Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 3164: I want to repay you a hundred times the grievances you once gave them!


In the long memory of the Fourth Dark Heavenly Dao, more than a thousand years ago, in the battle for the 'Ninth Heavenly Dao', there was indeed a guy named Tyrannical Song. qualifications.

If it hadn't interfered with the immortal body after the death of the Eighth Heavenly Dao, the one who finally attained the Ninth Heavenly Dao might really be this guy called 'Tyrant Song'.

However, with its secret interference and power behind the scenes, the position of the ninth heaven is still empty, and no one has successfully demonstrated the Tao.

This Tyrant Song is now only the top 'Eternal Life'.

Even if a thousand years have passed, the other party has at most reached the realm of the Confucian man of the year, suppressing the world, and being invincible in the world... But the other party has no ability to interfere with the things in the sky.

Invincible in the world does not mean invincible in the sky.

But now, this Tyrannical Song's voice sounded directly in its ears, directly disturbing the immortal it!

Also, what did the other party just say

Is it the 'transcendental immortality' that I want but can't get

Simply insane!

Beyond immortality, are you worthy

"I haven't even revealed my true body, hide my head and show my tail, secretly transmit my voice, do you think you can scare me? A ridiculous trick." The fourth pitch-black Tiandao said slowly: "Transcendence and immortality? Can you understand what is detachment and immortality?"

"A person who has not even been in contact with the immortal heaven, what qualifications does he have to talk about the topic of 'transcendence and immortality' with me?"

"I have gone through four reincarnations of the Heavenly Dao, and now my opportunity to prove the Dao is set. The position of the ninth Heavenly Dao is vacant, and there is no one who can stop me!"

"I'm the one who wants to transcend immortality right away!"

"who are you?"

The Fourth Dark Heaven's Dao has a arrogant tone - but in reality, it is a very cautious existence!

Under the premise that the source of the sound in the ear cannot be locked, just in case, it uses a arrogant tone to communicate with the other party, while secretly urging the power of the whole body to speed up the outbreak of the 'star destruction virus' in the heavens and the world. speed.

The speed of the progress bar, under the impetus of the fourth pitch-black heaven at all costs, was suddenly filled up!

In the heavens and the world, countless stars exploded abnormally, bright and dazzling!

Just because this wave of stars suddenly and violently burns, the heat and rays from the light are enough to kill many lives in the star system!

And this is just the beginning. In the next few seconds, the stars will complete the journey of tens of billions, hundreds of billions, or even trillions of years.

After this process is over, the entire heavens and the world will completely collapse and be destroyed!

Only immortal matter can survive.

And this time, there is no way of heaven that can burn itself to restart the cause and effect of the whole world.

Everything in the world is under its watch.

This time, no one can stop it!

No one can stop me from proving immortality!

On the wreckage of the old world, I will ascend the throne of transcendence and immortality, and become the first transcendence of the way of heaven!

True freedom and true freedom!

"I am the only one in all worlds!" The fourth pitch-black heaven, seeing that the destruction process of the heavens and the ten thousand worlds could no longer be reversed, finally relaxed a little bit.

But it's only a little bit more relaxed, and it will remain absolutely cautious until things are really done.

Because it is very clear, the ninth heaven reincarnation is the last chance!

"Papapa~" At this moment, a sound of applause sounded behind the fourth pitch-black Heavenly Dao.

"Wonderful, really wonderful speech, and wonderful performance." The voice of the 'Tyrant Song' sounded at the same time.

Two figures appeared out of thin air behind the fourth pitch-black heaven.

The applause came from one of the figures.

No need to look back on the fourth pitch-dark sky—its body is originally made of gravel, and it can identify a 360-degree viewing angle.

It saw these two figures.

One is Tyrannical Song, and the other has an impression... He is unusually handsome, and he is a scammer!

This handsome jerk, when he saw him, even showed that terrifying smile that made his heart skip a beat—it was as if everything was under his control!

How did these two guys get together

What's even weirder is that these two figures have already appeared in its 'vision', but within its 'sensing range', they still can't detect each other.

Even if it uses some Tiandao authority to monitor, but the feedback of Tiandao authority, the information on the opposite position is still 'empty'!

This state is too unusual.

It has exceeded the understanding of the fourth dark heaven.

"Since you know 'the only one in all worlds', then... why do you think that you are the first person to 'transcend the way of heaven'?" On the opposite side, Tyrannical Song asked with a wavey smile.

On the opposite side, the body of the Fourth Dark Heavenly Dao vibrated slightly again. Tyrant Song has already reminded to this point, obviously, it has vaguely guessed the truth.

But it is subconsciously resisting this truth.

Impossible, if he really exists 'beyond immortality', it is impossible for my actions to be unaffected for so long. And... the only one in the world, the other party obviously did not achieve the only one in the world! The fourth dark heaven, subconsciously looking for 'reasons' for oneself.

The existence after transcendence and immortality is no longer affected by time, space and any rules.

They can even make the rules for everything themselves.

Any 'unbreakable' rule will be shattered.

In the eyes of the transcendental immortals, as long as they want, 1+1 can be equal to any number, time can be reversed, and objects that have disappeared in the past can directly appear in the future... Even, the absolute attribute of immortality is not in the face of the 'transcending immortals'. Absolutely.

Moreover, theoretically speaking, after the 'detachment', the transcendental immortal will become the 'only' existence.

The infinite number of 'hes' that may exist in theory will all become a unique individual.

And the 'tyrant Song' in front of him doesn't seem to have reached this step.


He may only be 'half detached', so come and stop me, lest I detach first and affect him in turn. Fourth Dark Heaven finally found a 'reasonable' explanation for himself in his mind.

But you can't stop me!

"You can't stop me!" Dark Tiandao said solemnly, as if he was piercing through the opponent, and he was also strengthening his momentum.

"Oh, are you talking about the process of the destruction of the heavens and the world?" Song Shuhang smiled slightly.

Then he reached out and pressed his thumb and middle finger.


Destroying the big boss simply snapped his fingers.

The 'star' that was collapsing abruptly returned to normal.

Even the impact of the star's explosion disappeared abruptly... No creature in the star system was affected in any way.

And the virus it has painstakingly placed in the star also disappeared, as if 'never existed'!

Even a link, there is no 'process' this thing!

Once, when the sixth heaven reversed cause and effect, there was a process of 'rewinding time' - the extinguished stars were ignited by the focus, and the destroyed universe began to recover.

But in this scene, there is no 'cause', and the 'effect' is directly condensed out of thin air!

This is against all the rules of the world.

Something completely against the rules happened... It was beyond the rules.

The fourth pitch-dark sky, my heart is cold.

At this moment, it felt great despair and unwillingness.

Desperate is the means of the other party, all of which prove that the other party is the real 'beyond the immortal'.

What is unwilling is that even though it has worked so hard and is so excellent, it is only the last step away from "getting off the immortal", but someone has picked the fruit of victory one step ahead.

In this world, why should there be such a thing as 'tyrannical Song'

Countless thoughts and despair are intertwined. At this moment, the fourth pitch-black Heavenly Dao thought cannot be reached, and it is almost going to go into flames!

And this... is what Song Shuhang wants to give to the fourth heaven.

How much despair it has given to the people of the future sub-era, Song Shuhang will also give it how much despair, and he has to make up for the interest!

I, Tyrant Song, can't pay the interest for the Lingshi, but I'm desperate to pay back, but I can pay you back at a multiple of usury!

"Unwilling? Despair?" Song Shuhang said slowly: "But your despair has just begun!"

On the side, Senior White smiled slightly.

He and Song Shuhang had a tacit understanding, no need to say more. At this time, Senior White reached out and swiped to use the 'image rubbing spell'.

A scene that had been recorded by Senior White for a long time was projected.

That's a bunch of the most beautiful 'crystals' in the world.

Pure white and flawless, but also exudes the luster of 'immortality'!

Every crystal taken out is priceless.

"Look, what is this?" Song Shuhang asked.


When Fourth Dark Heaven saw this picture, he only felt his 'immortal body' tremble with anger.


That's it!

Or, quite possibly, another 'world' of it.

Its original black body will only turn into pure white under one circumstance - that is, its consciousness has been completely erased, and its body will only be left in a pure state of 'immortal unconscious'.

It can also be said that it is its corpse.

It's not something like 'Heavenly Destroyed', but a real corpse of Heavenly Dao.

Apparently, in that 'world', it became the other side's trophy.

After the anger, the despair in Fourth Dark Tiandao's heart became clearer - because he saw his end.

If there is no accident, it will become this immortal crystal of pure white and flawless just like the other 'world' itself in the near future, right

In this case, does it still have a turnaround

Is there a way to save it

"Will you be lonely? Tyrant Song." Suddenly, the fourth dark sky said - it was trying to save itself!

Even if the hope is slim, it has to give it a try.

"Huh?" Song Shuhang cooperated with a puzzled expression.

"Beyond immortality, you are the only one. In this world, there is no other 'similar' who can stand on the same level as you. Will it be very lonely?" Fourth Dark Heaven said solemnly: "After you escape, time no longer has any meaning to you. Although you can switch between time at will, all people and things are bound under 'time', and only you are above 'time'. Such You, it's impossible not to be alone. So... you need to have someone of your kind!"

In other words, as long as it is detached, it can become the 'similar' of Tyrant Song, so that Tyrant Song will not be so lonely.

This reason is actually quite possible.

Loneliness, if it reaches a limit... it will indeed make some invincible powerhouses do incredible things.

For example, develop a strong opponent for yourself to challenge yourself or end yourself.

Or, create an existence on the same level as yourself to eliminate loneliness.

Although Tyrant Song has just been detached, the other party has already exceeded the limit of 'time'... What if he has already tasted the taste of loneliness

Maybe, as soon as the other party's mind moves, he will be given a chance to 'transcend' - even if he exists as an 'opponent', he can also rule out loneliness.

"What you said sounds like there is some truth to it. If I am the only one who is in a state of 'detachment', and no one is at the same level as me, maybe such an emotion might be born." The opposite Tyrannical Song, unexpectedly Really agree with its nonsense!

"As expected of an old senior who has lived from the fourth era to the present, he can sum up this theory of loneliness." Song Shuhang praised.

Even the handsome man on the side nodded in agreement.

Maybe I really have a chance? Deep in the darkness of Tiandao's heart, it is unavoidable that a faint 'hope' comes.

"If I were like you and lived for several samsara, maybe I would lose the goal of struggle because I reached 'beyond immortality' and instead cultivate an 'adversary'."

"If I live for hundreds of millions of years, maybe because of loneliness, after surpassing immortality, I will cultivate a 'companion' of the same level to come out to accompany me."

"Unfortunately, I'm only 18 years old this year... It's almost 19 years old after the new year. I'm still too young, and I have to go to college. I don't even know what 'long life's loneliness' tastes like. I can't give you a chance." Tyrannical Song gave a thumbs up to the dark heaven, revealing his white teeth.

Senior White couldn't help laughing: "Pfft~"

With this smile, the heavens and the world seem to have lost their color.

"Your joke, the big white two may like it very much." Senior Bai praised.

On the opposite side, Dark Tiandao was speechless in shock.

It looked at Song Shuhang stupidly: "How old are you?"

"19 years old." Tyrannical Song said shyly.

"Om!" Dark Tiandao couldn't control his emotions.

"And... I ask you a question. Why do you think I should purify your 'immortal body' and keep it?" Song Shuhang added.

There was a heartbreaking premonition in the dark sky again.

"If I really feel lonely, the master is invincible, and if I want to cultivate a 'same level existence'... then it is absolutely impossible to be you." Song Shuhang said.

Look at the white predecessors behind me.

What do you have that can compare to our white predecessors

Are you more handsome than him? richer than him? more popular than him? Or what

Do you compare Tou Tie with my Senior White

Ask yourself, are you worthy