Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 295: YES...NO!


Just as Song Shuhang had thousands of steeds rushing in his heart, Tubo's cry came from behind him: "Look at Shuhang, there are handwritings on the metal gate!"

Song Shuhang turned his head to take a look, and saw a light curtain appeared on the original carved metal gate. ╣╋╋╠ want ╋╣ to read ╬┟ book ww=w, .·1^k`an/s^>

On the light curtain, a string of strange words appeared.

This script is not Chinese characters, not English, nor German or Russian, and it does not belong to any mainstream script in the world. However, everyone present was strangely able to understand the meaning of these words.

"Do you miss home? Do you want to understand the warmth of home? Want to go back to the home you've been thinking about day and night at once? Wanderers wandering the horizon, choose - yes (yes)... no (no)."

Choose, choose! These three words reverberated in the minds of everyone as if they were demonic.

Everyone looked at each other, and then looked at Song Shuhang at the same time.

From watching Song Shuhang kill two big eagles alone, when passengers face this strange scene, the first thing they will think of Song Shuhang.

Song Shuhang frowned, then guessed: "Is this the way to open the door? Or... Is this the way to leave the island?"

The choice that appears on the door is most likely the choice to open the door. But the tone of this string of words seems to mean sending people back to their hometown.

Tubo suggested: "How about we press 'yes' to try? If the door opens, we can enter the ancient city."

"Wait, Tubo. ╠Read ┢Book┡┣┢w`w·w/.-What if this is the way to leave the island? Where will we be after leaving the island? Also, the one that left What will be the method? Could it be that a passage suddenly opened under our feet, and we fell down the passage?" Gao Moumou asked worriedly while holding his girlfriend Yayi.

Everyone looked at Song Shuhang again.

Song Shuhang shrugged: "I don't know."

He is not an omnipotent prophet and magic mirror.

At this time, the black uncle squeezed up and laughed: "Whether it's opening the door or going home, I like it! I'll try—yes, I want to go home, I want to go back!"

talking. The black uncle pressed his palm hard on the 'yes' option.

The next moment, the black uncle suddenly felt that his whole body was warmed up.

It's so warm, and it seems to be back to the love that my mother loved when I was a child.

"Ah... Is this the warmth of home?" the black uncle said loudly in an 'aria' tone.

but. The other passengers around looked at the black uncle with terrifying eyes.

The black uncle looked down at his body--oh, Fack!

A layer of flame-like light burned on his body, and the warmth he felt just now was brought about by these flame-like lights.

And this flame-like light is familiar... Isn't this the burning light on the disappearing passengers on the plane? After the flames burned, those passengers turned into light particles and disappeared. ┞┠┞┟ to ╬ read ┢ book w`w^w^./1-k^a/n^s·h, u`.-c=c I don’t know if I live or die.

This is [the warmth of home]? Warm your sister, warm your uncle, warm your family's entire ancestral book!

In the end, the black uncle turned his head and looked at Song Shuhang. Under the light of the flames, his dark face felt a little more sacred: "Dude, am I going to die?"

Song Shuhang was silent for a moment, and then replied seriously: "It should be... It's time to leave this island. Think about it carefully, maybe the person who disappeared on the plane. It shouldn't be dead, but sent off the plane. Perhaps, when you wake up the next moment, you may return to your own home!"

Even if it is death... at least it will give the black uncle a psychological comfort.

If you have resentment in your heart, will you become a resentful ghost when you die

is talking.

There was a harsh 'hum~hum~' sound again from the speakers on the city wall.

Then, the majestic and heavy voice sounded: "Bastard, get out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black uncle's body turned into light particles, and the light particles began to dissipate like quicksand.

The black uncle is so cooperative!

"Fake. You're the beast!" The black uncle raised his middle finger towards the city wall and roared loudly with the last of his strength.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Tubo: "..."

Gao Moumou: "..."

Remaining passengers: "… "

Having said that, this black uncle speaks Chinese very awkwardly, but he can even understand the relatively unpopular swear words like 'evil animal'. To read w=w/w^.Recently. Are foreign countries always popular to learn Chinese

Soon, the black uncle disappeared.

Everyone fell silent.

At this moment, the little boy turned his head to look at Song Shuhang: "Brother Shuhang, is this black uncle really going home?"

The little boy's big black eyes are so pure.

Song Shuhang lightly patted his head: "Brother is not sure what happened, maybe he went back. Maybe he disappeared."

"Thank you brother." The little boy showed a bright smile, and then he suddenly ran under the gate, stood on tiptoe, stretched out his little hand, and patted on 'yes'.

"Goodbye everyone, I'm going to find my father and mother." The little boy was blazing with flames and waved goodbye to everyone.

His father and mother all turned into light particles on the plane and disappeared.

This little guy has been following everyone, but he doesn't cry or make trouble. He is a very sensible child. It is completely different from the little monk of Song Shuhang's family who is serious and sensible on the surface, but is a bear child in his bones. This is the type of good boy that Song Shuhang likes. 'I really want to take it home' series. ╠To read w, w^w·.=1, k·an=s`h`u/

The little boy also disappeared in the particle of light.

Except for Uncle Hei and the little boy who left after pressing the 'yes' option, everyone else stayed where they were, and no one stepped forward and pressed these two foolish options.

After all, it is impossible to determine whether to really leave this island after pressing 'Yes', or to directly turn into particles of light and die. Of course, everyone present will not choose randomly.

Humans have only one life, and they are not playing games. There is no chance of resurrection after death.

"Since the 'yes' option will disappear, then perhaps the 'no' opportunity is to open the door." Song Shuhang said.

Then, he took a step forward and was about to take a shot at the 'no' option.

"Wait, Shuhang." At this moment, Tubo grabbed Song Shuhang: "Let me press it... If you press the 'No' option, it will turn into a particle of light and disappear. Then in case the giant eagle once again When the attack comes, no one will be able to deal with those giant eagles. So, let me do it."

"No, let me do it." Song Shuhang said softly: "At least I still have some means to my words. Even if I really encounter the effect of 'light granulation', I am not without the power to resist..."

While he was talking, a figure came running out of the city cave out of breath, it was the name disciple Joseph.

"Father Wet, I'm coming! Father Wet has something to do, and the disciple will do it!" Joseph raised his hand and shouted loudly.

Then, he quickly ran towards the door, reaching out to pat the option with the word 'No'.

Joseph's daughter disappeared on the plane... so he wouldn't mind if the light was granulated. Maybe you can find your own daughter.

And if there is no light granulation, you can follow Song Shuhang for a while, and it is not bad.

"Father Wet!" After Joseph took the option of 'No', he said, "If we leave here alive, can you agree to let me move near your house?"

Joseph took the opportunity to make his request.

In the past, when he saw Song Shuhang punching the air with a punch, he felt extremely excited. I feel that I can reach Song Shuhang's realm in my lifetime, even if I die, I have no regrets.

But today, when he saw the flaming knife rising into the sky and slashing the eagle, his blood boiled. Huaxia's kung fu can still achieve this level! This is no longer as simple as 'Kung Fu', it is completely within the scope of human beings.

Be sure to seize the opportunity, even if you are a shameless person, you must find a way to live near the master's house. Joseph thought to himself.

He has already decided - whether Song Shuhang agrees or not, when he leaves the island, he will go to buy a house near Song Shuhang's house.

"Okay." Song Shuhang readily agreed.

There's no harm in having multiple neighbors... And one day, if he succeeds in cultivation and wants to take the whole family away from the world, he also considers that if there is a relationship between Joseph and him, he will take him all the way.

That being the case, Song Shuhang naturally wouldn't mind if Joseph wanted to move in as a neighbor.

Joseph looked satisfied.

After a while...

"Huh? Why hasn't it worked yet?" Joseph asked in confusion. His hand has been slapped on the 'no' option for a long time, why is there no reaction at all

Joseph didn't believe in evil, so he took a few more shots on 'No'.

Still not responding

Shoot again!

Clap clap clap, Joseph shot more than a dozen times in a row.

This time... I finally got a response!

A line of words appeared again on the light curtain on the gate: [Shoot the dead head, hurry up to reincarnate! Don't you see that the door is so heavy, does it take a lot of effort to open it? ]

Joseph: "…"

Song Shuhang: "..."

Gao Moumou + Tubo + Yayi + 6 Fei sisters + the rest of the passengers: "… "

"However, if it is to open the door, could it be that the 'yes' option is really to send people home?" Gao Moumou pinched the bridge of his nose and asked.

After all, after the appearance of the huge eagle, the three views that everyone had built up for decades quickly collapsed. Perhaps, the light granulation is really sent home by means of 'space teleportation'

Things like the world view and the three views are difficult to stand up... but easy to break down. This is how easy it is to destroy the general construction.

The slightly plump flight attendant's eyes lit up when she heard this. She ran up quickly, and before the door was opened, when the line of options on the light curtain was still lit, she slapped her palm on the 'yes' option. (To be continued.)
