Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 283: Passengers and spooky blips continue to disappear


Song Shuhang took back his private jet driver's license from the flight attendant and said, "I'll do my best."

"Let, let." At this time, Gao Moumou and Tu Bo squeezed to Song Shuhang's side worriedly.

Gao Moumou asked in a low voice, "Shuhang, are you okay?"

"Someone has to try it, doesn't it?" Song Shuhang said - he didn't expect that he would have an accident every time he took a plane. He is only a rank one cultivation base now, and has no means of flying at all. If there is an air accident, it will be no different from ordinary passengers, and the ending will be dead without a place to be buried.

Tubo and Gao Moumou could only return a wry smile.

&nb;After putting away the private driver's license, Song Shuhang raised his legs to the cockpit, and at the same time asked the flight attendant, "Is the cockpit door open?"

The cockpit of civil aviation is free for idlers, and old-fashioned planes used to have keys or something. But most of the recent new aircraft cockpits are electronically locked, and the advanced ones even require the captain to 'swipe his face' to get in.

"The cockpit is open... It should be that when the captain or co-pilot suddenly disappeared on the plane, one of them ran back desperately, trying to get out of the cockpit. However, he obviously didn't get out." The fat stewardess explained.

"At least he opened the cabin door for us." Song Shuhang is a man with a big heart, the more he came to the moment of life and death, the more calm he became.

After entering the cockpit of the plane, Gao Moumou and Tubo quietly followed.

The other passengers, under the persuasion of the fat stewardess, stood quietly outside the cockpit and did not go in to disturb Song Shuhang—after all, this young man had only flown a private jet.

Private jets and civil aviation are two completely different concepts. If a group of people squeezed into the cockpit and disturbed Song Shuhang, then everyone would really have no hope of surviving.

After entering the cockpit, Song Shuhang was blinded by the dazzling array of dashboards and buttons.

It's totally different from a helicopter.

Tu Bo looked at Song Shuhang and said cautiously, "Shuhang, driving a plane is different from driving a car... Be careful."

Song Shuhang nodded and sat down. He tried to start pulling the throttle on the plane. Civil aviation aircraft is a bit tricky in this regard. Aircraft produced by different companies have different throttle control methods.

Fortunately... When he knew that he was going to learn to fly with Senior White, Song Shuhang went to the library to read a lot of books about aircraft driving in order to prevent accidents.

There are all kinds of information books, and now these information books come in handy.

Song Shuhang began to operate on the plane...

Gao Moumou and Tu Bo looked at Song Shuhang's skilled manipulation posture. It still looks the same.

"Where did Shuhang learn the knowledge of aircraft control?" Tu Bo was a little curious.

Gao Moumou replied in a low voice, "It won't be a flight simulation game, will it?"

Tubo touched his little liver and felt that it was jumping so fast.

Soon after, because there was no signal in the autopilot mode of the plane, Song Shuhang had to switch it to manual piloting. It's just pitch black outside, you can't see anything, and the best thing you can do with manual driving is to keep the flight steady.

I hope to fly another distance and get out of this weird dark world.

"I understand the general flight control, but now there is a very important question." Song Shuhang said.

After hearing the news, Gao Moumou asked, "What's the problem?"

"I won't land..." Song Shuhang replied.

He has only flown helicopters. But the landing method of a helicopter is completely different from that of a large airliner. There are theories about the plane landing though in mind.

But let's do those theories, and many important parts are described in the way of 'seeing flowers in the fog'.

With the theoretical knowledge of these landings, if Song Shuhang can successfully land, then there is really a ghost!

Gao Moumou: "..."

Tubo: "..."

"Furthermore, the landing problem is not the biggest problem." Song Shuhang pointed to the front and smiled bitterly: "The more terrifying problem now is that we don't know where we are and what is around us!"

Even with the lights on. But it was dark all around the plane, and nothing could be seen.

The communicator and navigation interface in the cockpit also have no signal at all. Their plane is now like a blind man groping in the dark.

Gao Moumou asked calmly, "That is to say... Are we still unable to escape death?"

Tubo thought about it. He took out his phone again: "Sure enough, I still try to send out the written suicide note?"

While the three of them were talking, there was another panicked sound from outside the plane. The screams of men, the screams of women, the cries of children... all became a mess.

"I'll go out and have a look!" Gao Moumou was concerned about the safety of his girlfriend, Mei, and immediately left the cockpit. Run to the rear cabin.

When he got to the cabin, he was stunned.

I saw that in the cabin, there were many passengers standing blankly in the same place, and there was a bright light flickering on their bodies, making them (her) as bright as fireflies in the dark night.

This surreal phenomenon stunned everyone.

"Yi!" Immediately after. Gao Moumou quickly ran to his girlfriend's position.

Fortunately, Yayi was fine, Lu Fei and her sister were also fine, and Song Shuhang's foreign disciple Joseph was also fine.

Girlfriend Yai throws herself into Gao Moumou's arms.

"Yai, what happened?" Gao Moumou asked worriedly.

"Just now, many passengers suddenly lit up with flames, just like the passengers in front of them." Mei pointed to the dozen or so passengers who were now glowing.

"Then, the passengers in the flames seemed to have been burnt clean by the fire, turning into ashes little by little, leaving nothing behind." Mei's eyes showed horror.

Just as she was speaking, one of the passengers, who was enveloped in light, screamed in horror. Immediately afterwards, his body began to turn into light particles from bottom to top.

These light particles fell like sand again, and soon... the passenger in the light disappeared, not even a piece of clothing was left.

His scream was like a signal to turn on the button, and then, the other passengers in the light began to light particles one after another.

Some of the light-grained passengers rushed to their relatives and friends in horror, asking for help. But their light-grained bodies passed through their relatives and friends like invisible souls...

Then, it disappeared quickly.

There was another chaotic scream one after another.

Gao Moumou frowned and said in his heart, "It disappeared... Could it be that the captain, co-pilot, crew, and the first group of passengers who disappeared at the beginning all disappeared like this?"

"They won't die, will they?" Mei asked worriedly, this phenomenon that couldn't be explained by 'science' made all the passengers go crazy.

"I don't know either." Gao Moumou sighed, and then he subconsciously said, "Let's go, let's go to the cockpit and talk to Shuhang."

He didn't know why he had such an idea, but he always felt that there might be something to gain from talking to Song Shuhang about the phenomenon of this passenger's light particleization.

And this time, in the cockpit.

Tu Bo suddenly pointed to the front and shouted: "Shuhang, be careful, there is something ahead!"

"Is there something ahead?" Song Shuhang's eyes widened, but in his eyes, it was still pitch black outside, and he couldn't see anything.

How is it possible that Tubo can see things, but he can't

He is a cultivator who has opened his eyes, and he can even see ghosts.

"I didn't see anything... Tubo, are you delusional?" Song Shuhang asked quickly.

"No, I'm definitely not mistaken. There is darkness around, that thing is very bright and glowing!" Tubo said loudly, pointing his finger to the front of the plane.

Song Shuhang blinked his eyes hard, but there was still only darkness in front of him. Is there something wrong with my eyes

When Song Shuhang was thinking, Gao Moumou also entered the cockpit.

The flight attendants and passengers outside were already in chaos, and everyone was worried that the 'light' would suddenly appear on them, turning themselves into a bunch of light particles. Now, no one cares about Gao and the others entering the cockpit.

"Shuhang, something happened outside. A layer of flame-like light appeared on the body of some passengers. Then, in this layer of light, it turned into light particles and disappeared." Gao Moumou entered the cockpit, and immediately He said: "I suspect that the first group of passengers disappeared like this, but they disappeared too fast, maybe so fast that we couldn't see the flame-like light."

Song Shuhang rubbed his temples, trouble came one after another.

The unknown is the most worrying thing... What the hell is going on here

If I had known earlier, I would have to bring Venerable White over with me. If Venerable White was present, there would be no need to be afraid of a mere plane accident!

"Hey, Shuhang! Something is shining in front!" At this time, Gao Moumou also pointed to the front of the plane.

The position he pointed was the same as that pointed by Tubo.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Nima, what is this? Why Tubo and Gao can see it, but he can't see what the so-called 'light spot' is.

Is it something that can only be seen by mortals, but not by monks

"Can you all see it? Can you see Yayi?" Song Shuhang turned his head and asked Gao Moumou's girlfriend, Yayi, with a wry smile.

Ya Yi glanced at Song Shuhang, and finally nodded.

"What does the light spot you see look like? Can you describe it?" Song Shuhang sighed.

Gao Moumou raised his brows and asked suspiciously, "Shuhang, could it be that you can't see that light spot?"

"I can't see it at all, I can only see darkness." Song Shuhang said with a wry smile.

Gao Moumou stared at the light spot in the distance carefully, his eyes were sore: "Shuhang, let's get closer, now the distance is too far, we can only faintly see a small green spot, emitting a golden light. "(To be continued.)

ps: I recommend this girl's new book, Mie Feng's "Moe Lord Chitose", the female frequency ticket does not conflict with the main site. You can easily link in from the works I solemnly recommend, and vote for Miaofeng to be on the list.
