Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 3167: Tyrant Song invites you to join the group 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' [The Finale]


The members of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' are very different from ordinary practitioners.

In this world, only this group of lovely members can accept the completely new Song Shuhang in 2019. He also thought about Song Shuhang everywhere and guided him on the path of cultivation.

If Song Shuhang came into contact with 'cultivation' in other ways, he might still be a junior cultivator of the first or second rank now.

"Senior Huangshan, when I go back, I will try my best to become a reliable senior." Song Shuhang finally assured Huangshan mother of this era.

One day, he will become a Song Shuhang who will not let Huangshan's mother swallow medicine, just like the future tyrant Song.

Now he is 'transcendental and immortal' and can instantly grasp all the knowledge of the heavens and the world... That is to say, on the way to the 'reliable senior', in fact, in the end, only his mentality needs to be changed.

Senior Huangshan thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, why don't you try..."

When the words were only halfway through, Huangshan senior found that the temperament of Tyrant Song, who was hugging, had changed.

Lang Lang's smile turned into a reliable smile.

The whole person also became stable.

It is Da Ba Song.

Can't you just let me finish? Huangshan's mother sighed secretly, took out the medicine bottle unfamiliarly and skillfully, and poured out two pills - Shuhang in 2020, there is still a long way to go before becoming a qualified senior.

The big tyrant Song on the opposite side smiled slightly.

"It's a hangover medicine," Huangshan's mother explained.

"Well, I see, Senior Huangshan." Da Ba Song replied with a reliable face.

Mother Huangshan looked up at the sky.

Then, he put the poured pills back into the bottle.

If Song Shuhang in 2020 wants to become a 'reliable senior', in 2020, he should make the same choice as him, right

After all, it was him.

In addition, it is a bit regrettable that after Song Shuhang left, Senior White also left.

A little reluctant.

In this world, there is no 'future white'.

After the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' lacked A Bai, I always felt that something was missing.

Real-name envy fellow Taoists in the 2020 era.


February 16, 2020

The heavens and the world, the hegemony.

Song Shuhang and Senior White's figures appeared quietly.

The two carry a 'souvenir' package on their shoulders.

What Senior White brought back was the 'Immortal Gravel' with the remaining Fourth Heavenly Dao.

What Song Shuhang brought back was a package full of compressed 'Millennium Demons'. These Demons have grown in the hearts of the members of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group for at least a thousand years in the future, and their taste is far better than that of ordinary Demons.

—And a Lady Onion consciousness waiting for him to pay the 'Millennium Salary'.

At the moment when Song Shuhang's figure reappeared, all the pendants of his body were transferred from the 'core world', and the whole body was armed.

"You're back?" Pavilion Master Chu asked dumbly, and then she looked at Song Shuhang and Senior White again.

These two heavens and myriads are currently the 'strongest' beings, and they are carried in large and small bags.

This image always feels a bit inconsistent.

"This is the ingredients... In order to celebrate the resolution of the past, present, and future catastrophe, we will hold a huge banquet! Well, I will quietly go to the calamity of the senior layman later, and rub a few nines of various attributes. The Heavenly Tribulation will come out." Song Shuhang said, saliva came out.

Pavilion Master Chu was dumbfounded for a while and didn't know how to respond to Tyrant Song: "..."

"And this is Lady Onion's consciousness. I have to go to Fairy on the fifth day to bring back Lady Onion's body." Song Shuhang put out his bag again and explained.

"Ms. Onion found it? Find it in the future?" Pavilion Master Chu Dumao gently poked Xiao Bao.

"Yes, long time no see, Senior Chu. Has your body grown now?" Lady Onion's voice sounded.

But this voice is different from the 'cute' voice line in Pavilion Master Chu's impression, this Lady Onion's voice is clean and neat, and a little handsome.

Pavilion Master Chu's dumb hair slowly rolled into a question mark'? 'shape.

"Ms. Onion has changed a lot. When she recovers, don't be surprised, Pavilion Master Chu." Song Shuhang laughed.

After all, Song Shuhang and Senior White came to the core of the 'Hegemonic World' again.

Li Yinzhu is still in retreat, inheriting the authority of 'Ba Yin', she has to retreat for a long time, and this time may be measured in 'years'.

Another daughter, Xiao Lingxiao, was lying on Li Yinzhu's lap and slept soundly—she was protecting her sister, Xiaoyinzhu.

Song Shuhang quietly placed a 'gift box' beside Xiao Yinzhu.

This gift box will automatically open after one month.

It was Song Shuhang's birthday present for Xiaoyinzhu - when the gift box was opened, Daoist Li Tiansu would appear as a 'ghost body'!

Senior Bai skillfully transplanted a processed 'immortal gravel' for 'Xiaoyinzhu'.

Seeing this scene, Senior Chi Xiaojian was stunned: "Immortal gravel? The body of the Fourth Heavenly Dao?"

Pavilion Master Chu was dumbfounded and said, "Don't you want to keep the fourth Tiandao's body to pave the way for Abai's detachment?"

"This is a souvenir brought back from the future." Senior Bai explained: "Everyone has a share."

Pavilion Master Chu: "..." You call this a local specialty

"As expected of my lord!" Fellow Daoist Stone Tablet praised Senior White - as long as it was Bai, it was his master.

"Well, the magic weapon also has a share. However, how to transplant the 'immortal gravel' with the magic weapon, I will have to experiment." Senior White said with a smile.

"Thank you Bai Tiandao, I will use it as an experiment at that time." Senior Chi Xiaojian volunteered.

At this moment, Xiao Ling Xiao opened her eyes slightly and looked at Senior White and Song Shuhang in a daze: "A Bai, Dad A Song."

She still looked sleepy.

"Xiao Ling Xiao continued to sleep for a while, it's still early." Senior Bai reached out and fed Xiao Ling Xiao a grain of 'immortal gravel'.

Xiao Lingxiao opened her mouth and swallowed it, letting out a string of thin laughter, then closed her eyes again, lying on Xiaoyinzhu's legs, and fell asleep again - she is the second hand of heaven, so she can directly use this method to merge' Immortal Grit'.

Song Shuhang looked at the two daughters fondly, and quietly retreated.

"Next, fellow Chixiao swordsman will accompany me to do the experiment... By the way, let's harvest some 'evil' and make the ingredients for the banquet." Senior Bai said.

"Then I'll go to Fairy on the Fifth Heaven, and use her to retrieve Lady Onion's body." Song Shuhang nodded.

"Then tonight, we will have a big banquet." Senior Bai likes the feeling of this kind of banquet very much: "I will find Ms. Longluo Fat Ball again and ask for some wine."

"Assemble at night." Song Shuhang nodded.

The land of reincarnation, the location of the reincarnation seal transformed by the fairy of the fifth day.

Under the lead of Fairy Samsara Blade, Song Shuhang came here again after a few days.

"It's here." Fairy Samsara Blade let go of Tyrant Song's hand - and was satisfied.

The huge reincarnation seal, after the 'fourth dark heaven' was physically whitened, let go of the only remaining obsession in the heart and became more transparent.

The new reincarnation system has entered the stage of consummation.

Song Shuhang faced the Samsara Seal, folded his palms and bowed gently.

This worship is to worship on behalf of all beings in the heavens and the world.

Fairy of the Fifth Heavenly Dao can be said to be the Heavenly Dao that is the most thoughtful among all the heavens of all dynasties—and the Fourth Heavenly Dao is almost the opposite extreme.

She incarnates in reincarnation, benefiting all beings in the heavens and the world.

The pavilion master Dumao, the stele fellow, the virtuous snake beauty, the good fortune fairy, the black-skinned feather soft child and all the pendants, all followed Song Shuhang and put their palms together and bowed to the seal of reincarnation.

"This time, the 'Fourth Heaven's Dao' was successfully rolled and forcibly cleaned up, thanks to the plan you left behind for the 'Fourth Heaven's Dao's Billion Kinds of Backers' plan. If there was no fairy, Senior White and I would like to make the first The four-day road hammer explodes, I am afraid it will cost a lot." Song Shuhang sat on the edge of the reincarnation seal and told.

The Reincarnation Seal vibrated softly, and then the Reincarnation Blade Fairy on the side translated: "No need to thank you, we are a cooperative relationship when it comes to dealing with the Fourth Heavenly Dao, if we want to thank you, we would rather thank you for helping us settle our attachments. read."

Song Shuhang smiled and nodded, then took out Lady Onion's 'consciousness' and said, "In addition, I brought Lady Onion's consciousness back from the 'future'."

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Tyrannical Song." Fairy Samsara Blade stepped forward, gently caught Lady Onion's 'consciousness' and brought her to the side of Samsara Seal.

"Huh? What is this for?" Lady Onion was taken aback.

"Miss Onion, don't worry, the reincarnation system is now complete, and now it's just a procedure. Then, bring your body back." Fairy Samsara Blade explained.

Lady Onion's 'consciousness' was introduced into the 'Reincarnation Seal', which was regarded as a form to complete the last link of the reincarnation system.

And in the depths of the reincarnation, a long-haired version of Lady Onion is separating.

It is expected that in a few minutes, a lively onion lady will come back...

"Finally, I have a personal question. I want to consult Fairy Fifth Heaven." Song Shuhang sat down obediently and asked.

His well-behaved and sensible attitude has rarely been seen since he contracted the Three Waves Disease.

very precious!

Fairy Samsara Blade translated: "I would like to ask you, Daoist Tyrant Song."

"Fairy can you tell me quietly, is the Sixteen's state the only one in the other world? Fairy, have you taken a half step on the road of 'transcendence'?" Song Shuhang asked.

In Miku's world, at the banquet of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group', he also saw a Sixteen with a cute dragon horn... But the Sixteen looked like a 'projection' .

The other members of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' in the future will not see any difference. But both Song Shuhang and Senior White were aware of this—maybe the 'Mirai' was also aware of it.

This feature has many similarities with the only one in the world...

Fairy in the fifth reincarnation, it is very likely that he has also taken a half step on the road of detachment.

"Do you find it difficult to accept? Su Shi's Sixteen's current state has so many Sixteen in his body?" Fairy Samsara Blade translated and asked rhetorically.

Song Shuhang replied without thinking: "Of course not, how can I say it, after all, this is also an adult's taste."

"Thank you." In the seal of reincarnation, a fluttering fairy voice came out: "You are going to be a father."

"I am already." Song Shuhang replied.

"Yes." The voice of the fairy in the seal of reincarnation let out a pleasant laughter: "Forget that you have a daughter of your own."

After laughing.

The fairy voice in the Seal of Samsara said again: "Then, I will officially hand over my most beloved child, Sixteen to you."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Song Shuhang said: "After ten months, I will bring your granddaughter over."

"Be careful, you will follow the law." Fairy Samsara Blade reminded.

talking room.

Lady Onion's body was separated from the 'Reincarnation Seal'.

At this time, Lady Onion's dress was still the same cheongsam dress she had before 'disappearing'.

Her figure stepped out of the Reincarnation Seal.

"I'm not used to it a little bit." Lady Onion waved her hand, not used to her current outfit.

And that long hair.

Lady Onion stretched out her hand, and her long hair was cut into handsome short hair, just like Mizuko's era.

"Welcome back, Lady Onion." Song Shuhang stood up and greeted him.

"Wages." Lady Onion saw Boss Song with a pretty face and stretched out her pale fingers: "A thousand years of wages!"

The invincible Tyrant Song's expression was obviously stiff, and he retorted with a guilty conscience: "This is 2020."

"I don't care." Lady Onion said earnestly, "I have worked hard for a thousand years."

"I owe it first!" Song Shuhang stroked his hand and said handsomely, "I'll ask Senior White to borrow it later."

Although he can conjure up a lot of spirit stones at any time, such spirit stones have no 'soul'... Let's borrow them from Senior White!

It just happened to deepen the 'cause and effect' between him and Senior White.

As long as I borrow enough spirit stones, the causal relationship with Senior White will not be broken.

"Okay, then let's owe it first." Lady Onion fluttered her short hair handsomely, jumped gently, turned into a small seedling, and landed on Song Shuhang's shoulders.

"Then Fairy of the Fifth Heaven, let's say goodbye first." Song Shuhang stood up and said to Samsara.

"Goodbye, Daoist Tyrannical Song." Fairy Samsara Blade replied.

Song Shuhang's figure gradually faded and disappeared.

After he leaves.

The fairy in the seal of reincarnation said: "The back-hand of the eighth day 'Qiu Tiandao' has become his biological daughter."

"Not to mention the seventh heaven, the cause and effect between him and Shuhang is too deep, so deep that they are almost tied together and become one."

"The 'Gongde Network' of the Sixth Heaven's Path and the 'Gongde Snake Beauty' have both been integrated into the 'Cultivation and Talking of the Way of Longevity.'

"The spirit ghost 'Fairy Cheng Lin' and the core world created by the Third Heavenly Dao are all bound to Shuhang. And 'Fairy Ye Si' is already with Sixteen at this time and has formed a contract."

"On the second day, Dao even sent out the precious 'third eye' and became a part of Tyrant Song's body..."

Except for the mysterious and unpredictable first day.

There is only the fourth day, and the head is very iron, and the result is forced to whitewash.

"However, Sixteen is not my daughter." Fairy Dao on the fifth day said with a smile, "So, I am looking forward to how you will bring me a 'granddaughter' in ten months."

Tianhe Su Clan.

The members of the Su Clan were as busy as ever.

It belongs to the Sixteen's courtyard alone.

Su Clan's Sixteen was hunched over, making a 'threatening' gesture towards a kitten in front of him.

Ye Si's half body emerged from behind Sixteen's body, holding a "Pregnancy Maintenance Manual" in his hand, picking out the key points and reading it to Su Clan's Sixteen.

"Sister Ye Si, stop reading it, it hurts your head if you listen too much." Su Shi's Sixteen covered her ears and rolled on the bed, "Why don't you let the quiet little sixteen number 83 come out and listen to this kind of thing? Why do you want me to come?"

"Because she doesn't need it, and you need to listen." Ye Si said solemnly, "You are too dangerous."

"I'm not the senior of Sanlang, I just moved a little bit better than the other Little Sixteen." Su Shi's Sixteen stretched out his fingers, and his index finger and thumb gestured a small distance.

"In this little distance, there is a gap of 'fingertip universe'." Ye Si reached out and touched the Sixteen, showing a gentle smile: "If you don't listen, then change to another little ten. Six out."

Su Clan's Sixteen looked up in despair and looked at the ceiling: "..."

When she looked at the ceiling, she found a figure floating on the heavenly board.

"Yo, the active little Sixteen, and Senior Sister Ye Si." Song Shuhang waved towards the two of them - the reason for the name 'Senior Sister Ye Si' is of course the taste of adults.

"The future child's business is done?" The active little sixteen coughed lightly, sat down quietly, and stretched out his hand to pull the corner of his skirt to prevent himself from disappearing.

"Everything in the past, present, and future has basically been handled properly. There are also some other aspects of time, as long as I gradually synchronize the 'Unique in all worlds' effect, all the problems can be solved step by step." Song Shuhang nodded.

"So, do you want to have a banquet to celebrate?" Su Clan's Sixteen said with bright eyes.

"Before the banquet, we have one more thing to do." Song Shuhang stretched out his finger and waved: "Let's make a date, Sixteen, Senior Sister."

"Then here comes the question." Ye Si stretched out Shuanghe, and hundreds of Su Shi's Sixteen's phantoms appeared in her hands: "Ask, young Tyrant Song, the one you want to date is this Jin Sixteen. What? Or this Silver Sixteen? Or hundreds of other Sixteens?"

"Hahaha." Tyrant Song on the ceiling let out a smug laugh: "I am the detached and immortal Tyrant Song, of course I'm here on a date."

"Do you have this time?" Su Clan's Sixteen asked.

"I've surpassed time, what do you think?" Song Shuhang replied.

As long as he wants, he can play bad 'time'.

After each appointment, time can be reversed on the premise of retaining the memory of Sixteen; it is also possible to cut time into hundreds of different branches and end the appointment; it can also pause time and take a breath. After a few hundred appointments, let the time flow.



Confucian Golden Lotus World.

The members of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' gathered together.

To be precise, from the day that Song Shuhang and Senior Bai synchronised their sermons and supplemented the 9 dragon marks for the members of the group one by one, most of the members of the group have not dispersed.

After supplementing the Nine Dragons pattern, the members of the group have too many insights and new understandings, and urgently need a 'debate' to digest.

In the past few days, all the members of the group have been discussing the Fa during the day and digesting the gains of the day at night, which has continued to this day.

Therefore, when Senior White came forward to hold a banquet, there was no need to send invitations, everyone was there.

This night was the same as the banquet in the 'Future World'.

Song Shuhang used a heroic method to get all the members of the group drunk.

Then, Senior White took action and buried the 'immortal gravel' for all members one by one.

After all this was done, Song Shuhang and Senior Bai sat by the lakeside of the banquet and brewed immortal tea, each holding a bamboo cup and sipping the immortal tea lightly.

The tea mist rose up, shrouding the two of them like a fairyland.

far away…

Su Clan's Sixteen woke up in a daze, then followed the smell and came to Song Shuhang's side, curled up beside him.

Heipi Zi appeared and covered Su Clan's Sixteen.

Then she went to bring her own body, and also covered it with the same sheet of 'anything can be sold as a big guy'.

After counting...

There was a turbulence in the void, and the projection incarnation of Senior White Two came across the sky.

He yawned and sat opposite Senior White and Song Shuhang, and skillfully took a cup of Immortal Tea from Senior White.

"Three-eyed Tiandao and Tiandao Goudan, where did they go?" Senior White Two asked - this question should be entrusted to him by Goudan Dad and Three-eyed Junior Senior.

"The old Tiandao who dropped out of school from the position of Tiandao can't enter the world for a long time, and can't stay in the Tiandao dimension, so he will open up a world that only Tiandao who dropped out of school can enter. I have promised two Tiandao seniors, in the next time. It will create opportunities for them... at least allow them to keep their true bodies in the world like the fifth heaven fairy." Song Shuhang replied.

"Where is Tiandao Dabai?" Senior White Two asked, "Can you let him come back?"

"Yes, but it will take a little time..." Song Shuhang nodded and confirmed that he had to wait for Senior White to graduate to avoid information interference and entanglement in the process of Senior White's detachment.

"It's fine, I don't care how long it takes. The guy who cut my leg for the experiment, I wish he would suffer more." Senior White Two said with hatred.

While speaking, he saw Soft Feather beside him, and his eyes softened.

Senior White Two stretched out his hand and gently stroked Soft Feather's long hair.

"Take good care of her, like I take care of you." Senior White said.

"Naturally." Song Shuhang assured.

"Then I'll go back first." Senior White Two finished the immortal tea in one gulp: "Jiuyou is now missing three and one, and I'll take time out of my busy schedule to come here."

"Three missing one? Song Youyou, Xiaobai Two, Goudan Dad and Three-eyed Junior Senior also went back? Isn't there already four of them?" Song Shuhang was taken aback.

"Song Youyou is too bad, we won't take him to play." Senior White Two waved his hands and said with disgust.

Song Shuhang: ?_

Also the ruler of Jiuyou, Song Youyou is too miserable!

"Senior Bai, also take good care of Song Youyou, this child is too pitiful." Song Shuhang said distressedly.

"It's alright, after he comes out of autism, let's play other projects." The white predecessors two waved their hands and left gracefully, leaving Song Shuhang with a tall back.

Song Shuhang: "..."

Are they all beaten up

What has Song Youyou been through these days

After Senior White Two left, there was another shaky footstep behind Song Shuhang.

As soon as Song Shuhang turned his head, he found the reliable Huangshan mother.

Huangshan's mother is still a little drunk.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" Senior White asked.

"Thank you." Huangshan's mother sat down and took the fairy tea.

After taking a sip, he said to Song Shuhang, "Shuhang, you did a really good job this time."

"Well, although I heard the future senior Huangshan praise me, but I still want to hear you praise me again." Song Shuhang laughed.

Senior Huangshan's hand froze while holding the teacup.

"I know what you want to say, senior Huangshan... In fact, it is me, I always want to thank the seniors. I always thought that I could join the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 group', meet the seniors, and take the seniors out of the customs. That's great." Song Shuhang read this line again.

He felt that he could make this line recorded by the beauty of the meritorious snake. In the future, if his mentality collapses, he will come back to Senior Huangshan and let the seniors praise him again.

Then the line is 'replayed' again.

"You have matured a lot." Senior Huangshan said with emotion.

Compared with a year ago, Song Shuhang has grown a lot.

However, it was still a little short of Song Shuhang's goal of 'reliable senior'.

Senior Huangshan felt that he could help Song Shuhang.

"Would you like to try to be the 'group owner' for a while to take care of all the members of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group?" Huangshan's mother suggested.

If a person wants to become mature, he must have more experience.

Becoming the group owner of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group', taking care of the situation surrounded by luxurious camps such as Mad Saber Three Waves, Bronze Trigram Immortal Master, Doudou, Phoenix Slayer, Dongfang Liuxianzi, Senior White, etc., will definitely make a person's mind quicken. mature.

And this is what the future senior Huangshan wanted to propose to Song Shuhang at that time.

You don't have to be the leader of the group all the time.

As long as he has been a group owner for a period of time, it is enough for Song Shuhang to grow up.

"Become a group owner?" Song Shuhang was taken aback.

Is Huangshan's mother really giving him a chance to usurp the throne

"You can think about it, because it's going to be very interesting." Senior White next to him took a sip of his tea, and his face was looming in the mist, making his heart beat faster.

"Okay, let me try it for a while." Song Shuhang nodded in agreement.

"Then it's settled." Senior Huangshan stood up, reached out and took out two medicine bottles from his arms, and threw them into the lake with force.

Then, in the sky above the Confucian Golden Lotus World, the happy laughter of Huangshan mother resounded.


Monday, February 24, 2020.

The weather was still a little chilly.

This is the season when you will catch a cold if you are not careful, you need to pay attention to keep warm.

Today's 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' is as lively as ever.

Beihe Loose Cultivator: "I heard Soft Feather say that the group leader will add two newcomers in today? Are the newcomers already here?"

"Two newcomers in one breath? What is the origin of the newcomers? The main reason is that Tyrannical Song's cultivation level is a bit high now, and I don't know if the newcomers he brought in will have great backgrounds?" Su Shi's Qi bubbling.

"No matter how big the background is, it can't kill me anyway! The proud smile" Kuangdao Sanlang: "So, after the newcomer joins the group, I will take the lead and ask him or her to report the measurements and send fruit photos."

"Sanlang, although you can't die now." Beihe Loose Man sighed and continued to reply: "But if you really annoy the terrifying senior, you have to be careful to be caught and sacrificed to the sky. Don't forget, you will die now. After that, the power of immortal gravel will explode your 'corpse' and let your old body explode into abundant spiritual power. You are now the best sacrifice to the sky."

"Beihe, are you monitoring me? How did you know that I was dragged by Fairy Samsara Blade to sacrifice to the sky last time?" Kuangdao Sanlang said in shock.

Northern River Loose Cultivator: "..."

Did you really get pulled over to sacrifice to heaven

"By the way, what about the group leader Shuhang? Since you want to add new people, why don't you come out and say something?" Young Master Feng Slayer asked curiously.

Fairy Xunling? Soft Feather: "Senior Song is secretly digging the Tianhe Su Clan's spirit vein mine with me and Sixteen... Senior Song owes Lady Onion a thousand years of wages, and is now digging spirit stones to repay the debt. What. Lady Onion is really angry this time. If she doesn't get paid, she will run away from home. Now, the three of us have been digging for a whole day."

After all, Soft Feather also posted a selfie.

She had a muddy face, wearing a professional mining suit, and a miner's lamp on her head.

Beside her were Song Shuhang and Su Clan's Sixteen with the same muddy faces.

The three were digging furtively.

Not only that, Song Shuhang also had a lot of pendant helpers hanging on his body.

Black skin, meritorious snake beauty, good luck fairy, Chu pavilion master dumb hair.

Behind Soft Feather is the Son of Heaven.

Next to Sixteen and Ye Si, there is Sister Bailong.

This combination, digging up spirit stones, is very efficient!

Young Master Phoenix Slayer: "Hahaha~ @Su Clan's Qi."

Lychee Fairy: "This mining combination is a bit scary."

Immortal Master Copper Trigram: "You should be glad that Senior White is not here... Otherwise, with Senior White, this combination will be even more terrifying."

Fairy Dongfang Liu: "The question is, how can you be sure that Senior White is not there? Maybe Senior White is nearby? In short, @Su Clan's Qi."

Su Clan's Qi: "Shocked expression!"

"Where are the three of you?" After a while, Ah Qi roared.

"Soft Feather, you exposed us. We secretly opened the Tianhe Su Clan's Spirit Vein Mine to dig for spirit stones. As soon as you said that, Seven would know. Slip away." Su Clan's Sixteen said.

"Hahaha, seniors, let's slip out~~ Senior Ah Qi, don't come to us, you won't be able to catch us." Soft Feather sent a triumphant expression.

Su Clan's Sixteen posted a selfie of the three of them sneaking open the space door and evacuating from the Tianhe Su Clan's Spirit Stone Mine.

Fairy Xunling? Soft Feather: "Where are we going to dig next? Shall we go to the meteorite next to Mars, where there is Senior Huangshan's Spirit Vein Mine, I have been there."

"Okay~" The group leader, Tyrant Song, agreed.

"Wait a minute, this is the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group', not the 'Jiuzhou No. 16 Group' small group of us. It's exposed." Su Clan's Sixteen reminded again.

"The sixteenth group was exposed before, and there was a traitor, who told our secret to senior Huangshan. It is now the seventeenth group in Jiuzhou." Soft Feather reminded.

"Regardless of the number of groups, turn to the small group, quickly turn to the small group. Withdraw the news, don't let Senior Huangshan see it." Song Shuhang hurriedly said.

The account whose id name is my name is Huangshan is online: "… "

After a while.

He silently changed his account to Huangshan's super long group name, although he was retired, he was still very tired.

Was it naive when I threw the medicine bottle into the lake

Doudou: "The tiger touches Huangshan, it's stupid, don't cry, the decision you make, you have to bear it when you grit your teeth."

Poyang Halberd Guo Da: "Angrily rubbing the expression of the dog's head upstairs? Doudou version"

Doudou: "???"

Pharmacist: "@Tyrant Song Tiandao, what newcomer do you want to add? What's the origin?"

"There are two newcomers, one is a disciple who can buy anything into the fairy. It's a fairy, a young newcomer, only in the 3rd rank realm, and I have to grab any business with a Taoist name. The day before yesterday, I sold things at the fairy's for spirit Shi Shi, fell in love with this little fairy at a glance, and felt that she had a relationship with our group... just to replenish the fresh blood in our group. When the time is right, you can follow her line and put 'anything into it' 'The fairy is also pulled into the group. It will be much more convenient for us to buy things at that time." Song Shuhang said wisely.

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman: "Like!"

Master Tongxuan: "Thumbs up"

Even the senior, the Seventh Virtue Sage, nodded in agreement: "It is indeed a good opportunity for the daoists in the group to be able to join the line of 'everything can be sold'."

"There is also a newcomer who is a Taoist priest and a member of the Clear Water Pavilion... a very interesting fellow Taoist. He represents the forces of the Clear Water Pavilion and joins our large group. This fellow Taoist can be teasing." Song Shuhang smiled.

He was talking about the Umbrella Daoist.

"Then you add it. Since you are online, you will bring in the newcomer." Xuelang Cave Master said.

"Wait a minute, I'll pick up Yu Jiaojiao first, and then I'll add a new person right away." Song Shuhang giggled.

"Why are you picking up Yu Jiaojiao?" Jiaoba, who was going to have a men's soccer team, asked suspiciously.

"We're going to wake up Sister Bailong, just to pick up Yu Jiaojiao and take some dragon energy." Song Shuhang gave a thumbs-up expression.

Fairy Dongfang Six raised her brows: "Why does Shuhang seem to be very busy?"

In fact...

Song Shuhang was really busy at this time.

At this time, in addition to chatting in the group and mining with Sixteen and Soft Feather, in the 'Heavenly Dao Dimension', Song Shuhang's will is making final adjustments with Senior White.

Everything is ready... In the past few days, they have successfully made the 'Pure Fourth Heavenly Dao Body' in place and become the Heavenly Dao robot that Mo De has realized.

And then, is the last step.

Senior White is beyond immortality.

"Senior White, are you ready?" Song Shuhang said with will.

"Well, it's actually been prepared for a long time... I just kept dragging it, and then dragged it to today." Senior White got up and said slowly: "I'm a little hesitant now, my detachment may be better than your current state... !"

Song Shuhang is still slowly making the progress of 'the only one in the world'.

Moreover, he chose to keep all the 'Song Shuhang', just to solve the regret or obsession, but not all the 'tyrannical Song' were integrated into the 'unique'.

But Senior White is different.

In fact, Senior White has already completed the 'Unique in Ten Thousand Realms' to a certain extent.

Apart from the world in front of him, there is no Senior White in other worlds.

So his detachment will be easier than Song Shuhang.

Might as well go a step further.

This is where Senior White hesitated.

If his detachment, after a deeper step, enters a higher dimension and dimension... maybe he will no longer be able to contact this world.

You can only see, but not touch.

"Then, we will not be detached." Song Shuhang thought about it and decided: "If you are detached, you will not be able to return to this world. Then this detachment is meaningless!"

"No, let's take a gamble." Senior Bai raised his head and looked invincible: "I bet I can come back!"

He took a step forward.

The ritual of detachment unfolds.

"I believe in Senior White." Song Shuhang said.

Since Senior White is betting that he can come back, then... he will definitely come back!

Song Shuhang stretched out his hand to activate his 'rule modification' power, and bound the 'Heavenly Dao responsibilities' on Senior White's body to the pure white fourth Heavenly Dao body that Mo De realized.

The level that has been set long ago will make the Fourth Heavenly Dao work well. Even if there is a problem, with the detached Song Shuhang staring at him, he can ensure that the Fourth Heavenly Dao runs without worries.

After all the responsibilities of Heavenly Dao were untied, Senior White's figure rose up and was completely free.

"Follow me, Senior White." Song Shuhang said, "This time, it's me who will lead the way!"

The function of white horse navigation had been consumed when Song Shuhang was detached.

So this time, change to Tyrannical Song brand navigation.

Song Shuhang's will dashed ahead, leading Senior White to step into the road of detachment.

Step by step.

Two figures are walking on the road of detachment.

last step…

Song Shuhang jumped.

However, after he jumped up and navigated, he reversed the rules and appeared abruptly behind Senior White.

Senior White followed the 'Tyrant Song Navigation' and jumped hard.

At the same time, Song Shuhang's will appeared under Senior White again, and he gently lifted Senior White just like the 'suspected first heaven' figure.

Send the last help to Senior White and send him to the realm of 'transcendence'.

Senior White, graduated successfully!

It is different from 'Tyrant Song's detachment'.

When Senior White was detached, waves of 'reluctance' emotions came from the heavens and the world.

The entire heavens and the world are reluctant to let Senior White escape.

But they didn't want to keep Senior White forcibly, but with reluctance, they offered their last blessings for Senior White's detachment.

In the heavens and the worlds, the visions are one after another.

- The distinction is too obvious.

When Tyrant Song was detached, the heavens and the world were reluctant to let go of a salute, for fear of losing money if they let it go.

After a while.

Song Shuhang's will returned to the dimension of 'transcendence'.

He was waiting for Senior White to appear.


Just like before, the figure of Senior White did not appear.

"It turns out, that's the case." Song Shuhang lowered his head and looked at his right hand that had just supported Senior White.

No wonder, at the moment of his detachment, after exceeding the 'time' limit, when he arrived at this detached dimension, he did not see the figure of Senior White.

In the past, he thought that it was Senior White who 'failed to escape successfully' in the future, so Senior White did not appear here.

But now it seems...

I am afraid that Senior White is a step further than him.

Possibly on a higher level.

Therefore, when he is here, he cannot see Senior White.

"The last time, did you lose the bet?" Song Shuhang said softly.

He stood in this dimension, floating.

After half an hour.

"Then, let me set a new goal for myself." Song Shuhang rubbed his face and laughed.

Now that Senior White has reached a farther level.


He took all the members of the 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group' and everyone to keep up with Senior White's pace.

I am Tyrant Song.

This kind of thing... I can do it.

So, even if Senior White loses the bet, it doesn't matter.

I was destined to be a 'reliable senior' being.

Song Shuhang's will was repressed, and then he carefully returned to the 'world'.

"Then now, first add the two newcomers to the group."

"The road to a reliable senior starts with two newcomers."

"New goal, all members are detached and catch up with Senior White!"

Song Shuhang opened the interface and even rubbed the 'time' on the ground again. At the same time, he started to add two accounts as friends at the same time.

"Why are you catching up with me?" Suddenly, Senior White's puzzled voice sounded behind Song Shuhang.

As soon as Song Shuhang turned his head, he found that Senior White was lying there secretly eating the heavenly tribulation.

Song Shuhang: "!!!"

"I won the bet." Senior White said with an invincible expression: "As expected, I never lose a bet."

Song Shuhang flicked his finger...

The world, the earth.

In two different places on the earth, there are two figures, a man and a woman, who are pulling their mobile phones and seem to be reading a book.

Just then, they received a message at the same time.

Tyrant Song Tiandao (*****) has requested to add you as a friend. Additional message: none

what the hell

Tyrant Song Tiandao

With such a nickname of the second middle school, who is joking with him and her

Agree with friends? Or refuse

After a while.

Two different figures, reaching out almost simultaneously, made his and her choice...



(End of the book)