Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 272: The little mouth is so sweet!


When Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman was learning Chinese characters, he didn't even play Pinyin. When he taught the savages to learn Chinese characters, he taught these savages exactly how he learned them back then.

He hadn't even thought of pinyin at all—the savages were lucky if they didn't teach traditional characters.

"But... When I think of teaching these savages to learn Pinyin first, I feel so irritable. I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, I'll wait for the drunken day. No, it's Daoist Drunken Moon who sent me a language teacher." Palace Master Qishengfu said. .

When he finished speaking, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and he added: "By the way, if you can't find a language teacher, Xiaoyou Shuhang, send yourself to me, just bring the blood god diamond. , we just finished the transaction, can you help me teach the savages pinyin?"

Song Shuhang: "..."

Did I say something wrong? Why did you unknowingly pit yourself

But from the beginning to the end, I kindly mentioned the senior of the Seven Lives Talisman Palace Master, and used Pinyin to learn Chinese characters for the savages

No, I have to save myself.

Otherwise, what if 'Drunk Star Senior? 'If I can't find a suitable language teacher, maybe Senior Seven Lives Talisman will fly over overnight, wrap himself in a quilt, and teach language to the savages on an isolated island with a vast ocean.

As for Senior White on the side, there is no need to expect him to help... Maybe he will find it fun, and then go to the lonely island with him.

Song Shuhang always felt that the possibility was too great, and it was terrifying to think about.

Especially when he accidentally turned his head to look at Senior White, I don't know if it was an illusion. When Senior White looked at the words 'Lone Island, Savage', the light of interest seemed to flicker in his eyes

No, I absolutely have to save myself!

Song Shuhang frantically turned his head, and suddenly a thought flashed in his heart: "Senior Qisheng, I have a clever trick to learn Pinyin, you can search online... You should be able to find 'Hanyu Pinyin Alphabet Song'!"

"When the time comes, you can play it repeatedly for those savages, in the morning and in the evening; put it on for meals and when you are on a tuba. After a week or two, the savages should be able to master Chinese Pinyin!"

"Not only that, I remember people living in primitive tribes like dancing! Senior Seven Lives, you can find some simple and easy-to-follow dances from the Internet, and choreograph these 'Chinese alphabet songs' into dances. Let them every day When you get up in the morning, you can sing and dance, and dance more during activities to stimulate their interest!”

After typing the above words in one breath, Song Shuhang secretly sighed.

I'm sorry, savages... But there's nothing wrong with brainwashing songs. Listen to it and you can raise your posture. Coupled with dance, you can also dance as a square dance. It's a veteran! This thing is popular among aunts all over China.

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman's eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh oh oh, there is this trick! How wonderful! Compared to memorizing memorization, the song's craftsmanship is more catchy and easy to be remembered!"

Song Shuhang hit the railroad while it was hot: "After you have taught the savages pinyin, it will be easy to learn Chinese characters. Also, senior, I feel that teaching the savages to learn Chinese characters should not blindly use severe beatings and beatings. We must reward and punish. Clearly, there are punishments as well as rewards. Only in this way can the savages be motivated to learn Chinese characters to the greatest extent!"

In fact, Shuhang felt that it was a bit inappropriate to call him 'savage' all the time, but he couldn't think of a better word to replace it for a while.

"Rewards and punishments are clear, it makes sense! Little friend Shuhang is worthy of being a young man, and his brain is an aura." Palace Master Qishengfu felt that Shuhang's words touched the itch in his heart. He felt that this idea was really great, and he asked Said: "About how to distinguish between rewards and punishments, can Xiaoyou Shuhang be more clear?"

"Let's make an analogy. For example, the top ones who learn Pinyin and Chinese characters the fastest can be rewarded with things that savages like. Such as good weapons? Fishing supplies? Modern small objects, lighters or something?" Song Shuhang said. He said: "And the worst ones. You can also consider other punishment methods, such as starvation or something. Compared with being hanged and beaten, perhaps for wild people, starvation is more terrifying. What's wrong? Don't blindly beat the palm of your hand and hang you. The same punishment method is used for a long time, and the effect will become lower and lower."

Savages who have never met... I, Song, can only help you here. I hope this suggestion of mine can make you eat less of the bitterness of flesh and blood in the future.

Compared to being beaten on an empty stomach, you should be able to accept it on an empty stomach, right

"It makes sense, you can give it a try." Palace Master Qishengfu nodded secretly, and said at the same time: "Also. I can also give the savages a test paper, a small test every three days, and a big test every five days. Those who do not pass the test are hungry, There are various rewards for doing well in the test. In the future, I can let them write essays, and those who do not write well will be punished. Tsk tsk, awesome!"

Song Shuhang's mouth twitched, and a group of black uncles in animal skins appeared in his mind, lying on the table, facing the "First Grade Final Exam Paper" or the composition title "If I It's a Small Onion", a scene of frowning and writing in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, the senior of the Seven Lives Talisman Palace Master thought of the 'examination paper' and the tactics of the sea of questions. Unconsciously, it seems to increase the degree of suffering of the wild people

Am I doing something bad again

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman: "It feels really good, I'll give these savages a try right away. Let them listen to the Hanyu Pinyin alphabet song for ten days first, little friend Shuhang, I'll contact you when there is a result! [Waves his hand] goodbye emoji]"

After speaking, he couldn't wait to get off the assembly line.

After Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman went offline, Beihe Sanren bubbling: "[wiping sweaty expression] These days, even a paradise is not necessarily happy."

Fairy Lychee: "Besides, there is actually a big problem... Have you ever received a letter from fellow Daoist Seven Lives? He is a 'Fu Shi', and the text he writes is the same as a habitual ghost-painted talisman. I recognized what he wrote on the letter It's hard to recognize the characters. If he used the ghosts to write characters when he taught the natives to read... I would ask the natives' psychological shadow area?"

Pharmacist: "It's not easy for the indigenous people!"

Dharma King Creation: "Awakening star layman, please be sure to find a good language teacher for the natives!"

"Awakening Star?... It's not Awakening Star, it's Zuiyue! Last time I only remembered one word wrong, but this time I remembered both!" Zuiyue lay with a kneeling expression.

"I'm sorry, fellow Daoist Drunk Moon. Actually, I have a suggestion. Why don't you change your Dao name, let's call it Drunk Day? I think everyone can remember it." Dharma King Creation replied weakly.

"Drunk Day can remember +1" Lychee Fairy.

"Drunk Day can remember +2" pharmacist - if you just copy and paste, the pharmacist's speed is still very fast.

"You can remember +3 on a drunken day" True Monarch Yellow Mountain.

Below, a row of seniors in the group followed suit.

Zuiyue layman sighed faintly, really wanting to tie everyone in the group to 10,000 tons of meteoric iron and go to the Pacific Ocean!

Song Shuhang's mouth twitched, and he closed the interface of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group.

Then, he sighed secretly: "I hope the method taught to Senior Seven Lives will be effective."

Venerable White on the side smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if it works or not. Actually, I really want to see how Qisheng taught the savages to learn Chinese characters, and I'm also interested in that lonely island."

Senior White really has a strange interest!

"Senior White! I have a more interesting place. Two days later... I have a friend who invited me to a holiday island in the East China Sea, and a five-day cruise on a luxury cruise ship! Are seniors interested?" Song Shuhang immediately transferred Venerable White's Target.

Otherwise, he was afraid that Senior White would take him with a 'swish' to the Palace Master Yu Jianfei Seven Lives Talisman!

Sure enough, after hearing about the holiday island and the luxury cruise ship, Senior White became interested.

"In the case of a holiday island, is there a roller coaster? One with ten or more rings? A jumper? A pirate ship

Why are the projects reported by the white predecessors that make people feel weak

"Yes, all! Everything!" Song Shuhang patted his chest and assured that there must be!

"Then let's go right away!" Senior White narrowed his eyes and said.

"Senior Bai, don't worry. We'll leave in two days... Moreover, we'll have to wait for Doudou and the little monk to return." Song Shuhang replied.

"Doudou and the little monk?" Senior White asked, "Oh, you just mentioned that Doudou ran away from home again."

"Yes." Song Shuhang sighed.

"Okay, let's wait for two days." Venerable White reluctantly asked.

"Then it's settled, Senior Bai, let's have breakfast first. Then today, while I'm free, I'll take you to Yuyu Mountain near Wenzhou City. It should be a bayberry picking festival in the near future. There are activities available. Go in and eat now, you can eat enough." Song Shuhang introduced.

"Okay!" Venerable White's eyes became brighter.


Song Shuhang and Venerable White said as they walked, and went to the kitchen to see if Mother Song had prepared breakfast for them.

in the kitchen.

Mother Song was making dumplings when she heard footsteps behind her and turned her head.

"Good morning, Mom. Eat dumplings in the morning!" Song Shuhang said.

"Well, I just wrapped it, I don't know when you guys got up, and I haven't finished the pot yet. Song Bai is also awake. It's rare to get up early today?" Song Mama joked.

Venerable White nodded slightly and replied, "Well, good morning, little girl, you are the mother of little friend Shuhang, I got up very early today!"

little girl

are you calling me? ! Mother Song was stunned at first, and then she chuckled: "Shuhang, your friend has only spent one night, and her little mouth has become so sweet."

Song Shuhang: "..."

Venerable White looked confused: "?"

Did I say something wrong just now? Venerable White wondered in his heart. (To be continued.)
