Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 266: The white senior with double ponytails!


In the afternoon, Dad Song went back to the company after dinner. He works in the State Power Grid Corporation, and he is not tired from work... But Dad Song is already a little tired of his current life.

He secretly planned to save some more money, and after graduating from Song Shuhang University, he went to open a fitness equipment factory with his two friends.

In the past two years, that kind of small home fitness equipment has become more and more popular, and Dad Song has long been very excited. If it weren't for the concern that Song Shuhang's studies would be affected if there was an accident in his business, he would have quit his job long ago to fight with his friends.

Father Song and his two friends are still secretly planning this matter, and the three of them haven't told their family about it... But the three of them have already started secretly planning and implementing the factory. In three years, at most three years, they are ready to set up this factory.

At this moment, Mother Song was chatting with Zhao Yaya in the living room

—Mother Song is asking about the places in Wenzhou City that are suitable for dating, the ones with a good mood and not chaotic.

She felt that in Song Shuhang's nerdy state in recent years, even if she wanted to ask a girl out to play, she would definitely not be able to find a place. As a qualified and good mother who is anxious about her son's future, she should prepare earlier.

While the two were chatting, Song Shuhang pushed open the door of the living room and came in, ready to grab some snacks.

Snacks and snacks, Song Shuhang's living room has always been in stock - for example, when Song's mother is watching a stick drama, when Song's father is watching European and American sci-fi movies, these snacks will come in handy.

"Mom, Sister Yaya, what are you talking about?" Song Shuhang asked casually, then squatted down and picked up some snacks.

"Let's talk about which place is suitable for you to take that soft Feather girl to play." Song Mama said seriously, speaking, this girl's name is a bit strange, Soft Feather...

Well, names and anything are floating clouds. The important thing is that people are beautiful, sensible, and fun!

"Shuhang, I'll leave you the car keys. There are many interesting places in Wenzhou City, and I take other girls around. Come on, sister, I'm optimistic about the two of you!" Zhao Yaya gave Song Shuhang a thumbs up.

"Hey, what are you two thinking about?" Song Shuhang laughed out loud: "Soft Feather and I are not like that kind of relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend."

Soft Feather is very beautiful... However, Shuhang has his own way. He is not the male protagonist of the stallion novel, and the female protagonists from all walks of life have thrown their arms in their arms - you know, this is the second time Yukoko and him have met in reality!

"Furthermore, Soft Feather has something to do at night and will leave after playing for a while." Song Shuhang added.

"Leave in a while?" Song's mother was suddenly disappointed when she heard the words.

"Then I'll go back to the room first." Song Shuhang picked up the snacks and smiled.

Then, without waiting for Mother Song to say anything more, he ran away as if flying.

When Shuhang pushed open his room, he looked into the room and was stunned.

"Aha, Senior Song, you are here." Soft Feather turned her head to see Song Shuhang, and smiled embarrassedly.

At this moment, Soft Feather was sitting beside Senior White and was taking pictures of Senior White.

Taking pictures is not a big deal, the problem is that the current posture of the white predecessors is a bit wrong.

On the bed, Senior White was put into a very cute pose by Soft Feather—the index fingers of both hands were pulled out and pointed at his face cutely.

"Hey!" Song Shuhang laughed.

"That Senior Song, when I was just looking at Senior White, I suddenly felt that such Senior White would be very cute. Hahaha." Soft Feather was embarrassed to explain with a dry smile.

She was a little worried that Song Shuhang would accuse her of being rude to the senior.

But... Song Shuhang's next reaction was far beyond Soft Feather's expectations.

Song Shuhang gave a thumbs up: "Good! If Senior White is tied into a double ponytail, it will definitely be cuter!"

—Perhaps due to the influence of the two seniors in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, Kuangdao Sanlang and Tonggua Immortal Master, Song Shuhang himself did not notice it.

Soft Feather was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up: "Ah! Senior Song, you are also very discerning."

Then, Soft Feather suggested: "Senior Song, why don't we try it together?"

Song Shuhang thought about it for a while, and said with some worry, "Will it wake up Senior White?"

"Don't worry, as long as we're not malicious, we won't irritate Senior White who is in retreat. I'm very experienced!" Soft Feather patted her chest and assured—very experienced! I don't know if Venerable Spirit Butterfly will have a handsome hairstyle every time he comes out of retreat

"Then, try it?" Song Shuhang was very moved: "I'll get the rubber band for my hair!"

"I have a headband!" Soft Feather replied, and she took out a hairband of various colors from her pocket. Although she has always liked to sprinkle her long black hair, she occasionally changes her hairstyle, and she also has the things girls dress up.

This is all preparations complete!

"Which kind of double ponytail do you want to tie?" Song Shuhang asked. Although he has never tied a girl's hair, he has seen many girls with double ponytails.

He also knows that there are many kinds of double ponytails.

For example, the left and right pairs are weighed, tied above the ears, and the two ponytails are raised high, which is playful and cute.

You can also have a double ponytail raised high above your head and the other hanging down behind your ears, which is a very interesting type.

You can also tie the ponytail behind the ears, hang it vertically, and match it with bangs, which is cute and bookish.

You can also tie the double ponytails that hang behind the ears into braids and hang them in front of the shoulders, which is a bit more refreshing.

Coupled with all kinds of hair accessories and the way of knotting the hair rope, it is simply a kaleidoscope of tricks.

"Try them all!" Soft Feather said simply: "And not only double ponytails, we can also tie single ponytails, steamed buns, and flower buds! You can try them all! I have a lot of ways to tie hair."

"Okay, Soft Feather, you come and I'll cooperate!" Song Shuhang's mind was completely broken at this time, and he didn't think about the consequences at all.


Song Shuhang first carefully raised the neck of Senior White, and Soft Feather pulled all of Senior White's hair out from under him.

"Senior Bai's hair is so long, it's a lot, and it's soft." Soft Feather sighed, and she gently combed it with her little hands, first straightening the hair of Senior White. Then he said, "Come on, Senior Song, grab your hair in a ponytail, and I'll tie the hair tie."

"No problem!" Song Shuhang gently put down Senior White's neck, and then took Senior White's hair from Soft Yuzi. According to her request, she first picked up her long hair and put it in a ponytail above her ears.

Really soft... Song Shuhang secretly said in his heart. This feeling is like holding on to the finest silk, which makes people reluctant to let go.

"Senior Song, put your hand up a little bit, otherwise it won't look good if you stick to the roots of your hair." Soft Feather said.

Then, she grabbed two white hair ropes and tied a beautiful butterfly knot at the position where Song Shuhang was holding it.

"The other side, the other side! I always feel that the white headband and Senior White's black hair look great together." Soft Feather said excitedly.

"I feel the same way!" Song Shuhang turned to the other side and cooperated with Soft Feather to tie the hair on the other side of the white-headed generation into a ponytail.

You're done!

At this moment, Senior White was lying on the bed calmly, with a peaceful expression on his face. After the long hair was tied into a ponytail, his face was completely exposed, making it more picturesque.

Coupled with that pair of ponytails... an indescribable feeling!

"Like!" Soft Feather grabbed out the phone and took a burst of shots at the double ponytail version of Senior White.

"Come on, Senior Song, put the index fingers of Venerable White's hands up again and make the gesture of pointing at the face!" Soft Feather said excitedly - as if he had found a good toy.

"No problem!" Song Shuhang cooperatively placed Senior White's hands and put his index finger on his cheek.

Incredible, Venerable White with this appearance is really cute.

If he hadn't lived with Senior White for a long time, he would definitely have his heart beat faster now, right

"Oh, no, I really want to bring Senior White home to raise it." Soft Feather murmured, and then she grabbed the phone and took another burst of pictures.

"Hey, wait, don't take me in." Song Shuhang said.

Soft Feather stuck out her tongue.

After Song Shuhang stepped aside for a little while, she was shooting wildly again.

"Come on, Senior Song, change your hairstyle!" Soft Feather said excitedly after finishing the shooting.

Next is the white predecessor of the single ponytail version!

The white predecessors of the single ponytail version are also very good - pat pat!

The white predecessors of the double ponytail braid version are also very good - pat pat!

The white predecessors of Baozitou are so cute and unbearable - pat pat!

Hey, what head shape is this? Two vertebrae with the same hairstyle? Bull horns? Oops, it also looks good with Senior White - Papa Papa.

And the one who ties the braids up on his head, what hairstyle is this? It's pretty good anyway - pat pat.

Senior White was spoiled.

Song Shuhang had forgotten how many hairstyles and styles he and Soft Feather had changed for Senior White.

Soft Feather was finally satisfied. She glanced at Song Shuhang quietly and smiled - as expected, it was Senior Song who liked it best, and she would cooperate with her in such matters.

She stretched and squinted her eyes and said, "Hee hee, I took a lot of pictures. When I go back, I must show them to my father. By the way, Senior Song, I will pick some of the best looking ones. Come out and send you a few!"

"Hahaha, okay... ah?" When Song Shuhang was halfway through laughing, he suddenly recovered from his 'intermittent cerebral convulsion', and his whole body was awake.

Fuck... wait, what did I just do

Recalling the action just now, Song Shuhang suddenly felt a little weak in his legs - he felt that his fear of heights had suddenly attacked.

"Ahem, Soft Feather. Just keep these photos quietly. I'm with Senior White every day anyway, so it doesn't matter if you don't send me." Song Shuhang coughed twice and said seriously.

"Well, then I'll see the situation later." Soft Feather replied, but she was thinking—how could it be the result of her and Senior Song's hard work.

When the time comes, I must pick some of the best-looking photos of Venerable White and secretly send them to Senior Song...