the ponytail girl, was stunned.

what's going on

A walking tractor with a huge rock overtook her... and her speed was 120 yards! Are you hallucinating yourself

"Arthur ~ Yaya, am I going to die? I had hallucinations, and I saw a smoky hand-held tractor overtaking me!" Mai Sui shouted into the headset.

When the three of them were racing, they turned on their headsets to facilitate calls and avoid accidents.

In the headset, the two best friends didn't answer, only a low sizzle.

After a long time, Arthur, the woman wearing sunglasses in the red sports car, said in a heavy tone: "I thought I was the only one who had hallucinations, so you saw the wheat ears too. I saw it in the rearview mirror before. , This smoky walk-behind tractor is driven by an uncle like a bear. Alas... I was overtaken too!"

While Miss Arthur was talking, the hand-held tractor that pulled the wind 'tututu' passed her car.

At this time, Arthur's speed was about 125 yards per hour.

"I've overtaken two sports cars in a row." Dad Song swallowed. At this time, who would believe that his tractor only had a speed of 30 or 40 yards per hour, that would be a sandstorm!

"If I guessed correctly, Shuhang's tractor was modified, right?" Lu Tianyou said solemnly.

"How is that possible!" The old Lu in front replied loudly: "It's not that you don't know the principle of the engine. A structure like a walk-behind tractor can run to 60 yards if it dies. Unless you replace it with a Ferrari engine. Go up! But you also saw that the engine of this hand tractor has not been modified, it is a hand-cranked type!"

Dad is right, no matter how the tractor is modified, the engine will limit the speed! Lu Tianyou was silent.

But in that case, why is this walking tractor able to soar to a speed of more than a hundred yards? Easily overtake the two white and red sports cars that are galloping at a glance

At this moment, the walk-behind tractor under his seat was steadily pressing towards the blue sports car in front. At the current speed of the walk-behind tractor, it seems only a matter of time before it surpasses that little blue sports car.

This car, like the Transformers 'Autobot' in the movie, can transform itself with 'tinder', right

At this moment, Zhao Yaya was looking at the 'weird' walk-behind tractor through the rearview mirror.

As the two got closer and closer, she blinked hard.

Then, she exclaimed, "Ah!"

"Have you been overtaken too? Yaya?" Mai Sui asked aloud.

"No, I was almost overtaken." Zhao Yaya replied - the problem is not this, the problem is the uncle who is driving!

This uncle Zhao Yaya is very familiar.

Isn't that Uncle Lu, who has often come to Song Shuhang's house since he was a child!

She had met many times when she was a child. Even when she grew up and spent less time at Shuhang's house, she still met with this Uncle Lu frequently.

Remember that Uncle Lu and Uncle Song are real 'big losers', and there is no limit to how much they can hurt each other.

If they were other friends, they would have cut off friendship long ago if they hurt each other so desperately.

But Uncle Song and this Uncle Lu were obviously different, and the two of them lost their losses, but their relationship had always been unbreakable.

Uncle Lu is a walking tractor of the Shenma brand. This speed...

Zhao Yaya glanced at her speed—140 yards, this was the highest speed she could bear mentally, and she wouldn't dare to soar no matter how high it was.

But Uncle Lu's walking tractor rolled over steadily, catching up with her at an even speed. This must be at least 150 yards or more, right

chug chug...

I was overtaken... I was overtaken by Uncle Lu's walking tractor.

What's wrong with this world

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yaya saw another person in the tractor's bucket.

The private text man wearing glasses has a handsome face and looks much younger than his real age.

"Poor... Uncle Song!" Zhao Yaya exclaimed.

"Hey, what?" The surprised voices of her two friends came from the headset.

"I know the man who sat in the back of the tractor and wore glasses." Zhao Yaya's mouth twitched and she couldn't help crying: "That's my uncle, the father of the younger brother Song Shuhang I mentioned to you. I am also the uncle who drove the car. I know, it's Uncle Lu, my uncle's friend."

"Oh, oh, Song Shuhang, is that the younger brother you want to introduce Mai Sui to him as a female ticket?" Miss Arthur laughed wickedly.

Wheat Sui smiled and said, "Farewell, the one that people like has always been Sister Arthur, let's still Lily."

"Bah, Xiao Nizi is going to die, but my sister wants to open a harem of three thousand men, so I don't have time to spend time with you." The fashionable girl Arthur said.

"Hey hey, okay, let's speed up a little bit and catch up with that tractor. People are very interested in that tractor right now." Wheat Sui laughed: "In addition, there is a U-shaped turn in front of you, that turner The tractor must slow down! Then, Yaya, you must introduce the uncle and uncle to us."

The fashionable girl Arthur also replied: "It's the first time I've seen a walk-behind tractor of more than 150 yards in my life."

Zhao Yaya nodded silently—in any case, let’s catch up with my uncle’s car first!


Here, on the trail leading from Beluga Road to Niuding Mountain, there is a figure passing by quickly.

It was Song Shuhang.

The fastest speed of the walk-behind tractor was 150 yards. He didn't worry about the drunk Dad Song, Uncle Lu, and the others—although he said that Senior Bai had posted a defensive formation on the car to strengthen the body. But Song Shuhang wasn't sure if the defensive formation could even protect the people in the car.

So, he ran out after him.

It's a pity that Lu Tianyou's car keys were not left, otherwise, if you drive the car, you can still shorten the distance between the two parties.

And, unfortunately, not a single taxi stopped along the way. What kind of trouble is this

So in the end, Song Shuhang had to rely on his legs to catch up - at this time, he really hoped that he could fly with his sword. At the speed of Edgeworth's flight, it would only take minutes to catch up.

Under his feet, the movement technique of "A Gentleman's Journey" was brought to the extreme by him, the more he ran, the faster he ran.

This is how the gentleman's ten thousand li practice is. The more you run and the longer the distance you travel, the deeper your understanding of this practice will be, and the faster you will move.

In the end, his figure swept into a shadow. From the beginning, about 100 meters in 5 seconds, all the way up. His figure swept into a shadow, not much slower than a car.

At the same time, he held the seal with his fingers and used the 'Brand Induction Method'!

In the tractor, there is a black leather box. The box contained money, medicinal pills, and broken swords.

On the Broken Treasure Sword, Song Shuhang used the 'spiritual branding technique' transmitted by Senior Brother Sanri to leave a brand on the sword. Now, he can use the 'Brand Induction Method' to determine the location of the Baodao Tyrannical Shatter to lock Papa Song and their current coordinates.

"Going to the driveway of Niuding Mountain? I remember that the mountain road is not easy to drive." Song Shuhang smiled bitterly.

This road has many U-shaped U-turns!

The only thing that makes people feel a little more reassured is that after this mountain road has been modified, there are many protection measures, especially the section of the big corner, which is made very wide.