Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 291: A knife head


Song Shuhang carried the little boy on his back and rushed to the edge of the ancient city with everyone.

The walls of the ancient city are generally Chinese-style structures. However, the tall wall is very strange in shape, it is in the shape of a terraced pyramid, which is stacked on top of each other.

Each floor is ten meters long, with a total of four floors.

Even the gate is eight meters high and four lanes wide. A 'metal gate' several times larger than the gate of a large dam blocks the gate tightly.

Some mysterious patterns are carved on the metal gate, which at first glance seems to be a decoration.

But Song Shuhang took a closer look and found that each of these patterns was arranged in order. The combination of many patterns seems to form a huge Taoist formation. Just don't know what the effect of this formation is

Sure enough, this ancient city was built by monks, and a way to leave the mysterious island may be found here! Song Shuhang was determined in his heart.

At this moment, everyone behind them looked at the tall wall and the heavy metal gate in amazement—how to open and close such a gate

"Shuhang, how do we get in?" Gao Moumou asked. There is no gatekeeper on the edge of this ancient city, and the gate doesn't look like an automatic door. How do we get in

"I don't know... I, like you, came to this ancient city for the first time." Song Shuhang replied: "I will look around first to find out if there is a way to enter the ancient city. You all rest on the side, don't mess around. run."

In fact, no one would want to run around without Song Shuhang's persuasion.

The big lizard that was more than ten meters long before scared everyone, not to mention the gorillas that made people laugh and cry.

Moreover, everyone ran from the grassland to this ancient city all the way, and they were already exhausted. Now, after everyone came to the bottom of the wall, they just sat under the wall and rested, and they didn't have the energy to move anymore.

"I still have some strength, I will go with you to find it." Tu Bo stood up. He often exercised and had some strength.

Gao Moumou hammered his leg and said with a smile, "Let me go too. The ancient city is so big, and multiple people can always find clues faster."

"No need, you and Tubo stay here and take care of Yayi and Miss Lu Fei." Song Shuhang laughed - in case Gao Moumou and Tubo left with him. Leaving Yayi and Lu Fei's little girls in place, he was a little worried.

Gao Moumou glanced at the exhausted girlfriend Yayi in his arms, sighed, and said, "Then you have to be careful yourself, this ancient city always feels a little weird."

"Don't worry. I ran very fast." Song Shuhang smiled.

Then, he waved his hand and walked to the left along the city wall.

"Father Wet, wait for me! I'll go with you!" At this moment, Joseph got up from the ground and quickly followed Song Shuhang. His stamina was great, and even Tubo couldn't hold it any longer when he ran all the way, but he was still full of energy.

Song Shuhang glanced at the nominal disciple and nodded with a wry smile.

Joseph smiled happily. Quickly follow Shuhang.

After Song Shuhang and Joseph walked away.

Tu Bo asked curiously, "By the way, how did Uncle Joseph become Song Shuhang's apprentice?"

He had seen the video that Zhuge Yue posted on the Internet—in fact, almost all the students in Jiangnan University City had seen that video. However, Tubo was very curious, how did Uncle Joseph get on the line with Song Shuhang and become Song Shuhang's disciple

He also learned the set of "The Time is Calling" from Song Shuhang, and practiced it as a peerless divine art

"Actually, if you think about Song Shuhang's kind personality, you can probably guess the cause and effect." Gao Moumou habitually wanted to push his glasses, but the glasses were gone. He could only pinches the bridge of his nose depressedly: "It is estimated that Song Shuhang was bored on the day of the school sports day, doing radio gymnastics in some corner of the school. Let's exercise. And "The Time is Calling" does have a few movies in it. Martial arts stand."

"Then, I suspect that Uncle Joseph should be very interested in Chinese Kung Fu. Then, on the day of the sports day, when he was wandering in the Jiangnan University Town, he happened to meet Song Shuhang doing gymnastics. After this, Uncle Joseph should have mistaken it for this. What martial arts? What happened after that. It should be Uncle Joseph who came up and asked Song Shuhang to teach him this set of "The Time is Calling"... You said that with Song Shuhang's kind personality, teaching people "The Time is Calling" This kind of effort is sure I won't refuse, so he will teach this Uncle Joseph radio gymnastics." Gao guessed.

His deduction talent is good, and the entire guessing process, except for the part involving 'cultivation', is already inseparable from the facts.

Lu Fei on the side nodded and said: "Indeed, I heard Shuangxue mention that his father liked to watch kung fu fighting movies since he was a child. He is very obsessed with Chinese kung fu. Because I like Chinese Kung Fu."

"It makes sense." Tu Bo thought for a while and then said: "It seems that we should not break Uncle Joseph's 'martial arts' dream."

Gao Moumou Yayi said: "And this time, thanks to Uncle Joseph's exercises, he dragged the group of gorillas for so long."

Everyone nodded... But when they remembered the process of being trained by the gorillas to learn "The Time is Calling", they felt that their hearts were mixed.

"This is an experience that no one will ever forget. I have decided that after I return alive, I must do "The Time is Calling" more than three times a day." The slightly fat stewardess clenched her fists and said hard .

"I'll do it ten times a day in the future!" The black uncle laughed and shouted in stiff Chinese, "I'm going to change "The Time is Calling" into hip-hop and spread the word in the hip-hop circle!"

The female white-collar passenger giggled and echoed: "I will do it once a day when I go back, and not only "The Time is Calling", I still remember "The Eagle Takes Off"!"

"And "The World Is Beautiful" and "The Vitality of Youth", which I did when I was in school before." A young male passenger laughed.

"I remember that I also learned "Dancing Youth" in high school." Ya Yi also laughed and joined in the fun.

Everyone chatted and laughed softly, and the feeling of depression in their hearts seemed to have disappeared a lot.

Afterwards, the surviving passengers present began to introduce themselves.

Human beings are still social creatures in their bones, and it is an instinct to hold together in a crisis.

While everyone was chatting and chatting.

Suddenly, Tubo pointed at a shadow in the air and shouted, "Wait, what is that!"

High in the sky, the shadow fell rapidly, as if it was falling towards the ancient city.

It's an eagle!

Moreover, it is a huge eagle. Spread your wings. It is more than ten meters wide, and its body is like a small plane.

Whether it's the lizards before, or the eagles now... Isn't everything on this island an enlarged version

or. Did they shrink

"More than one, there are more behind!" Gao Moumou shouted, behind the huge eagle, there were two huge black shadows rushing towards.

"Hide near the city gate!" At this moment, Sister Lu called out.

The gates are closed though. But the city gate fell from the middle of the city hole, cutting off the city hole. Therefore, there is still about half a meter of space between the city gate and the city cave, so people can go in and avoid it.

Although this is not an ideal place to hide, there is no way. Except for the walls, there is a plain outside the ancient city, and there is no hiding place at all.

Everyone hurriedly ran towards the space between the city cave and the city gate. Everyone huddled together and looked at the huge eagle in the sky in horror.

"God... I hope their target isn't us." Uncle Hei drew a cross on his chest. murmured.

Sister Lu Fei gave a wry smile. There is a large and wide plain here, and there is nothing there. Except for the walls are the few passengers who survived.

From the direction in which the giant eagles fell in the sky, they were rushing towards the wall. If there is no food they like in the ancient city... Then, the target of the eagle should be their group.

the other side.

Song Shuhang and Joseph walked a long, long distance along the city wall, but the city wall was endless, and they didn't find anything at all.

There is still a long distance from the location of the next city gate in Song Shuhang's memory.

At this time... it would be great if Venerable White or Doudou were by his side, and with a single shot of Yu Jian flying, he would be able to reach the next city gate in a blink of an eye. even. As long as a hypnosis spell hypnotizes everyone, then a spell can take everyone to fly over the city wall and enter the ancient city.

While thinking about it, Song Shuhang suddenly felt a sense of unease in his heart.

He suddenly looked up to the sky, and saw three huge eagles in the sky. One after the other, they rushed towards the city wall.

The two slow-flying eagles in the back were rushing towards the position of the previous city gate.

And the very fast eagle in front was rushing towards Song Shuhang and Joseph.

"Father Wet! Big... big... big bird!" Joseph also called out when he saw the huge eagle descending towards them in the air.

"Stand behind me and don't move." Song Shuhang said solemnly, pulling his right hand to his back, holding the treasured saber Tyrannical Shatter.

The sword is broken in the eyes of ordinary people. It is an intangible thing.

Although the eagles in the sky are huge, they are still ordinary beasts. Like gorillas, they are not monsters. They also can't see the broken sword.

Soon, the fast-flying eagle had already swooped in front of Song Shuhang and Joseph. It screamed, and the huge eagle claws grabbed Song Shuhang and Joseph, trying to catch them both in one breath.

Joseph felt his legs go weak.

Unlike when facing gorillas, although gorillas are scary, at least they are not much different in size from outside gorillas.

But the eagle in front of him has a wingspan of nearly ten meters! What kind of monster is this!

At this moment, Song Shuhang lightly patted Joseph with the palm of his hand, using the softness of the "Vajra Basic Fist Technique".

Joseph only felt that his light body fell and flew out, just in time for the attack of the eagle's claws.

But there was no pain in the chest where he was shot - Master's martial arts has reached such a miraculous level

When thinking of this, the fear in Joseph's heart immediately dissipated. With a powerful master there, perhaps this huge eagle is not a problem.

Song Shuhang turned to "A Gentleman's Journey" and deftly avoided the eagle's attack. Then, he jumped and stepped under the eagle's attacking claws.

Using the eagle's claws as a leverage point, Song Shuhang's body jumped high, and his body rotated in the air to accumulate strength, and the treasured sword Tyrannical Shatter slashed towards the neck of the huge eagle, trying to use the sharpness of the treasured sword Tyrannical Shatter. Slash this big eagle with a knife!

This eagle must be dealt with as soon as possible, because there are two huge eagles rushing towards the city gate! Song Shuhang had no time to waste.

The eagle could not see the invisible treasured sword in Song Shuhang's hands, but the sixth sense of the beast made it feel a strong sense of crisis.

It subconsciously shook its head and used its sharp eagle beak to peck at Song Shuhang's arm.


When the eagle's beak swept over, it collided with the treasured sword.

The sparks flew out... Then, the sharp eagle beak was smashed by the treasured knife and cut off like cutting tofu!

You must know that the Baodao Ba Sui is also the treasured sword of the Moon Sword Sect, which can cut through the defenses of the fourth-rank monks. How could it be that an eagle's beak that is not even a monster can stop it

The eagle's beak was cut off, and he was shocked. It has never encountered such a situation!

In the panic, its wings flapped wildly, wanting to raise its stature first, and then attack again.

But how could Song Shuhang give it another chance to escape

"Flaming Knife!" Song Shuhang activated the 'Flaming Knife' skill on the ring without hesitation, flipped his wrist, and the blade burned with flaming flames.

Song Shuhang slashed again at the eagle's neck from the air.

"Boom!" The flames on the shattering knife shot out, turning into a half-moon-shaped flame of knife energy, and slashed fiercely on the eagle's neck.

The blade energy of the flame knife is a 'second-grade' level attack, second only to the power of Song Shuhang's 'sword talisman'.

This time, the eagle could no longer keep his head.

The eagle head flew up, but the wound was directly scorched by the power of flames, and not even a trace of blood was emitted.

In mid-air, Song Shuhang rolled in a circle, and with the force of his fall, he landed lightly on the ground.

Joseph, who was standing on the side, wiped his saliva fiercely: "The sword's qi is released, this is similar to the ability to release the sword's energy. It's almost the same as the special effects in the movie. One day in the future... I can also be like a wet father. Is that so?"

He is full of hope for his future.

"Joseph, be careful, I'll go back to the city gate first." Song Shuhang said after landing.

"Okay, wet father, be careful yourself!" Joseph replied.

Song Shuhang nodded, "A Gentleman's Journey" once again reached its peak, with a body like electricity, rushing towards the city gate...

The 'flaming knife' on the ring can be used again, and he has the last 'sword talisman' in his hand.

In the sky, the two eagles in the back were getting closer and closer to the city gate.

Must catch up! (To be continued.)
