Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 279: Quickly ask who Shuhang is chasing after us!


After shaking hands, Ji Shuangxue did not blame Song Shuhang for teaching Joseph's peerless martial arts "The Time is Calling". She just... silently looked at Song Shuhang with a resentful look from time to time.

That kind of resentment in his eyes made Song Shuhang restless, like a thorn on his back. This is the horror of killing with a soft knife!

Half an hour later, Zhuge Zhongyang took everyone to board the plane. The resentful eyes stopped temporarily, and Song Shuhang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before boarding the plane, Song Shuhang called Venerable White and told him that he was on the plane now. And asked Doudou and the little monk if they found it.

Venerable White said that he had already sensed Doudou's aura, and he would be able to catch Doudou and the little monk this afternoon at the most and bring them back. And let Song Shuhang call him after arriving on the holiday island. At that time, he will use the flying sword to send Doudou and the little monk back.

After that, Song Shuhang called Soft Feather again. However, Soft Feather's phone was not connected. Song Shuhang sent a text message, and sent her a double message on the chat software.

When boarding the plane, Joseph ran over enthusiastically, insisting on carrying the bag for Song Shuhang, and even called him "Master has something to do, and the disciple will take care of him".

But that's just a small backpack!

After getting on the plane, Song Shuhang realized that Joseph and his daughter were not with Zhuge Zhongyang.

When the summer vacation came, he took his daughter to go abroad to play, but the target just happened to choose the holiday island in the East China Sea. And Joseph's wife was already waiting for him and his daughter to come over on the holiday island.

Song Shuhang could only stare at the sky without words. This matter... it was even harder than winning the lottery.

On the plane, Song Shuhang sat in the window seat. Originally... Zhuge Zhongyang arranged for Miss Lu Fei to sit next to him.

But now, the enthusiastic Joseph finally got through with Miss Lu Fei, and the two changed seats. Lu Fei ran to go with Ji Shuangxue. And Joseph took up the seat next to Song Shuhang with a bright smile on his face.

Song Shuhang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. There could have been a cute girl sitting next to it. It's good now, after a little tossing, I'm replaced by a foreign uncle.

Joseph sat next to Song Shuhang. With a look of anticipation, he asked, "That's right, Father Wet. It's about cultivation. Is there any level? I remember that in the movie, there was a Rendu Ermai or something?"

Level limit

If the level realm of "The Time is Calling", should it be entry-level? Proficiency level? Physical education teacher level? And then the gymnastics championship class

But if this level of realm is said, Joseph will collapse, right

So, just make up a level realm to fool Joseph

But it doesn't feel very good, and it's not a happy thing to tell a lie. Second, Song Shuhang carefully glanced at Miss Lu Fei's side, and Miss Ji Shuangxue from time to time gave her a resentful look.

In such a bitter look. Song Shuhang really couldn't fool Joseph.

"Of course there are levels... But you haven't even mastered the entry level yet, so you can't be too ambitious. When you get started, I will introduce the relevant levels to you in detail." Song Shuhang can only use the trick of dragging words. .

"I understand, Father Wet. I will definitely try my best." Joseph's fighting spirit suddenly became high.

After the excitement, Joseph looked forward again: "Father wet, the disciple has an unkind request!"

Recently, Joseph's Chinese level has become more and more sophisticated in order to cooperate with the peerless magic that he has acquired. From time to time, there will be an ancient saying.

"Tell me?" Song Shuhang said casually.

"Father Wet, this disciple feels that he has learned a lot from the practice of peerless magic recently, but there are also many things that he doesn't understand. Now that we have finally met Father Wet, why not let the disciple demonstrate it now. So that Father Wet can give me some pointers?" Joseph spoke in half ancient Chinese.

What? Demo now

Playing "The Time Is Calling" on the aisle? It will be very embarrassing. At that time, your daughter's resentful eyes will be double the lethality!

then. Shuhang coughed: "Cough, don't be in a hurry. And the current situation is not suitable for demonstrating martial arts."

Joseph looked at the side of his eyes and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Father Wet, the disciple is too impatient. Then we can only wait for the plane, and find a chance for Father Wet to give some pointers to the disciple!"

"Okay." Song Shuhang laughed dryly - how could he be able to guide Joseph, "The Time is Calling" Song Shuhang himself can only be regarded as a relatively standard.

However, Joseph has been practicing 30 times a day for more than a month, and he is broadcasting gymnastics. He is enough to be Song Shuhang's teacher.

Joseph was full of joy and said again: "Father wet reads;. Don't think the disciple is annoying, the disciple has an unkind request!"

"Speak." Song Shuhang smiled bitterly.

Joseph lowered his voice and said, "Father wet. You can show your disciple the kind of punching out, is it good for you? When you let your disciple practice the exercises, you can be more motivated!"

Punch out, bang bang bang

This request is really hard to refuse. Because Song Shuhang's heart, eyes, nose, ears and four orifices are now open, his strength is more than ten times stronger than that at the time.

At that time, it was necessary to practice "Basic Boxing Technique" until the qi and blood were full, and then the crisp sound of the fist breaking through the air could be heard. But now, it is very simple.

"Only once." Song Shuhang said.

He released his mental power and sensed the surroundings. Finding that no one was paying attention to him, even Joseph's daughter and Lu Fei started chatting.

After that, Song Shuhang stretched out his right palm and shook it so gently.

It looks like a normal wave of hands.

However, there was a trace of qi and blood in his heart.


There was a crisp explosion, the sound was not loud, but Joseph's eyes brightened up next to him.

He lowered his voice and said, "Congratulations to Father Wet's Magical Skill!"

Even if he is a pure layman, he knows that Song Shuhang must have increased his strength recently. Because at that time, when he saw Song Shuhang moving vertically and horizontally in the abandoned classroom, it was also a punch that poured all the energy into his body, so that he could make a popping sound like an explosion. It is far from the current Song Shuhang. To put it lightly, he can make a popping sound with a flick of his hand.

"Haha." Song Shuhang smiled lightly and stopped talking.

Next, let's see how close Joseph and himself are.

In the future, when Song Shuhang becomes stronger, he will definitely take his family out of the mundane world, choose a hidden place to live in peace, and bring his family into the world of self-cultivation. At that time, if there is really a relationship between Joseph and him as a master and apprentice, he might as well give him a good fortune.

Of course, that's all in the future. The current Song Shuhang has no such ability. He doesn't even have the qualifications to send good fortune.

After seeing Song Shuhang's casual slap, Joseph was satisfied. Then he began to learn Song Shuhang's appearance, closing his eyes and meditating.

Song Shuhang did not teach him the method of meditation. But at that time, Joseph saw that Song Shuhang would meditate on the spot and close his eyes to meditate after finishing his practice.

Since the wet father did this, the closed-eye meditation must be effective.

So, after every thirty times "The Time is Calling", Joseph would meditate cross-legged, close his eyes, empty his head, and think about nothing... Quietly in a daze!

Song Shuhang looked out the window and whispered softly, "East China Sea... Mysterious Island reads;."

In fact, when Gao Moumou mentioned 'tourism on the East China Sea holiday island', Song Shuhang immediately thought of the 'mysterious island' introduced by the seniors in the group.

Anyway, as long as the word 'East Sea Island' is mentioned now, he will inevitably think of the mysterious island.

"Will you meet that mysterious island in the air?" Song Shuhang thought secretly.

But... no matter if he can meet or not, he won't worry. Anyway, he won't get in if he's beaten to death. He didn't want to lose his memory.

In fact, he really wanted to go to the East China Sea with Venerable White—because according to what Senior White once said, he would never be able to find that mysterious island by himself.

It seems to be the mysterious island, hiding from Senior White? Or is it the luck of Senior White that is preventing Senior White from approaching the mysterious island

But no matter what, as long as you follow Senior White closely, you will not encounter Mysterious Island. Unexpectedly, Senior White suddenly went to Doudou and the little monk, and has not returned so far.

The plane sailed steadily...

Hope the journey goes well.

Song Shuhang, who was bored, began to close his eyes and meditate. Time is precious, and he should seize all the time he can use to step up his cultivation, so that he can go further on the road of cultivation.


On the other side, Venerable White's position.

Senior White had already locked the position of the little monk Doudou, and then slowly approached them. Anyway, Song Shuhang has already boarded the plane, and I will see you directly on the East China Sea Resort Island, so Venerable White is not in a hurry.

At this time, Doudou and the little monk were at their positions.

The little monk said weakly: "Senior Doudou, I can't do it anymore..."

I saw that the little monk at this time was slightly charred, and he could still spit out a black smoke when he opened his mouth.

"Be patient, I always feel that there is something wrong with our current situation." Doudou murmured.

The little monk said weakly: "It's not wrong, it's just that we are cursed? Woohoo... It's terrible."

Just yesterday, after Doudou and the little monk successfully escaped from Zhou Li, they continued to fly in the direction of the Huaxia capital.

But along the way... encounter all kinds of strange things.

For example, the two of them were flying, and suddenly a shell was fired at the bottom... It is said that the military is testing a new type of anti-aircraft bomb!

It was difficult for Doudou to dodge sharply, flying and flying, and suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the sky. This time Doudou couldn't dodge and was hit right. If Doudou hadn't shielded himself in an emergency, the little monk on his back would have been seriously injured.

Then, flying again... Suddenly, a supersonic plane collided straight ahead! If it wasn't for Doudou's quick response, there would have been an air crash.

Is it a swollen horse today

Doudou seemed to have thought of a terrible possibility, and said, "Wait, Guoguo, call Shuhang immediately and ask him if he is chasing us? If he is not chasing after us personally, then ask him if he has No one else is chasing us!" (To be continued.)
