Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 42: Terrified altar master


"That's right, you chose loose cultivation. In the early stage, you needed a lot of things in the world. In the future, whether it is fitness equipment for cultivation, places for cultivation, or medicinal materials that ordinary people can buy, you will need a lot of mundane money. Wealth is a blessing, the character for wealth is the number one." The pharmacist laughed, of course the 'wealth' he was talking about was not ordinary money. More refers to the common treasures of heaven and earth, precious medicinal materials, high-quality medicinal herbs, magic weapons and the like among monks.

"I don't know what kind of money and income the other people in the group have, but I can teach you some ways to get money. Anyway, for me now, worldly money is dispensable." Pharmacist He smiled and said, "Wait until you have successfully established the foundation, and then I will teach you several methods of refining elixir that are useless to cultivators, but very useful to ordinary people. When the time comes, I will take you to pretend, oh no , to make money and fly with you."

Song Shuhang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Senior, what do I need to help you with?" Shuhang knew the habits of the group, and there was a reward for hard work. Even if the Northern River Loose Cultivator wanted to give him the Foundation Establishment Technique yesterday, it was an 'advance'.

"Haha, has little friend Shuhang been able to get used to the transaction method of the Jiuzhou No. 1 group so soon?" The pharmacist smiled: "By the way, back then, when I established this channel to make money, it was not mainly for money, but more for the sake of money. You can get 20 kinds of special deep-sea medicinal materials from the other party every year. Let's do it... After a while, I will teach you an interesting method of refining elixir. Then, you will be responsible for refining some and trading with the other party every year. At that time, every year from The other party can give me 40% of the 20 medicinal materials and the worldly money. The remaining 60% of the money is my reward for hiring you. Then, how to operate it will be discussed after you have successfully established the foundation. "

Song Shuhang didn't know how much the 60% of the worldly wealth was in the mouth of the pharmacist, and he readily agreed to the pharmacist's request.

The two walked while talking.

Soon they came to the alleys of the Daji neighborhood where a certain Song hero saved the beauty yesterday.

"Huh?" The pharmacist suddenly stopped.

Then, he turned his head sharply and stared at the back of the alley, his eyes sharp as sharp swords, capable of piercing people's hearts!

"What's wrong? Senior." Song Shuhang asked in confusion.

After a while, the pharmacist turned around and smiled: "It's alright, just some annoying stalkers. Every time I go out, there are always people who like to send some juniors to follow me. Or they want to find a chance to get close, and want me to help me make some medicine pills. .Or just want to see if I'm going out to find precious medicinal herbs, and want to pick up some leaks from my hands. Because these stupid guys are too annoying, every time I find a place to dig medicine now, even the most common morning dew black grass will If it is transplanted by me, I will not leave a single hair for them!"

Dare the senior pharmacist is a humanoid treasure hunter? Always find somewhere with medicinal herbs

Otherwise, there would be no one behind him to pick up leaks.

And the pharmacist is obviously very resentful to the followers.

Deep in the alley, a figure leaned weakly against the wall, took out a cigarette with trembling hands, and lit it silently. Then he showed a signature wry smile—his wry smile made people feel that even if they were hundreds of miles away, they were still extremely bitter.

It is the altar master whose life experience can be written into a tragic novel.

"What a terrible momentum, this is already the oppression caused by the gap in true temperament."

The moment he was stared at by the pharmacist, he felt like he almost died.

The altar master came to Jiangnan District along the trail of Song Shuhang. He wanted to get a ghost, Song Shuhang and Soft Yuzi each had a ghost.

However, don't think about the one on Soft Feather.

The girl came all the way to take away the ghost, and she swore to win the ghost. Moreover, the girl is strong and rich, and the altar master thinks that even if she kneels down and pays all her belongings, the girl will not look down on her. It is impossible to obtain a ghost from her hands.

As for the frontal grab? This idea has not been considered at all. He felt that even if ten of them went together, it would not be enough to beat the girl alone.

On the contrary, the inscrutable 'Senior Song' didn't seem to care about the ghost. At the beginning, Soft Feather accepted the ghost after three requests. Perhaps, this 'Senior Song' is so powerful that he doesn't look down on spirit ghosts. In this way, maybe he really has a chance to exchange for a ghost!

The altar master held a trace of expectation in his heart and secretly sent someone to follow Song Shuhang.

He also instructed his subordinates to collect information on 'Senior Song' as much as possible to see if this senior had anything he needed.

A day later, the personal information of 'Senior Song' was quickly sent to the altar master by his subordinates.

Song Shuhang, male, 18 years old. Jiangnan University Department of Mechanical Engineering, freshman in Class 43, Department 19, School of Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, graduated from Linluo No. 1 Middle School.

Currently living in Jiangnan University Town.

An ordinary young man, his profile also states that he is a good student with no bad records and is willing to help others.

When the altar master saw this inscrutable 'Senior Song' information, he was completely stunned.

Is he right? Is it blinding? Is this information really that of a 'cultivator'? Instead of an ordinary human male college student

"Is this information fake?" This was the first thought that came to his mind.

He stared at this document for a long time. In the two-inch photo on the document, the young man with a gentle smile was definitely the 'Senior Song'.

The altar master held this information in a daze.

In his mind, the rivers and the seas were overturned, and thousands of thoughts kept emerging.

In the end, he chose to follow Song Shuhang in person.

He wants to confirm whether the information under his subordinates is wrong - is Song Shuhang a powerful cultivator, or is he a mortal

If this 'Senior Song' is really just a mortal, retrieving the ghost will be as easy as the palm of your hand!

The altar master swears in his heart at that time, if this Song Shuhang is really a mortal, he will be cramped and skinned, and then he will be refined into a ghost! Only then could he relieve the hatred that had been frightened for days.

So... He personally rushed to Jiangnan University Town.

When he rushed to Jiangnan District, he happened to see Song Shuhang traveling with a very trendy-looking man who killed Matt.

He followed carefully, trying to hide his breath. After all, it is impossible to determine whether Song Shuhang is a powerful senior or a mortal. He needs to be more cautious.

He felt that he was hiding well, because Song Shuhang and the man who killed Matt never found him.

First observe this Song Shuhang for a few days, and then look for opportunities to test it out to see if this Song Shuhang is a monk or a mortal! He thought so.

However, just when he was hiding from himself that he felt good about himself, the slaughtering man who was walking side by side with Song Shuhang turned around and stared at him.

Those eyes with smoky makeup were as sharp as swords! That gaze was like an eagle in the clouds glaring at a group of fat quails in the grass.

It looks like an ancient demon god, grinning and looking down at the ants between his fingers.

Super scary, where is this sacred

The altar master was originally a timid and cautious person. The longer someone like him lived, the more cautious and timid he became.

He was terrified.

After a cigarette was smoked, the trembling hand of the altar master slowly calmed down.

No matter how scared you are, you have to face it.

After squeezing out the cigarette butts, the altar master forced himself to calm down: "As long as the spirit ghost is retrieved this time, I will go back to my hometown in the extreme north to cultivate well."

However, wait for Song Shuhang to separate from the terrifying man who killed Matt before waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for an opportunity again...