Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 33: Cultivation is right at your fingertips


Soft Feather immediately called out: "Senior Song, join our Spirit Butterfly Island. Our Spirit Butterfly Island is rich in resources, powerful in practice, and with me here, you can cover the seniors!"

"Soft Feather, don't interrupt, let me finish first." Beihe Sanren said.

Soft Feather shrank back in embarrassment.

"Is there any difference between the two?" Song Shuhang asked.

Beihe Loose People: "Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But in general, the advantages of the sect are much greater than those of the Loose people. So, let's talk about joining the sect first."

"When you join the sect, you will have a special master to guide you in your cultivation and impart experience, which greatly avoids mistakes in your cultivation and saves a lot of time. And as long as you are talented and diligent enough, resources, exercises, and cultivation techniques will not be available to you. No. In comparison, this choice is more suitable for those who cultivate wholeheartedly.”

"But... when you join the sect, you have to abide by the sect's rules and serve the sect. After all, there are no rules to make a circle. If you accept so many resources from the sect, you must serve the sect. Especially for the sects like Master Tongxuan, you have to enter. If you shave your head, you have to abide by all kinds of Buddhist rules. And you have to say goodbye to your relatives in the mortal world, and practice hard until you are a teacher. If you are unlucky, you will never see your parents again in your life.”

Beihe Sanren was almost kidnapped to become a little monk when he was a child, and he obviously had a lot of resentment towards Buddhism.

Yunyou Seng Tongxuan popped up and made a silly smile.

Beihe Sanren immediately added: "Wow, haha, in fact, it is not only the sect of Master Tongxuan, but other sects also need to say goodbye to their relatives. can go out."

Yunyou Seng Tongxuan sent another grinning emoji - dared to love this master's previous silly smile to threaten Beihe Loose People

"How can there be a return if you don't pay? That's right." Song Shuhang understood. But he already knew in his heart that joining a sect was not suitable for him.

At least it's not suitable for the current self - he is not ready to part with his relatives and leave his hometown to go to special practice. He still has love in this world.

"Senior Song, our Spirit Butterfly Island is much more free in this regard. As long as you can cultivate to the third-rank acquired battle king realm, you can leave Spirit Butterfly Island for a period of time every year, and with me here, I can win for you, senior. Great freedom." Soft Feather is still promoting Spirit Butterfly Island.

"Thank you." Song Shuhang said sincerely.

However, the third-rank Acquired Battle King is not so far away.

Soft Feather is called a genius by the people in the group. She has been practicing since childhood and is now in her twenties, right? It is only the third-rank acquired battle king realm.

Song Shuhang believes that he is definitely not a genius. If he reaches this realm after forty or fifty years, he is basically separated from Mother Song and Father Song, right

"Cough cough! Then I'll tell you about the loose cultivator. You should have noticed that I am a loose cultivator." Beihe loose cultivator smiled and said, "Compared with joining a sect, a loose cultivator has no teacher to guide his cultivation, no resources, and no Cultivating the Heaven and the Earth, you have to rely on yourself for everything. The only benefit may be unfettered freedom, right?"

Loose cultivation is very hard work. Beihe Loose Cultivator is considered to be lucky in loose cultivation. When he was young, he became friends with Su Clan's Qi and received a lot of care from him. Later, on the recommendation of Ah Qi, he joined the Jiuzhou No. 1 group. In this group, he is like a duck to water, his strength has reached the peak of the 5th Rank Spirit Emperor, and he is one step away from advancing.

Change it to an ordinary casual cultivator, with no teachers, no resources, no information, and no heavenly blessings. After cultivating to the second and third rank realm, it will be difficult, and life will be turned into ashes as soon as it arrives.

"Where do you get the resources for the practice of loose cultivation?" Song Shuhang felt that the future of loose cultivation was simply hopeless.

"Haha, if you haven't joined the Jiuzhou No. 1 group, I would recommend you to find a sect to join. After all, it is too difficult for scattered cultivation. Now it is not as difficult as it was back then. It is really difficult to find spiritual medicines in the world. But Jiuzhou is very difficult. The No. 1 group is a very special group. The group owner Huangshan Zhenjun and some other powerful seniors will help the members in the group. You can get some rewards you want from the Zhenjun and them. It is also a way for the seniors in the group to help the juniors. Or, when ordinary group members need help, if you can help, you can get some rewards. Just like Soft Feather, you got two boxes of medicinal materials this time. Of course, It’s rare to see a prodigal girl with a generous hand like Soft Feather. Don’t think that you can easily get so many medicinal herbs every time.” Beihe Sanren joked.

"Senior Beihe! I'm not a loser!" Lingdie Island Soft Feather made an angry expression.

Song Shuhang made up for the girl's cute appearance with puffed cheeks and angry, she must be cute.

Beihe Loose Cultivator smiled: "So if you choose Loose Cultivation, you should show up more in the group. As long as you are diligent enough, you can slowly get it whether it is exercises, medicine pills, or resources. In fact, to be honest, Jiuzhou No. 1 The group has begun to take shape as a sect."

Song Shuhang was already heartbroken when he heard this. In a short period of time, scattered cultivation is indeed the most suitable way for him.

Beihe Loose Cultivator: "Then, how do you choose a sect or a Loose Cultivator?"

After Beihe Sanren finished speaking, Immortal Master Copper Trigram took over and added: "Little friend Shuhang, it is related to your future path of self-cultivation, so you don't have to rush to make a choice. Calm down and think about it carefully, and choose carefully. , so as not to regret it later.”

"Thank you senior, I understand. I choose loose repair." Song Shuhang had already thought about it.

"Don't you think about it any more? Once you choose Loose Cultivation, it will be very difficult to add a school in the future." Immortal Master Copper Trigram reminded again.

Under normal circumstances, sects do not recruit loose repairs.

After all, it is easier to draw from a blank sheet of paper than to edit a scribbled image.

Moreover, in terms of loyalty to the sect, the loose cultivator cannot compare with the disciples of the small training, and there are too many unstable factors.

Therefore, unless a certain loose cultivator's talent is too strong, or has a certain area of expertise, few sects are willing to recruit loose cultivators.

"Yes, I have considered it clearly." Song Shuhang replied seriously. This is his own choice, whether it is good or bad, he will not regret it.

Immortal Master Copper Trigram nodded and said no more.

After a while, Beihe Loose Cultivator replied: "Little friend Shuhang, since you have chosen Loose Cultivation, what you need most now is the body training method and meditation method for foundation building. Originally, it was based on the habits of our Jiuzhou No. 1 group. , if you want to get it, you have to work hard first. If there are seniors or fellow Daoists in the group who need help, and you can help, then after completing the requirements of fellow Daoists or seniors, you can get some of the exercises you need. ,resource."

"However... you are a bit special. There have never been ordinary mortals in the Jiuzhou No. 1 group. Your strength is too weak. If you don't let you build a foundation first, the seniors or fellow Taoists in the group need help even if they need help. where you may not have the strength to do it.”

After all, like Soft Feather, there are too few situations where you just need to help lead the way. Most of the places where monks need help is related to self-cultivation.

Song Shuhang sent an embarrassed smile.

"So, if you don't mind, I can give you a foundation-building boxing technique and meditation method in advance, and with your own 'body quenching fluid', it is enough for you to complete the hundred-day foundation-building and officially enter the first-grade leaping realm."

"After you have successfully established the foundation, you will be able to complete some tasks of fellow Daoists and seniors in the group. You will also have the opportunity to repay my advance payment - of course, what I can advance to you is only the most basic cultivation method."

The Northern River Loose Cultivator added: "In addition, if you can get the 'Qi and Blood Pill', it can greatly reduce the time it takes to build a foundation for a hundred days."

The Jiuzhou No. 1 group was originally a small circle that helped each other, and the seniors often helped the juniors. A set of basic exercises that are very common for monks, it is a simple task to advance to the younger generation.

Anyway, Song Jiang Shuhang had already joined this group, and becoming a monk was a sure thing.

Moreover, after Beihe Sanren advanced a set of basic exercises, he became Song Shuhang's half-leader. This kindness is enough for Song Shuhang to remember for a lifetime - as for the other half of the leader, it is naturally the local tyrant Yurouzi who presented two boxes of medicinal materials.

Song Shuhang's heart warmed when he heard the words. Even the advance payment, even the most basic cultivation method, is something that is really urgently needed for him now.

His fingers are on the keyboard - next, he only needs to enter a few words, and the door of 'Cultivation' will really open to him!

At this time, a message popped up in the group.