Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 35: Don't be shy, answer me out loud!


The Northern River Loose Cultivator also suggested: "So, I suggest that you have a certain amount of strength, and if you have enough body quenching liquid in your hand for your own cultivation, you can quietly let your relatives and friends take it. Also, in this process, you need to pay attention to a few points. ."

"Until you don't have enough strength to protect yourself, try not to reveal your cultivator's identity to avoid bringing disaster to yourself and your loved ones. This is not an alarmist, because of this detail, the cultivators who have suffered from it throughout the ages are enough to queue up to surround yourself. The earth has circled. Therefore, before giving your relatives and friends the body quenching liquid, you need to find a reasonable excuse to cover up the source and efficacy of the body quenching liquid."

Song Shuhang nodded, he could understand this. The heart of harming others is not necessary, but the heart of defending others is necessary.

"Also, not everyone can take the body quenching liquid. Before taking the body quenching liquid, the body's qi and blood must be sufficient. If you are too old and your qi and blood are depleted, you must not take the body quenching liquid, otherwise it is likely to kill your life. It is used by new disciples in the sect, and the disciple must be trained for several months or even half a year before taking it when the body's blood is at its most vigorous." Beihe Sanren explained patiently.

Song Shuhang couldn't help but feel disappointed when he heard the words - Father Song and Mother Song had already passed their young and strong years, and their qi and blood had begun to decline, so wouldn't they be unable to take body quenching liquid

"Speaking of which, little friend Shuhang, you took the body quenching liquid directly and it was fine. Do you often exercise on weekdays?" Beihe Sanren asked on a whim.

"Uh... I used to exercise at a certain intensity. But later, due to various reasons, I didn't exercise for more than a year." Song Shuhang said embarrassedly.

"I haven't exercised for more than a year? Then you didn't feel sick after taking the body quenching fluid?" Beihe Loose Cultivator was a little surprised. If this is the case, either, Song Shuhang's physical talent is unbelievably strong; or...

Song Shuhang: "I didn't feel any discomfort, except for the hot throat at first, and then I just felt very comfortable and full of energy."

"Interesting, little friend Shuhang, I want to ask you a question, don't be shy to answer me loudly." Beihe Sanren said, "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

This topic jumps so fast, what does taking body quenching fluid have to do with your girlfriend

And there's nothing shy about this question, right

Song Shuhang replied, "It's not long since I entered the university, and I haven't arrived yet."

"That means you haven't broken your body? Or a virgin?" Beihe Loose Cultivator asked.

Song Shuhang: "Why does the way you ask questions make me feel so sarcastic?"

"Yo, he's still a virgin. Hahaha, I just asked a bit more straightforward. It seems that you prefer a more euphemistic way of asking? Then I'll ask you again." Beihe Loose People laughed: "Are you like Jin just now? , jerk off on top of the Empire State Building for the woman you like?"

"This is not euphemistic at all!! This is an old stalk from twenty years ago, and ordinary people can see it at a glance!" Song Shuhang complained: "Besides, why is it King Kong? Go to the movies?"

"Well, I'm one of the more up-to-date in the group. Answer me, don't evade the question, have you ever taken a plane?" Beihe Sanren said, "Young people, don't be shy, say the result out loud."

"No." Song Shuhang gritted his teeth and typed a word. Because of some shameful black history, he has never imitated King Kong so far. I won't talk about those black histories, and when he thinks of it, he wants to roll on the ground.

"Yo, the young man has a future." Beihe Loose Man laughed: "The last question, did your dream fall into the grasslands?"

"What?" Song Shuhang couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the topic of Beihe Loose People. I was still asking him if he was a virgin just now, but what does it have to do with Meng and Grassland all of a sudden

"Nuo, look, if I'm really euphemistic, you won't be able to understand it. Let's ask you directly, have you ever had wet dreams? You are not too young, are you in this time period?" Still playing tricks.

"..." Song Shuhang really didn't want to answer this question, but he still bite the bullet and replied: "Okay, I probably haven't experienced the dream of falling on the grassland in my mind. But my body is definitely healthy, and I only Eighteen years old, under normal circumstances, sixteen to twenty years old is normal. Even if it happens a little later, it will not be a problem!"

"Why are you talking so much? I didn't say that you are unhealthy." Beihe Sanren said, "I just want to say that you really have the body of a boy. So, even if you haven't exercised for more than a year, With the help of the boy's body, you still managed to survive. You should be glad that you haven't studied with King Kong before, and you haven't leaked Yuanyang. Otherwise, if you swallow the body quenching liquid recklessly, you might explode and die. The real body exploded, the body was bleeding, and it exploded with a 'smack'!" Beihe Sanren laughed.

Song Shuhang only felt that he really wanted to strangle Beihe Loose Cultivator to death.

"Alas." Immortal Master Tonggua came up and sighed deeply: "Speaking of Xiaoyou Shuhang. Although it is interesting to see you being induced by this guy Beihe and revealing your various shame in the group, I still can't bear it. Just a reminder."

"Don't you know a feature of chat tools called private chat?"

"..." Song Shuhang felt like he wanted to cry.


After chatting in the group for a while, Song Shuhang said goodbye to the seniors in the group and went offline.

At this time, Immortal Master Tonggua privately chatted with Beihe Loose Cultivator: "Beihe, why do you recommend the cultivation method of Loose Cultivation to little friend Shuhang? You and I are both from Loose Cultivation. It should be very clear!"

He was well aware of the difficulties of loose cultivation, so he did not understand why Beihe loose people recommended the method of loose cultivation to Shuhang. Wouldn't it be enough to directly recommend Shuhang to join the sect of fellow Daoists in the group

Beihe Loose Cultivator sighed: "Of course I can't be more clear, the difficulty of Loose Cultivation is even more difficult than reaching the sky. If possible, I don't want to recommend the method of Xiaoyou Shuhang's Loose Cultivation."

Immortal Master Copper Trigram frowned: "Then why do you still recommend it? There are many sects in our group, and many daoists have a high status in the sect. If they recommend, I want to find a suitable one for Shuhang little friend. It's not difficult."

"Because of age." Beihe Loose Cultivator explained: "Don't forget Song Shuhang's age. He is already eighteen years old. For ordinary people, this age is still the initial stage of life. But for us monks, it is far more than The best age for foundation building."

The monks in the world recognized that the best age for foundation building should be around four to five years old. At this time, the child's muscles and bones are soft, and more importantly, the innate qi from the mother's womb still remains. Once the foundation is successfully established, it will be able to integrate this innate qi and lay an extremely solid foundation for the path of self-cultivation. With this innate qi, there will be almost no bottlenecks before the next rank three!

However, children in this period are fragile and the 'total amount' of qi and blood is insufficient. Therefore, even if it is a carefully selected disciple from the sect, not everyone can complete the foundation building between the ages of four and five.

The age of four to five is the best time to build foundations, and at the latest it should not exceed the age of eight.

Once over eight years old, the innate qi that the human body brings out from the mother's womb completely dissipates. Once this opportunity is missed, it will never be available again. Without that mouthful of innate qi, even if you build a foundation in the future, it will be difficult to cultivate. The time and resources consumed by each promotion level are more than half of those who successfully established the foundation before the age of eight.

And eighteen years old, this is more than eight years old for a full ten years!