Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 248: After that, cool job!


ps: The first more urgent request for monthly ticket support

Because Mao will explode, unfortunately

Song Shuhang sighed, and activated the armor in his hand at the fastest speed, feeling heartache.

This is the last armor talisman. After using it, it means that he will lack a life-saving means for a long time in the future.

After the armor talisman was activated, the energy in the talisman turned into defense, covering Song Shuhang, forming an all-round protection without dead ends.

The core of the meteorite exploded, and a high-temperature flame erupted, engulfing Song Shuhang.

At the same time, the explosion brought up countless meteorite fragments and hit Song Shuhang like bullets.

Jingle... The light curtain of Jiafu's defense layer swayed again and again, and even ripples like water vortexes were knocked out from it.

Song Shuhang's expression changed, he exerted his strength, and quickly withdrew from the defense of the armored talisman in the center of the explosion, but it was enough to withstand a full-strength blow from a cultivator below the third rank. The defense that was hit was unstable.

That is, these meteorite fragments inspired by the power of the explosion, each with an attack close to the ordinary attack of a third-rank monk.

Song Shuhang secretly swallowed his saliva, thankful that he blasted this meteorite on the deserted terraced hillside... If he blasted it in his own home, Song's father would have to cry in the toilet and prepare to change to a new home.

The meteorites with flames were still flying, and many of the meteorite fragments shot towards the tractor parked on the side.

At this time, the reinforced body formation that Venerable White attached to the tractor finally exhausted his spiritual power due to repeated tossing.

The body of the tractor was suddenly shot into a sieve by meteorite fragments. At the same time, the high-temperature flame attached to the meteorite ignited the tractor.

With a bang, this wind-pulling tractor capable of running 150 yards, after experiencing the excitement that other tractors could never try in a lifetime, finally completed his short life with vigor.

And even if it is dead, it also contributes all its energy, emitting the last light and heat

A series of explosions

"Do you want to be so exciting?" Song Shuhang smiled bitterly. At the same time, the movement of "A Gentleman's Journey" is running to the extreme, and while the armor talisman on his body has not been broken, he escaped from the double explosion scene of the meteorite tractor at the fastest speed.

After a long time...

The aftermath of the explosion finally dissipated.

Song Shuhang checked the armor talisman on his lower body, and there was only a thin layer of power left...

"It's terrifying. If I don't have the Armored Talisman, I'll have to give up half my life if I don't die." Song Shuhang secretly said in his heart.

After confirming that the explosion was over, Shuhang gently jumped back to the scene.

The original location of the meteorite left only a deep crater.

The tractor has been blasted beyond recognition, leaving only a black lump of iron and steel garbage. Venerable White had pasted several A4 paper talismans on the tractor because the spiritual power on them was exhausted. Changed to ordinary paper, which has been burnt out in flames.

"Tsk tsk, now, you don't need to trouble Senior Brother Zhou Li."

Exploding like this, this tractor is completely useless, and then you can pay someone to come and dispose of the wreckage.

Then, Song Shuhang came to the pit where the meteorite exploded.

Why do meteorites explode suddenly? Even if Venerable White's remaining sword energy and Yunwu Daoist's sword energy fight inside the meteorite, it's impossible to turn the meteorite into a bomb, right

Unless, there is something in the meteorite that is activated. The explosion occurred in response to the sword qi.

Song Shuhang looked at the pothole and saw something.

It was a fist-sized, black but crystal-like gemstone. In the violent explosion of the meteor just now, the fist-sized gem was not blown away, but remained in the center of the pothole.

"Sure, there's something." He jumped gently into the pothole, then carefully extended his finger to the gem.

A cold breath came from the fingertips, and the violent explosion just now could not raise the temperature of this gem.

"Before it was difficult, the meteorite was still burning with flames when it hit Daoist Yunwu. But when I went to move the meteorite, the flame quickly went out, and the temperature of the whole meteorite became cold. It turned out that it was this black The reason for the stone." Song Shuhang secretly said.

This thing must be baby.

It might even be the strange stone enlightenment stone that Venerable White said a few days ago.


at this time. More than a thousand meters away from the place where the meteorite exploded, a slender figure stopped and looked here.

This figure has long green hair tied into a cute double ponytail. She was wearing a blue cheongsam, which brought out her slender yet hot figure.

Her name is Lady Onion, a scallion spirit with three hundred years of Taoism

Three hundred years of Taoism. Are you scared

But... Speaking of these three hundred years of experience, Lady Onion will burst into tears involuntarily.

Three hundred years ago, she was an ordinary little wild onion, luckily rooted in a natural spring. Day after day, year after year. Suddenly one day, she became an onion essence.

To be honest, she didn't even know why she became a sperm.

But well, when she becomes a fine, she becomes a fine. As a lovely onion fine, she will survive happily.

As she said, she lived alone in the deep mountains and forests for more than ten years.

Until one day... A monster organization called the monsters from all over the world unite to become a family found the Onion Spirit and named her Lady Onion.

Then, this monster organization also taught Lady Onion a set of 200 skills necessary for fairies to survive tenaciously.

Those two hundred skills are of a wide variety, dazzling.

Among them, there are five hundred ways of how to successfully form a team to rob human monks, but human monks can't surrender.

There is also how the banshee successfully transformed into the mistress of the male host, and fought with the male host's Taoist Palace.

Thinking back to these two hundred skills, Lady Onion wanted to cry. However, when she was naive back then, she really thought that these two hundred skills were great skills, and she could study seriously.

Until one day, Lady Onion felt that she had come down the mountain and went to a human cultivator to practice these two hundred skills.

Three hundred years ago, the atmosphere of the Chinese Cultivation World was a little weird. Most of the human monks were hiding their traces. In the mortal world, it was difficult to see what major changes had taken place in the cultivation world where they seemed to be human

But Lady Onion did not give up and kept looking for

Hard work pays off

Finally one day, Lady Onion found a human Buddhist monk.

That is a very handsome monk, the law number nine lights. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, his forehead is shining, and he is tall and thin.

After finally meeting a human monk, Lady Onion was very happy.

So, she began to show what she had learned all her life to the monk Jiudeng

Let's briefly describe the process at the time:

First of all, Lady Onion successfully performed the sacred stealing technique on the monk Jiudeng, and obtained a volume of Buddhist lion's roar.

After the monk Jiudeng was attacked by his skills, he immediately launched a counterattack and used all kinds of Buddhist secrets. Those secrets are the ones that Lady Onion has never heard of, and they are extremely powerful.

Lady Onion was shocked and started to use her skills to successfully form a team to rob human monks

However, the skill casting fails because there are no teammates

Lady Onion was terrified, she immediately changed her skills to defeat the 500 ways that human monks could surrender

Skill casting is half successful

Why is it said to be half-successful, because Monk Jiudeng agreed to her request to surrender, but he wanted to bring her back to the Buddhist temple and suppress her for five hundred years.

Five hundred years, after five hundred years of suppression of her scallion spirit, it must have turned into a dried onion, right? How can you have fun at that time? No, no, no

So Lady Onion resisted again, and used her next skill, Charm of the Beautiful Banshee* to lure

After this skill was cast, it was an unprecedented success.

How successful is it? Looking back now, Lady Onion doesn't even know what words she would use to describe the effect of this skill.

After a brief summary, which can barely be summed up into such a sentence, the monk Jiudeng did a great job

The day after the skill is cast.

Lady Onion was dumbfounded and sat on the ground, always feeling that there was something wrong with that skill yesterday.

The monk Jiudeng also looked stunned, looked up at the sky, and sighed continuously.

"Go back to the temple with the poor monk." Monk Jiudeng finally said these words.

Then, the innocent Lady Onion was brought back to a Buddhist temple by monk Jiudeng, and was locked in a Buddhist pagoda.

And the monk nine lights never appeared again.

During the years of being locked up in the pagoda, apart from being less free, the other Lady Onions didn't have much resistance.

On weekdays, only some little novices would come over to bring food and drink to Lady Onion. And there are often little novices who come over to recite Buddhist scriptures for Lady Onion.

In addition, an old monk came over and taught her the cultivation method of Buddhist monks. Teach her some common sense in the comprehension world and teach her various events in the comprehension world.

Thanks to this common sense, Lady Onion realized how stupid the 200 skills that the goblin she cultivated back then had to survive tenaciously.

Lady Onion began to practice the Buddhist practice diligently. Her wish is that one day she will achieve great success, and then she must find the monk Jiudeng and do him a good job.

It's a pity that Lady Onion may be born to be at odds with Buddhism. When she cultivates Buddhism, the speed is not too sour. It's been almost three hundred years, and she hasn't even broken through to the first-rank leaping mortal realm. She has just opened her heart, eye, and nose. It takes an average of 100 years to get the hang of it.

Lady Onion is going crazy...

Just a year ago, Lady Onion was released from the pagoda by an old monk.

Then, she started to play aimlessly all over China, trying to find a way to improve her realm. She has a big goal and she wants to be great

"The place where the explosion seemed to smell of treasure?" Lady Onion murmured. To be continued.
