Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 258: Little Monk Project and Soft Feather Project


Song Shuhang pulled the chat record.

After the seniors in the group answered Song Shuhang's 'Three Hundred Years of Onion Demon' question in the afternoon, the topic was rambling, and it was brought up to Immortal Fairy Bie Xue's 'Eating Immortal Banquet'.

Many seniors are guessing what dishes will be arranged for this immortal food banquet.

Several experienced seniors talked a lot, and began to recall the delicious food of the last few times.

There are all kinds of strange dishes, but they sound like delicious things. Song Shuhang touched his stomach, and he was lavaged by Daoist Yunwu's 'Kongkong Miaoshou'. After seeing the names of these dishes, his mouth drooled.

Song Shuhang pulled the chat record, and at the end saw the message of Lingdie Island Soft Feather.

Soft Feather: "@Shushan is under a lot of pressure, Senior Song, what is your current mailing address? The 'Lingmai Green Tea' I made by myself has been successful. I will send you a copy!"

At that time, Song Shuhang was having a cruel nightmare, so naturally he didn't come back in time.

When he saw Soft Feather's text message, Song Shuhang smiled slightly, then opened the private chat, and sent Soft Soft Feather a text message back: "Thank you Soft Soft Ha, I am looking forward to the Spirit Vein Green Tea you made by yourself."

Then, Shuhang attached the address of his home.

Then he stretched, ready to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

On Lingdie Island, a middle-aged man who was so handsome that he had no friends frowned and clicked on a chat software on his mobile phone to reply.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man grinned: "Come on... Quietly replace the batch of Lingmai green tea made by Soft Feather with ordinary ones."

Boy, fortunately, the old man saw this text message. Otherwise, you're going to get your ass long on the toilet for the next month.


At midnight, Mother Song suddenly got up, rubbed her eyes and came to the kitchen.

Then, she habitually stretched over the chopping board... But when she reached out and pulled, the originally thick chopping board was cracked into several pieces. Not only the chopping board, but also the marble platform below has several knife marks.

"Huh? What's going on?" Mother Song woke up immediately.

She began to recall what happened in the morning... It should be that when she made the mutton with green onions, there was a green onion that couldn't be cut off. Then, take off Song Shuhang's decorative knife and cut the mutton

Thinking back to this, Mama Song was startled: "Crazy?"

Not to mention the green onion that can't be cut no matter how you cut it, why did you think of taking that three-foot-three-long knife to cut the onion

Also, what is going on with the onion, how can it be cut

Under normal circumstances, if she encounters a green onion that can't be cut no matter what, her first thought must be to throw it away, or ask everyone to come and see what's going on

But at that time, she was so stubborn, she didn't think about anything, she just thought that she must cut the green onion!

Mother Song recalled that at that time, she seemed to be affected by something, and her whole person seemed to be crazy, and her thinking was not clear.

"The green onion was brought back by Shuhang, and said it was a new variety." Song Mama recalled a little bit.

Thinking about it later, Song Shuhang suddenly ate the whole plate of mutton with spring onion in one breath.

That onion will not be a problem, right

Moreover, Song Shuhang went back to his room immediately after eating the plate of mutton with scallions.

Later, Zhao Yaya found that he was sitting on the floor of the room and fell asleep, so he asked Dad Song to carry Shuhang to the bed to sleep. At that time, everyone thought that Song Shuhang was tired and tired.

But once the cause and effect were connected, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was a problem.

"That kid Shuhang." Song Mama frowned and strode to Song Shuhang's room.

Coincidentally, Song Shuhang, who was hungry, was rubbing his stomach and came out of the room, preparing to go to the kitchen for food, and saw Mama Song at a glance.

"Mom? It's so late and you haven't slept yet?" Song Shuhang asked suspiciously.

Mother Song replied, "I just wanted to visit you."

"Look at me? Haha, I just fell asleep and suddenly felt very hungry, so I wanted to find something to eat." Song Shuhang laughed.

"I still have some rice. I'll make some fried egg rice for you." Song Mama replied.

Afterwards, she and Shuhang returned to the kitchen together and started scrambled eggs for Song Shuhang.

While frying the rice, Mother Song asked, "Shuhang, tell me honestly, is there something wrong with your onion?"

Song Shuhang glanced at his mother's face quietly, and replied simply: "There is a problem, it is difficult to describe what the specific problem is. Roughly speaking, people who are not strong enough can't eat the onion, otherwise it will affect the body. "

"But don't worry, Mom, my body is completely fine. The onion was originally brought back by me, and I know it myself." Song Shuhang smiled brightly.

About cultivating truth... Now is not the time for a showdown with Mama Song and the others.

He is not strong enough, and he must wait for him to be stronger and hoard more cultivation resources before slowly drawing it.

"If you say that, I can feel a little more at ease." Song's mother sighed: "If you are free tomorrow, I will go with your father and ask that child Yaya to take you to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination."

Because Papa Song and the others had a car accident just now, Mama Song was worried, and asked Zhao Yaya to take him to check his body when he had time, so that if there were any hidden dangers, they could solve it in time.

"Isn't it necessary? I just went to a comprehensive medical examination with Sister Yaya not long ago." Song Shuhang blurted out.

"Did you have a physical examination not long ago?" Song's mother was holding the egg rice with a puzzled look on her face.

"Cough, it was during the last sports meeting. Sister Yaya came to our school for an internship, and she took me to do a comprehensive inspection. My health is healthy, there is no problem at all." Song Shuhang patted his chest and said.


Hotels near Sixth Hospital.

The little monk secretly rubbed his buttocks, the hemorrhoid treatment was still one course away.

After that, it's time to go back to Senior Brother Shuhang's house.

In his mind, the video that Doudou played for him kept echoing.

Song Shuhang clenched his fists and roared angrily, "Whether you have hemorrhoids or not, I'm going to punch all your shit out!"

Punch out shit, punch out shit.

This sentence has been echoing in the little monk's mind.

The little monk has a serious face, he is a very serious child: "If I go home after the treatment tomorrow, Senior Brother Shuhang will definitely beat my shit out?"

It feels terrible to think about.

The little monk couldn't help looking at Doudou, who was sleeping beside his eyes, and Zhou Li, who was cultivating with his eyes closed.

Otherwise, try to discuss with Doudou tomorrow, don't go home first, and the two will escape for a while? After Senior Brother Song Shuhang's anger has subsided, will he go back


Lingdie Island.

Soft Feather looked at the huge wooden box in front of her with satisfaction: "Well, it's perfect. Next, I'll be waiting for the box to be delivered!"