Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 290: Shrinking tuatara


In the end, the old professor, four women and three slightly fat clerks chose to form a team of their own.

Others chose to follow Song Shuhang to the ancient city.

The old professor was very curious about this strange island. Others didn't know it, but he could recognize the dwarf plants under the feet of his group, as well as the towering tall trees in the distance, all of which had disappeared from the earth.

These plants, which could only be seen in textbooks, now appeared alive in front of his eyes.

Therefore, he chose to stay here, to study these precious plants, it is best to bring some samples back - in the opinion of the old professor, anyway, as long as he knows the direction of the ancient city, he can catch up at any time.

Well... research zealots are usually sane, but when they go crazy, no one can stop them. The old professor's research soul is already burning, and even the gorilla disaster he just experienced can't stop his enthusiasm for research.

And the four women and the three slightly fat clerks obviously have various ways of looking at each other.

Song Shuhang did not force the other party either.

However, before he led the team to leave, he still pointed out the direction of the 'Ancient City' to the old professor's group.

"Finally, I still want to remind you that this place is very dangerous... It's not just the group of gorillas, there are even greater potential dangers, you should do it yourself." Song Shuhang said.

He did everything he could, and the reminder was very direct.

Next, whether the old professor's group can listen to his advice, and whether they live or die, depends on their own fortunes.

Sister Lu Fei, Joseph, Mrs. Zheng, the black uncle, the slightly fat stewardess and five other female passengers left with Song Shuhang.

After that, Gao Moumou, Mei Yi, and Tubo got out of the hiding place and joined him.

"Shuhang, what happened just now?" Gao Moumou couldn't understand it at all, why did all the gorillas escape as soon as Song Shuhang appeared? Song Shuhang is not a beast, and even the tiger, the king of the forest, can only flee in the face of fifty powerful gorillas.

"I just stood up silently. I was also confused." Song Shuhang smiled bitterly. He only issued a 'mental coercion'. How could they know that these gorillas could not help but be scared

Then, Song Shuhang said again: "Don't say more. The wilderness on this island is full of crises. Let's go to the ancient city to avoid it first."

Gao Moumou nodded silently.

Under the leadership of Song Shuhang, the group rushed in the direction of the 'Ancient City'.

"I hope the journey is safe, Senior White, wish me luck!" Song Shuhang secretly said in his heart.

According to the description of the seniors in the group. The fifth-rank spiritual emperor and even the sixth-rank true monarch suffered on this mysterious island. He was a first-rank scum, and he couldn't be abused by the monsters on the mysterious island

At this time, it is necessary to have air transport protection.

And when it comes to luck... It's not as useful to ask Senior Bai to ask anyone. According to Soft Feather's words, if you make a wish to Senior White, the effect is amazing!

Along the way, Song Shuhang spread his spiritual power in an all-round way, maintaining the skills of the 'spiritual detective method'.

In this way, he led the team and avoided many ferocious-looking lurking beasts. but. These lurking beasts are nothing, I just hope that they won't run into monsters.

If he encounters a monster, Song Shuhang estimates that when his spiritual reconnaissance method first came into contact with the other party, the other party would have already discovered his group.

At that time, maybe large carnivorous monsters will be able to eat well.

Soon, Song Shuhang's team crossed the plain and arrived at the edge of the jungle. From this position, the outline of the ancient city in the distance could already be seen!

"There really is an ancient city!" Uncle Hei said excitedly. He dared not to believe Song Shuhang's words very much, but seeing that everyone was following Song Shuhang, he followed the big team.

Lu Fei said softly: "It looks like an ancient city in China."

"It's really a mysterious place." Sister Lu obviously developed a strong interest in this place.

Because of excitement. Everyone's voice involuntarily became louder.

Song Shuhang quickly squeezed his hands: "Shh... Everyone, be careful, we have to go around the edge of the jungle for the next part of the journey, don't make too much noise."

When everyone thought of the group of terrifying and dumbfounding gorillas, they silently stopped their excitement and did not dare to speak more.

After calming down, Song Shuhang led the crowd to move on.

There is Murphy's Law in psychology. Its main content is roughly this: if there is a possibility that things will go bad, no matter how small the possibility is, it will always happen.

As the saying goes, what you are afraid of will come.

When everyone moved forward cautiously... Suddenly, in the jungle more than a hundred meters away from everyone, a huge green creature stood up.

The big trees on the edge of the jungle are all about ten meters high, but when this huge creature stood up, it was half higher than the big tree!

A huge and powerful body, covered with hard scales, and cold eyes.

"Dinosaurs!" Gao Moumou's eyes widened in disbelief.

"It looks more like a lizard, but it's magnified a lot?" Tu Bo obviously knew more about these reptile creatures and swallowed.

"Hey!" The big guy with a height of about 14 meters stuck out his tongue, his huge eyes turned to Song Shuhang and the others.

This scene can't help but remind people of the scene when lizards eat ants... And now, Song Shuhang and the others are those poor little ants.

Song Shuhang swallowed his saliva. With such a large volume, even if he tried his best to use 'Palm Thunder', he couldn't get rid of it. Fourteen meters, making him desperate now.

He secretly clenched the treasured saber Tyrant Shatter, just to see if the saber could break through the giant lizard's defense.

Just as Song Shuhang was about to go all out...

Suddenly... the tall lizard in front of me shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the height of fourteen meters, it has been shrinking, and from the height of the tree, it quickly became only as high as the big tree, and then continued to shrink and shrink. It will disappear soon!

"???" The row of question marks in Song Shuhang's mind, which game is this playing

"Is it a mirage?" Mei asked in a low voice.

If everyone nodded in understanding, it seems that this is the only explanation that can explain the reason why the huge lizard suddenly became smaller and then disappeared.

"No matter what it is... I feel that we are still in a hurry. It would be better to get to the ancient city." Song Shuhang swallowed and said.


"I think so too." The passengers behind him were obviously terrified by the scene just now, and suddenly felt that the legs that were a little weak after the long journey were suddenly full of strength.

Potential is like a girl's ditch. Squeeze will always squeeze out.


"Not the rigid kind."

"Then meet him first in the ancient city." (To be continued.)
