Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 3174: Senior Lingdie is also confused today with a capitalized face


After registering Song's mother and baby and getting the signature, several community medical staff said goodbye to Song Shuhang's family and turned to leave.

"Speaking of which, Ms. Zhao's family looks so good! It's like a celebrity." After stepping out of Tyrant Song's house, the medical staff felt a little lighter, and at the same time seemed to have lost some kind of 'emotional restraint' effect.

After losing the protection of this effect, they recalled the Bajia family, and then recalled the appearance of the 'Bai', and suddenly they were heartbroken.

"Not only his appearance, but also the Mr. Song who signed the autograph just now. For some reason, when I think about it carefully, it gives me a very heavy feeling of coercion! I actually talked and laughed with this Mr. Song Shuhang just now. I'm in a cold sweat!" The medical staff holding the signature of the 'Big Song Tyrant' suddenly found that his calf was trembling and his legs were a little weak.

"Mr. Phoenix Slayer next to me with the baby is also very handsome. It's my dish." A little girl giggled.

"I remember! This Mr. Shuhang is really a celebrity!" The staff member holding the autograph lost the 'perception restraint' effect and suddenly remembered as he walked, and couldn't help but blurt out a slogan : "It's Senior Brother Gao Sheng who must die!"

"Senior Brother Gao Sheng? Yes, yes, Brother Gao Sheng must die~Senior Brother Gao Sheng must... must die (in a low voice)." The companions on the side seemed to have their memories activated, and they suddenly realized that they started shouting slogans.

It's just that this slogan was shouting, and I suddenly remembered that 'Senior Brother Gao Sheng' gave people a sense of oppression face to face.

The slogan of 'must die' is no longer tough, but has a cowardly feeling.

"The beautiful 'Mr. Bai' who opened the door for us is Ling Ye. It's strange. I couldn't recognize him just now. He is obviously my husband's first choice!" not simple.

"I knew that I had asked Ling Ye for an autograph, but Senior Brother Gao Sheng's autograph is also very good, I want to keep it well!" The staff member holding the autograph opened the signature board again.

When he turned the page, the three words 'Song Shuhang' on the signature board seemed to emit a dazzling brilliance!

Dazzling and sacred, words cannot describe how this signature feels.

But on a closer look, the three signatures are unremarkable, nothing unusual.

"Is it an illusion?" The staff member rubbed his eyes.

But as he rubbed his eyes, that brilliance seemed to be activated again.

Just looking at it, I feel that from the mind to the body, it has been purified. In the signature of Tyrant Song, it seems to have the brilliance of 'knives raising'.

The staff member holding the signature board twisted his neck slightly.

Due to work, his neck has some minor problems, that is, it often becomes sore and uncomfortable. But now, this problem has been swept away!

"Did I get something really amazing?" When the staff member held the signature board, the muscles in his calf trembled even more seriously.

The signature board in his hand seemed to weigh ten thousand pounds!

What should I do with this signature pad

Do you want to take it back and frame it for worship

Not only him, but several companions on the side are also looking at each other at this time.

Shuhang's home.

Young Master Phoenix Slayer stood by the window, looked at the distant staff, and then asked aloud, "Shuhang, your signature was just taken out like this, is it really okay?"

"Don't worry, I suppressed the rules of signing, and it won't have much impact on ordinary people." Song Shuhang replied with a smile.

Moreover, in today's heavens and myriad worlds, no one would want to snatch this signature board. At most, the method of 'baiting' is used to exchange this signature board with an open and honest method.

"Yes." Young Master Phoenix Slayer nodded.

Behind Mie Feng, Doudou shrank into a puppy shape and lay beside Song Shuyu for her to play the dog.

Soft Feather opened the thick textbook of 'ancient languages' and began to teach Song Shuyu a lesson.

"Would you like to give Shuyu an ancient language name?" Doudou said on a whim.

"Cuckoo?" Song Shuyu seemed to be interested.

Soft Feather thought thoughtfully and said, "Then what's a good name?"

"◇◇How?" Doudou suggested.

"No, you Chuchu control!" Young Master Feng Slayer turned his hand into a knife and smashed it lightly on Doudou's head: "Be careful Shuhang, he will settle the account with you."

"Don't worry, Senior Phoenix Slayer, I won't do this." Song Shuhang comforted him on the side: "I will only reverse the time, and then kill Doudou's thought of giving Shuyu the name."

Doudou rolled his eyes: "..."

Having the right to do whatever you want!

Authority Wang Shuhang, you have changed!

"But speaking of it, I always feel that the smell of Xiaoshuyu is very similar to that of Soft Feather." At this moment, Doudou sniffed.

Perhaps this feeling of similar aura is also the reason why Soft Yuko and Song Shuyu are so close by nature

"The taste is similar? Could it be... Soft Feather, are you Shuhang's long-lost sister?" A voice suddenly came from Young Master Feng Slayer's phone.

At this time, Young Master Feng Slayer was opening the group video of 'Jiuzhou No. 1 Group', broadcasting Song Shuyu's current appearance to fellow Taoists in the group, so that everyone could see Song Shuyu's growth.

As a result, when he heard Doudou's words, Kuangdao Sanlang couldn't help but speak.

"Hehe, Senior Sanlang is still as lively as ever." Soft Feather said with a smile.

Beihe Sanren covered his forehead with one hand, feeling a pain in his head, and reminded aloud: "Sanlang... Senior Lingdie is also watching the live broadcast."

Crazy Blade Three Waves: "!!!"

"Soft Feather's aura is similar to Shuyu's, because they are both 'relatives of the Heavenly Dao'." At this time, Song Shuhang appeared in the camera and explained slowly.

The relatives of Tiandao in his mouth refer to the closest 'relatives' after the realization of Tiandao.

Song Shuyu is Song Shuhang's younger sister.

"Then, Soft Feather?" The members of the group watching the live broadcast were all shocked, and all turned their attention to Senior Lingdie, who was also watching the live broadcast.

Even Soft Feather herself looked puzzled and pointed to herself.

"There is really only one truth, Fairy Lingdie, which Heavenly Dao are you related to, right?" Mad Saber Sanlang gave up the treatment.

There is only one thought in his mind now - offending the abbot... No, after offending Senior Lingdie, dying once is death, and dying twice is death. Since they are all dead and the results are the same, what is he still treating now

"I regret implanting 'Immortal Shasha' for Sanlang." Senior Bai suddenly said faintly.

It was the first time in Bai's life that he had such a serious feeling of 'regret'.

"Soft Feather is the niece of Senior White Two, right? It should be able to say that." Song Shuhang said.

This has been known since he preached the Dao.

Bai Tiandao, the 'sister' for Bai Youyou.

It was not as successful as he planned, but in the end, he tried his best to perfect a sister.

And Soft Feather was the one who truly inherited all the advantages.

"I may know who Soft Feather has a personality similar to... with Senior White!" Mad Saber Sanlang slapped his thigh forcefully, "The kind of cause and effect that pursues excitement, likes stimulation, and sticks to Shuhang, it is simply a It's carved in a mold!"

The members of the group looked at Senior Spirit Butterfly again.

in the video.

Senior Spirit Butterfly, with a face full of embarrassment!



PS1: Last month, I promised to push down the extra chapter, but I have been writing the beginning of the new book. I have almost overturned a dozen of the beginning... So, the extra chapter has not been moved. By the way, to a book friend's question, my extras are sent in the way of 'chapter testimonials', so there is no charge.

Major PS2: It is expected to open a new book in May, but I can’t guarantee it 100%. At least wait for me to save a 100,000-word manuscript. Anyway, it will not exceed June recently. After all, the opening is finally finalized, and the plot will move forward soon. .

PS3: Now that the show is out, let’s push the book. One is "Harry Potter's Invincible Learning", which has more than 2 million words and is a fine novel.

And this... Wangtian, the book for milk is over. It's late, it's gone.

PS4: In the last chapter, Miaofeng is angry, and the kind that can't be coaxed even if you hold it high, I have to quickly apologize to Miaofeng to coax the cat. Next, fellow Daoists... See you in the new book!