Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 247: Meteorite...Boom!


Seeing Song Shuhang's surprised expression, Dad Song asked suspiciously, "Can't we make it before the new year? How long will it take for you? By the way, what type of film is it? Is it similar to the kind of funny video movies on the Internet?"

"Cough, no." Song Shuhang patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, it can be done before the new year, and it will definitely be done!"

In any case, he must come up with a small movie before the new year!

And he must play the role of a local tyrant... A waiter would be rewarded with hundreds of thousands, and a luxury car driving license in his hand would cost hundreds of copies.

Sure enough, this person can't lie, and there is a price to pay for lying.

Looking back to see if there are any seniors in the all-powerful 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' who invested in the 'film and television' industry.

Based on Song Shuhang's understanding of the seniors in the group, the tentacles of the seniors have reached every corner of the world, and even the Mars probe has been invested in.

Maybe there is a senior who runs a movie company. At that time, he can ask the senior to help him make a small movie. He can play the role of a local tyrant with no complaints and no regrets for free, on call, without paying wages.

On the mountain road, Zhao Yaya leaned on the railing. Perhaps it was because of the wind. Standing in her position, she could hear the conversation between Song Shuhang, Papa Song, and Uncle Lu.

"You're lying." Zhao Yaya murmured softly, even though she was far away, she could guess that Song Shuhang was lying by looking at some of Song Shuhang's subtle body movements.

Whether it's about a driver's license or a movie, it's lying.

Song Shuhang sent Dad Song and Uncle Lu to the mountain road twice, and brought up his suitcase.

Zhao Yaya roughly inspected the body for the three of them, except for Uncle Lu, who was twisted to the waist, no other abnormality was found.

Later, she said to Dad Song: "Uncle, my friends and I will take you home first... Well, but it may be delivered in batches."

The cars the three of them drove out were all two-seater sports cars, and they could only send three people in one trip.

"Sister Yaya, you send my dad and Uncle Lu home first. Then, you will drive to pick me up again." Song Shuhang said with a smile, "It just so happens that I want to inform my friend and ask him to help him. Get the tractor up."

"Okay, then you wait here, I'll pick you up soon." Zhao Yaya nodded.


The three of Song's father got into Zhao Yaya's car, and Song Shuhang's big box was brought home by Zhao Yaya first...

After Zhao Yaya and the others drove away, Song Shuhang heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he jumped towards the tractor again.

Venerable White's formation runes were also pasted on the tractor. Except for the one with the sturdy body, it is safer to tear off the other runes first.

In addition, there is a large meteorite behind the car body.

This time, there were no onlookers, Song Shuhang changed his "A Gentleman's Journey" and came to the side of the tractor with two ups and downs.

"Move the tractor upright first." Song Shuhang secretly said.

Handily, he reached out and grabbed the body of the tractor.

"Drink!" With a deep drink, the power of qi and blood in the heart and eye orifices exploded in one breath, and the auxiliary exercise "Unmoving Vajra Body" ran naturally, covering his body surface with a faint golden layer.

The next moment, Song Shuhang raised his arms violently!

The tractor that had tipped over like a tortoise was lifted up—this is also because the tractor was assisted by the 'gravity-reducing' formation that Venerable White relied on.

Afterwards, he exerted force with both arms, secretly running the force-using trick of "King Kong Basic Fist Technique", and lifted it with force. The heavy tractor body was lifted and hit the ground with a loud 'bang' sound.

Apart from some diesel leaks, the entire tractor was unscathed.

On the other hand, the meteorite on the ground had many small cracks on its surface.

Song Shuhang curiously squatted beside the meteorite: "Strange, is this meteorite so fragile?"

Because when I first saw it, this meteorite was crushing the 'Yunwu Daochang' of the Kongkong Piratesmen, smashing him down from the sky, and finally smashed a big pit on the ground.

If this meteorite is really so fragile, when Daoist Yunwu was smashed down from the air, it should have been broken into small pieces, right

In addition... Song Shuhang still remembered that when he first lifted this meteorite, he vaguely sensed Venerable White's aura from it. What is the origin of this meteorite

So, Song Shuhang approached the meteorite and looked at it carefully.

"If you look closely, the upper and lower sections of the meteorite are a little too flat." Song Shuhang said secretly.

In the plane below it, there is still a faint aura of Taoist Cloud and Mist. It is estimated that when Taoist Yunwu encountered this meteorite, he tried to smash the meteorite with his sword, and then left an outer facet on the meteorite.

On the other side, if you feel it carefully, you can feel Venerable White's aura.

But why is there the aura of Senior White on the meteorite

Song Shuhang thought to himself: "Could it be those 'disposable flying swords' that were launched into space?"

Especially recently, seniors have launched a lot of 'disposable flying swords' into the sky.

If it is those one-time flying swords, after hitting the meteorite and cutting the meteorite, it may indeed leave such a cut surface.

Song Shuhang's fingers stroked lightly between the cracks of the meteorite, running his mental power to sense the breath.

"That's it!" He realized.

From the cracks in the meteorite, it can also be sensed that there are traces of collision between the sword energy of 'Senior White' and the sword energy of 'Yunwu Taoist'.

The two sword qi clashed with the meteorite as a carrier, which destroyed the internal structure of the meteorite in a large area.

Therefore, when Song Shuhang loaded the meteorite into the car, he would feel that the meteorite was unexpectedly 'light'.

That's because this meteorite has long been 'gold and jade outside, and ruined inside', and there is only a shell in the air.

After that, the tractor overturned again, and the internal crack finally expanded to the surface!

"By the way, after the two swords meet, what will the inside of this meteorite look like?" Song Shuhang suddenly felt a burst of curiosity in his heart.

Anyway, the meteorite is already cracked, why not blast it away

Just do it!

The qi and blood in Song Shuhang's heart and eye orifices exploded, accumulating force on his fists.

"Basic boxing, one!" He shouted, and his right fist slammed into the meteorite!


The surface of the meteorite is rapidly fragmented, and the outer shell is peeled off in pieces.

Seeing that the meteorite was about to reveal its inner appearance, Song Shuhang suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed his pocket, holding the last 'armor charm' in his hand, just in case he was unprepared.


At this time, after the shell shattered to about one-third of its original size, the meteorite suddenly exploded.

I wipe, because the hair will explode!