Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 261: One-inch shrink bag


When Song Shuhang ran home out of breath, he found that Soft Feather and Mama Song actually had a good time talking!

The two chatted about the content... It turned out to be a Chinese star who was a big hit more than 20 years ago, as well as interesting TV series from that year, and weird things in China in recent years. Of course, there will also be some interesting things that happened recently.

Mother Song was surprised that the little girl in front of her knew so many things from twenty or thirty years ago? Could it be that this little girl often chats with her elders at home? If this is the case, this little girl is really a filial child!

Song Dad and Zhao Yaya on one side became background foils, and they were completely unable to get involved in the topic.

"Ah, Shuhang, you're finally back? Where did you go to play? Let the little girl wait for a while." Song Mama raised an eyebrow at Song Shuhang and gave her son a thumbs up.

Song Shuhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Senior Song! Are you surprised to see me?" Soft Feather stood up and giggled, "Unfortunately, if I got out of the express box, you would be even more surprised."

"All I can say is, it's amazing." Song Shuhang smiled and waved at Soft Feather: "Mom, I'll take Soft Feather to the room to chat first."

Mother Song replied subconsciously, "Huh? A guest in your room is asleep, right? Why don't you go to the living room to chat?"

"It doesn't matter, Song Bai is also someone Yurouzi knows." Song Shuhang replied.

After Song Shuhang left, Dad Song squeezed his chin and said, "What is the relationship between this girl and Shuhang?"

"What's the matter with him, as long as it's a girl, it's fine." Song's mother went back to the sofa and sat down, sighing, "By the way, why did this little girl come out of the express delivery?"

"It's probably not a courier." Dad Song guessed: "Look at the few boxes that came in just now, how does it look like a courier? It must have been arranged by the little girl to send her over to surprise Shuhang, right? I hid it in the box and sent it to me, the youngest people are just playing.”

"I don't think there are many young people who will put themselves in the courier. However, if I guess correctly, this little girl once went to Shuhang's school before the sports meeting." Zhao Yaya held the Lingmai Green Tea in her hands and took a sip comfortably.

Father Song and Mother Song heard this, and their eyes lit up at the same time.

The two also picked up the Lingmai green tea and took a sip, feeling comfortable.


Shuhang led Soft Feather to his room and asked, "Soft Feather, this time you sneaked out of Spirit Butterfly Island again?"

"I didn't sneak out!" Soft Feather replied forcefully, "I just received the address from Senior Song and felt that it would be troublesome to find your home by address, so I followed the courier here."

Song Shuhang asked with a smile, "That Spirit Butterfly Venerable knows what happened to you?"

"Hahahaha, I didn't tell him. But I have completed the contract with the ghost ghost, and I have completed it simultaneously with the ghost ghost. According to the agreement between me and my father, I can leave Lingdie Island at any time at any time! So, it is not a secret. Slip out." Soft Feather said proudly.

Song Shuhang: "..." After all, he still sneaked out.

"By the way, Senior Song, I heard before coming here that Venerable White is with you?" Soft Feather said excitedly.

"Well, retreat in my room." Song Shuhang pushed open the door of the room and pointed at Senior White who was sleeping on the bed.

There is still more than a day before Senior White leaves the customs...

"Ah, this is the legendary Senior White." Soft Feather entered the room excitedly, and looked up and down carefully at Venerable White on the bed.

It's like the most beautiful artwork in the world, and it's like a fairy in the world, with long jet black hair, and even more seductive charm on his body, people can't help but want to sit next to him and watch him. old.

"Be careful, don't stare at Senior White for too long," Song Shuhang reminded. According to the introduction of the seniors in the group, the charm of Senior White is not limited to men and women, or even to species.

"It's alright, I've already prepared." Soft Feather turned her head and pointed at her eyes triumphantly, which had a pair of lenses like contact lenses.

I guess it's some kind of special magic weapon

"By the way, Senior Song, can you take a photo for me?" Yurouzi (turning around, handed Shuhang her cell phone.

"Take a photo?" Song Shuhang took the phone.

"Yes, take a photo with me!" Soft Feather took off her small sandals, revealing her cute toes, and then she climbed onto the bed and sat beside Venerable White, stretching out her hand in a victory gesture.

Oh, so you wanted to take a photo with Venerable White

Speaking of the photo with Venerable White, ah, because Mao immediately remembered the last 'high-altitude bungee jumping' incident, the photo of Venerable White and him when they fell from high altitude

When taking the photo, he was screaming again and again, barely pulling out a gloomy, dry smile, as ugly as it could be. And the white predecessors are picturesque, in contrast, they can't bear to look directly.

"Why did you suddenly think of taking a photo with Venerable White?" Song Shuhang asked casually, then turned on Soft Feather's phone, adjusted the angle, and took a few pictures of her and Venerable White in a row.

Then return the phone to Soft Feather.

Soft Feather knelt on the edge of the bed and took the phone: "Hey, hey, Senior Song, don't you know? Senior White is rare! After taking a photo with him, it's rare."

Senior White, rare

I always feel that there is something wrong with Soft Feather's adjective! Senior White is not a giant panda... Hey, it seems that his description is not right, Senior White is much rarer than pandas! Oops, it still doesn't seem right

"Hee hee, Senior White is really good looking." Soft Feather manipulated the phone for a while, and sent these photos together to the group space of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group'.

Photo title: [Today I was a guest at Senior Song's house and took a photo with the legendary Venerable White! ]

After a while, the seniors in the group came forward to give praises one by one.

As expected, the first person to reply was Beihe Loose Cultivator: Senior White is still as beautiful as a picturesque, and Soft Feather is also like a fairy descending to earth!

Crazy Sabre Three Waves: This is the correct pose to take a photo with Senior White. This kind of scenery is simply a double flower, and it is very eye-catching. And last time, when little friend Shuhang was bungee jumping with Senior White, the whole flower and green leaves, little friend Shuhang was used to set off Senior White's appearance!

Song Shuhang: "..."

Sanlang seniors are talking nonsense to tell the truth! His mouth is too cheap. It's no wonder that many seniors like to be (tune) guests (teachers) with Senior Sanlang's house. It's not that those seniors are narrow-minded, but that Senior Sanlang really lacks teaching!

Immortal Master Copper Trigram: I just went to look at the last photo of little friend Shuhang and Senior Bai, and when I came back to look at this photo, I immediately felt that life is really beautiful.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Senior Immortal Master Copper Trigram, since the last time he accidentally killed himself in front of True Monarch Yellow Mountain, he has traveled all the way on the road to death, and he can't look back. Coupled with the attributes of his black hexagram, Song Shuhang believes that one day, senior copper hexagram will replace senior three waves and become the first dead little expert in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

Fairy Lychee: "Is this photo taken by little friend Shuhang? The angle is very good. Next time, if I have time, I will go to your place and take a photo with Senior White!"

Then, there were comments from other members of the group, which were basically compliments.

After all the seniors had replied, the pharmacist slowly and painstakingly typed and sent it: Shuhang, hold on. These are two Venerables!

The pharmacist's reply was a bit baffling.

After Song Shuhang read the reply, he pulled back to look at the photo - as Fairy Lychee said, it seems that the angle of the photo that he just accidentally chose was really good? Would you like to collect it

While thinking about it, Soft Feather jumped off the bed and opened the small female pouch hanging around her waist.

Then, she stretched out and took out... She took out a long desk!

"Scare!" Song Shuhang's eyes widened. This kind of picture that only appeared in the novel and the anime 'Doraemon', but now it really appeared in front of him.

This picture is so shocking! Moreover, he was defenseless!

"Space magic weapon, Qiankun bag?" Song Shuhang asked cautiously - this is the space magic weapon that the senior pharmacist said that he can only replace one piece after putting together his entire net worth, although the senior pharmacist said the space ring.

"It's not the Qiankun bag. That kind of thing is too precious, even in Lingdie Island. Dad said that I'm not strong enough, so he wouldn't let me take it out. My bag is much lower, you see." Yu Rouzi explained with a smile, and then she opened her pocket and handed it to Song Shuhang.

I saw that in the small pocket, there were ten items, each of which was scaled down like a small toy.

"This is a small package made of snake skin shed by the spirit beast 'One Inch Finger Snake'. The snake skin of the One Inch Finger Snake has an innate ability to shrink the prey it comes in contact with. Therefore, although it is only the size of a pinky finger , but it only needs to roll an elephant, shrink the elephant to the size of a fingernail, and swallow it in one bite. However, the snake skin shed by the 'One Inch Finger Snake' has a very general function of shrinking its prey, and it can shrink a table to the size of a match at most. The box is big." Soft Feather introduced.

"This is no different from the Qiankun bag!" Song Shuhang sighed.

"Of course there is a difference. The Qiankun bag involves the principles of space and time. The things you put in it will never deteriorate, and you don't have to worry about mixing things up. My 'one-inch shrink bag' can only shrink some things, You have to be careful not to get confused when you put it in." Soft Feather replied.

But for me, it's already a small space bag. Song Shuhang sighed and asked curiously, "What is the strength of this inch-fingered snake? Where can I find it?"

"One-inch nails can appear anywhere, and their footprints are all over the world. But... Up to now, few people in the cultivation world have seen their real bodies. Only lucky people can find some of them shed. It's just the snake skin." Soft Feather introduced.

While speaking, she took out another incense burner and a few sticks of incense from the small pocket...