Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 32: Loyalty and sects


"Induction cooker, not an alchemy cooker? Is that an induction cooker for cooking?" Beihe Sanren felt his blood pressure soar.

Song Shuhang replied embarrassedly, "Yes."

"Haha, as expected of Senior Song." Yurouzi said.

"What about the pill stove? What pill stove are you using?" Beihe Loose Cultivator immediately asked.

"Uh, if the alchemy furnace has to say, it should be a hot pot." Song Shuhang felt a little shy. He is very embarrassed that the style of painting does not match the style of Xianxia.

"Hot pot pot? What type of alchemy stove? No... Wait a minute, let me calm down. Don't tell me, that hot pot pot is the pot for eating hot pot, right?" Beihe Sanren typed out these words forcefully.

"Well, that's it." Song Shuhang affirmed.

"..." Beihe Loose People followed a string of ellipses.

Beihe Sanren thinks that his experience in alchemy over the years has really come to the dog. It was the first time someone made alchemy, using an induction cooker and a hot pot to make the body quenching liquid, and now he has failed one or two furnaces in ten furnaces.

After a long time he said, "Can I swear?"

"Damn it!" Mad Saber Three Waves had already exploded first.

"Damn it!" Immortal Master Copper Trigram followed.

"Damn it!" Zuiyue Jushi kept the formation - speaking of Zuiyue Jushi, he seemed to be an id who often appeared in the group, and should be a very active senior. But for some reason, Song Shuhang always felt familiar every time he saw him speak, but when he turned his head, he would be forgotten.

"Bastard, all three of you are done, what am I going to do?" Beihe Loose Cultivator said depressedly, "Look at my trick, @Pharmacist, it's time for you to go out, Brother Yao!"

"Yes." The pharmacist came out, and he had been looking at the chat records.

After a long while, he deleted and wrote another sentence: "Little friend, can you describe the process of refining your medicine? Especially the accident when you mentioned the forty-first medicine."

Soft Feather's eyes lit up: "Oh oh oh, Senior Song, we really want to know about this step, we've all been defeated in this step several times!"

With Soft Feather around, Song Shuhang easily joined the chat in the Kyushu No. 1 group, without a trace of abruptness. Of course, this has something to do with him diving for more than ten days and knowing the personalities of the people in the group like the back of his hand.

"No problem, I'll give a brief description." Song Shuhang said: "I put ginseng slices in the pot first, and then added a ladle of water."

"Wait, add water?" The pharmacist asked, "Why do you need to add water?"

"Because if you don't add water, the ginseng slices will dry out if you put them in a pot, right?" Song Shuhang replied, but he knew in his heart that people in the group did not need to add water to refine the body fluid.

"Oh, that's right. You use an induction cooker and a hot pot." Beihe Sanren sighed—why did my liver feel more painful after knowing the truth

The pharmacist also nodded silently: "It makes sense. You continue, the first step of adding water should not have much impact on the later."

As Song Shuhang began to describe, such a picture appeared in the minds of all the seniors in the group.

A man with a Confucian temperament named 'Book Mountain Pressure', sat upright on the edge of the induction cooker, put a hot pot on it, and then seriously poured in the quenching and quenching formula medicinal materials, and began to refine the elixir.

Why does it always feel weird

For Mao alchemy to have something to do with induction cookers and hot pots!

Song Shuhang didn't think so much. He briefly described the next steps of alchemy, and attached his own understanding and experience of heat and time. At the same time, some problems encountered in refining the quenching fluid were also described.

Listening to Song Shuhang's description, the pharmacist was deeply relieved to see that he was able to parse out his improved medicinal formula little by little.

"Until the forty-first medicinal material, the body quenching liquid in the pot suddenly burst out with a stench and a burnt smell, and the amount of medicinal liquid in the pot quickly evaporated. The blinking time was reduced by about one-fifth." Song Shuhang replied: "Here we are. One step at a time, I can't understand the reason. I can only guess that this is some kind of drug introduction?"

"I have also encountered such a situation, and then the liquid medicine evaporated quickly." Soft Feather cried.

"The same is true for this Celestial Master." Immortal Master Copper Trigram nodded. They are not alchemists, but as cultivators, it is not a problem to make some low-level ordinary medicine pills.

"Because this herb is an introduction, the moment you put it into it, it means the final purification begins. When you were first refining the medicine, when you didn't have enough control over the heat and time. The forty-first introduction of herbs will cause this situation. To avoid the accumulation of experience, there is no shortcut." The pharmacist replied.

Similarly, if this situation occurs, it can only be solved by experience and eyesight.

"Little friend Song Shuhang, how did you get through this?" The pharmacist asked curiously.

"I saw that the medicinal liquid was quickly evaporated, so I added a ladle of water first, hoping to slow down the evaporation rate." Song Shuhang recalled.

"Add water again? Oh... Maybe this is a very good remedy. Then what? Adding water can only relieve the symptoms, not the root cause." The pharmacist asked. At the same time, he thought about the practicality of adding water, but he thought more - if this happens, replacing the water with some special medicinal liquid may better ease the evaporation of the medicinal liquid.

"Then I simply put all the last four medicinal materials in and increased the firepower to scorch. Finally, the lid of the pot was washed up, and there were about five spoonfuls of the half-pot of the body quenching liquid left." Song Shuhang replied.

"Five spoons, if your spoon is not the kind used by babies, five spoons is already a lot." Beihe Sanren sighed - under normal circumstances, the final amount of body quenching liquid that can be obtained is about three spoons.

"How does the medicinal effect compare to before? Oh... I forgot that this is your first time refining the body fluid." The pharmacist said depressedly, "I will go down and refine it according to your method first, and then I will express my opinion after the results. "

After all, the pharmacist went offline.

"Haha, when it comes to refining medicine, Brother Yao is always impatient. Let's wait for him to finish refining. If you follow what he said, your refining method can become a new simplified body quenching liquid, and the group will use you in the future. A person who uses this method of refining medicine has to owe you a favor. This favor is simply wonderful to you." Beihe Loose Man smiled.

Song Shuhang came to speak in this group, which means that he wants to contact 'cultivation'. In fact, since he refined the body quenching liquid and took it, he has already stepped into the world of cultivation with one foot.

"Then, little friend Shuhang, you are welcome to join the Jiuzhou No. 1 group." Beihe Sanren said, "Originally, this should have been explained to you by the group owner, True Monarch Yellow Mountain. After all, you were joined by him, and he felt that he had a relationship with you. That's why I left you. But today the big demon dog in his family lost his temper again, so I'll do it for you."

The big demon dog from the True Monarch Huangshan's family seems to have a lot of personality, doesn't it? Song Shuhang secretly said in his heart.

"Since you have chosen to step into the path of cultivation, there are some things I must let you know. Cultivating the first step is not as easy as you think. There are countless disasters, and there will be disasters at any time."

"I know a little bit. I have seen the thunder calamity in H City from a distance." Song Shuhang replied.

Soft Feather explained, "Senior Song's residence is very close to city h and city j."

"You even know about Sixteen's Thunder Tribulation. It seems that you have been following us since joining the group until now?" Beihe Loose Cultivator quipped.

"Haha." Song Shuhang smiled embarrassedly. He can't say that he was the second sick person among all the people at the beginning, and he watched them every day for fun, right

"Since you are mentally prepared, then I will go straight to the topic." Beihe Loose Cultivator continued: "Since little friend Shuhang is staying in this group, it is obvious that he wants to learn the method of cultivation from us. Then, according to According to the tradition of our Jiuzhou Group, you now have two choices: cultivating loosely, or joining the sect of a senior in the group."

With so many people added to the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, they naturally have their own way of doing things. However, a pure rookie like Shuhang, who didn't understand cultivation at all, was really the first.