Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 263: Bamboo Array


Senior Brother Zhou Li was still complaining to Shuhang: "It's just the same as yesterday. After Doudou handed me the phone, he accompanied the little monk in for hemorrhoid surgery. But after a long time, I saw that they still didn't come out. , I only found out when I asked in the past that Doudou and the little monk had already left... I couldn't watch it again."

However, there is absolutely no way.

Doudou's skills of running away from home are ex-level, and even True Monarch Yellow Mountain can't guard against it. Zhou Li, who was in charge of dealing with Doudou's troubles, was also the big loser of Doudou's 109 consecutive defeats.

"Anyway, I will get Doudou back as soon as possible, and I will contact you first. Then, I will arrange for someone to deal with the traffic accident on your side. You can rest assured." Zhou Li regained his spirits as he spoke.

He is a man who has lost a hundred battles and a hundred battles. No matter how heavy the defeat, he can recover quickly - because he has enough experience in self-psychological comfort...

Song Shuhang suddenly felt full of apology to Senior Brother Zhou Li, and as long as he thought of Senior Brother Zhou Li's fairy object who didn't know what he looked like, he felt bitter for Zhou Li in his heart.

"Come on, Senior Brother Zhou Li. After you find Doudou this time, I will definitely keep it under control. I dare not say it for a long time, but at least for a week, I will never let it cause trouble!" Song Shuhang assured. .

On the opposite side, there seemed to be a happy choking sound from Senior Brother Zhou Li on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Song Shuhang let out a long sigh—be it Doudou or a little monk, one by one is not a worry.

"Doudou escaped again?" Soft Feather asked aloud.

"Yeah, I also ran with the little monk Guoguo. The little monk Guoguo is a new disciple of Master Tongxuan. Some time ago... Because of the treatment of hemorrhoids, he quietly ran away from the 'Tianya Yunyou Temple', In the end, he came to me. Later, Senior Brother Sanri entrusted me to take good care of him." Song Shuhang rubbed his temples forcefully: "I thought this little guy had a serious and cute look, and thought it was a peace of mind, but it turned out to be a comparison. There will be a commotion when Doudou is raised."

"Hehe, hehe." Soft Feather laughed dryly—tears, she also quietly ran away from home.

In fact, Song Shuhang's annoyance is not only about Doudou kidnapping the little monk, but also if Senior Brother Zhou Li fails to come, who will handle Senior Bai's incident for him.

He had promised Song Mama that he would call Senior White up for dinner at noon today—he was thinking about waiting for Senior Brother Zhou Li to come over and use an illusion or something to pretend to be Senior White.

As a result, Senior Brother Zhou Li went after Doudou and the little monk.

Not only that, when Senior White retreats, there is likely to be a 'passionate desert, young man in white horse and green shirt'. In order to prevent accidents, he originally wanted to ask Senior Brother Zhou Li to set up a defensive formation in his room.


Senior Song looks very distressed... After the family runs away from home, will it make the parents so distressed? Then if you run out quietly, will Dad be so distressed? Soft Feather patted her big chest secretly, feeling very sorry. Why don't you apologize to Dad after you go back this trip

At this time, Song Shuhang suddenly patted his head: "Stupid!"

He looked at Soft Feather and asked expectantly, "Soft Feather, will you set up a defensive formation?"

I remember Soft Feather can also form formations - at the earliest, when he followed Soft Feather to the 'Luoxin Street' to catch ghosts, Soft Feather used some silver sticks and strings of talisman paper to set up a defensive formation.

"Defensive formations will be arranged, but there are many types of defensive formations with different defensive strengths. What type of defensive formation does Senior Song want? What kind of defensive formation do you want to use?" Yurou Son asked.

"The strength of the defense shouldn't be too high, because the main defense is not foreign enemies." When Song Shuhang said this, he quietly glanced at Senior White... Although Venerable White is in retreat, no one can guarantee whether Senior White will use his senses. cut off from the outside world. It's just a two-day closure, maybe Senior White will still retain his hearing

So, Song Shuhang silently took out his mobile phone and sent a private chat to Soft Feather.

He briefly described the 'real illusion' that Senior White accidentally unfolded when he was cultivating, and then the desert, the white horse, and the young man in green shirt tossed him.

Then she reminded Soft Feather that because of the defensive formation arranged by senior pharmacist in the pharmacist building, Venerable White's 'real illusion' was confined in the pharmacist's building at that time.

Therefore, Song Shuhang wanted to try a defensive formation in his own room. The defensive power is not important. The important thing is to block the 'real illusion' that Senior White accidentally leaked.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable—knowing that Song Shuhang's family are just ordinary people, if they were involved in a real illusion.

Tomorrow's newspaper headlines in Wenzhou City will definitely be: College students are insane, brutally murdering their parents, and whipping corpses in various ways...

Seeing this, Soft Feather immediately replied with her mobile phone: "Oh, that's simple. Senior Bai is just a little bit of 'real illusion' that was accidentally leaked during the retreat, just make a small formation and place it on the bed. .Look at me!"

confident in tone

After all, there is also a 'Venerable' father in her family, and she is no stranger to 'real illusions'. She is also experienced in blocking the 'real illusion' that the Venerable unintentionally leaked.

Then, Soft Feather took out a pen made of monster hair from her pocket and asked, "Senior Song, do you have a talisman paper?"

"Rune paper? Is A4 paper okay?" Song Shuhang asked—he saw that Senior White used A4 paper to make various runes.

"..." Soft Feather: "Senior Song, stop joking, how can a4 paper be used as a talisman paper?"

"Huh? Can't you?" Song Shuhang sighed secretly. Sure enough... a4 paper runes are the patent of Venerable White.

After thinking about it, he took out a piece of a4 paper from his pocket and handed it to Soft Feather. It was the 'invisible array' a4 paper that Senior Bai had pasted on the tractor. A few others that strengthen the tractor, reduce gravity, have been reduced to ashes as the tractor burns.

The formation on this A4 paper may be used by Soft Feather as a reference.

Soft Feather took the A4 paper, stared at Lao Bandao, and tried to ask, "Senior Venerable White's work?"

"Well, yes." Song Shuhang nodded.

"Sure enough! Dad once mentioned that in terms of 'formation', Venerable White can be ranked in the top three in the whole world of self-cultivation. Sure enough, it is completely beyond the realm that I can understand." Soft Feather Carefully grasping the A4 paper, he asked expectantly, "Senior Song, can this A4 paper be sent to me for research?"

"No problem, just take it if you want." Song Shuhang replied.

"Thank you, Senior Song!" Soft Feather carefully put away the A4 piece of paper.

Then, she added: "If there is no talisman paper, we will have to use local materials. A4 paper will definitely not work. My level is not that high."

"What materials do you want?" Song Shuhang asked curiously.

"Well, let's find some fresh bamboo pieces. You can use bamboo pieces as talisman paper, borrow the wood attribute aura in the fresh bamboo pieces, and set up a small wood-based defense formation." Soft Feather replied.

Song Shuhang originally thought that he needed some materials like 'Lightning Strike Wood', but those things were not easy to find. Now that I only need bamboo pieces, I am relieved: "It's easy! There are some bamboos planted at the back of my house, I will go and chop one."

"Then I'll go down and chop bamboo with senior." Soft Feather jumped off the bed and started wearing sandals.

"Good!" Song Shuhang said.

I hope that Senior White will not throw out the 'passionate desert' at a critical time, he folded his hands together and said to himself.

"Mom, Soft Feather and I go downstairs to chop bamboo and make something fun." Song Shuhang called out to Mama Song in the living room.

"No problem, have a good time. Don't play for too long, remember to come up for dinner later." Mother Song cried.

"Okay!" Song Shuhang smiled.

He took the 'Treasure Sabre Overlord' from the living room again and went downstairs with Soft Feather.


the other side.

Lu Tianyou and Lao Lu also went to the hospital to check their health. Father Song urged them to make more than a dozen calls in a row, and he just urged them to go to the hospital for a physical examination.

According to Song's father's idea: I was dragged to the hospital to check my body in the back of the car, Lao Lu, can you still go to the hospital when you are in trouble? How can it be done? Although the blessings cannot be shared, the difficulties must be shared.

So, Dad Song called every ten minutes and forced Lao Lu and his son to the hospital. For this reason, Dad Song wasted a lot of phone bills.

At this time, Lu Tianyou was driving Lao Lu home.

Along the way, he seemed a little absent-minded.

"Tianyou, what are you thinking?" Lao Lu asked aloud.

"I'm thinking about Shuhang's tractor." Lu Tianyou, a real person, replied.

"Oh, that tractor is running fast." Lao Lu nodded.

Lu Tianyou smiled slightly - he paid more attention, the tractor not only ran fast, but also very stable. Moreover, the person sitting on it hardly felt any wind pressure.

Although he doesn't know what technology or principle this is... But he always feels that this may be something worth investing in.

I don't know if Song Shuhang's friend who refitted the tractor got any investment.

Suppose, if Song Shuhang's friend hadn't made an investment, Lu Tianyou really wouldn't mind investing all of his net worth to help Shuhang and his friends perfect these technologies.

Definitely a decent package.

Soon, get home.

After parking the car, Lu Tianyou and his father went upstairs. On the way, he took out his mobile phone and swiped several chat tools on the mobile phone to see if there was any news.

At this time, something posted by someone in the circle of friends caught his attention.

Title: So dazzling - tractors, excavators and bulldozers in luxury cars!