Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 277: Terrible branch pathfinder


When the four acupoints in the first-rank realm are opened, the monks will get at least one talent... and luckily, they can have the opportunity to obtain the talent of two orifices.

Song Shuhang opened the talent of the eye orifice, but there was no talent awakening when the nose orifice was awake.

I don't know if I'm lucky or not, can I wake up the corresponding talent when I have the ear or the last mouth

"It's been more than a month since I started cultivating. Before I knew it, my ears were about to open. Thinking back, it almost felt like a dream." Song Shuhang sighed.

The seniors in the group said that scattered cultivation was extremely difficult, but along the way, he first met Soft Yuzi, then the pharmacist, then the Sixteen Su Clan, and then the senior Bai, and the journey of cultivation turned out to be extremely smooth. English disciples are not bad.

In her pocket, Lady Onion on the Dao Comprehension Stone has already fainted from crying... After more than a month, she has already cultivated to the point where she is about to hit the ear orifice realm

And she, after more than 300 years, finally opened the third nose orifice... There is still a long way to go before the opening of the ear orifice!

At the same time, she wanted to cry even more when she thought that Song Shuhang was able to break through the 'nose orifice' in one breath and accumulate the qi and blood of the 'ear orifice' to the fullest because of eating her green onion seedlings.

She is capitalizing on the enemy!

Damn, what should I do if I want to cry


Saturday, July 13, light rain.

Song Shuhang stood in the clearing of the mountain forest, raised his hands slightly, closed his eyes, and felt the subtle... sound of the tiny raindrops falling on his palms!

And the sound of raindrops falling on the leaves...

The melodious chirping of various birds…

The low chirping of insects in the jungle...

The sound of small animals running through the bushes...

Even in the soil, there is the sound of creatures drilling...

All the sounds interweaved into a beautiful symphony of nature in Song Shuhang's ears. He listened to this wonderful voice and became addicted to it unconsciously.

He could hear these sounds because his ears were opened.

After today's practice, as Song Shuhang expected, the qi and blood in the ear orifice overflowed, breaking through the bottleneck of his ear orifice at once. In an instant, he was like a person with poor hearing, and suddenly his hearing was restored. All kinds of sounds that he had never heard before, all entered his ears.

The opening of the ear orifice does not simply amplify the sound.

The voice of ordinary people speaking is no different from what Song Shuhang usually hears now, but it will be clearer, but it will not become deafening... The opening of the ear orifices can allow him to hear many normal people can't hear. sound. Even some special sound waves!

The sound from nature is so wonderful that it is impossible to extricate oneself.

It's just a pity - he still hasn't opened the ear orifice talent.

However, he still has a chance, he still has his orifices open, maybe he can have a good talent for opening his orifices.

Song Shuhang felt that he was a lucky person!

Moreover, even if he really didn't open his mouth orifice talent, he at least had awakened a good eye orifice talent, so he didn't need to be disappointed.

long long time...

When Song Shuhang's clothes were soaked through, he reluctantly withdrew from the wonderful state.

At this time, Shuhang still didn't know that this kind of listening to the voice of nature was extremely beneficial to cultivators, especially the growth of mood and spiritual power.

He chose to break through the bottleneck of the ear orifice in the forest, and he made a very correct decision unintentionally.

"My ears have opened, and I will leave for the holiday island in the East China Sea tomorrow." Song Shuhang took out his phone and looked at it. Venerable White still had no news: "Could it be that even Senior White didn't find Doudou so quickly?"

Did Doudou hide so well this time

"If Venerable White can't bring Doudou and the others back tonight, then we will have to wait until we get to the holiday island before joining them." Song Shuhang put the phone back in his pocket.

Then, he took out the Dao Enlightenment Stone from his pocket and looked at Lady Onion on it.

The young buds of the scallion lady only grow to the size of a fingernail.

"The ear orifice is opened, and the mouth orifice is next."

"Even if I eat it, it won't fill my mouth with blood, right?" Song Shuhang murmured.

Moreover, there is no senior around, it is very dangerous to eat the young shoots of the green onion—hey, wait!

Am I seriously considering the topic of 'Eating Lady Onion'

It's a dangerous idea.

At this time... On the Dao Comprehension Stone, Lady Onion's body trembled.

"Please... please don't eat me again!" Lady Onion said, even if she was cut by a knife, it would still hurt a lot.

Song Shuhang was surprised: "Huh? Can you speak?"

"I can, I can! Suddenly I can talk!" Lady Onion said, "Don't eat me, okay? As long as you don't eat me, I can give you a volume of 'Buddhist Lion's Roar Exercise'! You don't want to talk Is it? The practice of Lion's Roar is related to the mouth orifices. As long as you start to practice, it will be of great help in opening the mouth orifices!"

"Oh?" Song Shuhang smiled and said nothing.

"Deal, as long as you promise not to cut my green onion shoots again, I'll give you the 'Buddhist Lion's Roar Technique' right away, okay?" Lady Onion asked expectantly.

"Okay." Song Shuhang replied with a smile - he didn't intend to eat Lady Onion's green onion seedlings. Because the thought that the other party is the scallion essence that can transform into a girl and eat her scallion sprouts, always feels a sense of guilt.


On the other side, Venerable White was following Doudou and the little monk.

He flew straight in one direction, Venerable White was very confident about whether he could track Doudou and the little monk.

Because he has a terrible unique tracking method!

Flying, Venerable White landed from the sky.

Then, he randomly found a branch with a forked branch and threw it into the sky.

After the branch rotated sixteen times, it landed, and the forked end pointed steadily to the southwest position.

"Oh, to the southwest?" Venerable White nodded secretly, set up Dunguang again, and flew to the south without hesitation...

This is a domineering tracking technique that belongs to Venerable White alone.

No matter how good the tracked person is at anti-tracking, there is nothing to hide under Venerable White's domineering 'branch path-finding method'! Even if you erase all your movement traces, it will be useless - because Venerable White doesn't even look at your traces.

However, this path-finding method can only be used by Venerable White himself, and other people's use is invalid.

And... there's a small downside to this tracking method.

For example, when Venerable White was following the direction indicated by the branch, if the person being followed suddenly changed direction to escape, and Venerable White just didn't use the 'branch path finding method' on the way, he would most likely follow a The direction of the start is chasing the head, the further the wrong is, the further away.

This kind of mistake can only be corrected when Venerable White uses the 'Branch Pathfinder Method' next time. At that time, he will have to turn his head and chase in another direction, which will waste some time.

But no matter what, it is only a matter of time before Doudou and the little monk are found under this terrible 'tracking' method!


Sunday, July 14th, sunny

Venerable White, Doudou, and the little monk did not return.

After Soft Feather went to help her best friend, there was no reply for the time being.

Song Shuhang opened his sports wrist guard and glanced at the 3D Vajra gourd doll tattoo on it, and there was a women's bracelet next to the gourd doll tattoo.

He silently wrapped the sports wristbands again. If these two things were exposed, it would be very embarrassing to be seen by friends.

However, with these two things, Venerable White and Soft Feather have their coordinates. At that time, even if he arrives at the holiday island in the East China Sea, Senior White and Soft Feather can find him smoothly.

The only thing to worry about is the one that needs to be turned off on the plane.

What if Venerable White and Soft Feather contact him? And if we just can't get in touch again... What if Senior White's one-shot flying sword shot Doudou and the little monk over

The plane will be shot up, right

Soft Feather's side is the same, if the 'Wanli Flying Escape Technique' collides and hits the plane with a big hole, it will be a big game.

"Before getting on the plane, if Senior and Soft Feather haven't replied to the message, give them a call and let them know first. The above two situations must be avoided." Song Shuhang thought to himself.

While thinking about it, the phone rang.

It was a call from Gao Moumou.

"Shuhang, are you still at home? That guy Zhuge Zhongyang has already sent someone to drive to your house to pick you up, ready to go." Gao Moumou said.

"I'm ready, just wait for you to come and pick me up." Song Shuhang smiled.

His luggage was a small backpack with tens of thousands of cash in it, and then the stealth sword shattered.

On his fingers, he wears the bronze ring, and around his neck hangs the 'Blue Wind Acceleration' amulet. There is the last 1 Sword Talisman and 8 Evil Talismans in the pocket. As well as Qi and Blood Pills, Body Quenching Liquid, and Bigu Pills.

everything's ready.

"Wait downstairs at your house, I'll be there soon." Gao Moumou finished speaking, and complained again: "Besides, didn't you say that you have several friends to bring, why are you the only one left in the end? Don't be embarrassed, how many friends have brought them, don't be afraid to spend money!"

"Hehe, my friends are in a temporary situation, but they may go directly to the holiday island to join us." Song Shuhang replied with a smile.

Gao Moumou said a few words regretfully and hung up the phone.

I didn't expect that in the end... I set out on my own.

Song Shuhang picked up his backpack, walked out of the room, and called out to Mother Song who was watching TV in the living room, "Mom, I'm leaving."

"Be careful on the road, if Soft Feather is a guest, you must take her to our house for a few days after you finish playing!" Song Mama said.

"I wrote it down." Song Shuhang waved his hand and smiled.

But speaking of Soft Feather... When Soft Feather sent her the day before yesterday, when she met her, she always felt as if there was a cool feeling on the back of her neck, as if someone was blowing cool air on the back of her neck, or What is it that has been staring at the back of his neck, and he doesn't know what's going on