Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 297: I am the nine lights that slapped you three hundred years ago


After holding Song Shuhang's hand enthusiastically, the old man in ancient costume left with a look of satisfaction, leaving Song Shuhang alone in the wind. To read ╋┞w`w、w·.`1=>

Seeing Song Shuhang's stiff expression, Tu Bo asked in confusion, "Shuhang, what did the old man say to you at the end?"

"I didn't say anything, the old man just let us have a good time on the island." Song Shuhang replied.

"That's all you said?" Tu Bo was even more puzzled: "Then what is the expression on your face that you have lost your virginity?"

"..." Song Shuhang patted Tu Bo's shoulder hard: "Tu Bo, when you go back to the Chinese class, you must listen carefully. The analogy you used just now is extremely inappropriate."

Tubo: "..."

At this time, Gao Moumou said: "By the way, Shuhang, do you think what the old man said just now is reliable? If you want to leave this island, can you really get a chance to leave by trading in the tower in the ancient city? "

Even if Gao Moumou has never encountered such a miraculous event before, but whether it is a movie or a game, when encountering this kind of plot or dungeon, there is no such easy choice to leave, right

Song Shuhang smiled and said, "Whether it's true or not, we'll see if we go over there."

They are definitely going to leave this strange island... So whether the old man in costume is telling the truth or not, they have to go to the tower and try it.

Everyone nodded silently and looked at the tower in the ancient city.

At this time, the female white-collar worker asked curiously, "You said, when we get to the tower, what will the people in it trade with us? Will there be anything suitable for us to trade?"

After everyone crashed on the plane and finally climbed out of the wreckage of the plane, they immediately encountered a strange group of orangutans. Many people's salutes are still on the plane, and there are not many items in their carry-on.

When the female white-collar worker's voice just fell, many passengers' expressions changed!

The flight attendant immediately touched the objects on her body, and then took out business cards, shopping cards, handkerchiefs, mobile phones, and some keys and other miscellaneous things.

She showed an expression of wanting to cry: "Will these things be collected in the trading area in the tower?"

It's not just her, many passengers also showed the expression of wanting to cry after touching themselves for a long time - obviously the things on their bodies are not much better than those of the flight attendants.

The mysterious tower is not rubbish. Can these things be traded

A female passenger asked weakly, "How about we go back to the plane and bring back the things on the plane?"

"How do we get there... Don't forget that there are giant eagles in the sky and big lizards in the jungle." The man who danced in front of the orangutans before said with a wry smile, "And don't forget those weird gorillas. "Those gorillas seem to be very intelligent, and maybe everything on our plane has become theirs."

When everyone thought of the group of gorillas, they couldn't help sighing heavily.

"Don't think too much. After you eat something to regain some strength, just go to the tower and have a look. Maybe the things in the tower's trading area are exactly what we have?" Song Shuhang said calmly. v≦to≠read≮Bookw┼w╬w┼·1╋k┼a╋nshu·c·c

In fact, since entering the ancient city, Song Shuhang has been thinking... Why does this mysterious island, or should I say 'Heaven Island', allow so many ordinary passengers to enter the island

At first, he wondered if it was because of his own reasons that Tianjie Island might be trying to pull him to the island, and the passengers around him were just innocently implicated—not his narcissism, after all, he was the only cultivator on the plane, Tianjie If the island really has a purpose. Of course it's his most likely!

However, after thinking about it, it was wrong.

If Tianjie Island really just wants to pull him to the island, you can get him to the island directly in the plane.

Even if this is not possible, Tianjie Island can directly make all the passengers on the plane disappear, just leave Song Shuhang alone on the plane! Tianjie Island can do this completely!

So, is there any special purpose for Tianjie Island to select these passengers and bring them to Tianjie Island

So, what would the special purpose be

At this time, when he heard the old man mention the trading area in the tower. His heart moved.

Could it be the passengers who stayed behind with something that interested 'Tianjie Island'

"But, we don't have anything else of value on us." The flight attendant looked at some of the sundries in her hands, not thinking that anyone would want to trade these things.

"Don't panic. In short, let's go to the tower and see it later. Maybe we still have some treasures that we don't even know about?" Song Shuhang comforted.

All passengers quiet down and recover their strength silently

After that, from time to time, passengers quietly looked at Song Shuhang—the force value Song Shuhang showed when he killed the giant eagle was too shocking, and the passengers were very excited.

Just like Joseph, they can't wait to learn a trick and a half from Song Shuhang.

It's just that they are not as thick-skinned as Joseph. For a while, I didn't know how to get along with Song Shuhang.

But it doesn't matter, they already know Song Shuhang's existence anyway. When there is a chance to leave this small island, there is a chance to have a relationship with Song Shuhang.

Many people think so.

Gao Moumou and Tu Bo, several roommates who had a good relationship with Song Shuhang, did not want to embarrass Song Shuhang at this time. Anyway, they and Song Shuhang will spend a long time together in the future.


About ten minutes later, the old man in ancient costume appeared again.

I saw him wearing a chef's apron, holding two machetes in both hands, covered in blood, and with a terrible smile on his face.

When several female passengers saw the appearance of the old man in ancient costume, they immediately remembered the plots in various horror movies, and they were shocked and screamed again and again.

The old man in ancient costume did not change his face, but still had a terrible smile on his face, and said like an NPC: "Respected heroes, the three flat-haired beasts have been cooked, and then I will have them brought up, please everyone. Heroes enjoy themselves!"

As he spoke, five strong men appeared behind him. They were holding two large pots of broth with a good taste and aroma. Just smelling the smell made people appetite. ╠┡┞┠┞to┠reading┝╠┞ww`w, ., 1=k^an^s^>

Seeing this, the passengers behind him breathed a sigh of relief, but they still looked at the old man in ancient costume vigilantly.

The corner of Song Shuhang's mouth twitched - this old man is definitely a story, and it's not funny. He can guarantee that the old man must be in a happy mood when he sees the panicked appearance of the passengers.

The five strong men put the cauldron down and filled the hungry passengers with bowls of broth.

The passengers were already hungry and tired. In addition, this broth has a magical attraction. After receiving the broth, the passengers didn't even think about whether there would be any problem with the broth, and swallowed...

Song Shuhang wanted to remind Tu Bo and Gao Moumou. But before he could remind him, Tubo and the others quickly started drinking the broth.

Song Shuhang sighed, took a bowl of broth, and looked at the old man in ancient costume: "Old man, eat some yourself."

The old man in costume grinned. Then he gritted his teeth and said: "It's a pity, this old man only eats, vegetarian! No, eat, meat, fishy!"

If you're a vegetarian, you're a vegetarian, why are you gnashing your teeth

Song Shuhang smiled and gently put the broth aside.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem with the broth. This broth is the compensation from the old man." The old man in costume said in a low voice.

"I still don't dare to eat it." Song Shuhang answered honestly. Before knowing the details of the old man, would he even eat the other's food

"Forget it, but I'll keep the broth for you. I'll tell you when you want to eat it." The old man in ancient costume seemed to have expected Song Shuhang to reject this bowl of broth, so he simply put Song Shuhang's bowl of broth. closed.

He then took off the bloody chef's apron and threw it aside.

After waiting silently for the passengers to finish eating the broth, the old man in ancient costume said with a smile, "Have you finished your rest? Then, let the old man take everyone to the ancient city tower and trade!"

The passengers couldn't help touching their belly. It was obviously just an ordinary bowl of broth, but after eating it, they felt an unprecedented feeling of fullness.

And they seem to be full of power all at once, they feel that they can run 10,000 meters without a problem now!

What an amazing broth.

Along the official road of the ancient city, under the leadership of the old man in ancient costume, everyone entered the inner city of the ancient city. Finally came under the tower.

Along the way... The number of residents in the ancient city made the passengers a little uncomfortable. The number of residents is too small, even the inner city is sparsely populated, and the huge ancient city seems to be a dead city. Only a few figures can be seen occasionally.

This makes it difficult for passengers who have been accustomed to surviving in China's major crowded cities. ┡╋┣to┢╬look╬┝┠book┡┢w/w=w、.1>

Soon, everyone came to the bottom of the tower.

The old man in ancient costume put his hands in his sleeves and said, "Everyone, I can only take you here. Everyone will go in directly from the entrance of the tower, and someone will greet you."

"If it goes well, wait until the transaction is completed. You will be able to get a way out of this place."

"Finally, I wish everyone can trade the items they want." The old man in costume smiled.

"Trust the old man's good words." Song Shuhang replied.

Then, he took Gao Moumou and others into the ancient pagoda.


When everyone stepped into the ancient pagoda, they suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness when the elevator went downstairs.

After a while, the picture in front of everyone suddenly changed, turning into a huge palace of gems!

All the items in the hall are made of gems and diamonds of various colors. Even the table is made of countless precious stones. And some cup-shaped things are hollowed out from the whole huge gem.

A terrifying aura of the gods was blowing.

When the flight attendant saw the picture in front of her, she bitterly touched the items in her arms, not to mention the items on her body. She sold her whole body and couldn't afford the smallest diamond in the palace - the smallest diamond here. diamonds, all the size of a fist.

What a delightful transaction this is? What can she trade for

It was not only the flight attendant who thought so, but a sense of powerlessness filled the hearts of most passengers.

"Home of the Stars, here, we will abide by the absolute principle of 'equivalent exchange', so that customers can buy with confidence and sell with peace of mind!" A crisp voice resounded in all directions of the Gem Palace: "Our Home of Stars, Absolutely innocent, genuine, and if it is fake, it will be replaced! If you fake it, you can still lose ten!"

Song Shuhang "..."

This kind of advertising slogan on the bad street makes people feel that the force of this 'Home of the Stars' has dropped by 100,000 grades in an instant.

"Next, please relax a little, and then a trading interface will appear in front of you. According to the principle of equivalence, we will show you the items you can trade with and the items we can trade with you. Items. Absolutely equivalent, absolutely fair!" the crisp voice replied.

The crowd heard. Take a deep breath and try to relax your mind.

After that, suddenly, trading windows made up of light screens appeared in front of them—these light screens could only be seen by themselves.

At this time. The flight attendant suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Hey hey? All you want is my pendant?"

She looked at her chest. This pendant was just a small fish wood carving pendant that she bought in an antique shop for thirty dollars. She didn't even know what it was. She just thought it was cute and bought it. . To read≤book≥w┼ww·1kanshu·c·c

did not expect. What this 'Home of the Stars' wanted her to trade turned out to be a wooden carving of a small fish.

Could it be that this little fish wood carving is some kind of treasure

Then, she looked curiously at the items placed in the 'Starry Sky House' for trading the wooden carvings of small fish.

[A youth beauty pill, note: Do you want to be as cute as a twenty-year-old girl at the age of fifty? Do you want to look like a thirty-year-old when you are seventy? Don't think about it, a youth beauty pill can greatly delay the aging of human appearance, you deserve it! ]

If someone used to sell a 'youth beauty pill' to the flight attendant, the flight attendant would definitely scold the other party for a liar. But in front of her, she had to believe it, because everything that happened today was completely logical.

Subsequently. She looked at another item that the other party used to trade.

[One Difficulty Elimination Talisman, Remarks: To eliminate disasters and solve difficulties, wearing this charm will solve your life-and-death crisis. ] This remark shows a lot of integrity.

There are only two items to be traded, the flight attendant thought about it, and resolutely chose 'Youth Beauty Pill'.

For a flight attendant, a chance to save one's life and beauty... As expected, it is still youthful and beautiful, which is more precious.

"Congratulations, you have successfully traded an item in the 'Home of the Stars'. Do you choose to leave Tianjie Island immediately, or choose to leave after 24 hours?" The voice in the Gem Palace said.

At the same time, the flight attendant had a crystal clear and fragrant pill in her palm.

She turned around and glanced at Song Shuhang's position, as if seeking Song Shuhang's opinion.

Song Shuhang thought for a moment. He replied: "This Heavenly Island is full of crises. It is recommended that if you can leave, you should leave early. After all, I only have one person, and I have no skills. If I encounter a crisis similar to the giant eagle again, I may not guarantee that I will be able to do so. Guard by everyone's side."

Everyone's expressions changed when they thought of the giant eagle disaster at the gate of the city.

"Mr. Shuhang. We'll see you in real life." The flight attendant nodded vigorously. She first swallowed the fragrant elixir, and then chose to leave the 'Heavenly Island' immediately.

Song Shuhang nodded slightly.

But see you in reality? When the time comes to meet again, I am afraid you will not remember what happened on this Heavenly Island.

Erasing memory is not a difficult task for a powerful monk.

Judging from the experience of Jiuzhou No. 1 Senior Nine, the memory of Tianjie Island is obviously not preserved...

After leaving Tianjie Island, Sister Kong and him were in a state of 'not acquaintance'.

At this time, the flight attendant chose to return immediately.

Then, a flame-like light burned on her body—isn't this the light when everyone turned into light particles and disappeared when they were on the plane and at the door

The flight attendant panicked.

The voice in the home of the stars explained: "Don't panic, this is just a way to send you back. It won't cause you any harm. When you recover, you will find that you have returned to a warm home."

When hearing this explanation, everyone immediately remembered the choice of 'yes (yes) or no (no)' at the gate... It turned out that the choice really sent warmth, care, and sent people back to their hometown.

Joseph was even more relieved - so, when his daughter was on the plane, was he sent home too

There were several others who were as relieved as Joseph, apparently all of their relatives or friends disappeared when they were on the plane.

After starting with a flight attendant, other passengers began to trade.

There are many kinds of things in various transactions, which are beyond people's imagination.

Someone swapped out the leather jacket they were wearing...

Someone swapped out their own engagement ring...

What's interesting is that the man who can dance hip-hop, what he exchanged was a birthmark that had grown on his body when he was a child... and what he got was a large solid gold necklace, like a dog chain. He had long wanted to find time to have an operation to remove that birthmark. Now not only has the surgery fee been saved, but also a large and thick gold chain has been exchanged, which has made a lot of money.

And Tubo looked at his trading project, a little dumbfounded.

What he was going to be traded turned out to be - a syringe of blood.

And what he could get in exchange was a pot of broth. It is the kind that the old man in ancient costume gave everyone to drink before, and this is the only option.

"Blood? Broth?" Tubo wondered.

However, instead of agreeing immediately, he looked at Gao Moumou. Turning to look at Song Shuhang.

Seeing the worried expression of his roommate, Song Shuhang smiled and said, "The two of you don't linger anymore, finish this transaction first, and then leave Tianjie Island."

"What about you?" Gao Moumou asked, listening to Song Shuhang's tone. Don't seem ready to go back with them

"Don't forget Zhuge Zhongjie and Zhuge Yue, I will go and find them first." Song Shuhang replied with a smile: "Don't worry, I will come back to you soon after I bring back the two Zhuge. ."

"You must come back soon." Tubo said.

Song Shuhang smiled and nodded.

Tsuna took a deep breath and pressed the trade button. Then a pot of delicious broth appeared in his hands... Then, flames burned on his body and disappeared.

Gao Moumou, Yayi, and Sister Liu Fei also clicked on the transaction and disappeared along with Tubo.

In the end, only Joseph and Song Shuhang stayed in this 'Starry Home'.

"Father wet, let me accompany you!" Joseph said excitedly. He decided that he wanted to follow in Master's footsteps and watch Master's great power.

"You also go back first." Song Shuhang smiled and said, "Otherwise... we won't be happy neighbors at that time."

Hearing Song Shuhang say this, Joseph sighed. He didn't know what he had traded, and his body turned into light particles and disappeared.

In the end, Song Shuhang was left alone in the Starry Sky Home.

Song Shuhang sighed heavily, and then he suddenly pointed his middle finger at the Jeweled Palace of Starry Sky Home.

Then he put his hands in his pockets. Do not hesitate to leave this 'star home'.

When I left the exit of the Jewel Palace, I felt that elevator lift.

The next moment, Song Shuhang appeared at the gate of the tower.

"Yo, little friend Song Shuhang. Why did you come out instead of exchanging items?" When the old man in ancient costume looked at Song Shuhang, he was not surprised and said with a naive smile.

"Why should the old man ask the question?" Song Shuhang raised his brows: "The Starry Sky Family doesn't mean to send me back at all, right?"

Just now, in the Gem Palace, everyone had a pop-up transaction window. But Song Shuhang did not have a window for a transaction pop-up—he clearly had a lot of treasures on him.

If there is no secret manipulation here, who will believe it

"Hehehehe." The old man in ancient costume smiled happily. He took out the bowl of broth again and said, "Do you want to drink it?"

Song Shuhang approached the broth, gritted his teeth and said, "Ming people don't speak secretly, who are you, old man, and what do you have to do with me?"

"If I say... In fact, the problem lies in this soup. You didn't drink this broth, so you can't trade with 'Home of the Stars', believe it or not?" the old man in costume laughed.

Song Shuhang rolled his eyes.

"Drink it while it's hot, don't worry, if I'm malicious towards you, I can make you absorb this bowl of broth with an enema." The old man in costume smiled.

Song Shuhang grinned, grabbed the bowl of broth, and took a sip: "Can you tell me now, who are you? What's the matter with me?"

"Young man, you asked a good question!" The old man in costume smiled slightly.

Then, the old man stretched out his hand and pointed on his head, and the originally gray head disappeared, revealing a big bald head.

The originally hunched waist stretched straight, and his appearance quickly changed. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a sword-brow star, a heroic brow, but could not hide a beautiful face.

"That's right, young man... Donor. I slapped your nine lights three hundred years ago!" The bald girl who appeared in front of Song Shuhang folded her palms and smiled at Song Shuhang.

"Pfft..." The broth in Song Shuhang's mouth spurted wildly. (To be continued.)

ps: two-in-one chapter. Because this chapter is not good if it is broken and separated, it is merged together. Sorry for the late update. By the way... I habitually ask for the support of the next monthly ticket. Then, after twelve o'clock is the start of a new week. Miaofeng sister's new book "Mengzhu Qianqiantui" is still on the list. The recommended ticket and the main station do not overlap, so please help. 2333
