Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 29: Running under the sunset is my lost youth


But when I failed in the last few steps, I practiced completely by my own intuition, and did not follow the step by step of the pill recipe!

So am I a success or a failure now

Song Shuhang pinched his chin and stared at the medicinal liquid for a long time.

Otherwise, try it? After all, it was more than three and a half hours of hard work.

He hesitated for a moment before making a decision in his heart.

The anticipation of confirming the existence of 'comprehension' overwhelmed the fear of the unknown liquid.

It's a big deal to send to the hospital for gastric lavage.

Of course, Song Shuhang was not a reckless person.

He first took out his mobile phone and transferred to the dialing interface of his roommate's 'Tubo' number. As long as there is an accident, he can call Tubo with the flick of a finger.

Originally, he wanted to be transferred to the emergency call page, but he was afraid that he would not have the strength to speak by then, and he would not be able to speak when he called. The girl on the emergency call thought she was a prank, then it would be a tragedy for him. So I still call my familiar roommate. If something goes wrong, even if I scream a few times, they will respond immediately.

"Try it, if you only take one bite... you shouldn't be able to die, right?" Shuhang thought to himself.

Finally, I took a spoonful with a spoon and let it cool. How miserable, forty-five medicinal herbs, only about five spoonfuls of medicinal paste were left in the end.

The value of these five spoonfuls of medicinal materials is probably more than tens of thousands of gold, right

"This is sesame paste, this is sesame paste." He hypnotized himself, closed his eyes, held his breath, and swallowed it into his belly.

Unexpectedly, although the medicine paste stinks, there is an indescribable medicinal fragrance in the entrance.

However, there were two sensations in the throat... Pain and spicy! ! !

This is an indescribable fiery feeling. The entrance is clearly a cold medicine paste. After entering the throat, it suddenly exploded, exuding endless heat, almost to blow Shuhang's throat open!

It's over, it's time for a gastric lavage.

Shuhang grabbed his throat with one hand and pressed the dial button with the other hand, ready to call Tubo!

Before he could move his fingers, the explosion in his throat suddenly disappeared!

To be precise, it was the explosive liquid that turned into a mass of warm heat that slid from his throat all the way into his lower abdomen. He just felt the warmth in his stomach, and he wanted to moan in comfort.

But a big man, how disgusting to moan? He forcibly held back.

This is not over yet, this heat is centered on Shuhang's lower abdomen, and spreads branches and leaves to all limbs through the meridians of the whole body. Originally, the stomach was warm and comfortable, but now there is this extremely comfortable feeling from every part of the body.

Shuhang finally couldn't hold back, he opened his mouth and wanted to groan, it was too comfortable, he couldn't bear it!

But when he opened his mouth, he felt as if his mouth was blocked, he couldn't make a sound, he couldn't make a sound at all!

But at this moment, he felt unpleasant.

So he held back his strength, opened his mouth wide, and wanted to send the sound from his abdomen to his throat!

Hold back, hold back for a long time.


It's a loud voice, but unfortunately it didn't come out of the mouth. but from the chrysanthemum. He held it back for a long time and then it was a fart.

Fortunately, as soon as the lower breath is open, the upper breath is also open. Shuhang opened his mouth and made a big gap.

This fullness is like releasing all the heat in the body.

You must know that after a person becomes an adult, with the accumulation of various acquired toxins in the body, people often feel like there is a fire in the body, and sometimes the throat will feel hot when breathing.

But at this moment, after Shuhang was beaten out, he felt as if his internal organs had been cleaned, it was cool, transparent, and extremely comfortable! Every breath is like being in the jungle of the morning forest, the slightest cool air enters from the nose and mouth, moisturizing all the way to the lungs.

With this burp, the medicinal heat in his body exploded completely. Impacting every part of his body, a steady stream of power surged up!

The medicinal power in the body is still bursting, bursting!

Shuhang's whole body started to itch, and the exhaustion from the three and a half hours of medicine just now disappeared.

"This body quenching liquid is true!" Song Shuhang can already be sure that the black medicinal liquid he just swallowed is the genuine body quenching liquid.

The power in the body is still full, the heat is still exploding, filling the body, and it will not stop until it overflows, almost bursting Shuhang.

At this time, Song Shuhang suddenly opened his mind. He remembered that in Xianxia novels, after the protagonist took the magic medicine, he would have a set of exercises, such as martial arts, boxing, etc., to resolve the digestive power.

But he didn't know anything about boxing at all.

Although the primary school teacher had taught students Taijiquan in his spare time, Shuhang only vaguely remembered 'a big watermelon, cut in half, half for you, half for him'.

Moreover, he is very suspicious of the version of Tai Chi taught by the primary school physical education and mathematics teacher, maybe it is the thread version of Tai Chi from xx Publishing House.

"It is necessary to volatilize this medicinal power, or maybe it will be directly exploded by the medicinal power like in Xianxia novels?" Song Shuhang felt that he had to move.

"Would you like to go out for a run?" Looking at the hot sun outside, Shuhang felt that this would definitely not be a good idea. But the power and energy that kept pouring into his body made him feel like he couldn't let it out.

Gritting his teeth, he ran to the school fuck Yang.

Running, running, Shuhang's speed became faster and faster along the way. The more you run, the more comfortable it is, and even your legs have the illusion of floating in the air.

He arrived at the playground runway almost in a sprint.

The weather at this point in time is so hot that even students with sufficient energy choose to play basketball or something. No one will come to the playground for a few laps under the scorching sun.

Shuhang was the only one on the wide runway. He let go of everything, like a mad horse running wild on the runway. Speed up, speed up!

By the end, he felt that his feet were too fast to control.

Every time the runway turns, there is a feeling of playing drift!

It didn't take much effort at all, he had already run three full laps at a sprint speed, 900 meters. But the body did not feel tired at all. Instead, as the heat in the abdomen dissipated, the body felt lighter and lighter, and the more I ran, the more relaxed it became.

Under strenuous exercise, even the ice beads on his chest could not maintain Shuhang's body temperature. Sweat poured out from every pore of his body, and quickly wet Shuhang's clothes.

But, so comfortable!

As soon as the first drop of sweat came out, you could feel your body a little lighter. Every spit out of my mouth while running made my body feel cooler.

Body quenching liquid, this is not something that can be quenched by drinking it, lying down and sleeping. When each cultivator drinks the body quenching liquid, there will be exercises and boxing techniques to assist in the digestion of the liquid, which can make the effect of the body quenching liquid to be the best.

Song Shuhang doesn't have that kind of boxing and exercises, and the only thing that suits him at this time is running and running!

Round after round, Song Shuhang was not tired.

At first he counted the laps he had run, but by the end, it was no longer necessary to count.

Because with his current state, as long as the medicinal power that erupted in his body is still there, he feels that he can run around the earth completely.

Anyway, sprint round and round, and run until the medicinal power is no longer overflowing.

Thinking like this, he didn't know how many laps he ran, thirty laps? Forty laps? even more.

Song Shuhang finally stopped.

Even after running at a sprinting speed for so long, his breath is still calm and there is no sense of fatigue.

Fortunately, the continuous burst of medicinal power in the body calmed down, and the residual medicinal power stayed in Shuhang's lower abdomen, starting to strengthen his body in a gentle way.

The clothes were soaked through, so Shuhang simply took off the sticky clothes and grabbed them in his hands.