Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 255: What if I were an onion?


After all, Lady Onion is a scallion spirit who has lived for three hundred years, and she has a huge amount of demon energy stored in her body - although these demon energy are useless to her, they can only be used to scare people.

However, demonic energy is demonic energy!

Cut her body to cook, and there is no special chef to deal with the demonic energy, then these demonic energy will enter the body of the eater along with the dish.

Ordinary people will be infected with demonic energy if they eat it.

The lucky ones go crazy and turn into fools, and then go around killing people and making troubles, and keep tossing themselves to death.

Those who are unlucky will even be infected with demonic energy and become half-human and half-demon... I don't know how they will die by then.

Even if it is a cultivator, if there is not enough cultivation to refine this part of the demon energy, it will be very troublesome!

"Don't you want to cook with me? I'll make you happy!"

Therefore, when Mama Song fry the onion essence, it will be so easy, and it will be cooked after the oil is over - that is the spring onion essence actively cooperating with Mama Song.

"After eating, don't want to spit it out. Just accept the torment of demonic energy, hehehehe. I can't bear to have a child without a wolf, I'm too witty." Lady Onion said proudly.

Then, Lady Onion with only green onion roots climbed out of Song Shuhang's pocket and crawled into the other pocket, which also contained the 'Dao Enlightenment Stone'.

Lady Onion's roots were attached to the Dao Comprehension Stone, and she began to calculate in her heart: "Then when I take a breath and regain some strength, I can escape with this gem... By the way, I can also take the treasured sword. That sword is really sharp. , Once the knife came down, it easily sliced my body."

Tsk tsk, although I lost the upper body, but I can exchange for a gem and a treasured sword, it's worth it!

The demonic energy began to spread from the stomach to Song Shuhang's whole body, and the frantic demonic energy faintly impacted his consciousness.

Song Shuhang silently ran the 'Self Meditation Sutra', sitting firmly in the sea of consciousness, keeping the spiritual platform clear and bright. At the same time, I started to try to see if I could convert the heat in my body into blood. If he could, he would make a fortune.

At this time, from the body of Venerable White around him, a large amount of spiritual energy was surging. Those spiritual qi were caused when Venerable White absorbed the spiritual qi of heaven and earth into his body during cultivation.

When these spiritual energies were gathered towards Venerable White, a small part of them would be attracted by Song Shuhang's body—in the cultivation world, sometimes when the teacher was in retreat, there would be disciples rushing to guard the gate of the cave, and that was the reason.

When a powerful cultivator retreats and cultivates, it naturally attracts a lot of spiritual energy. If the disciples who guard the gate seize the opportunity, they can drink some soup along with them, which is very refreshing.

At the same time, every time these auras washed over Song Shuhang's body, they would automatically force out a small part of the demonic energy from his body...


Song Shuhang continued to practice, and unknowingly... fell asleep.

Then, he had a dream.

He dreamed that he... turned into a green onion!

After the strange dream of the altar master and the loose cultivator Li Tiansu, did he become a green onion again

The so-called one-time raw, two-time cooked.

Song Shuhang was no longer surprised by his 'strange dream' now. He knew he should start experiencing other people's lives again.

Dreaming of the life of the altar master is because the curse of the altar master before his death turned into a ghost, entangled in him, and let him experience the tragic life of the altar master...

I dream of the life of Li Tiansu, a loose cultivator, because part of Li Tiansu's memory was merged with the ghost, and the ghost was contracted by Song Shuhang, so he experienced part of Li Tiansu's life...

Now I dream that I have become a green onion... Needless to say, it must be because I ate the essence of onion, and then I began to dream of her life experience, right

At this moment, Song Shuhang felt that he was being grasped by a big broad hand. That big hand, so warm, makes people not want to leave.

Afterwards, the owner of the big hand brought Shuhang's 'green onion' to a very high mountain, with a large forest on the edge and a clear stream on the right.

"It's here." The owner of the big hand said, his voice was like the thunder of nine days, and every sentence seemed to be accompanied by his voice.

Looking at the scene of this memory, could it be more than 300 years ago - or even longer ago, when the onion essence was planted? Song Shuhang guessed in his heart.

It seems that the onion is not a natural monster, but a variety that was specially planted and cultivated

The owner of the big hand dug a hole in the ground with his own hands, and carefully planted the green onion in his hand.

At this time, Song Shuhang saw the owner of the big hand clearly through the green onion's 'sight'.

It was a thin man, wearing a fiery red Taoist robe, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in layers of clouds.

Song Shuhang was stunned for a moment, and then called out in surprise: "Chief Daoist Scarlet Firmament!"

The Taoist priest in the fiery red robe in front of him is the Taoist priest Scarlet Firmament who taught art he had seen in the memory of 'Loose Cultivator Li Tiansu'!

At that time, in Li Tiansu's dream, Daoist Master Chi Xiaoxiao's eyes seemed to have experienced the limitation of time and space, and he directly saw the existence of 'Song Shuhang', and taught Song Shuhang a trick 'flaming knife'.

Chi Xiaozi said that it was just an ordinary flaming knife, but when Song Shuhang saw his burning posture, he knew that what Chi Xiaozi taught was definitely not as simple as an ordinary 'flaming knife'.

Song Shuhang did not expect that this time, in the 'memory' of Onion Jing, he would meet this mysterious and powerful Daoist Scarlet Firmament again.

But this time, Daoist Chi Xiaozi didn't seem to see Song Shuhang.

"Come on and grow, even the most common green onion will have an unlimited future. I really want to see how far you will grow in the future. This is exactly the scene I want to see the most." Chi Daoist Xiaozi said softly to Xiao Shao.

His warm hands gently stroked the green onion leaves: "Remember where you were born, remember it firmly, and don't forget when you die... because your roots are here."

After saying that, Daochang Chi Xiaozi stretched his waist, and then volleyed into the sky, ascending the heights and disappearing.

It seems that planting such a spring onion was just his whim.

The green onion swayed slowly on the top of the mountain... solitary, but she still managed to take root and survived.

Then, day after day, day after day, year after year.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed...

Is there a mistake, since it is a dream, isn't it good to use a movie to fast-track the windy days? Why is it so realistic, he wants to spend day after day like a real green onion

Song Shuhang really wanted to flip the table!

Then, for some unknown reason, Song Shuhang suddenly remembered an elementary school composition he once wrote.

When I was in elementary school, my essay topics were very stupid.

The title of that time was "If I Were a Grass".

Song Shuhang when he was a child waved his pen: If I were a grass, I would work hard to grow, take root down, sprout up, grow strong, and perform photosynthesis to contribute to society.

I can't remember the exact content, but that's about it.

Looking back now, how cute was when you were a kid

Xiaocao thrives and wants to contribute to society? It would be nice if the uncles of the peasants didn't send you a weeding and pesticide.

At most, the grass is cut back to feed horses, pigs, cattle and sheep...

And the stupid thing is... Song Shuhang once imagined when he was a child that if he was a little grass, would it be interesting to live carefree

Unexpectedly, this wish will come true one day.

Now he has become a green onion, swaying with the wind in the cold wind, exposed to the wind and the sun, and can't do anything except stay in a daze.

"If I were a green onion, I would choose to break my onion kidney - commit suicide... Because Taitema is boring." Song Shuhang murmured.

If someone said to Shuhang now, "Maybe it would be a very happy thing to become a grass without any worries."

Song Shuhang will definitely drown the other party with saliva - please come back to me to discuss the feeling of 'becoming a little grass' after three years after inserting your legs into the soil and swaying in the wind!

He has been swaying with the wind for three whole years now!

It's so boring, so boring, even if a rabbit comes to eat the onion.

But no rabbits, no small animals.

The shallots are still swaying with the wind, experiencing the wind and the sun.

So, Song Shuhang continued day after day, year after year...

In short, Song Shuhang can't remember how many years have passed.

At first, he could murmur twice: "It's so boring, so boring."

In the end, he was too lazy to even murmur.

As a green onion, one must have the consciousness of being a green onion, take root downwards to absorb nutrients, and germinate upwards. Photosynthesis serves all mankind.

Finally one day, the torment day suddenly ended.

Because this green onion suddenly became fine.

No omen whatsoever.

There was no thunder calamity, no condensed demon pills, and no turbulent thunder, just overnight, the onion essence woke up and found that she had turned into a green-haired girl, cute and cute.

The onion essence was so happy that she, who had never left the ground, suddenly had the functions of human legs. As a cute little onion spirit, she began to live happily in the old forest on the mountain peak.

Such unrestrained days have passed for more than ten years.

Song Shuhang had to sigh, this green onion was really happy, and there was no trouble at all.

Then suddenly one day, a monster organization called [Monsters from all over the world unite to become a family] found the green onion spirit, sucked her into the organization, and named her 'Mother Onion'.

"Monsters from all over the world unite to become a family? What's this name? Just hearing this name makes me want to complain!"

But since it's a monster organization... You should teach Lady Onion some self-defense skills, right? Song Shuhang secretly said in his heart.

-Because according to previous experience, if the memory of the secret skills in the dream is clear, he can learn it! Such as the 'flaming knife'!

If there is a unique skill, it would be worthwhile for him to be a green onion swaying in the wind and snow for so many years!

But soon, he thought of Lady Onion's useless female goblin again. Unique, will there be any in this monster organization